\"Mate!Wait!\"he screams.


\"Wait!okay?! I'm sorry!\"flying through the clouds.

\"No you're~\"he weakens and lost balance falling in mid air.

\"Mate!\"he flies fast and catches him to his arms with princess carry.

Huffs*\"My man why have you done that?\"

He sighs \"Let's talk somewhere else\"

*That Same Day*

\"I shall smite you for disobeying me Azerael\"reaching out to the sky as lightning flash inside and out of the clouds.

Energy charging in the thin air beside the Lord's hand getting larger and larger ready to hit a blow to his creation of an angel that made a terrible mistake.

Azerael stood there frightened to the Lord,he closed his eyes gritting his lips crying.

(This should be my end)

\"My Lord!please stop! I'll do anything to serve in exchange for his life!\"begging for mercy to his brother,asking for a second chance.

\"Sister!no!it is my fault not yours!\"he shouts in disappointment of himself thaw his sister saving him.

\"Brother! he ordered you!It is also my fault for giving this mission for you!\"she cries.


\"Stop this nonsense!\"the Lord says.

\"Please O' Lord give him another chance\"bowing to his presence.

The Creator sighed and calmed himself,the clouds from an angry emotion of the Lord turns to white,the sunlight passes through the clouds,he pointed to Azerael's sister.

\"You will be sent to earth forever waiting for the child of fate and destiny\"

\"Yes my Lord\"

\"You shall obey it,do not disappoint me\"

\"Thank you and please my Master do not let my brother remember this until I'll tell him the truth\"she smiles.


\"Wait Sister!\"

The siblings passed out in mid air floating as God took the memories of this moment and destroyed it with all the other ones,he transforms Azerael with black wings and black clothing from his waist to his ankle.

\"Therefore you shall be known as the angel of death\"

He stretches out the physical body of Azerael's sister who's real name is Catheriel separating the soul and the body,he burned the body and the soul throwing it directly to earth.

\"You shall give birth creating generations of man and woman and shall live for a century,then your life will repeat to possess the next woman\"

The woman to be possessed will live for a century then after she gives birth to a girl that ,girl will be the next and will repeat and repeat.

After talking it out before anyone could even do anything to stop the raging Satan at the God.

\"What have you done to my son?!where is he?!\"

\"I do not know!\"

\"You killed him didn't you!\"

\"Maybe you killed my son!\"

Both like lions menacing the ground to tremor in their fearful,they cannot think straight anymore,they could not feel the life force of their children anymore,the happy smiles that their children gave,the joy,the warmth they carry has vanished turning it to anger,malice,despair and sadness.

They punched each others jaw hard that the shock wave destroyed three mountains,the clouds getting blacker,the skies getting redder,the outrage of these two Gods affects the world of spiritual beings because they are at the top chain and only their sons can withstand them.

\"You will pay!\"Satan punches as his tears flow out of sadness and anger.

\"I will get revenge!\"God says.

Weather was unstable,all spiri freak out of the Gods throwing their anger on each other,the queen odw spirits have already retrieved the gems that was scattered throughout the spirit realm with spirit guardians giving it to her.

\"My queen\"

\"Don't worry now I have a plan to take into pace,the barrier has already activated\"

\"Right\"Ifrit says.

\"I have foreseen this before\"

\"Then why have you not told anyone?\"

\"Because i don't know the cause and lastly the only thing I've seen is that the Devil will become a God someday and both Gods will fight to the end\"she stops mid way and continues.

\"Plus it is barely hard enough to go against the seven sins and archangels and even if I had the same power to stop them fate and destiny will find its way,Satan and the Lord are destined to battle,to clash to death got it?\"


\"Look at the weather even with all the gems altogether,they couldn't balance because both positive and negative energy clash,the energy coming out is enormously huge compared to any being,it out balances the world,do you know why hell and heaven is created?\"

\"No\"answered the guardians.

\"Hell is a container like heaven,where in hell all negative energy exist while in heaven is positive and when a God comes to a world with negative energy what happens to a world that is peaceful?\"

\"It would cause the world to become frightened to the god and make weathers unstable,makes earthquake, tornadoes and tsunamis that could rival the height of the tallest mountain,that correct?\"

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