Unlike Marko’s inner frustration, Roy’s heart was full of dissatisfaction.

【Wow! Why is this whitebeard getting more and more difficult? 】

[Isn’t it simple to let the Whitebeard Pirates erect faith in the hearts of civilians? ] 】

[First, we have to find out the current needs of civilians. 】

[1. At this stage, clothing, food, housing and transportation are satisfied, not necessarily too luxurious, but must be satisfied; 2. Personal safety is basically protected, which can basically be regarded as social order and stability; 3. Have power that they did not have before, that is, they are treated relatively fairly in some aspects; 4. The employment problem has been effectively improved, so that a group of idle people will not have no income. 】

[In fact, it is to treat the huge white-bearded pirate group as a world government composed of pirates, so that the territory under his command has a relatively peaceful order. ] 】

[It is equivalent to enveloping all the territory and looking at it as a country.] 】

[The reason why I can’t do things from the perspective of the revolutionary army. 】

[It’s because the Whitebeard Pirates are thieves after all, and they want to do things from the perspective of a monarch emperor. ] 】

[Analyze every basic need of civilians. 】

[Then under the condition of ensuring their own interests and ensuring their own prestige, they will make effective improvements.] 】

[Every civilian is not a fool! ] 】

[They know who is good to them, as long as they can make civilians stand on the side of the Whitebeard Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates are enough to stand tall, and if they want to overthrow the Whitebeard Pirates, the difficulty will increase exponentially! ] 】

[Ten times more difficult, even a hundred times more difficult!] 】

[Really done this, not to mention that the white-bearded pirate group can never fall, at least for hundreds of years, it is difficult to emerge a force to push the white-bearded pirate group down. ] 】

[Unless it’s the Whitebeard Pirates who do it themselves.] 】

[If you die yourself, then there is no salvation.] 】

Roy’s heart gave birth to a framework of rough answers, and it is not particularly difficult for a person with an orthodox education to answer such a question.

The reason he didn’t want to answer was that if he did, he would become very useful.

Then how will he lie flat and touch the fish in the future?

So although he thought so in his heart, what he said was another set.

Obviously he came up with the answer in an instant, but Roy’s face was filled with a contemplative expression, as if it was constipation.

Finally gritted his teeth.

It’s like going out.

He plucked up the courage to say that he was not very mature, and still casually suggested: “Uncle Whitebeard, I think that as long as the Whitebeard Pirate Group can protect civilians well and keep them from being harassed by other pirate groups.” And give them a certain subsidy, so that their life can be guaranteed to a certain extent, maybe it will be enough. ”

Whitebeard didn’t speak, his heart has long been shaken by how many times!

The nonsense that came out of Roy’s mouth, he didn’t listen to a word.

But the real answers in Roy’s heart.

But it made Whitebeard couldn’t help but widen his eyes!

The shock on his face is really hard to hide!

Basic needs!

That’s right!

Basic needs!

Whitebeard recalls when he was a child, when he lived on an island

That island was too poor to even pay the heavenly gold to join the allies.

It eventually degenerates into an island where human traffickers run rampant.

His hometown has also become an island of lawlessness!

Until after the demise of the state on the island ….

He became a homeless orphan.

What was on my mind at that time? What were your needs at that time?

Whitebeard remembered.

At that time, he didn’t have the idea of being a pirate, he just wanted to have the warmth of his family, just wanted to eat every day, and just wanted to sleep well every day.

At that time, he did not cling to any treasures, but just wanted a place to live, where he could live and shelter from the wind and rain.

I just want to be safe and not be caught by traffickers.

Thoughts as a child, nothing more!

Ask yourself——

If these requirements are realized.

Will he still be a pirate?

Whitebeard mused.


Maybe not!

In addition to those careerists who are full of ambition, most pirates who go to sea now are forced to go to sea, especially in a chaotic place like the New World.

The same island, the same country, and many in the New World as his childhood hometown.

Alone in the territory of his white-bearded pirate group.

There are countless places like this.

It’s just that because of the protection of the Whitebeard Pirates, the traffickers dare not come in rashly.

But in addition to being able to ward off some outlaws.

What else did the Whitebeard Pirates do?

Whitebeard found himself momentarily unable to think of the answer to this question.

He remembered what Roy had said in his heart.

– Treat their territory as a state, and civilians who have nothing to do with them as subjects.

– Look at everything in your territory from the perspective of a monarch.

Is that so….

Whitebeard closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly covered by him.

“Goo la la! Marco, Roy, you all said very well, and your answers made me very satisfied! Whitebeard laughed.

Hearing this, Marko breathed a sigh of relief, he thought that his suggestion was not very good.

And Roy with a mouth full of nonsense ….

It’s dumbfounded!

【What?】 Are you satisfied with what I said casually? Groove! If I do what I say in my mouth, will it not be messy? I’m just talking nonsense! 】

[Are you satisfied with this?] You think this makes sense? 】

[Good guy! There are really few pirates who are literate! 】

[There are not even a few nine-year compulsory education. 】

[Tired heart…].


PS: This is the sixth more today! Rush Rush! Keep the codeword! I saw the flowers, evaluation votes, and monthly tickets voted by the brothers!

Thank! Love you guys! Ask for another wave of data!

There will be updates later! No less than four chapters!

Rush Rush!!


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