Roy couldn’t have asked Manshirley to check her body, or heal herself.

Because his body was unprecedentedly healthy, there were no minor problems at all.

If you let Manshirley touch it, then it is estimated that everything will be filled.

So he definitely couldn’t let Manshirley treat him.

This is about his future fishing career.

If everything is exposed, not only will he not be able to touch the fish in peace in the future, but he may even be beaten by Marko and them.

At this moment, Roy’s acting skills were full again, and his eyes turned into a fan chart.

There was a three-point bitterness in his eyes.

And with three points of stubbornness.

And with three points of unwillingness.

And the last point of stubbornness.

A slight smile appeared on Roy’s face, and he looked very gentle on the surface, as if he was a brother next door, even if he was younger than Manshirley in this life.

With this gentle smile, Roy looked at Manshirley with a serious look in front of him and said, “Thank you for your kindness, Manshirley, but no need.” ”

“Huh? Yes? Not needed? Manshirley did not expect such an answer.

She couldn’t help but widen her eyes and asked curiously, “Why?” Senior Roy, my healing fruit will not have side effects on you! ”

“Not for that reason.” Roy shook his head and explained, “This is my bond with fate. ”

Roy took a deep breath and said with a smile: “I know that my strength is very weak, and I also know that my body is defective, but I will not give up, I want to go the way I want to go.” ”

“I will always continue to fight against this fate with my own faith and persistence, proving that with my own strength, I can break my destiny.”

“I don’t want to resort to any external forces, because it makes me unable to prove myself and be able to break my destiny on my own.”

“Perhaps, these words sound very hasty and abrupt to your ears.”

“But that’s what I’ve always been doing.”

“Always persistent, never give up!”

Roy’s voice wasn’t particularly loud, but it fell into Manshirley’s ears…

But it’s like thunder.

Manshirley’s eyes widened.

Everything Roy said just now was in her head, constantly lingering, and her voice seemed to be constantly echoing.

She began to think about the content of Roy’s words…

Use your own power to break destiny?

Is this a philosophy that Roy’s predecessors have always adhered to?

It is precisely because of such a philosophy that …

Didn’t Roy’s predecessor be impressed by fate and dare to swing a knife at fate?

That is to say, she Manshirley…

Want to heal Roy-senpai…

In fact, it is tarnishing the kind of philosophy and dream that Roy’s predecessors have always adhered to.

And he is completely ignorant.

Think you’re doing good.

I don’t know how to do it…

It’s insulting the seniors!

But Roy’s predecessor was still able to calm down, explain to himself, and explain why he didn’t accept the cure.

On the contrary, he showed this incredible expression because of Roy’s senior’s acceptance.

In this way, Manshirley felt very guilty in her heart.

The mood is also extremely complicated.

Adoration index for Roy…

Start a straight up!

“Yes… Sorry, Senior Roy, it’s me who is abrupt! Manshirley hurriedly bowed her head to apologize, she felt that her actions were offensive to Roy’s predecessor’s ideas and dreams.

“It’s okay, no need to apologize.” Roy shook his head: “It’s just my own problem, if I was born a normal person, I wouldn’t have to fight against fate.” ”

“It’s just my problem, and it doesn’t have much to do with you.”

“You don’t need to beat yourself up, Manshirley.”

It’s good that he didn’t say these words, and as soon as he said it, Manshirley felt even more guilty.

Even there are tears rolling in the eye sockets.

“Sorry! I’m sorry! ”

Manshirley hurriedly apologized.

[Alas… This little girl is really naïve enough, fooling such an innocent and cute girl, there is still a little bit of guilt, although not a lot. But for the sake of my great cause of fish, Manshirley, you better be aggrieved! 】

[No wonder the little Terrans will be fooled by the Don Quixote family, so many people run to cultivate what artificial devil fruits, dare to love the little Terrans are so easy to deceive. ] 】

[It’s too easy to trust others, if you don’t become a little more scheming, what should I do if I am abducted by some scammer in the future?] 】

[Speaking of which, my acting skills are still passable! ] 】

[It’s a pity that the Oscars don’t give me a movie star. ] 】

[The few words I said just now are simply green tea quotes that are too standard to be standard. 】

[Give yourself a silent like!] 】

Roy’s heart was naturally very happy, but on the surface he still showed a very melancholy expression.

When he looked up at the sky at a forty-degree angle, there seemed to be tears flashing in the corners of his eyes.

It was as if it was a torture of fate, and a rare tear spilled out.

But because of that unwillingness in my heart.

Forcibly endure not to let it flow down.

The whole person’s acting skills at this time…

It’s like getting a kind of sublimation!

Until, an untimely voice suddenly sounded at this time, breaking this very perfect interpretation environment: “There is a flaw! Whitebeard! Look at the move! Fire Fist !!! ”

When I turned my head, I saw that Ace guy was sneaking up on Whitebeard again.

This time, Ace didn’t know when…

Actually, went around behind Whitebeard …

While the white-bearded man was drinking happily, this guy directly fired a fire fist and blasted over.

It’s really young people who don’t talk about martial virtue.

Sneak attack on a sixty-nine-year-old pirate.

The fire fist formed by the hot flames, carrying the momentum of destruction and decay, blasted towards Whitebeard’s back, as if this punch could pierce Whitebeard’s body.

It is a pity that the person he sneaked up on was Whitebeard, and the gap in strength between the two sides could not be made up by sneak attack.

What’s more, the current whitebeard, those dark diseases on his body, have long been solved.

Whitebeard’s body is healthier than ever.

Whether it is the domineering color of seeing and smelling, or the domineering of armed color, or the domineering of overlord color, they have returned to the peak.

When Ace hadn’t yet blasted out his fire fist…

Whitebeard spotted him behind his back.

“Goo la la! Fire fist imp, no one has taught you, when sneak attack, don’t shout out? Whitebeard didn’t even look back to look at Ace behind him.

Instead, he clenched his fists and casually smashed a punch in the back.


Like the sound of glass breaking, at this time, suddenly sounded!

The atmosphere to which the fist smashed…

All cracks appeared!

A terrifying shaking force directly crushed Ace’s fire fist into smashes, and the momentum did not decrease, with a thunderous momentum, towards Ace’s past.

Ace, who thought that he was about to sneak up on him, widened his eyes when he saw this scene.

He didn’t expect such an old whitebeard to react so quickly.

Ace wanted to elementalize to avoid the power of this vibration.

But apparently he doesn’t have that speed of reaction.


With a scream.

The whole person flew upside down.

Smashed against the wall.

Smash a hole.

Whitebeard’s incomparable strength is simply not comparable to the current Ace.

Even the current Ace, even Whitebeard’s move, can’t catch it.

After all, now is not the person he is three years from now…

And even three years later, he…

I can’t borrow a punch from Whitebeard.

This is the gap in hard power!

No matter how to sneak attack…

No matter how to assassinate…

None of them are of any use.

“What’s going on over there? Why did daddy suddenly do it? He also broke a hole in a wall in the space. Such a big hole, this wall can basically be scrapped, right? It looks like a wall is going to be mended today. ”

“It seems that Fire Fist Ace assassinated his father again, that little guy is really immortal, he is really persevering, and I don’t know what he wants to do, so he wants to be the number one in the world?”

“It turned out to be him, it seems that he has not yet recognized where the gap between him and his father is, naively thought that he could really assassinate his father.”

“Nuhahaha! If Daddy can really be assassinated so easily, how can it be the Emperor of the Sea? ”

“This Ace imp has been assassinated for the tenth time, right?”

“This little devil moved his hands almost several times a day, and he ate his stomach yesterday, and he didn’t do it.”

“It’s really pulling, Fire Fist Ace.”

“One Piece son, that’s it?”

“There are no points!”


These sons of Whitebeard all hold a theater-watching mentality to watch Ace’s assassination of Whitebeard’s father.

After all, in their eyes, Ace had no way to assassinate his father.

There is not even a way to leave a wound on Daddy’s body.

So they also watched it as if they were watching a play.

It is a complicated daily practice…

A nice life spice too.

Only Manshirley, a newcomer who had just joined the Whitebeard Pirates yesterday, saw the strange scene in front of him and showed a stunned look.

She watched as Ace flew upside down and smashed into a wall next to her.

Just smash the wall out of a pit.

“Luo… Roy-senpai, this is? Manshirley felt that her brain was a little inadequate.

Why did the Whitebeard Pirates, all of a sudden, have infighting?

And there are still people who dare to kill Daddy.

The person who did it just now…

Also Pirate crew?

Roy yawned, having long been surprised by this, and explained to Manshirley: “That guy is the captain of the Pirates of Spades, a supernova with a reward of 400 million Baileys, which is called by the world’s zhengfu, the strongest pirate newcomer in recent years, nicknamed Fire Fist, called Ace.” ”

“This guy is also the son of One Piece Roger, and he wants to challenge Uncle Whitebeard, and after being beaten badly, he is on the Moby Dick.”

“These days, he assassinated Uncle Whitebeard every day, but failed every time.”

Manshirley was stunned when she heard it.

She couldn’t help but ask, “Is it really okay to leave someone who wants to assassinate his father on the ship?” ”

Roy shrugged and said, “Uncle Whitebeard, I want to take Ace as a son!” ”

Manshirley was confused, and this kind of operation?

Put people who want to kill themselves…

Adopted as your own son?

Rise pose!

Man Xueli swallowed her spit, and suddenly felt that the world of pirates was so complicated, she couldn’t help but ask: “Then this fire fist ace, will become the son of the father?” ”

“Who knows?” Roy shrugged and didn’t answer the question.

In fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

Ace will definitely become Whitebeard’s son.

And there is a daddy who forgot the grandfather.

It’s really with filial piety!


The Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates, sailing so brightly in the New World, naturally attracts the attention of many parties.

Especially when the Whitebeard Pirates, suspected of having contact with Doflamingo, …

It has even aroused the vigilance of the world’s zhengfu!

It also attracted the continued attention of the headquarters of the Navy.

At this moment, the first half of the Great Voyage…

Marin Fandor!

Navy headquarters!

Sengoku looked at the latest piece of information, and as the marshal of the navy headquarters, he couldn’t help but fall into deep thought: “What is the purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates?” He actually had contact with Doflamingo, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai. ”

The information in his hand drew a navigation chart, and the navigation chart marked the Whitebeard Pirates, and this time after leaving the territory, the series of routes sailed were very clear and very accurate.

It can be seen from this that the intelligence capabilities of the headquarters of the Navy are in no way inferior to the CP organization.

Looking at this navigational chart, Sengoku couldn’t help but frown.

“What is the purpose of that guy with Whitebeard? What is his destination? ”

Sengoku muttered: “Follow the path of this route…”

“Where exactly do the Whitebeard Pirates want to go?”

However, just as he frowned and pondered, there was always a noise that disturbed his thoughts.

“Click, click…”

“Click, click…”

Warring States’ forehead was bruised, and he couldn’t help but grit his teeth, and roared at Karp, who was sitting in the office: “Karp! Enough is enough! You’ve been eating at my place for an hour, and all the senbei I bought today have been eaten by you! ”

I saw that in the office of the marshal of the Warring States, he was not the only one, but another person.

That is the heroic vice admiral of the headquarters of the Navy!

–Monchi S. D. Karp.

After being scolded by the Warring States, Karp still didn’t care.

And with a big grin, he picked his nostrils: “Ahahaha, didn’t I eat a little of your senbei?” You need to be so angry! ”

The head of the Sengoku head appeared with black lines, and in the end he could only sigh.

After so many years of getting along, he has long been accustomed to this old fellow’s behavior.

But every time I couldn’t help but want to get angry.

Endure! Endure! Hold on!!

Sengoku raised the information in his hand, his face became solemn, and said: “The most important thing now is this thing, what is the purpose of the Whitebeard Pirates?” We have to figure it out! ”

“Otherwise, what if the Whitebeard Pirates want to do something? And our Navy did not prepare in advance, then it will be very troublesome! ”

“The Whitebeard Pirates left their territory, definitely wanting to go to a destination we don’t know.”

“We have to find this destination and guess their intentions!”

Karp raised his eyebrows and picked his nose: “Maybe their destination is Ralph Drew?” ”

Sengoku was stunned, and instead of getting angry, he frowned and began to think deeply.

Ralph Drew…

That’s right!

Could the destination of the Whitebeard Pirates be the legendary Ralph Drew?

If it’s really Ralph Drew, wouldn’t it just mean …

Edward Newgate…

Want to be One Piece?

The pupils of the Warring States couldn’t help shrinking slightly, before the appearance of a One Piece King Roger, it has already made the Navy headquarters anxious, if another One Piece King Whitebeard appears, then what else can the Navy Headquarters do?

The so-called era of sea pirates opened by Roger has made the world very chaotic.

If Whitebeard opens a new era of sea thieves, it will be troublesome.

The Navy simply does not have enough forces …

Stabilize the situation in the sea!

This is a fact!

That’s the problem!


Does Whitebeard really want to be One Piece? Will a person with his personality be One Piece?

Sengoku can also be regarded as Whitebeard’s old rival.

He also knows Whitebeard very well.

“Nope! No way! Sengoku shook his head, negating the bold idea that had just popped up, and he said: “Whitebeard definitely can’t want to get to One Piece, what he wants is family, not power, not status, and not treasure.” ”

“Whitebeard, this person, among the many pirates, belongs to a very special kind of person, which is an outlier among pirates.”

The Warring States once again set their sights on the nautical chart in their hands.

He took a pen and tentatively planned…

The future course direction of the Whitebeard Pirates.

He drew dozens of routes on his charts.

Each route leads to a different place.

He frowned…

“The Whitebeard Pirates… What is the connection with these dozens of places? Whitebeard Pirates? Whitebeard… Marco…… Joz… Mitsuki Ota… Well?! Mitsuki Ota !!! ”

A flash of inspiration flashed in Warring States’ mind, and his eyes suddenly widened: “Mitsuki Oda! Mitsuki Ota !!! ”

He looked at the chart in his hand, his eyes fixed on a place name.

This is the hometown of Mitsuki Ota.

He also marked a route here, and the Whitebeard Pirates passed through the Kingdom of Dressrosa, and there were dozens of places that could be reached, including this place.

“The Land of Wa!!!!!”



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