“Goo la la! Do you want to hide your head and tail like this all the time? If you dare to shoot Ota, it will be difficult… Don’t you have the guts to confront Lao Tzu head-on? Goo la!! ”

The white-bearded incomparably heroic smile was full of domineering, and a trace of overlord-colored domineering spread outward.

Let everyone’s hearts can’t help but sink slightly.

It seems that you can feel the anger in Whitebeard’s heart!

In the country of Wano, Whitebeard has been trying to suppress the anger in his heart.

And now the black charcoal snake has died in his hands…

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Hundred Beast Pirates are also about to have an unprecedented conflict.

So, now Whitebeard …

There is no need to suppress anger anymore!

And not long after his words fell, not far away, above the river channel of Wano Country, a relatively large pirate ship appeared!

There is a flag of a hundred beast pirate group on the pirate ship, hunting with the wind!

On the deck of the pirate ship, a burly and tall man.

Carrying a huge mace in his hand, he stood quietly in the capital of the ship.

That is obviously the captain of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group –

Known as the world’s strongest creature, Kaido the beast!

“Goo la la! Did it appear? Whitebeard looked at the pirate ship in the distance, and he sensed a very amazing momentum brewing over there, and the other party was obviously Kaido the Hundred Beasts!

The corner of Whitebeard’s mouth grinned, the egg did not mean that he did not have anger in his heart, and roared: “There really is you, Kaido, who actually had the audacity to kill Ota!” ”

“Hmmmm!” Kaido, who was hundreds of meters away, seemed to hear something.

He also grinned, but the smile was extremely bad.

“Mitsuki Ota blocked Lao Tzu’s way forward, and it is understandable to kill him, right?”

Kaido and Whitebeard looked at each other from the air.

The eyes of the two collided in mid-air!

It seems to stir up bursts of sparks!

“It’s been a few years, and I haven’t fought with Whitebeard!” The smile on Kaido’s face did not decrease, he shook the mace in his hand, his feet were slightly bent, and the exaggerated muscle bumps all over his body became extremely tight at this moment.


Only listening to an extremely deafening loud noise fell, Kaido’s figure disappeared instantly.

In its place, a huge crater appeared on the deck of the pirate ship.

Several of the surrounding hundred beast pirate group pirates were even overturned by this force!

After these pirates came back to their senses, they suddenly found out.

Their captain, Hundred Beast Kaido, at this moment…

It has instantly appeared at a height of 100 meters!

Jump in the direction of Whitebeard!

The whitebeard, who was not far away, raised his head and squinted, looking at a small black dot high in the sky.

Feel this very amazing momentum.

Whitebeard tightened the cong cloud cut in his hand.

“Goo la la-la!” He laughed, turned to the sons behind him, and said: “Kaido is coming, stupid sons, get ready to be thrown out!” ”

As soon as the words fell——

The blade of the white-bearded cong cloud cut has been covered with armed color domineering.

He held Cong Yunche in both hands and put on a posture!

And the hundred beast Kaido in the sky was already close at hand, and he could already see his face clearly!

It was a rough face full of fighting intent.

“Hmm! Whitebeard!!! ”

“Goo la la! Kaido !!! ”

The mace of the hundred beast Kaido is also covered with armed color domineering.

And there is also a layer of energy on the color of the weapon, which cannot be seen with the naked eye!

That’s overlord color domineering!

Overlord color domineering can not only be used to frighten people, nor can it only be used to disperse the clouds in the sky.

Overlord color domineering can also be used for winding!

It is equivalent to the winding of the armed color, but it is more domineering than the armed color!

On that huge mace…

Even flashing black arcs!

Illustrate the power involved…

Absolutely terrifying!



The hundred beast Kaido fell from the sky with a mace, and the huge mace swung towards Whitebeard’s head, and even rolled the air to form a terrifying hurricane between the swings, blowing Whitebeard’s cloak hunting.

“Goo la la! After all these years, is it still this trick? ”

Whitebeard slashed at it without fear.

The huge pheasant knife and mace suddenly stopped when they were about to collide!

When the two different weapons were still a meter or two away, it was as if they had smashed into a wall of air.

This is a collision between overlord-colored entanglements!

The weapon did not touch at all!

But they are already wrestling!

Black arcs of electricity flickered in the air, and the earth under your feet began to crack inch by inch.

The terrifying wind blew everyone around to stand unsteadily!

The shocking aftermath…

Let Marko’s face change suddenly!

“So strong!!” Under the impact of the aftermath of this battle, Marko struggled to stabilize his body, and the ground under his feet began to crack inch by inch.

It was as if an earthquake had occurred in the entire flower capital.

Hurricanes swept through, and various buildings were destroyed!

It’s like a nuclear bomb exploding!

Where the aftermath passes –

All razed to the ground!

“Can’t stand it!” Marko only lasted less than ten seconds before he could stand being directly thrown out, even the other members of the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Fortunately, after Whitebeard’s initial reminder, they were all ready one by one.

When the members of the Whitebeard Pirates were swept out by the aftermath…

Only Whitebeard and Kaido were left on the field!

Kaido’s arms were blue, his eyes looked directly at the white beard in front of him, and he grinned: “White beard!” You’re still old after all! Even if your body is healed by the healing fruit, your strength is still not as good as before, compared to when you were young! ”

“Goo la la! Then I haven’t seen your Kaido’s strength, how much has it increased? Although Lao Tzu is not low in age, it is still enough to deal with you!! ”

Whitebeard did not fall behind in the sword, looking at Kaido in front of him, his eyes were full of contempt.

“Hmm! What a confidence, Whitebeard! ”

“Goo la la! How can you do it without confidence? ”

Two terrifying forces erupted against each other, and the two weapons began to gradually approach!

When the two weapons finally collide together…

An irresistible vigor –

Soaring into the sky!!!


The clouds in the sky of the entire Wano Country were instantly shattered!

The earth crumbled into powder under your feet!

The heart of the capital of flowers…

A giant crater with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared.

The river pours in!

The wind is howling!

Thunder on a sunny day!

This is the collision of the four emperors!

This is the power of the emperor of the sea!

The power to destroy everything!


Although Roy can withstand this aftermath, he still allows the public to give up resistance and let the aftermath fly out.

Even he let himself without leaving a trace, preferably flying as far as possible.

It is best to fly out of the encirclement of the Hundred Beast Pirates.

In this way, he can get out of this battle.

When he landed on the ground, he was calm and calm, and he was not even contaminated with any dust.

“That’s far enough, isn’t it?” He muttered to himself.

Looking at the scene of the sky falling apart in the distance…

Roy couldn’t help but secretly wondered: “Is this the battle scene between Whitebeard and Kaido?” This is the person who stands at the top of the world! Now I’m still a little far from that level! ”

Roy estimated his current strength, if it was to fight with Hundred Beast Kai instead.

I’m afraid I can only hold out for a few hours.

Of course, he didn’t have enough to eat…

What to fight with Hundred Beast Kaido?

“The dark diseases on Whitebeard’s body have all been cured. Although it still can’t stop the ravages of age, it should be no problem to deal with a Kaido. After all, how to say that he is also the strongest man in the world, even if he is old, but Kaido’s age is actually not low. ”

Roy felt that even if Whitebeard could do it for a while, there was no way to take Kaido.

But it’s okay to play it in half.

It may even press Kaido to fight.

That’s also possible.


The capital of flowers, about a thousand meters away from Whitebeard and Kaido.

Marco fell to the ground and sighed, “What a monster-like battle!” ”

At this moment, a gunshot came!


Marko quickly tilted his head.

A sea lou stone bullet …

Fly by wiping the tip of your nose!

This was followed by a shout.

“Hurry up, hurry up! It’s Marko, the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, kill him, Boss Kaido will definitely reward us! ”

Hearing this sound, Marko turned his head and saw that the people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group had already surrounded him.

But Marko’s face was not worried.

The Hundred Beast Pirates will set up an ambush…

It has long been expected.

The people of their white-bearded pirate group are outside, and there is also a double ambush.

It depends on who ambushes whom.


Marko’s pupils suddenly shrank, he seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became not very good-looking.


Marko discovers that he missed Roy.

Roy must have been swept away by the aftermath too.

With Roy’s strength, landing safely is likely to be a difficulty.

Even if luck lands safely…

Wouldn’t that Roy too…

Ambushed by a hundred beasts?

“Damn !!!”

Marko gritted his teeth.

Very self-remorseful.



PS: 300,000 words were updated in fifteen days, and the continuous explosions made the body a little unbearable, the spirit was weak, and the plot was prone to problems. Therefore, in the future, the update will change from 20,000 words per day to 12,000~15,000 per day!

All right! Eat something codeword go! I woke up a little late today, woo-woo!

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