When Roy came to Whitebeard, he suddenly found that there were actually many people here.

Among them are Ace, Tichy, and Marko.

Two of them are candidates for the captain of the second team, and the other is the deputy of the Whitebeard Pirates.

And after Manshirley brought Roy here…

Just left the place for the time being.

“Goo la la-la!” Watching Manshirley leave the back, and then looked at Roy in front of him, Whitebeard took a sip of fine wine and spat out a very strong liquor.

Since the dark illness in his body healed, drinking wine became even more fierce.

It seems that almost every day is a drink.

The key is that Whitebeard’s alcohol is still very good, and he has to drink a lot every time to be slightly drunk.

Maybe it’s because of his size…

After all, his height alone…

That’s already six meters six six.

Such an exaggerated body type, if the amount of alcohol is not better than that of ordinary people, then it is strange.

I saw Whitebeard laughing: “Roy little ghost, you sit on this side!” ”

“…… Oh! Although Roy was very reluctant.

But he still sat down very obediently.

No way……

The act still has to be performed.

“Goo la la! Marko, Roy, Ace, Tichy, Daddy, I called a few of you here today, in preparation to discuss with you how to open the country of Wano. ”

Whitebeard’s face turned slightly correct, his tone paused slightly, and then continued: “Now the country of Wano has been sheltered by the Whitebeard Pirates. ”

“But Wano Country is still in a closed state, and Oda’s last wish is to make Wano Country open.”

“We, as his family, must find a way to fulfill his last wish!”

“You shouldn’t have any objections to this, right?”

After hearing these words of Whitebeard.

Marko shook his head and said, “Mr. Ota’s last wish must indeed be fulfilled, as long as he becomes a crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates for one day, he will always be our family.” ”

“Families should help each other and fulfill each other’s dreams, which is also a philosophy that our Whitebeard Pirates have adhered to since its inception.”

Marko said with a serious expression: “Since Mr. Ota, I want the country of Wano to open the country…”

“Even willing to give his life for this…”

“Then our family members have the responsibility and obligation to help him fulfill this last wish!”

“This is something we have to do!”

I have to say that Marko’s consciousness is very good, and he can also implement the concept of Whitebeard to an extreme.

This is also the reason why Whitebeard appreciates him very much, and it is also one of the reasons why he can become the imperial deputy.

[Little Ma Ge’s ideological consciousness is still quite high, at least for the Whitebeard Pirates, his ideological consciousness is very high, but for me, it is not like this! ] After all, I’ve been joining Whitebeard for two months, right? 】

[Let me go to fulfill one of his last wishes for someone I have never met? Isn’t that a bit too forceful? It can even be said that it is a little, moral kidnapping, right? 】

[Damn, but if I refuse, are there some that are too detached from the masses?] 】

[In that case, wouldn’t it be unremarkable?] 】

[Asie! Yaga! Fak! Damn it! 】

[The old white-bearded man does not talk about martial virtue, and morality kidnaps me a young man who is less than eighteen years old. 】

Roy was MMP in his heart, but his face showed a very serious expression.

Roy also echoed: “Brother Marko is right! ”

Well, it’s been brewing for so long…

He held out such a sentence.

Whitebeard glanced at Roy strangely, this stinky imp probably didn’t know, he could hear his heart, right?


This little devil is really selfish enough!

Moral kidnapping is all said …

Where the hell did this guy learn it?

Sounds quite reasonable…


Makes sense for a fart!

Is helping a family fulfill his last wish, also a kind of moral kidnapping? Are you kidding?

Although the family has never met Roy.

Isn’t that family?

All right!

I was almost deflected by this stinky imp.

The corners of Whitebeard’s mouth twitched.


The magic is one foot high

Michi is one jo high.

Does this stinky imp think that if he speaks in his heart, no one can hear him?

Roy little ghost, you are still a chess player!

At this time, Ace’s voice also sounded: “Although I have not met that Mr. Mita, but these days, I have also heard some of his experiences, but I admire him very much, and he makes me admire him very much.” ”

Ace’s tone was more serious than ever: “So I have no opinion, fulfilling the last wish for the dead family, this is a very meaningful thing.” ”

In the end, even Tichy, who had a “smile” on his face, followed closely and said: “Dad, I have no objection!” ”

In contrast, the reactions of Marko, Ace, and Tichy.

It made Whitebeard very satisfied in his heart.

Although she couldn’t hear the hearts of these three people, he could see the expressions of these three people.

They should be free of disagreement.

However, Whitebeard’s gaze still stayed on Tichy’s body for a second longer.

Because he always remembered Roy’s inner words.

Knowing that Tichy is actually not simple.

But how exactly is it not simple…

Roy didn’t say anything in his heart.

It’s even more impossible to say on the lips…

“Goo la la! In that case, let’s say more about your own opinion! Daddy first tell me what I think! At present, if we want to open the country of peace, we are facing the following dilemmas. ”

“The first dilemma is that the climate in the outer seas of Wazhi, and the climate in the seas outside of Hezhi, is very extreme! People who do not have some skills will find it difficult to go to sea at all. ”

“The second dilemma is that there are some people in the country of Wazhi, who are very resistant to the founding of the country of Wazhi, and there are some people with high prestige.”

“The third dilemma is what kind of appearance will the country of Wano take to meet the outside world?”

After Whitebeard finished talking about these three dilemmas, he did not speak.

Instead, he smiled and looked at Marko, Roy, Ace, and Tichy in front of him.

Marko, Ace, and Tichy immediately looked pensive.

Only Roy is the state of emptying his brain.

[What do you call Daddy Me?] Hey, hey, hey! Is it okay to be more accurate in your title? I’m your nephew, not your son! And about how the country of Wano was founded, should this kind of question be asked to me? Do I look like someone who can answer this kind of question on the surface? 】

[And didn’t you just say that you want to say your opinion?] Just now, in addition to pointing out the problem and dilemma, what else did you say? Where do you think? Boy! Empty gloves white wolf? Yours, Whitebeard! 】

Whitebeard’s eyelids suddenly jumped, good fellow, did this little devil see through his mind?

That’s right, Whitebeard is using words and wants empty gloves for white wolves.

In fact, for how the country of Wano will be opened…

Whitebeard is all confused.

No way……

He is a qualified pirate captain.

Also a qualified elder.

It is also a qualified Four Emperors.

However, this does not mean…

He is a qualified thinker.

“Daddy!” Ace, who was about the same age as Roy, thought a little naively and said: “Dad, if the climate in the sea area outside Hezhi is too harsh, our white-bearded pirate group can arrange some strong people to escort civilians in and out!” ”

“As for those who resist the founding of the country of peace, as long as they are clearly explained to them the benefits of founding a country, and if they can make profits in the founding of the country, they will definitely not refuse, right?”

“And what kind of appearance will the country of Wano take to face the outside world… With this current appearance, isn’t it? ”

“The style of Wano Country is so unique, people outside must be very interested, right?”

Whitebeard raised his eyebrows, without much evaluation.

In fact, he felt that these thoughts of Ace all seemed a little too naïve.

I don’t know what Roy, the little ghost, thinks.

This thought of Whitebeard just crossed his mind.

He heard Roy’s heart ringing-

[Sure enough, Ace is still very young, such an idea is not immature, but at least it is very naïve. ] Okay guys, I’m putting this on hold? The Contemporary Mao Dun Literature Award is mine. Ruthlessly, I spit on myself! 】

[If the country of Wano is to be completely opened in the future, how many people will come and go?] The Whitebeard Pirates, just this thousand people, how many people can be transported? 】

[Isn’t this a joke?] This is too much resource and manpower, right? It will not be proportional to the profit at all, and everything has to talk about a loss and a profit. 】

[If I want to say it!] Simply cooperate directly with the world’s zhengfu! Isn’t the world engaged in some kind of sea train? Isn’t this stuff okay? 】

[It is indeed strange for pirates to cooperate with the world’s zhengfu, but it is completely possible to cooperate in the name of the country of Wano. ] 】

[Although Wano Country is a non-world zhengfu member country.] 】

[However, Wano Country is rich in sea lou stone, and only Wano Country knows how to process sea floor stone. 】

[Plus the white-bearded pirate group is so lined up…]

[I can even meet with the five old stars! ] 】

Roy silently complained in his heart, others may think that his idea is very strange, pirates and the world zhengfu cooperation, isn’t that a joke? Will the world’s zhengfu cooperate with pirates?

But Roy doesn’t think so, he knows that as long as the benefits reach a certain level, the devil will cooperate with the angels!

Cooperating with the world’s zhengfu is tantamount to scheming with the tiger.

But for the world’s zhengfu, cooperating with the Whitebeard Pirates is actually working with the tiger.

On both sides are thousand-year-old foxes …

Don’t laugh at anyone.

[As long as it is in this place of the New World, no matter how powerful the World Zheng Mansion is, it must have an equal dialogue with the Whitebeard Pirates. ] 】

Under the premise that the two sides can dialogue on an equal footing, it is easy to achieve a win-win situation. 】

[Of course, it is easy to talk about collapse, depending on the different needs of both sides. ] 】

[Anyway, it has nothing to do with me, he~]

[Just give Whitebeard a headache! ] 】



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