I ask you to build tractors, but you build rockets?

Chapter 509 Suggestions from the Expert Group

"Congratulations, Chief An... No, President Androv!"

Dou Ping personally carried a flower basket and placed it at the entrance of the headquarters of Star Aviation Power Company, and then held Androv's hand together.

Although Androv is still busy improving the Snowbird, it does not prevent him from taking time out of his busy schedule to establish an airline.

The base began to prepare for the divestment of the aviation business two months ago. It directly and boldly acquired an aircraft parts factory and an engine overhaul factory affiliated to Chengdu Aircraft Corporation. Then 1,200 base engineers and senior technicians brought one-third of the The equipment is relocated here.

Xingchen Aviation Power Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Xinyuan Company. In addition to the two remaining factories, the total number of employees exceeds 2,500. In terms of equipment, the base is still being transferred, and technical materials are moved directly with trucks. Once established, it has become a domestic Top notch.

Xingchen Company has only retained a small part of Hecheng Aircraft's high-tech business, and will soon prepare for the production of C810 and a small number of C832 accessories, and will begin to have complete assembly capabilities next year.

However, the production process of aero engines is complete. Androv has planned a series of new turbofans, turboshafts, gas turbines and other projects. The aviation department is free from the base and can work freely.

Dou Ping was a little worried that Lao An was obsessed with making money in civilian business and would slack off on the Snow Bird Plan, but this was completely unnecessary.

The director of Factory 132 was also present at the opening ceremony. He looked at the former employees of the subsidiary factories with a strange expression.

They are obviously a group of people, but why do they feel that their spirits are different after being acquired?

By the way, Xingchen Company is really rich. It is backed by the big tree of Xinyuan, and the minimum salary is ridiculously high. How much business do you plan to do to support these three thousand people?

Edo, Tomishima Industrial Zone.

The expert investigation team from seven countries specially invited by the International Atomic Energy Agency only rested for one night after the plane landed. The next day, they counted the equipment and went to the accident site to inspect.

Tomishima Prefecture Governor Sato Yuhei and Edo Electric Power Company President Kobayakawa Tomaki personally accompanied the expert group and had to wear enough equipment to go with them.

Sitting in the car on the way to the fifth reactor, Tomaki Kobayakawa introduced the current situation to the experts.

In 2011, the "3.11" 9.0-magnitude earthquake caused the leakage of radioactive materials. After an assessment that year, the Ministry of Atomic Energy and Security set the accident level as the highest level, Level 7.

In October 2013, due to operational errors, 7 tons of nuclear wastewater was accidentally discharged into the sea. The following month, two nuclear reactors were sealed.

However, sealing the reactor does not mean absolute safety. Nuclear pollution continues to occur at the accident site. Edo Electric Power Company accumulated millions of tons of sewage in just a few years.

The idea of ​​​​discharging the sea has actually been around for a long time, and the reasons given seem reasonable:

Based on the amount of radiation from Fushishima Power Station, even if a uranium rod is thrown into the water, it will only be a drop in the Pacific Ocean. What's more, the content is only less in sewage. There is a lot of uranium in the seawater. Yellow cake (diuranic acid) is extracted from the seawater. Salt) are all important means of obtaining nuclear raw materials. Theoretically speaking, this bit of sewage really has no impact on anything.

But this is just to deceive ordinary people. It would be true if the sewage was poured evenly across the entire Pacific Ocean, but you have to discharge it from Edo Bay!

Although there are ocean currents here, the impact of the short-term accumulation of so much nuclear sewage cannot be ignored. It will definitely cause an environmental disaster. After the contaminated animals and plants enter the ecological chain, it will directly affect the fishery problems of all countries in the entire Western Pacific. Where is it said? So easy.

Of course, the International Atomic Energy Agency is not a fool. The Edo Electric Power Company's rhetoric cannot deceive them. Forget it before. Now that the IAEA expert team has come with a mission, Kobayakawa Tomaki's words will have no impact at all.

The silence of the 13 experts made Kobayakawa Tomaki a little embarrassed, but there was nothing he could do about it. This time it was an expert group that included the five permanent members. In addition, the amendment to the Outer Space Treaty was passed a few days ago. He vaguely felt that something was not right. Yes, we can only take one step at a time.

When the car was approaching, the experts checked each other's protective clothing and used Geiger counters to confirm that the radiation level was below the safe value. However, as long as the radiation level was not close to the core area, the radiation level was still very low, but it was significantly higher than the environmental value.

The inspection process was very fast. The expert team went to the predetermined sampling point in several groups to complete sampling and data survey and then returned immediately. There was not much communication throughout the process, but it saved time.

In just three days, they surveyed all the contaminated areas, and then held an analysis meeting in a hotel in Toshima Prefecture. Edo Electric Power Company and the island country's Atomic Energy and Security Department also participated.

The experts who had remained silent for several days now all looked serious, almost no different from when they put on a mask, which made Kobayakawa Tomaki murmur.

Although he admitted that the direct discharge of nuclear sewage may be problematic, the Edo Electric Power Company still did a good job in sealing the reactor and taking samples. He did not find any major hidden dangers after following the inspection and sampling, so there is no need to be so solemn.

Could it be that these invited senior experts don’t like to talk?

The experts pushed back and forth the analysis reports obtained in the past few days and had a lot of exchanges. The expressions on their faces became more and more solemn. Kobayakawa Tomaki finally couldn't help it:

"Everyone, are there any problems with our work? Or have the IAEA's evaluation standards changed?"

After the words fell, the scene seemed to be still for a while, and then Tomarsov spoke solemnly in English full of flavour:

"This is just an appearance. Although the survey data did not exceed the dangerous value, the diffusion area was too large, the coverage was too wide, and the disposal actions at that time were too slow, which caused the radiation dust to spread too much.

The entire industrial park can be designated as a no-man's land. All surface land within the industrial park and its surrounding 50 kilometers must be dug out to a depth of at least 1 meter and buried to a depth of less than 1,000 meters in order to completely Solve the pollution problem. "

"50 kilometers?!"

Tomaki Kobayakawa wondered if he had heard the numbers wrong. Wouldn't this mean that the entire Toshima Prefecture and the surrounding land would need to be plowed through? How much soil would be dug?

"It's only 20 billion tons of soil. You'd better prepare the excavator immediately. We found that the land here is quite soft. In fact, it is not very laborious to dig and it can be completed quickly.

You must pay attention to the fact that landfilling reactors is not enough. Although the concentration of pollutants in the surrounding soil and air is low, the impact is long-lasting. This is a long-term problem.

Oh, don’t forget to dig deep wells in the relatively stable inland plains and fill them to a depth of at least 1,000 meters. Maybe you can try to find extinct volcanoes for excavation. "

Tomarsov calmly stated each shocking number. The most outrageous thing was that other experts nodded thoughtfully?

Red deer wild man! Do you know what you are talking about?

But facing the IAEA's international expert Tomaki Kobayakawa, he could not express his anger no matter how angry he was. He could only hold back and responded:

"This is absolutely impossible, sir. Even with the national strength of the entire island country, it is difficult to meet your requirements. This is really too difficult. Moreover, I am afraid that the subsoil will continue to be polluted when implemented, making it difficult to achieve the goal."

Tomarsov held his chin and thought for a moment:

"It seems to be the case. This is going to be difficult. Academician Zhou, do you have any good ideas?"

Academician Zhou, who was asked by him, also looked embarrassed, frowned and said:

"It is not easy to clean up these contaminated lands in a short period of time. In fact, even the radiation residue in the air cannot be ignored. It is really difficult to do.

Mr. Kobayakawa, your handling was really untimely. "

"I'm really sorry for causing you any trouble!"

Kobayakawa Tomaki could only bow and apologize immediately, and then heard Ami expert Jonson speak:

"Actually, I have a way. It costs less and is very effective. The IAEA can also take over the solution and does not require the island country authorities to spend money."

Seeing Jonson speak, Kobayakawa's eyes lit up and he said quickly:

"Please tell me and we will definitely cooperate!"

Taking over the IAEA means getting rid of the mess, which Kobayakawa certainly wants.

Seeing his performance, Jonson stood up and walked to Tomarsov and whispered something. The latter's expression changed and he pulled Academician Zhou over to continue the exchange. Academician Zhou's expression also became uncertain.

Then, as if he had made some great sacrifice, Academician Zhou nodded heavily.

Immediately afterwards, all the other experts came together to form a small circle to communicate. After a while, they all sat down again.

Jonson still stood and said with a slight hesitation:

"Mr. Kobayakawa, do you really want the IAEA to take over the matter?"

"Of course, we are willing to have professional guidance, absolutely no problem."

Jonson nodded slightly, then lowered his head and thought for a while, then spread his hands and shrugged:

"Okay, you also agree with the use of hydrogen bombs to clean up radiation. We have just discussed that China National Nuclear Corporation will immediately provide ready-made 15 million tons of hydrogen bombs, and decided to waive the cost of hydrogen bomb manufacturing and placement. You are not required to give money;

Moreover, the hydrogen bomb air explosion can not only solve the radiation problem of the land, but also the nuclear sewage storage tank can be vaporized instantly, and the residues in millions of tons of sewage can be directly purified.

Please evacuate the surrounding residents as soon as possible. We are now contacting the Chinese Air Force to prepare airdrops for radiation cleanup this week.

Hey, pack your things, gentlemen, we have to go back quickly and calculate the range of the shock wave - also, the surrounding power supply and communications may be affected by the electromagnetic pulse. Remember to prepare to shut down the power in advance. It will be okay if there is no power. "

When he finished speaking, the other experts stood up in tacit agreement and began to pack up their manuscripts. Kobayakawa Tomaki stared at their actions in stunned silence. He wanted to say something but felt that his brain was a little stiff and he straightened to one side uncontrollably. passed.


"Call an ambulance!"

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