"My committee member Lin, you really don't regard money as money."

When Academician She saw Pan Yongnan leaving, he went to inquire about the situation. When he heard that Xinyuan was investing in another big project, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

It is not a secret that the Academy of Sciences is developing chips in space, and it has been reported to him before.

Of course, the space agency is not very interested in this kind of ultra-high investment plan. It is okay to send some scientific research equipment, but it will not support space construction without giving sufficient reasons.

Academician She was so troubled by the harassment from the Academy of Sciences that he simply drove them to Lin Ju. According to his understanding, Xinyuan might give him some support.

But Lin Ju's decisiveness was beyond imagination. Not only did he accept adjustments during the preparation stage, but he also promised an investment of 100 billion.

Although it's not that much money that was spent all at once, it was just added depending on the progress of the project, but the courage is amazing enough.

The status of Xinyuan's main business is not a secret from the central government. Even if it is tax-free and subsidized every year, it will still suffer huge losses, but its side business is very prosperous.

Lin Ju didn't pay attention to Academician She's worries at all. Instead, he put his hand on his shoulder jokingly:

"Money is printed paper, but what we spend on space is real industry. Money is nothing in the era of credit currency."

However, Academician She frowned and looked at him as if he was getting acquainted with him again:

"Do you believe in MMT?"

"Isn't that what happens now?"

MMT is Modern Monetary Theory. Its growth mainly started in the new century. The central idea is very simple:

Haven’t modern countries abandoned the gold standard and used the silver standard as currency endorsement? Aren’t the banknotes they print and issue all credit currencies? Then these banknotes can be regarded as worthless in themselves, and the reason why people accept them is just the coercive role of the government.

MMT believes that in this case, it is better to print money directly when the country needs to regulate the economy. To be more straightforward, it can be considered as "printing when money is short of money". The larger the government's fiscal deficit, the more wealth flows into the market, which is better for the economy. .

The ultimate goal of MMT is to make full use of society's idle resources and productivity by printing money. For example, if someone is unemployed, spend money to provide him with a job. If there is raw material but no demand, spend money to create demand.

According to MMT, printing money (in fact, over-issuance of currency in modern countries means directly adjusting bank figures) has no cost, but it can bring actual production benefits. Therefore, the government should use currency unscrupulously to meet all needs. Bringing productivity to its peak.

This theory sounds like fallacy, but it is actually feasible. The most important point of MMT is that the money printed can be spent and converted into actual productivity. To convert into productivity, you need to have a certain productivity threshold. .

Who is productive enough? Of course, it is a large industrial country with considerable manufacturing scale.

The face value of banknotes in industrialized countries is relatively stable. The reason why it does not drop or increase suddenly is that it relies on its own manufacturing capabilities. Other countries can only buy the industrial products they need with their currency. No matter how much they print, they have to hold their noses and continue to use it.

Lin Ju clearly remembers how the Federal Reserve in the original World Line released money wildly. Their approach was almost a practice of MMT, and the negative effects were silently transferred to other buyers who were forced to accept US dollars due to its strong productivity.

So Lin Ju believes more in MMT, because he can do it himself, and... ahem, he has practical experience.

It doesn't matter even if the domestic aerospace industry continues to run wild with staggering losses. As long as it gets on the line with the authorities and releases water when necessary, it can stabilize the situation.

Even if this has various side effects, it doesn't matter, because he knows that the Fed will eventually have to release a lot of water, and the country will inevitably follow suit. Since the trend is irreversible, then this is just following the trend of history.

The space industry that has been invested in can still be regarded as an absolutely excellent asset. The spacecraft will not disappear, the lunar base will not disappear, and the high-end industrial chain cultivated in the process will not disappear. This is not the MMT set of productivity through money printing. ?

As for the currency depreciation and wealth shrinkage in other affected regions, we can only say that this is also the case with the depletion of the US dollar. Just like bad currency drives out good currency, if it cannot be stopped, it will inevitably join.

Lin Ju's arrogance made Academician She feel a little silent. Although he didn't understand economics, it was still a bit of a guess as to how much of the budget for such large projects was drawn from last year's fiscal revenue and how much was released.

After talking about it, he even felt a little more relaxed. The full implementation of the joint mining construction operation had always made him a little worried. Now that he understood that it was others who should be worried, he felt a lot more at ease.

Although it sounds irresponsible, it has been an objective truth for thousands of years.

After a moment of silence, Academician She suddenly spoke:

"Why don't you just become the chairman of the committee? I think what you can do by focusing on aerospace will be beyond imagination."

"No, no, but...you mean we can continue to increase the budget next year?"


December 1st.

Nakayama Kyuji, who continued to pretend to be ill for a month and a half, finally appeared in public again, but he still looked weak under the camera. He even needed the help of two bodyguards to stand up, and his face was pale as if he had just recovered.

While he was in the hospital, Nakayama Kyuji desperately submitted his resignation, but what was unexpected was that the parliament was suspended and could not pass his resignation.

The reason for the shutdown is also simple: more than one-third of the lawmakers were absent.

More than half of them were "diseased by the heavy workload", and they were shameless and hid abroad or simply stayed behind closed doors.

Now the island country's authorities almost seem to be in a state of semi-paralysis. The grassroots are still functioning well, but the people in charge at the top seem to have disappeared from the world.

Of course, the IAEA could see what this was, and immediately thought of Gandhi, who shouted for non-violence and non-cooperation, and expressed dissatisfaction and non-cooperation through this extremely negative display.

If you think about it carefully, this is really their best response. The IAEA, which has reached an agreement with great momentum, can run rampant in any corner of the world. Confrontation is definitely a dead end. If you don't confront, you will have to bear some civil pressure. Escape is shameful but effective. .

But the IAEA's actions did not stop for a moment. When the two H-6s transformed into radiation monitoring aircraft legally flew from the Tsushima Strait and penetrated into the territory of the three islands, all the preliminary preparations were basically in place.

Nakayama Jiuji couldn't even pretend to be dead at this time. If he stayed in the hospital any longer, the IAEA would ask a doctor to treat him.

However, in order to show his stubbornness, he insisted on choosing the Spiritualist Club as the first stop for his public appearance. To be precise, there is only a charred ruin here.

After the fire, the authorities adopted a rescue and reconstruction plan, but it seems that the ruins have not been cleared yet.

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