"This is normal. In fact, I think it is mainly because of the missile launch. It would be much better if it was air-dropped or fixedly detonated."

Shen Zuozhou nodded, but the fear in his heart was still not completely gone:

"Nuclear war... is too terrible. I can't imagine if a hydrogen bomb exploded here... Peace, especially peace in a nuclear world, is too important."

He had never wanted war to happen so strongly. When he thought about the future, the scientific essence that had created countless industrial miracles, produced the most powerful rockets, and the most advanced chips would be reduced to ashes. The consequences of that civilization's decline would be unimaginable.

"Of course, no one wants this to happen, if..."

Xiao Gangtian was talking but was suddenly interrupted by a loud noise. He looked out the window in shock. This is the family community of the Space Administration, close to the inner ring of the capital, but what is going on with the fireworks outside!

It seemed that it was still very close to where he was, and the fireworks almost took up the entire night sky.

But then the piercing alarm bell rang. Anyway, if a fire broke out in the capital, it would be a big deal!

However, the general public is really full of talents. Just like after the moon landing in July, how did they avoid the heavy security checks and bring these things in? !

The sudden fireworks seemed to be the beginning of some kind of signal. Beautiful fireworks were scattered all over the city, and the same was true on the display screens of the skyscrapers in the distance.

Shen Zuozhou's originally stiff face finally relaxed at this moment, and he was brought back to reality from the nuclear bomb annihilation:

"Anyway, we have this power... Lao Xiao, we should do our part well and make the country stronger and stronger."

Xiao Gangtian nodded fiercely:

"Anyone who offends our strong men will be killed no matter how far away they are."

"Uh... I almost forgot. We have to go to bed early. The Nine Chapters will land on the moon tomorrow, so we can't make any mistakes."

"The Nine Chapters has been wandering in the lunar orbit for a day, right? If I had known that it would launch one day earlier, I guess everyone is not in a good state now."

"Then you shouldn't worry too much. Your Xinyuan's smart technology is so powerful that we can't intervene remotely anyway. You have to believe in science."


Feeling the morning sunlight in the imperial capital shining through the gaps in the curtains, Yu Man turned over reluctantly, and then heard the annoyed exclamations of the people around him.

She pressed it on skillfully and said softly:

"What's wrong?"

Lin Ju has been a little abnormal since yesterday. First he was unhappy because of the loss of the satellite, and then he was happy because of the breakthrough in laser technology. It started again early this morning.

She felt Lin Ju turn sideways to face her, and then held both cheeks with his hands.

"It suddenly occurred to me that I forgot to tell you something. I should have told you yesterday!"

"what the hell."

Yu Man didn't even open her eyes, but she still muttered cooperatively.

"I remembered the plot of a female novel I read before...it was about a domineering president, you know?

In order to celebrate the heroine, the male protagonist set off hundreds or even thousands of atomic bombs as fireworks. This time, it can be indirectly regarded as my setting off! "


Yu Man finally opened her eyes, looked at Lin Ju with wide eyes and a look of regret on her face, exposed most of the whites of her eyes, and then continued to sleep.

Although he knew that he was a reborn person, a time traveler, or some other alien, his jumping thinking was still surprising.

Lin Ju sat up, slapping his thighs and feeling regretful. This was a good opportunity to get closer to the domineering male president!

But before he could continue to be upset, he heard the sound of the alarm clock, and then suddenly remembered that he had plans for today.

Yu Man heard the sound of getting dressed quickly, and when she opened her eyes again, Lin Ju had already opened the door:

"I'm going to the space agency, Jiuzhang is about to land!"

"Hello Vice Chairman Lin, my name is Zhong Cheng."

When Lin Ju hurriedly arrived at the command center, he was greeted by the new aerospace director Zhong Cheng, who greeted him very friendly.

"Hello, hello, I have long admired your name."

Lin Ju subconsciously greeted him politely, and then saw Zhong Cheng's expression becoming extremely strange.

"If I had a big name, then I'm afraid the Security Bureau would take action."


This made Lin Ju feel a little more in awe of his identity. Apparently the previous rumors were true, and the place where the new boss worked was very unusual.

The two of them were not too polite. It was already past 9:30, and the Nine Chapters had begun to slow down and prepare to land on the moon.

This landing was not broadcast live, probably to reduce the work pressure of the Aviation Development Committee.

In front of the command hall are Academician She and Ye Changsi standing together. Although there is a huge age gap between the two, in the eyes of others they get along very well, as if they are peers.

When the two of them saw Lin Ju's arrival, they simply said hello and continued to focus on the Nine Chapters.

With a total weight of more than 300 tons, Jiuzhan is the largest and heaviest single spacecraft in history, and is also the largest and heaviest lander in history, nearly 10 times the previous largest figure in this field.

It should have been the focus of the world's attention, but now Tomishima's two hydrogen bombs have taken away everyone's attention, temporarily forgetting the existence of this epoch-making spacecraft.

The two engines at the tail are now being used for the first stage of deceleration and braking. When the hydrogen-oxygen engine is working in space, the tail flame is almost invisible. Only by observing its gas tip combustion chamber from a distance can the blazing fire be seen.

The landing accuracy of such a huge aircraft is extremely high. The robots near the Qom impact crater worked day and night to clear an open space the size of a football field and create a solid landing site with little gravel.

After all, the thrust of the Jiuzhang's four engines when it landed was more than 100 tons. It would be troublesome if debris rolled up and hit itself.

Only computers can meet such accuracy requirements. Human astronauts will most likely not be able to do it unless they are extremely angry.

“It’s heavier than everything humanity has ever launched to the moon combined.”

Academician She suddenly spoke.

"I think the launch date for the first batch of landing personnel can be set on the 26th. It will take a few days for the first fuel tank to be ready."

Although Jiuzhang carries a full set of automated equipment that can produce liquid hydrogen fuel, the output is limited after all, and in the early stage, it mainly relies on ground launch.

The "Wutu" space station has a huge fuel tank, which can just fill the Jiuzhang 2.5 times.

The first module to transport fuel to the Wutu Space Station was ready last month - it is actually a simple storage tank, which the base had already prepared when building the storage tank for the Long March 18 fuel refueling ship.

However, the launch of the Long March 18 temporarily drained all domestic liquid hydrogen reserves, and it took several days to refill the new fuel tank.

Of course Lin Ju had no objection to this, but he felt that launching it like this was too troublesome. It would take almost a year for the lunar base to have its own fuel. It always felt like a waste to launch disposable fuel tanks like this every time.

He suddenly thought of Musk's starship. To be honest, if that thing could be used to transport fuel, it would be very feasible. The transportation capacity is large and the cost is not high.

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