Is it dead? Marion just died?

It can't be, there should be something in the back, right? What about the Escapee? What the hell is it?

it! It's terrifying! A human being becomes like that alive, as if something suddenly appeared and burst out of his body!

The whole ship was raised and!

Really, it feels like something is holding the boat, and it's scary to think about it!

Wait, could it be the Escapee that came out of Lynn's body, and what was the invisible thing that held up the boat?

You know it, it knows you, brothers, and I feel like I've been targeted by something!

Is the Escapee also a containment object, and what level is it?

But for sure, it's definitely of a high grade!

When Marion finally jumped, she seemed to see something......

Marion must have used serum, so she survived, right?

That's right, she forgot about the Escapee, so she didn't know about the Escapee, and then the other party didn't know about her, so she survived!

What the hell is the Escapee, how did it suddenly run into Lynn's body, and what is it that holds up the boat? Is it the Escapee?


A group of little Karami, this plot is generally very simple, that is, there is a super invincible and terrifying antimemetic monster, called [Escapee]! Lynn has engaged in two antimemetic departments, and after researching the [Escapee], they all disappear, either killed by that thing, or the entire department detonates the antimemetic bomb and directly erases everything! Oh, by the way, that antimemetic bomb, I suspect its effect, should be amnestic!

Hey, that makes sense!

666! The big guy is mighty!

So now I just want to know what that [escapee] is!

Okay, good, this plot is exciting enough, I'm very satisfied!hahaha!!




["There is no antimemetic department here" plot]

After Marion fell into a complete coma.

The whole picture becomes a darkness.

And a few seconds later,

A new picture has appeared......

The sky was dusk.

The lens gradually pulls down,

The lake is in the picture again......


A heavily armed mobile task force surrounded Marion lying on the edge of the lake.

Task forces rushed to the rescue.

And with helicopters,

Swiftly transport Marion away......

As the helicopter flew away, the whole picture became dark again......

After blackening,

In the middle of the screen, a prompt subtitle appears:

[Eight days later......]

Then the screen lights up again.

And in the new picture, there is only one person.



"Can't work. "

Marion muttered under her breath.

"Detoxification...... Hehe......"

Marion smiled self-deprecatingly.

These days,

She didn't have a job.

There is no mnestic.

No amnestics.

No exposure to dangerous memory-destroying anomalies.

There are no business visitors.

And so on and so forth.

"It's not the first time I've done this......

Marion sighed.

"Memory Gap...... There are 13 hours. "

Marion looked at the report she had written, frowning and thinking.

In accordance with the procedure,

She wrote a report summarizing the incident.

In the summary of the report, there is a gap of about 13 hours.

"None of the team members on the recovery mission remember who activated the emergency beacon and called them......"

Marion looked at the report and muttered.

"The department currently has ...... People, if at best, should have...... People ......"

Marion compared the current size of the department to what she expected to be at its best.

She found that

If she's going to be at the best she's supposed to be, she'll need a few more people here, or there!

"Hmm...... Prior to this incident, the department should have been full......"

"So, the current vacancy is likely to be the person who died during this time......"

Marion exhaled softly.

"Maybe one of them activated the beacon in this incident, well, well done. "

There was some sadness in Marion's eyes.

After that, she fell silent.

The picture gradually dimmed......

Until it finally becomes complete darkness.

And in the midst of this darkness,

There are several more paragraphs, which slowly emerge:

[...... in a few weeks]

[Marion suddenly discovers ......]

[In my mind, unconsciously, there is a big hole......]

["Who created this department?When was it~?"]



???, and finally Marion's idea instantly gave me the creeps!!

It was clear that Marion had forgotten so much about the events of that day, and that Lynn she had forgotten too......

Wow, really, it feels like an unsolvable puzzle, you can't remember anything, you can't do anything!

There's still a plot behind this, and the [escapee] hasn't been explained yet!

Wow! I'm really looking forward to it!

What will happen next, and what will be the fate of the antimemetics department?

Really, I feel like the members of the Antimemetics Division are a bunch of poor creatures......

I also think that the things they are facing may make them die one day, silently, without anyone knowing......

It's pitiful, but it's also respectable!

I like the Antimemetics Department so much, I feel that this department has a special charm!




["There is no antimemetic department here" plot]

After Marion's image disappears, some subtitles appear on the screen, and the information is given in the subtitles.

The information indicates that Marion finds himself with a question in his mind, that is, who founded the Antimemetics Department, and when was it founded?

This subtitle quickly faded.

After disappearing,

The screen is once again plunged into darkness.


A few seconds later,

A new picture has appeared......


This is the third video clip of the work.

And what all the audience didn't expect was that

This third video clip,

At the beginning, the picture is not a character, or an environment, etc.

It's actually a containment archive:


[Object Class: Keter]

[Special Containment Procedures: Containment-3125 is to be contained in Cognitohazardous Containment Unit 3125 at Site-41. The containment unit is a 10m 15m 3m cube room, lined with lead, soundproofing, and telepathic isolation layers. The entrance is an airlock at one end of the containment unit. Airlockia is set to allow only one person at a time, and the airlocking remains in a locked-up state until that person leaves and the next person is allowed to enter.

Under no circumstances are the relevant information to be allowed to leave the containment unit. This includes handwriting, electronic messages, as well as photographs, audio and video recordings, as well as sound, electromagnetic, and particulate signals or parapsychic projections. Upon leaving, the sanitization system inside the airlock is infused with a three-minute amnestic gas to erase the personnel's memory.

A senior member of the Antimemetics Department is to visit Containment-3125 once every six weeks (42 days).

End of file】


The archival information indicates a little time.


The camera zooms out,

The audience saw that

Two people are standing in front of a containment unit.

One of them is Kim, who in the previous video clip managed to fight an antimemetic monster.

The other is Marion,

In the previous video clip, the surviving antimemetics minister.

"Are you kidding?!"

Kim's face is full of incredible!

"That's it??"

"That's all there is to it. "

Marion said calmly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kim's brow furrowed: "No description, no reports, no test logs, no appendices, no indication of who built this unit, no idea when this thing was visited, no number of visits, no idea what they brought in, no idea how long they stayed?"

"Well, apparently Bart built this containment unit, and his containment building signature style is so peculiar that it's easy to recognize. Marion said.

After a pause, she continued:

"So, it's going to be years old, and it's been visited at least a few dozen times. I guess there must be a reason for the omission of other content......"

Kim exhaled lightly and said, "I think it's dangerous for you to go in, this thing is a cognitohazard, it's so dangerous that we can't write it down, why can't we write it down!"

"And it's impossible for us to get any valid information in this way! You go in, cut off from the outside world for two hours, and come out with a smile with amnestics, what's the point? I think doing so will only increase the risk of a breakthrough!"

Marion listened to Kim's words and shook her head slightly.

Apparently she has already decided that it will not change.

Kim next to him was still rambling,

Marion had already taken out the keycard and placed it in the slot. []

Then the air closure door came on with a green light.

Seeing this, Kim next to him said helplessly, "What did you bring?"

"Chewing gum. Marion shrugged.

Then she walked in the door.

There's very little space here.

Only one person can stand.

The airlock then closes and rotates......

And Kim outside was still shouting, "I can get you some equipment......"

But everything was overnight.

Marion has gone inside.

He didn't have time to find equipment.

Kim sighed helplessly.

He pressed his ear to the door, but he couldn't hear anything......

Not even the faint tremor of the air-closing door.




Marion made her way to the inside of the containment unit.

It's pitch black.

But Marion's breathing could be heard.

And with her arrival, the sensors inside the containment unit detected it.

The lights came on.

But to Marion's dismay, only half of the lights were on, and the rest were either unresponsive or just flickering.

And the whole interior of the room is not complicated.

The interior walls are cream-white, bulletproof glass with paperwork pasted on them, which are roughly coherent with duct tape and blue-butin glue.

Where there is no paper, people just use markers to write on the wall.

There was a conference table, long oval, piled high with paperwork and laptops, wires tangled in a bunch. The power has returned to these machines, and they are slowly starting up.

A data projector turns on automatically and throws a map of the world on the wall, almost in tandem with the scribbled annotations on the wall.

There are also various post-it notes, which are scattered all over the ground like autumn leaves.


There was nothing else in this room.

"'What's going on......"

Marion frowned, confused, and walked to the paperwork.

She later discovered that the documents were all handwritten, and most of them were recording the course of the conversation.

Most are dated and signed,

Most of the dates are a few weeks apart.

The conversations were filled with panic and fear of Q&A, about multiple containment objects, some of which were antimemetic in nature, but unrelated.

No mention of Containment-3125 has been recorded.

"Why ......"

Marion's brow furrowed even deeper.



Why is this happening?!

What exactly is this 3125???

Damn, I understand, could this 3125 be the [Escapee]??

Well??? it!

But what exactly is 3125? I wonder if I want to know the specific description file!!

[Escapee] is 3125?Maybe it's possible, otherwise why isn't 3125's information allowed to be taken out of the containment unit?




["There is no antimemetic department here" plot]

"Why ......"

Marion's brow furrowed even deeper.

She continued to flip through it, and then she recognized it, and it had her own name in it.

There is one for every ten to twenty articles.

"Indeed I have written down the ......"

Marion muttered.

She recognized it, and that was her record.

There will be no fakes.


The record is also full of despair.

This made Marion's heart unusually worried and anxious!

Marion looked at the diagram on the wall again.

"It's too complicated......"

Marion whispered.

She couldn't crack the diagrams.

It even makes her eyes hurt!

"Whew...... This is the Antimemetics Division, which is normal......"

Marion comforted herself.

As the head of the Antimemetics Division.

She had a foreknowledge of the situation.

In this case, how to solve the problem is also the basic skill of the members of the Antimemetics Department......

"And, judging by the current situation, Containment-3125 may not be here at all......"

Marion guessed quietly.

This is the conclusion that she came to from careful observation.

And after she guessed like this,

Suddenly, she heard another voice:

"Marion, it's me. "

She was startled, then turned her head to find a laptop not far away.

There's a video on it......

As for the content in the video,

It turned out to be Marion herself!

At this moment, Marion in the video is sitting.

In reality, Marion's expression became solemn, and she walked to the computer, staring at the computer screen.

And Marion on the screen quickly spoke:

"As you might have guessed, Containment-3125 isn't in this room. "

"In fact, this is the only room in the world that does not have Containment-3125......"

"Hmm...... This is called reverse containment. "

"Yes, with the exception of the area where it is particularly defensible to its effects, which is here, Containment-3125 is already spread throughout reality. "

"This is our only safe haven, and this room represents the length and breadth of this war......"



What's the situation??????

3125 is not in this room??

What the hell?!I'm confused!!

Brothers, do any of you understand?

Why is 3125 all over reality? Why isn't it in the containment unit? What the hell is it?

the hell, the hell, this containment room is an empty shell for a long time???

It's so shocking!! it's not in this room, what the hell is 3125??

3125 is the only room in the world that ??? does not have ???

My brain is going to explode!!! The news shocked !! spoonful

I can't even dream of this plot.,It's too good.,3125 is everywhere, isn't it??

What the hell is reverse containment?

I vaguely feel that this 3125 is the biggest boss of this work!!

It's all over reality!! it's too bad, isn't it??


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