I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

119 Embarrassing Nightmare, Arm Triangulation (Please Subscribe)

At this time, when people are anxious, it is most natural for people to use knee strikes.

Because Wusman's head was almost at his knees.

However, you cannot hit the knee when you land at three points, as that would be a serious violation.

Of course Ye Chen wouldn't do that. The uppercut failed to kill the opponent, so he immediately pressed forward and pressed the back of Wusman's head with one hand.

It is equivalent to fixing the position to facilitate punching.

It also prevents the other person from getting up.

The moment he pressed the opponent's head, his other hand swung up.

At this time, Wu Siman quickly hugged Ye Chen's legs, buried his head in the ring, dug into Ye Chen's body with all his strength, and used both hands to knock Ye Chen down.

This can avoid some finishing blows.

Ye Chen's legs were hugged, and he immediately lowered his hips to avoid falling, pushing Wu Siman down.

Even so, it allowed Wusman to breathe.

At this moment, the opponent's head was hidden under Ye Chen's "legs" and his face was buried in the ring, breathing to relieve his dizziness.

This doesn't mean that you can't replenish your punches.

But, it's very awkward.

Moreover, I can't exert my strength.

Therefore, Ye Chen could only change his mind and start punching Usman's side with his fist.

this moment.

The place went crazy.

After a brief trial in the third round, he immediately switched punches and scored a beautiful knockout, which shocked countless people.

Because, in the second round, Wusman has never been so embarrassed.

Even when Ah lost, he defeated Hua Zi in several rounds. He had the advantage until he was KOed in the last round.

Therefore, that battle will be called the biggest upset in 2022.

This one was different, the first round was controversial, there was back and forth.

Can't tell who wins.

However, Ye Chen undoubtedly won the second round.

Knocked down directly in the third round.

It was so shocking. The undefeated champion and nightmare was actually beaten like this by Ye Chen, who was promoted to lightweight. This was something that many people did not expect.

However, these are just the opinions of ordinary viewers.

For veteran fighting fans.

As for the professionals, after watching the second round, they knew that Wusman was dangerous.

Because, as long as Ye Chen continues to use the top cage method, there is nothing I can do.

Of course, there are still variables.

For example, Ye Chen was pinned against the cage. Judging from the first round, Ye Chen had no effective means.

Therefore, everyone is looking forward to who will win first in the third round.

But I didn’t expect…………

Before the game started, the compensation suddenly changed.


Ye Chen+350.

After the first round.


Ye Chen+500.

After the second round.


Ye Chen+100.

It can be seen from the changes in the odds that Spinach also feels that Wusman is in danger.

However, Ye Chen played so aggressively and his dominance exceeded everyone's expectations.

Of course, this was all thanks to the cage top in the second round.

Ye Chen now has another unique trick to win. If he really can't deal with or take down someone for a while in the future, he can step on his feet against the cage.

Of course, this is only used when you are desperate and have no other options.

After all, hitting the cage and stepping on the feet is not in line with the finishing route he has always taken.

Commentary seat.

DC exclaimed, "With the terrifying two punches, Wusman reacted quickly and defended quickly, otherwise this wave would have ended. Ye Chen is indeed an unpredictable killer. He is in the ring, No one knows what his next move will be.

Maybe this is the benefit of not having a team?"

Logan was also surprised by these two punches, "Wusman is very dangerous now. Although his position can be relieved temporarily, it is not a position that is beneficial to him. If this continues, even if he is not terminated.

Ye Chen will also win the third round. As long as Ye Chen wins any of the last two rounds, he will lose. "

Bisping had been holding the monitor and suddenly shouted: "Did you notice that Wusman seems to be injured, there is a cut on his face, there is a lot of blood on the ring."

In the ring, Ye Chen threw nearly ten punches in a row.

These days allowed Wusman to recover a little.

He knew that he had to escape. Being pressed and beaten like this would cause problems with his ribs.

Moreover, it consumes a lot of physical strength, and it will probably be even worse in the next round.

Thinking of this, he suddenly exploded, kicked his feet on the ground, and pushed forward forcefully.

Ye Chen, who was swinging his fists vigorously, was knocked over.

This was something Ye Chen didn't expect.

It's not that I don't believe that I can overthrow him.

Rather, he did not expect that the other party would recover so quickly and fight so vigorously.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the other party's illness and kill him.

A direct wave of powerful output, ending with a TKO.

If he had known that the other party would wake up so quickly, he could have locked one of the other party's legs, used a supporting hand, or even been a little clumsy and put his weight on the other party's back, and he would not have been knocked over so easily.

It's too late to regret now.

While he was getting up, Wusman also got up.

Only then did Ye Chen see that Wu Siman's chin and forehead were covered in blood.

Although the punch that hit the chin before did not cause fatal damage, it opened a gash.

The uppercut on the forehead also opened a gash, and blood was flowing out near the eyebrow arch.

Therefore, no matter what Wusman's status is at this time.

However, he looked extremely embarrassed.

The reaction from the audience confirmed this.

The cheers changed to exclamations. In their memories, Wusman was rarely opened by anyone, and he was never so embarrassed.

Everyone looked in disbelief at Wusman, who was specially given a close-up shot.

At this moment, the other party's eyes became less firm and a little confused.

An almost undefeated opponent who was crushed for two consecutive rounds would easily have a big problem with his mentality.

At this time, Ye Chen pressed forward again.

A feint with a jab deceived Wusman's defense, and he followed up with a low leg chop.


Wusman was almost knocked down and ran back.

Although he has recovered somewhat from the heavy blow just now, his condition is definitely not as good as before the heavy blow.

Coupled with his limited mobility, he couldn't escape at all.

On the contrary, Wusman made the most correct rhythm at this time.

That is...dive directly and throw him.

He couldn't stand up in his current condition.

Without movement, it is just a fixed-point sandbag.

The moment he was hit in the leg, Wu Siman dived directly to retrieve the leg, quickly rushed to hug Ye Chen, and quickly reached the side and rear of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's center of gravity was unstable, and he immediately jumped on one leg to maintain balance. At the same time, he twisted his hips and turned around, lowering his center of gravity and giving Wu Siman a chokehold.

It made it impossible for him to continue to move significantly, pull himself down, or stand up and raise his legs to twitch.

Wu Siman reacted quickly. After being choked, he stood up holding Ye Chen's legs.

Halfway through standing up, Ye Chen suddenly let go of his legs.

A long-planned elbow hit directly to the head.

However, Ye Chen's two arms around his neck blocked the path of his elbow.

This elbow is somewhat awkward and incomplete.

Just like that, Ye Chen was still a little confused after receiving this blow.

Seeing the opponent twisting his shoulders and hips, he was about to fire his second shot.

Ye Chen immediately bent his legs and lowered his body, and Wusman's elbow almost hit the top of his head.

At this time, his shoulder was just under Wusman's armpit. As soon as he stood up, Wusman was almost lifted up.

The collared hands quickly contracted the buckle.

Triangle pattern on the arms is molded.

PS: For the time being, there are six chapters a day. Don’t look at the six chapters now, but the number of words is still more than a thousand words less than the three chapters. In other words, brothers can also spend less money by subscribing.

The picture shows a classic defensive posture to avoid punching after being knocked unconscious (and thanks to Usman Kahuang for his generous portrayal).

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