I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

129 Wrestling With The Wolf, Card King: This Is Just Business (Please Subscribe)


Ye Chen and Catwoman came to the temporary interview venue.

The competition is approaching, so there are many players coming in and out for exclusive interviews.

Of course, not everyone can have Rogan interviewed in person.

A lot of media gathered here, and even some celebrity fighting bloggers conducted exclusive interviews with the players here.

The players also have to cooperate. After all, the purpose is to compete and build momentum for themselves.

Along the way, many people greeted Ye Chen.

Especially those in the media wanted Ye Chen to be a guest on their show after he came out from Logan, and said that he could do it any night.

Ye Chen——declined.

While he and Catwoman were waiting for the elevator.

Five people came towards me.

The one at the front was wearing black clothes, sunglasses, and a bald head and a big beard.

Who else could it be if not Chimaev?

Because Ye Chen and Catwoman are chatting.

He didn't see the five people coming towards him.

"Hey bro, didn't expect to see you here."

Ye Chen heard the shouting and looked up.

Chimaev had already taken off his sunglasses and handed them to the team.

Walking towards Ye Chen with outstretched hands.


Although Chimaev usually likes to bark, he is 8.5 pounds overweight.

However, he reached out to avoid hitting the smiling person, and the other person did not have an attack at this time, so he had no reason to lose face.

He nodded and said hello.

He doesn't want to say too much to people he doesn't know well.

However, Chimaev was a familiar face and shook hands as soon as he came up, and even greeted Catwoman.

When Ye Chen was in the lightweight category, Catwoman knew which players might be Ye Chen's opponents.

When Ye Chen arrived at the competition, she began to watch the people who might become Ye Chen's opponents in the competition.

Qima is one of the top three opponents of Ye Chen in the game.

Moreover, Dana and others mentioned Qima in front of Ye Chen more than once, so she naturally knew him.

However, she still remembered that Chimaev often called Zhen Ye Chen.

In terms of calling formation, there is a saying that Zhou Maye is much better than Covington.

He usually only talks about crushing Ye Chen, how to ravage him, and how to throw him.

Don't spray anything else.

Covington is different.

It is worth mentioning that Qima is officially 188CM, but Ye Chen stands with the opponent and cannot feel the gap.

His shoulders are wider than Chimaev's, his wingspan is about the same, and his muscles are slightly larger than Chimaev's.

But the torso also looks wider.

Just when Ye Chen shook hands with Qima, Qima suddenly dived to hug his legs.

Ye Chen instinctively stepped back and pressed his hips to prevent falling.

Qima tried to lift Ye Chen up, but failed.

Because Ye Chen is pressed down to prevent falling, the center of gravity is too low and difficult to lift up.

"Not bad. The reaction is so fast. When are we going to have a fight in the cage? Covington is just a tough guy on the Internet. I hope you can deal with him. If it were me, he wouldn't last one round.

After feeling Qi Ma's strength, Ye Chen naturally let go of him.

Qima patted Ye Chen's arm and said with a smile.

Ye Chen also smiled, "You might have a chance, as long as you get the right to challenge."

He did not reject Qima, but he also told the other party that he did not have the right to challenge yet and should wait in line slowly.

"I will crush Hua Zi in a few days. Will I have the right to challenge then? We can then decide the next match on the spot."

Chima seemed confident in himself.

This is understandable. If a fighter doesn't have confidence in himself, how can he get into the ring and make fans believe in him?

"He seems pretty good in real life?"

Because Qima barks all day long, Catwoman has always had a bad impression of Qima.

But looking at it just now, the other party was very enthusiastic and even wrestled with Ye Chen, unlike online.

Ye Chen said: "We don't have any deep hatred. It's normal to say hello when we meet. However, it was not just for fun. He should have tested my strength and anti-fall reaction by the way."

As we all know, Qima has a competitive personality and wants to throw anyone he meets.

On the one hand, it is a way of saying hello, and on the other hand, it is also to prove one's strong wrestling skills.

"Try your power?"

Catwoman was surprised. She didn't even think about it. She just thought that the other party was playing with Ye Chen.

After all, they are all fighting athletes, so it is normal to say hello and make gestures when meeting.

the other side.

Chimaev smiled and said: "Ye Chen's anti-fall reaction was very fast, and he was very powerful. Covington was in danger this time."

He laughed, not because Ye Chen could win.

He smiled because he hoped that Ye Chen would not lose to others before meeting him.

He always believed that he was the only one who could defeat Ye Chen.


I met many familiar players along the way.

Just as he was approaching Logan's temporary interview room.

He actually ran into Covington and his team head-on.

[Simulation successful, contact is being established. 】

[Enter all information about Colby Covington. 】

[Recording all game records and common tactics of Colby Covington. 】

Ye Chen was a little surprised that the simulation was successful so easily.

He quickly entered the simulation space, cleared the arena where he and Wusman were sparring, and prepared to simulate sparring with Covington.

The two met, and when the staff saw this situation, people from Covington's team quickly gathered around.

For nothing else.

……………Please give me flowers…………

I'm afraid these two will suddenly make a move here.

Of course, there were also some onlookers watching the excitement, adding fuel to the fire, waiting to watch the excitement.

Ye Chen didn't want to pay attention, he knew he couldn't fight.

Moreover, only a fool would check in on Wen Yi in private at this time.

Isn't it good to fight in the ring in front of the whole world?

Unexpectedly, Covington suddenly said, "Hey, Ye Chen, everyone is here for the competition, for the PPV, this is business, you know. I didn't mean to target you two, this is just hype."

Catwoman was just about to say something.

Pulled away by Ye Chen.

There's nothing much to say. The two sides have obviously different understandings of hype, and pictures and descriptions are always a waste of time.

No one could have imagined that the two of them could be so friendly.

Many people waiting to see the excitement shook their heads and left in disappointment.

The staff also breathed a sigh of relief.

This is going to start a fight and ruin the game.

Dana must go berserk.

Logan had already been waiting for Ye Chen in the room.

Hearing the noise outside, he took a look and happened to see Ye Chen coming, so he quickly called him in.

In front of the camera, Logan greeted Ye Chen and Catwoman respectively.

Then solemnly introduce the time and place of this game.

Then, the formal interview began.

Logan, "If I read it right just now, you met Colby outside. How did you resist not taking action? You also know that Wenton couldn't help but attack Covington, and Motor also attacked Covington. Immediately, even Wusman and Ali fought against him.

Let's put it this way, anyone who has played against Covington wants to beat him up, how do you hold back?"

"He might want me to take action, disrupt this game, and make more money from me through the law. How could I give him such an opportunity?

There will be a competition soon, so I will naturally beat him up in the ring.


Having said this, Ye Chen paused, "I charge a lot for beating people, and he is not worthy of my casual attack. Moreover, force is only a tool for me to achieve my career goals and dreams. Under the ring, my fists are not Will swing at others casually, this is a rule that every fighter should abide by.

Logan was very satisfied, and Ye Chen's maturity surprised him.

He continued: "You just said you would beat him up in the ring? So, do you think he will be a threat to you?"

"Threat? I didn't see it at all. If I remember correctly, he didn't knock anyone out with his fists? His wrestling in my opinion was just at the level of a kid.

I can't see where there is a threat..."

Ye Chen during an interview.

Covington is also in another room and is being interviewed by DC.

PC: Mr. Chimaye.

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