I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

160 The Grandest In History, Ye Chenvs Wolf King (Please Subscribe)

Chimaev was right about one thing.

Indeed, many people also think that he can be the first to win Ye Chen.

Of course, professional analysts still think that Ye Chen can win.

Otherwise, how could the bookmaker give odds of Ye Chen-200 and Chimaev +150.

You know, Ye Chen often plays dog and is not favored, especially in the early stage.

However, Zhou Mayev has never been a subordinate.

Whether it's Burns or Huazi, betting companies are optimistic about him.

No matter how many netizens hate him online.

But, what I have to admit is that he is a powerful player.

You can say that his skills are not comprehensive, but with his three skills, he has attracted nearly ten million fans and become a supernova.

Moreover, he has been making progress.

This can be seen from the fact that he played Holland and Huazi on the court.

He has made great progress, not only technically, but also in his on-the-spot mentality.

If Chimaev continues to evolve, he will become a very strong player, which even Ye Chen has to admit.

However, since he beat Makhachev, it has been a long time since netizens have been so divided on the result of his game.

Even when he fought against Shou Jun Meng.

The behavior of netizens was not as fierce as this time.

some days ago.

DC was interviewed and asked about his views on this incident.

He said bluntly, "Ye Chen is a player who likes to lead the opponent's rhythm and is good at disrupting the opponent's rhythm. Chimaev is a player who directly destroys the opponent's rhythm.

Therefore, I would give these two players a 50-50 split, maybe half.

However, if Ye Chen can survive two rounds, the winning rate will increase. The longer it is delayed, the better it will be for him.

What matters is how Ye Chen will respond to Chimaev's high-pressure pace in the opening game. "

Khabib said bluntly, "Ye Chen is a very calm player who is good at catching the opponent's loopholes. He will probably be the first to defeat Chimaev.

However, Chimaev will also have a chance to win.

Sometimes, when a person has no failures, everyone will think that he is invincible. Now, Ye Chen is in such a state.

However, no one is always invincible, and no one can win all the time. "

To sum up, most professional players hold this view.

A bit ambiguous.

It can be seen that this is not easy to guess.

It can be seen from the small difference in odds that Spinach's prediction for this game is also very conservative.

Needless to say online.

There was a lot of noise.

But most of it is emotional output.

Such as domestic.

[The dog king must lose. He can’t win. He was beaten into a dog by Burns while standing. How can he touch Brother Ci Chen? 】

[I can’t imagine how the dog king can win. 】

[Haha, the dog king will have a lot of fun if he is ten pounds overweight this time. I hope there will be no agreement on weight then. 】

[Yeah, Qigouyev’s professionalism is so poor. As long as these two people are not standing in the cage and the cage door is not closed, I don’t believe they can really win this fight. 】

[I hope that Brother Chen will kill the dog king, so that Brother Liang will not be able to fight the night devil and will be a black man for the rest of his life. 】

[Who still remembers that the Dog King was timid at the beginning? He didn’t dare to pick up Brother Chen, and he also knew that he couldn’t beat Brother Chen, so those filial dogs should stop barking. 】

[Everyone should be more objective. The game only depends on winning or losing. It is meaningless to talk about other things. Support Brother Chen. 】

[If Brother Chen beats Chimaev, I really can’t think of anyone else in the lightweight or junior heavyweight categories who can threaten Brother Chen. 】

[Pereira. 】

[Brother, that’s middleweight. To be honest, I don’t want Brother Chen to move up in weight. Pereira’s physique is too scary and his fists are as heavy as a hammer. Who can withstand this? Forget it, let’s win the dog king first. 】

All in all, it was very lively.

Whether you understand it or not, it’s all about analysis.

They are all engaged in emotional output.

After the press conference, the contestants continued to lose weight and made their final efforts due to competition.

Ye Chen is naturally no exception.

Now, in the past few days, he has not read all kinds of analyzes and comments on the Internet.

It’s not that I don’t want to see it.

However, he felt that if he watched too much, it would have a subtle impact on him.

At this time, the most important thing is not to believe in your own goodness.

He practices with Chimaev in the simulated space every day.

I have practiced for more than a thousand games.

He believed that he could restrain Qima's three-point axe.

However, what is Qima's standing level now and what are the new tactics? These are what he should be thinking about.


It's weigh-in day.

Ye Chen successfully weighed 170 pounds.

Chimaev successfully weighed in at 170 pounds.

Ye Chen was relieved to see Chimaev weighing successfully. He was also afraid that this guy would be knocked out by the scale.

Dana and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

It should be said that people all over the world who knew about Qima's overweight past breathed a sigh of relief.

The fight was so well publicized that Dana would definitely go berserk if the weigh-in failed.

Netizens will definitely criticize UFC and Chimaev.

Of course, Ye Chen can also pick up the overweight Chimaev.

But, in this case, it would be better if Ye Chen won…………

If you lose, many people will definitely be dissatisfied and attribute the failure to the heavier opponent.

Therefore, the best thing is to weigh safely and safely until the competition.


Dana personally sent people to keep an eye on Chimaev.

Don't let this person cause any trouble, even if you don't make any noise in the last one or two days.

Ye Chen is not worried.

Because Ye Chen is very stable and has never made any mistakes in so many games.

Finally, in the midst of suffering,

Numbers game night is here for everyone.

Söder Stadium.

It can accommodate about 70,000 people.

However, because the octagonal cage occupies a very small area.

And this one was too hot.

Therefore, many additional seats were temporarily added.

This is not a difficult task for the giant entertainment company that often organizes autograph sessions and concerts for its artists.

At this time, lights of various colors flashed, and the voices of 70,000 to 80,000 people shook the sky, seeming to tear the night sky apart.

Huge promotional posters were hung all over the stadium.

Above, naturally, Ye and Chimaev occupied the lower positions.

Moreover, this time UFC played a big, free live broadcast across Asia.

I can't bear to let the child trap the wolf.

Only in this way can UFC be promoted on a larger scale, and no matter how you look at it, you can only make money but not lose money.

Those who have already purchased the PPV can carry over to the next digital match.

Therefore, Yinyuan Yangshi broadcasted it.

Not to mention Migu.

Every time Ye Chen leads the game, Migu will broadcast it live for free.

Otherwise, there would be tens of millions of viewers online every time.

It can be said at 5.5 that this is the largest fighting event in Asian history.

The game went quickly.

Before we knew it, it was the main event.

Li Zhengyong's game is scheduled to be the fourth to last game of the main event.

He is still as strong as ever, and even when he is hit hard by his opponent, he still fights back with force.

One blow followed by a flat hook, hitting the opponent's jaw.

With forty seconds left in the first round, he ended his opponent.

The whole place was boiling.

The Hanguo audience at the scene cheered heartily for their fighters.

Although the next game was exciting, the players were not very famous.

This is also because Ye Chen’s ticket-selling ability is too strong, so the UFC did not arrange many blockbuster duels for this digital match.

The scene with Ye Chen and Wolf King is enough.

It’s finally the last game of the main event.

The next game is the headline main event.

Ye ChenVS Chimaev.

PS: Here is a picture of the scene so that everyone can feel the atmosphere. .

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