I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

168 The Surprising Wolf, Ye Chen Is Deflated (Please Subscribe)

Chimaev was caught in a panic, and he dived and threw him without any preparation.

Directly avoided by Ye Chen.

He has an obvious advantage in standing, and he is not a fool. How could he continue to wrestle with Chimaev?

After Chimaev missed, he quickly got up.

However, Ye Chen has already stepped forward.


Because Chimaev held his head and held the frame very tightly.

Therefore, Ye Chen directly hit a very heavy liver-blasting punch.

The sound is very loud.

Those who didn't know thought that Ye Chen broke Chimaev's ribs with one punch.

Chimaev felt pain and relaxed a little.

Ye Chen found the right opportunity and landed a heavy uppercut with his backhand.

Directly smashed Chimaev's arm.

Unfortunately, the punch was blocked by Chimaev's left arm and did not hit directly. Instead, it grazed Chimaev's right cheek.

This still caused his head to shift violently and he was shaken.

Commentary seat.

DC exclaimed: "Wow, this punch is so hard. It can be seen that Ye Chen has studied Chimaev very deeply and already knows some of his fighting styles very well.

The liver-blasting punch just now made Chimaev very uncomfortable. "

Logan, "If Chimaev wants to beat Ye Chen, I think he still has to get into the ground. In terms of standing, many masters can't do anything against Ye Chen. He seems to have the ability to predict and can dodge some cold punches, which is really disappointing. People can't understand it. I don't know if it's luck or his quick reaction."

Bisping, "Chimaev should adjust his state 417 and guard against Ye Chen's low sweep, instead of rushing and throwing like him, although his dive is very fast.

It was okay against his previous opponents, but not at all against a top all-around player like Ye Chen.

The three of them all felt to varying degrees that Chimaev should not have hugged him like that.

I think he was a little impulsive.

This is indeed the case.

As soon as Chimaev got up, he threw three front-hand punches in succession, plus a back-hand uppercut.

Not to mention, Jonmayev is no match for Ye Chen.

But compared to his standing skills in the match with Burns.

This one is simply a huge improvement.

Even if the swinging punch is thrown in a hurry, the force is still relatively complete, and the accuracy is greatly improved.

Ye Chen dodged and blocked the two punches.

But he still got hit by a punch.

The punch struck him above the ear.

Chimaev's most dangerous backhand hook was perfectly dodged by Ye Chen.

Of course, when Chimaev was beating him.

He also fought back a bit.

Hit again with a front hand straight punch.

At this moment, Chimaev had a terrible gash on his right cheek.

It was from the previous uppercut, and the blood almost stained half of his face red.

At this time, Chimaev was knocked back by Ye Chen's straight punch.

Otherwise, he would have to swing at close range.

There were exclamations at the scene.

Just now Chimaev was swaggering at the speed of light, and the scene was really shocking.

Domestic netizens are also extremely nervous.

Seeing Chimaev being repelled by Ye Chen, he breathed a sigh of relief.

[The wolf cub is still a novice when he stands, and I torture him even when I stand. 】

[How many dishes are there upstairs? Didn’t you open it until Brother Chen was knocked around by him? 】

[Swaying? Are you kidding me? You avoided them all. If you don’t believe me, wait and watch the replay. 】

[Brother Chen is really handsome, and his standing skills are so good. The powerful belly shot and hook just now made me seem to see the shadow of Tyson at his peak. 】

[The key is that the pace is so well coordinated. Did you see that I just dodged and fell? It was like there were springs on my legs, so fast. 】

[I hope Brother Chen will go boxing after beating Gouwa. I see that there are already several boxers on the Internet calling for a cross-border battle with Brother Bird. 】

[I hope Brother Chen will fight Pereira after he beats the Dog King. I want to see which of these two is stronger. 】

[You want my Brother Chen to die, right? The gap between Brother Chen and Brother La is too big to fight. Brother La is a double champion in kickboxing and a figure who stands on the ceiling. 】

[You guys, classic half-time champagne, did you win this one? Chimaev hasn’t lost yet, Brother Chen should be more steady and don’t overturn. 】

Beside the arena.

"Hamza, calm down, don't get in trouble, don't get in trouble.

Coach Chimaev was almost furious.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.

After Chimaev suffered successive setbacks, he almost forgot his tactics and just wanted to knock Ye Chen over from close range.

However, Ye Chen's straight punch to repel him instantly extinguished most of his anger.

He quickly took a few steps back.

As a result, Ye Chen followed up with a quick (jfj) slide.

The back hand punches the abdomen as hard as possible.

Chimaev instinctively put down his arm and tried to block it. The liver-breaking punch just now was still fresh in his mind, and he didn't want to take another hit.

However, the moment he put down the push frame.

Ye Chen's front hand, which had been controlling the distance, suddenly swung out a heavy jab.

This punch is as fast as lightning and very accurate.

Hit Chimaev in the face.

His nosebleeds immediately occurred.

Moreover, his steps staggered a bit.

Ye Chen has long said that hitting hard is worse than hitting accurately.

Although Chimaev is stubborn, as long as he hits it accurately, his jab can still stun him.

"Keep your head moving, keep your head moving..."

Head coach Chimaev was yelling at the top of his lungs, wishing he could rush to the ring and slap Chimaev in the face to make him wake up.

At this time.

Ye Chen followed up again.

This is generally the case in the ring.

After a hit is effective, under normal circumstances, players will choose the same hitting method.

Because the first shot hit, it proved that the opponent had poor protection against such a blow.

Moreover, the first hit has already dealt damage.

By continuing the same point, the damage can be superimposed quickly, causing the opponent's status to drop again and again.


This time, Ye Chen switched to a forward strike to the abdomen.

Still hits.

However, just at the moment when he was about to punch with his back hand.

Chimaev was smarter this time and was using his pedals to control distance, making Ye Chen's punch miss.

He quickly backed away and wiped the blood from his face.

As if he didn't care about fighting, he hooked his hands at Ye Chen again and started provoking.

Maybe it was the defense just now that made him confident.

Ye Chen didn't expect Chimaev to react so quickly. After one hit, he could react to the second hit.

the fact is.

The last time he fought Burns, he was beaten so badly, so he usually strengthened this aspect.

Since fighting like this won't work.

Ye Chen changed back to his previous routine again, selling low and sweeping his legs.


Low swipe for a solid hit.

Chimaev responded with a combination of one-two, front and back straight punches.

This time, he doesn't seem to be pursuing strength, but speed and precision.

"Bang, feeling."

These two punches all hit Ye Chen, although they did not pursue strength.

However, the straight punch was heavier than his previous heavy jab.

The two punches directly broke Ye Chen's defense, making Ye Chen's mind go blank and he knocked him back two or three steps.

These were the two most serious injuries he suffered this time.

The whole place was in an uproar.

Maybe it was because Ye Chen had always had the advantage. Now people saw that Chimaev suddenly had the advantage, and they immediately became excited.

Chimaev's two-and-one combination surprised Ye Chen.

It's very fast, and you can tell that it's been practiced regularly.

What he was sure of was that Chimaev had never fought like this.

Darren Till's classic combo.

Yes, these two people often hang out together, so it's not surprising that Chimaev learned this trick.

It's too late to say it, but it will be soon.

As soon as he saw that the hit effect was very good, Chimaev's confidence was suddenly restored, and he pressed forward directly. .

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