I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

187 Lack Of Confidence? Looking For Vulnerabilities

The two appeared almost simultaneously from backstage.

Dana on the stage looked at Ye Chen with a face filled with relief.

This is the style of a superstar.

Be real to the UFC and gain face to MMA.

The two of them sat on either side.

The host began to introduce the upcoming competition.

The scene was already boiling.

Countless people were shouting.

Soon, the press conference officially started.

The first reporter asked, "Canelo, I wonder if you have read your old rival Golovkin's evaluation of Ye Chen? What do you think of this? Do you think that Ye Chen is deliberately releasing this news now? Chen and Golovkin want to confuse you?"

Ye Chen:???

This reporter has a very rich imagination.

However, he also thought of this after seeing the video before.

However, he quickly denied it.

Because he never let Golovkin do this.

Based on the other party's character, he wouldn't do this.

Ava smiled, "Although Golovkin is old, his vision is still very good. Ye Chen should respect Golovkin's evaluation, even though he once served as your sparring partner.

But he was an honest man and told the facts that everyone knew.

Only those who have actually fought with me know how terrifying my fists are. "


At the scene, Ava fans burst into cheers.

A lot of people are betting big on Ava.

How can you not be excited to see the other person be so confident?

Many Ye Chen fans also cheered.

No way, many of them also bought Ava.

You are most honest when you vote with your money.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on the audience.

They are not crazy fans. Although they hope that Ye Chen will win, no matter how they look at it, there is almost no chance of winning.

It’s better to be steady and make money steadily by buying Awa. Even if Ye Chen loses, he still wins money, so it’s not too much of a loss.

Ye Chen never replied.

Keep your head down.

Because, at the moment, he is paying attention to the battle in the simulated space.

All five arenas were filled with him and Ava fighting.

Truly a super double.

At this time, he had a crisis in the first arena.

Hit in the head by Ava.

At this moment, he could only hold his head in his hands and defend with all his strength.

Ava's output was frantic, and he deliberately pushed him with his fist, forcing him to the corner of the rope.

Ye Chen immediately hit the hook.

However, the experienced Ava easily dodged it, and even did not interrupt the rhythm of his own attacks.

This is very scary.

At the same time, Ye Chen was also in trouble in the second arena.

He was hit in the head by a punch, and the force was so great that he felt like his brain was being shaken.

The health bar above the simulated character's head instantly dropped to the bottom line.

"Bang, "."


Ava took a step forward and punched with his back hand, knocking him down.

At this time, his situation in the fourth arena was not very good either.

However, Ye Chen noticed something at this time.

Ava likes to punch hard.

However, the consumption of heavy punches is very huge.

Therefore, in every arena, Ava's blue stamina bar dropped very quickly, much faster than Ye Chen.

This may be the breakthrough.


Suddenly, a voice pulled him back.


Ye Chen instinctively looked up.

The whole place was in an uproar.

Ye Chen What's going on?

Can’t lose weight? Why don’t you look so good?

Moreover, I was distracted at the press conference, and I have almost never seen Ye Chen like this.

Is this scary?

Everyone became suspicious.

However, they didn't know that Ye Chen just didn't waste any time to find out Ava's loopholes to improve his winning rate.

"Ye Chen, what is your response to what Ava just said?"

A reporter asked this.

Ye Chen was stunned, "What? What did he just say? I was thinking about something and didn't hear clearly."

This time.

Everyone's suspicion became even more serious.

Guess everything.

Ye Chen's state is obviously different from before.

The reporter roughly repeated what Ava had said before and continued to ask: "Can you tell us what you were thinking about just now? Were you thinking about playing against Ava? Did this game put you under a lot of pressure?

After all, you are a new generation of superstar with a record of undefeated victory..."

||Pressure? No, I was just thinking about how I should celebrate with Annie after winning the game. "

Ye Chen said this directly.

Before, he was obsessed with simulation space.

I really didn’t hear much of what Ava said.

Ava smiled and said: "You should think about how to practice your boxing skills well and how to lose better in the ring. You should listen to Golovkin, you are really not my opponent, and you should not pretend Looks very strong.”

The response from the audience was particularly enthusiastic.

"Haha, Ye Chen is still so confident. I just like that he is so confident."

"I feel like he is just pretending to be strong. His previous lack of concentration cannot be acted out. His eyes tell me that he can't win this time."

"The momentum is much inferior to that of Ava. Look at Ava, who seems to be winning. Look at Ye Chen...it's Golovkin again, and he was distracted at the press conference again."

"I feel that he is very confident and there is nothing different about him (Wang Haohao)."

"The competition is not based on confidence, but on technology and strength. There is no doubt that Ye Chen is very brilliant in the Octagon, but Ava is the king of the boxing ring, and he should respect Ava.]


The reporter continued: "What do you think of Golovkin's evaluation of you? This is the reason why you fired Golovkin. Do you two have differences in the direction of preparations for the war?

As far as I know, this is the first time you have hired someone to prepare for war.

Does this mean that you think Ava is the strongest opponent you have ever faced?"

“It has nothing to do with strength, it’s just because it’s my first time boxing, so I have to hire someone to help prepare for the fight.

Moreover, I did not fire Golovkin, it was him...

at this time.

The phone Ye Chen placed on the table rang.

It happened to be Golov's video call. .

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