This is a twelve round boxing match.

Three minutes per round.

There is a one-minute interval between rounds ending.

A game of this intensity is a little different from UF~C.

It's hard to tell which one is stronger.

Although UFC is generally five rounds and five minutes [or - Wang Jin five minutes.

But, when using various fighting skills.

It's definitely more consuming than boxing.

However, boxing has many rounds and takes a long time, so the two offset each other.

The most important thing for Ye Chen right now is not whether his physical strength is sufficient.

But, he has never boxed professionally.

How to allocate physical energy for twelve rounds.

Unless, he is confident that he can KO Ava in the early stage.

Of course, this is not impossible.

Ye Chen thought so too.

However, he guessed that Ava's side might want to end him quickly.

Everyone thought it would be an easy game against Ava.

There are even many Ava and boxing enthusiasts clamoring on the Internet that if they can't KO Ye Chen within three rounds, Ava won.

It can be seen how crazy and confident he is.

You said Ava was not affected by this?

That is impossible.

He may also have thought about KOing Ye Chen with fast-paced punches.

Therefore, Ye Chen's main tactical plan is not to kill Ava quickly.

Instead, try to conserve your physical energy, fight Ava through hard work, and use up Ava's strong burst period in the first three or even the first five rounds.


Coming soon.

at this time.

Ye Chen has prepared everything and is ready to appear.

It is worth mentioning that.

Boxing is relatively flashy in the way it comes out.

There was a boxer who was carried into the arena sitting on a throne.

In short, it’s all about exaggerating and attracting attention.

[This is a cross-border battle. This is a showdown of the century between the number one person in boxing today and the number one person in MMA.

At this moment.

It will be performed at Madison Square Garden in front of a live audience and all fight fans around the world watching the live broadcast.

First of all, we would like to thank Ford Motor, Nike Sports...]

The exact number of sponsors thanked is unknown.

However, at the speaking speed of a professional host, Shengsheng read for nearly five minutes.

It can be seen that the organizer of this event received many advertisements.

Ye Chen was impatient in the background.

But there is no way, these brands are also here to give him money.

It is worth mentioning that his shorts are also covered with the LOGOs of various advertising brands.

This kind of shorts covered with advertisements used to be in the UFC.

At that time, the appearance fee for Jishou was not high.

However, there are still advertisers who are willing to advertise with them.

This is of no harm to the players and can significantly increase their income.

However, black is still black.

He uniformly abolished this advertising method, and instead accepted advertising sponsorships from the UFC, and all players wore the same clothes.

Then, UFC gets remuneration from advertisers, and then shares the advertising fee according to each player's fame, gold, etc.

From a business perspective, Dana is really smart. This will allow UFC to earn a lot more revenue in a year.

But, from a person's point of view, this old boy is really evil.

Especially the bottom players.

I could have received some advertising myself to supplement my income.

Dana directly cut off this road. If they fight, they can usually get a score of five points.

Ye Chen also earned this much in the beginning.

[Now, the player who is about to appear is a superstar in the fighting world. He participated in professional MMA competitions at the age of 26. He is currently the first person in MMAP4P and is also a lightweight world champion, including a welterweight world champion.

This time, it is his first time to step into the professional boxing ring, let us cheer for him...

He is, the Terminator of Great Xia, Ye Chen..."

This time, the host is not Bafo.

However, the voice is still passionate and powerful.


The scene exploded.

Countless people stood up and rushed to the aisle, shouting Ye Chen's name.


As the lights went out.


Highlight shots of Ye Chen were played on the big screen.

Fireworks explode above Madison Square Garden.

This time, UFC has invested heavily in Ye Mo's appearance.

People who don’t know think it’s the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Fireworks light up the night sky above Madison Square in a dazzling display.


Countless people in New York recorded this scene with their mobile phones and cameras.

Finally, the fireworks condensed into the letters UCF in the air.

At this time.

Ye Chen appears.


There was a sound, but Ye Chen and the staff were fine.

Catwoman's father, who was following Ye Chen, was startled.

I saw.

The whole place was dark.

Only this aisle was lit by fireworks.

Of course, they are not real fireworks, but smoke extinguishments simulated by lights.

"This is my first time to experience this feeling of being watched by all the people..."

As a fighting fan, I can be noticed by other fighting fans and follow the top players into the venue.

For the future father-in-law, it is definitely something worth boasting about for a lifetime.

However, he was exaggerating.

If he wants to be noticed, he can just accompany Anne on a red carpet or attend an event.

He mainly wanted to experience the hot atmosphere of the fighting scene.

at this time.

Boxing fans on both sides were roaring Ye Chen's name, stretching out their hands and waiting to bump fists with Ye Chen.

Some people shouted until their faces turned red and their necks became thick and their veins were exposed.

Ye Chen was afraid that they would faint.

Only then did he understand why people abroad often saw people fainting at concerts.

Because, in this regard, people in some areas are more unrestrained and good at expressing their emotions outwardly.

The atmosphere was so explosive that some people were so excited that they fainted.

Soon it was Ye Chen's turn to enter the ring.

In the past, the octagon was the door.

His future father-in-law and the staff held the rope for him, and Ye Chen jumped in with a wave of his hands.

At this moment, all lights focus on Ye Chen in the ring.

PS: Picture: Ava entrance. .

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