I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

191 He Was Injured As Soon As He Came Up And Shocked The World

Ava….can even say that.

In the fighting circle, there are no top players who rely solely on hype.

There must be both topicality and strength.

Ava is like that.

Not only is it topical.

He is also a defensive counterattack expert and is a division-level figure.

Not sure if it is the first.

However, Ava can definitely be regarded as one of the strongest counterattack masters in the boxing world.

The opening scene.

Although he oppressed Ye Chen.

However, it is not a broad-based attack like that of ordinary players.

He was like a beast waiting for an opportunity to strike.

Relying on pace, some harassing punches suppressed Ye Chen.

In fact, even when he rushed forward, he was fully defensive.

The response is very fast.

In the Octagon, few people can dodge Ye Chen's "quick jab" when he rushes in.

Even more, this is the result of five months of hard training by Ye Chen.

You know, his boxing skills are much better now than they were five months ago.

Ye Chen feels that with his current boxing skills of 29, he will be more calm and relaxed when he meets Wusman, Covington and others.


Ava dodged.

When he rushed to press Ye Chen, he avoided Ye Chen's jab.

Ye Chen was surprised.

Secretly praise Ava as worthy of being the boxing king.

However, Ava was also a little surprised at the moment.

Normally, he's such a high-intensity white.

Opponents will more or less reveal some flaws.

However, Ye Chen didn't, and the opponent even moved in the opposite direction of his heavy right hand punch.

Keep the distance and don't give him a chance to throw a backhand punch.


There's no time to think in the ring.

The thoughts of both of them flashed through their minds.

However, the movements of their hands never stopped.

Ava made a precise sidedodge, accumulated strength in his waist, and threw out his back fist.

As a result, because the distance was too extreme, Ye Chen was given time to react.

This punch failed, and Ava's military spirit was slightly pushed forward by his own punch.

Because the landing point of the punch was different from what he expected in his mind.

Taking advantage of this gap, Ye Chen suddenly changed his steps around his feet, and launched a straight punch with his back hand almost instantly, incredibly fast.


Ava seemed to have predicted Ye Chen's movements. The moment his center of gravity became unstable, he immediately deviated from the center line.

At the same time, in line with the pace, the waist and hips accumulate strength, ready to hit a combination at the moment Ye Chen's uppercut fails to establish an advantage.

However, he still thought wrong.

Under normal circumstances, most boxers would use the uppercut at this time.

Maybe one uppercut will end the game.

However, Ye Chen naturally thought of what he thought of.

Therefore, Ye Chen directly chose the fastest and relatively heavier straight punch.

Although, Ava has already made a shaking move.

But, it was just a dodge that allowed him to snatch the uppercut.

The target above his head was large and he didn't completely dodge it.

This punch grazed the top of his head, ears, and hit Ava's shoulder.

at the same time.

Ava's back fist also came up.


The punch was incredibly powerful.

Fortunately, Ye Chen has long been hit by similar defensive counterattacks in the simulation space.

So, he tilts his head back when he throws a straight punch.

The punch hit his elbow where he was holding the frame.

Ye Chen's straight punch was considered a hit, and he received another fast straight punch.

At this time, he had already circled to Ava's left side in conjunction with the circle step.

A straight punch hit Ava's side of the face.

However, Ava's movements were also very fast. He squatted and dodge, and combined with a quick sliding jump to stick to Ye Chen, and hit a vertical punch in front of the shoulder.

Naturally, Ye Chen would not be close to Ava.

He slapped away the opponent's straight punch with his front hand and continued to circle around, controlling the distance to the limit.

Ava's wingspan is much shorter than his.

Therefore, he wants to deal damage.

He had to rely on quick dashes and dodges to suddenly stick up, allowing Ye Chen to punch in the chaos, creating a loophole.

Then he fights back.

This is similar to how Tyson, who is 1.78 meters tall, beats those big guys in the heavyweight class.

If it's a mid- to long-distance boxing fight, the one with the longer arms will definitely have the advantage.

Unless the gap between the two sides is too large.

Another point is that Ava wants to end Ye Chen quickly.

Because he felt that Ye Chen's boxing level was not on the same level as his.

As many people on the Internet said, you can't kill Ye Chen in three rounds, so what's the point of him winning?

Ye Chen is different.

Knowing that Ava wanted to end him quickly.

Knowing his wingspan advantage.

No matter how stupid he is, he will never fight with Ava at close range.


Ye Chen circled around Ava's pursuit.

Ava raised her head.

At this time, through the big screen.

Everyone saw that Ava's left ear turned red, and blood flowed down his cheek and onto his neck.

"Ava is actually injured? It's only been less than a minute..."

"When was it hit?"

"Is Ye Chen so good? His pace is very fast. You really can't tell that he is an MMA fighter."

"The straight punch just now hit Ava's ear."

All viewers, one can even say.

People all over the world watching the game at this moment are shocked.

As soon as the show started, the person who everyone thought was a sure winner was criticized. What on earth is going on?

the on-site commentator exclaimed.

Commentator No. 1 shouted: "Ava is injured, he is actually injured... Ye Chen's straight punch just now was accurate and fast, and it hit Ava's ear. Let's see if the referee will temporarily call Stop the game."

Because of the gloves, the probability of getting punched in the face is much lower in boxing than in UFC.

However, the fatality rate of the sequelae of boxing, even concussions and serious injuries, is higher than that of MMA.

Because of 540, both sides mainly attack the opponent's head.

Moreover, even if the glove is hit on the head, it is not easy to open the head.

However, because the force-bearing area is large, it is more likely to cause concussion, dizziness, concussion, etc.

Somewhat similar to the impact of sharp and blunt objects.

Commentator No. 2 said, "Perhaps no one expected that Ava would be at a disadvantage in the first round."

Commentator No. 3 said, "Yeah, Ye Chen is really an amazing talent. I knew I had to commentate on his games, so I watched his game videos over and over again.

What is certain now is that everyone should no longer use Ye Chen’s previous skills to define him now.

His progress is huge. Look at that dodge, look at that pace, look at that precise straight punch. "

Of course, the three referees did not think Ye Chen had the advantage when they saw Ava bleeding.

Rather, Ava currently does not have any effective offense.

However, Ye Chen has an effective offense.

Even if that punch was avoided by Ava, he was able to unload his force.

Of course Ava knew that he was injured. At this moment, his ears were burning.

However, he didn't care about the injury.

On the contrary, I felt a little embarrassed to be hurt by Ye Chen.

After all, he is a super boxing champion who has swept four weight classes.

He pressed forward again.

This time, he didn't jump or slide.

Instead, he held his head with both hands and kept pressing.


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