The UFC generally holds weigh-ins from morning to noon.

The competition is Saturday night, so the official weigh-in will be from Friday morning to noon.

Those who have successfully lost weight will come out early to weigh themselves.

Because no one is willing to endure the pain of extreme lack of water and hunger.

Moreover, weighing yourself one minute earlier gives you one more minute of recovery time.

These times are important for athletes who are dehydrated and trying to lose weight.

If the weight loss is not successful, the weight will not reach the target.

Some people will also keep losing weight until the weigh-in is about to end before weighing again.

Ye Chen's weight loss this time went beyond his imagination.

Moreover, he did not suffer much pain. After all, there was a simulation space. The most uncomfortable thing for him was to control his diet.

In the past ten days, he has been busy besides training and losing weight.

He created Douyin and XiaoTV accounts respectively.

He even asked someone to create an INS number for him.

From now on, he will start building his fan base.

He usually posts some videos of his daily training and life on these three accounts.

Now, he has more than 6,000 followers on Douyin.

There are more than 2,000 people on the small TV side.

The popularity can be said to be very low, which he can understand, after all, he has not played a game yet.

If it hadn't been for the commotion with Li Zhengyong in the hotel last time, I guess there wouldn't be that much attention now.

It is worth mentioning that.

Everything that happened in the hotel lobby that day was posted online.

The video was very popular and caused heated discussions.

Li Zhengyong was sprayed miserably.

Ye Chen was also sprayed badly.

Everyone hates Li Zhengyong not because he is a fan of Ye Chen, but because they think he is too crazy and hate him too much.

Screaming at Ye Chen is just because she dislikes Ye Chen and doesn't realize it, and makes random and cruel remarks to embarrass Daxia.

This is also the reason why his Douyin and XiaoTV have not received much attention, but the number of video views is not low.

The highest number reached 160,000 views.

Almost all of them were squirting at him.

For example:

[Brother, promise me, go home and work hard, the UFC is not for you. 】

[You don’t even have a team, you’re just playing tricks. 】

[Why are you posting videos every day and not training properly, just to gain popularity with this hype? 】

[Although I hate Li Zhengyong, I hope he beats you to death and makes you annoyed when he sees you. 】

[Prediction: I won’t be able to survive for thirty seconds. Welcome back to slap me in the face. 】

Basically comments like this.

There were also some people who supported Ye Chen, but they were drowned out in the comment area.

Even if some people are optimistic about him, they will be criticized by some netizens.

Ye Chen doesn't care about any of this, he will prove himself in the ring.

Because he fought against Lin Long again and again in simulated training and defeated him, the feedback in reality undoubtedly made his skills improve by leaps and bounds.

Moreover, the simulation space will not only provide feedback, but will even form muscle memory proficiency for Ye Chen.

Therefore, this time, it only took him a short time to defeat Li Zhengyong with various tactics in the simulation space.

Li Zhengyong started with a fast pace and a wild bombing style, making it difficult for the opponent to parry, so he got into his rhythm and was quickly defeated by him.

This style of fighting is indeed violent, and the audience is excited to see it, especially those passers-by who don't know much about fighting like to watch this kind of fierce confrontation.

This is why the UFC values ​​Li Zhengyong very much.

Because there are few players in the entire league who can start as quickly as Li Zhengyong.

Usually, you start to experiment and adapt...

He started doing it as soon as he came up.

However, with this fast-paced style of play, if you cannot defeat your opponent in a short period of time.

Li Zhengyong's own rhythm will be messed up, and his physical fitness will not be able to keep up.

This time is the opportunity.

As long as you defend well and survive Li Zhengyong's explosive period, it will be much easier to play later.

However, Ye Chen did not intend to fight like this.

He decided to use the same fast pace and finish the opponent as quickly as possible.

Currently, his record for the fastest KO of an opponent in the simulation is one minute and thirty seconds.

Don't think it's easy, he did it step by step, controlled, and worked non-stop for 24 hours to achieve the results.

"Ye Chen, 155.5 pounds, weighed successfully."

When the weigher read out the numbers, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Today is the official weigh-in, so the venue is full of media people and there are no spectators.

Only at the weigh-in conference will the audience be allowed to watch, which is what everyone calls the "classic stare-down session." Most players can do this well.

Therefore, many viewers like to watch this session.

The media reporters in the audience were in an uproar.

"Isn't this Ye Chen too skinny? He's almost like a rib."

"In this state, it looks like he is about to faint. Can he be beaten?"

"Why did 155.5 also pass the weighing? Isn't it 155?"

"Don't you understand? Non-championship fights can be floated by one pound. In other words, as long as the weight is within 156 pounds, it will pass."

"Here comes Li Zhengyong, his abs are like a washboard."

"So strong, he looks like he's in great shape."

"The muscles exploded, and it looked like they had taken medicine. If Ye Chen is gone, he will definitely not be able to beat him."

Li Zhengyong also passed smoothly. He tensed his muscles and roared while standing on the scale.

After weighing in, Ye Chen went backstage and quickly drank a bottle of water and ate the food he brought.

In the taxi on the way home.

The taxi driver saw Ye Chen drinking water and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Hey, aren't you that Ye Chen?"

The driver was also a fighting fan and had seen videos of Ye Chen and Li Zhengyong in the hotel lobby on the Internet.


Ye Chen replied with a smile and started eating and drinking again.

However, the driver had no intention of stopping, "You must win. That man has already defeated several of our domestic players. You can't lose again. You..."

The driver is very friendly.

In the end, they were not even willing to charge him for the car.

The most exaggerated thing is that he talked endlessly along the way and even formulated a set of tactics for Ye Chen.

Don't tell me, it still makes sense.

What moved him the most was that he could see from the driver how much the domestic fighting fans wanted him to win this game.

He also promised the other party that he would definitely win this game.

As soon as he got home, Ye Chen started to simulate while eating the food prepared in advance.

"Loophole, loophole, one minute and thirty seconds KO time is too long, I need to end the battle faster..."

Ye Chen is paying attention to the battle in the octagonal cage of the simulated space.

At the beginning, Li Zhengyong tested the distance with his front jab.

Suddenly, his hind legs exerted force, his whole body thrust forward, and then he pulled back his fist and hit him like a cannonball.

At this moment, Ye Chen's hand holding the chopsticks suddenly stopped, "Hey..."

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