I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

030 Hexagon Warrior, Ends At The Buzzer? (Please Ask For Flowers And Review Votes)

The two of them were in a stalemate for about ten seconds.

At this point, the first round is already halfway through.

Normally at this time, Ye Chen would have already started celebrating his victory.

This scene...

Suddenly, Sarugian released the grip on his legs.

Ye Chen took the opportunity to stand up forcefully.

Sarugian also stood up.

The two have a tacit understanding and know that no one can defeat the other in this wave, so they are ready to separate.

However, the wrestler's inside striking skills still made Ye Chen suffer.

Just when the two were about to separate.

Sarugian suddenly pushed him with his body, causing his center of gravity to become a little unstable and he took a step back.

The moment he retreated, Sarugian swung his elbow and hit Ye Chen hard on the cheek.

Ye Chen's head moved after being hit. He only felt a little dizzy but did not feel much pain.

This cubit.

Shocked everyone.

Because this is the first time Ye Chen has suffered an effective blow in four games, and the first time his head has been displaced.

The moment Ye Chen was hit and stepped back, he felt nothing serious.

Then he took another step back, and Salugian wanted to follow up.

Ye Chen had just taken a step back, but before he could stand still, he suddenly turned around and kicked around.

The speed is astonishing.

Everyone thought Ye Chen was blindsided by an elbow, but they didn't expect him to fight back instantly.

Therefore, the blow was fast and sudden.


This roundhouse kick hit the head accurately.

However, Salugian's frame has always been very high.

Because, he is not afraid that Ye Chen will dive down and hug him.

Salugian, who had just reached the halfway mark, was obviously unsteady on his center of gravity.

Although this kick hit the frame, the huge impact directly caused Salugian, who was eager to pursue Ye Chen, to move several steps laterally and fall directly on the ring.

Ye Chen did not dare to take it lightly and pursued him at the same time.

When he saw Sarugian roll over and stand up instantly, he took a step forward and kicked him sideways.

It hit the opponent's chest. Before Salugian could stand still, he was kicked hard by this force.

With a "bang" sound, he leaned heavily on the cage net.

If it weren't for the cage net, he would have been knocked down again.

The whole audience was shocked.

If we say Ye Chen's previous scene with Bobby Green was entertaining.

So, this scene is full of passion and explosion.

Ye Chen still wanted to pursue, but when he found that Salugian quickly returned to his feet and stared at his bottom plate.

He still stopped.

The other party obviously wanted to hug and throw him down.

Immediately, the two began to stand and strike again.

Ye Chen uses flexible and changeable footsteps as the cornerstone, uses his long legs to control distance, and performs a variety of weird and unpredictable kicking skills on the court.

Some are amazing killer moves.

Some are purely for distance control and point-setting kicking skills.

The audience was dazzled and applauded thunderously.

The commentators exclaimed over and over again and praised the comprehensiveness of Ye Chen's technology.

DC commented excitedly: "We all underestimated Ye Chen, everyone underestimated Ye Chen. The previous few battles were not enough for him to show off his arsenal of weapons.

This time, we met a real heavyweight master, so we saw his comprehensiveness.

Three-dimensional standing strikes, quick and steady fall prevention, and a jujitsu guarantee.

Another hexagonal warrior of the new era. Next, he only needs to continue to increase his hexagonal shape, and he will grow into a terrible killer and a terrible terminator. "

Logan couldn't help but exclaimed.

You know, he had a share of the credit for signing Ye Chen.

He highly recommended it. From the beginning, he thought Ye Chen was topical and his playing style was good, but he didn't expect that the opponent's skills were so comprehensive.

“I watched Ye Chen grow up from the first game, and he shocked me time and time again.

What I want to know most now is that he doesn’t have a coaching team. Where did he learn these skills? Did you learn it when you were a sparring partner?

Don't forget, this time he didn't prepare for Salugian and came in as a substitute.

To reach this level is beyond everyone’s imagination. "

However, Ye Chen was nowhere prepared for the war.

He is a 24-hour non-stop, high-intensity, super-double preparation for actual combat.

It can be said that his condition is at its peak at any time.

Rogan was right about one thing, though.

Ye Chen's foundation was indeed acquired as a sparring partner. His steps are so flexible and changeable, thanks to boxing champion Zou Shiming, who was his opponent's sparring partner.

He worked hard to learn the opponent's pirate moves.

His flick was developed through years of sparring training.

After all, he started out as a sparring partner for amateurs. Those guys' fists and legs were not very accurate, and their fists would miss the target at every turn.

In addition, some low-quality amateur boxers tend to take it out on their sparring partners, whether they are in a good mood or not.

If he hadn't been able to dodge so well, he would have been KO'd countless times.


The whole audience exclaimed.

All I saw was the arena.

Ye Chen was pushed against the cage again.

However, the reminder bell rang, and Salukian did not continue to throw Ye Chen.

Instead choose to let go.

The moment he let go, he turned around and punched.

The punch was not heavy because it was not accurate enough and almost missed the corner of Ye Chen's brow.

Suddenly, Ye Chen felt that the corners of his eyebrows were burning, and a warm feeling began to flow from the corners of his eyebrows.

This feeling was not unfamiliar to him, he had experienced it when he was a sparring partner.

He knew that his eyebrows were open.

However, Ye Chen still fought back and punched Salujian with his long arm.

Hit the chin squarely from the side.

Sarugian's head shook violently, and his braces were knocked out.

PS: Thanks to Xin*, Manager Ren, Chang Wang, Can Yun, and Xiao Xianyu for sending monthly tickets, urging updates, and giving rewards.

Thanks to all my friends for the flowers and comments.

This is my first time writing about this subject, and I don’t know if everyone likes to see the details of this kind of competition, and whether they can accept that the protagonist will also encounter some "temporary" setbacks in the battle.

Because, the protagonists of Feilu are usually able to kill with one move or crush them in various ways...

Do you have any suggestions? Because my account is not bound to a mobile phone, I can’t reply to your comments. I’m sorry.

The six chapters have been updated today.

There are flowers. The person who reviewed the votes could please click on them.

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