I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

043 There Is Another Conflict At The Press Conference And The Competition Begins (Please Give Me Flo


Dana tried his best to organize his words, and then said, "This match is indeed facilitated by the matchmakers. We all think this will be an extremely exciting match, don't you think?

We don’t force our opponents, we just arrange great games. "

The audience booed.

Whether they support Chandler or Ye Chen, they have to admit that this game is indeed very exciting.

A little steel cannon who almost never loses in the first round.

One basically ends the opponent in one turn.

When these two people meet together, it's hard to think whether the game will be good or not.

At this point, everyone agrees.

Reporter, "Mike, what do you think of this game? Now in front of everyone, you can express your thoughts freely."

Chandler paused for a moment.

He said loudly: "I am a veteran and have been at the top of the MMA lightweight division for many years. Now if I am asked to fight a newcomer who has only won four MMA games, I feel that it does not respect me very much, nor does it respect those who are still fighting on the front line. veterans."

I have to say that Chandler speaks at a very high level.

In an instant, the problem and conflict were brought to the level of UFC, newcomers and veterans.

Dana's neck has started to turn red, "Ye Chen is indeed a newcomer, but he is a super killer. In the last digital competition, he proved to all the audience with his strength that he is qualified to fight against any strong player."

Ye Chen also took the opportunity to speak.

"Off the ring, I respect every boxer. All veterans who are still showing wonderful games to the audience should be respected. However, newcomers also need opportunities and need to stand in front and let everyone see them.

Tonight, I'm going to prove myself. "

Ye Chen has always felt that behind the ring, seniority and respect are acceptable.

However, the real competition should focus on the performance in the ring.

If there is still a matter of seniority in the ring, then it is better to have a sorority party.

At this time, Dana pointed to another reporter.

This is a male reporter. He is relatively fat and looks quite happy. If you often watch UFC press conferences, it will be familiar to him. He has been targeted by Covington several times.

Reporter: "Mike, a conflict broke out between you two backstage. Can you tell us what happened?"

This is the highlight, and many viewers are booing because they want to hear this.

I just like the contestants to put on a show before the game.

But, this time it’s really not a whole life.

Chandler, “Many people may not know that Ye Chen went to our training facility specifically to prepare for Burns after our game was scheduled.

My teammates suspected that he was spying on our tactics, so they asked about it. Maybe my brother's tone was not very good.

He took action directly. "

Ye Chen picked up the microphone and said bluntly, "Dear friends, I believe there is already a video online. You can watch it frame by frame. If his brother is asking a friendly question, then my punch is also a friendly greeting."

Dana was very happy in the middle.

That's right, he just likes this part. The more these players have fun, the more he likes it. Just don't go overboard.


Suddenly, Dana stopped shouting.

I saw Chandler smashing the Devil's Claw drink on the table.

And shouted: "Waterfak, then this is also a friendly greeting from me."

Ye Chen had quick eyesight and quick hands. He firmly grabbed the drink bottle with one hand and gave the angry Chandler an international gesture.

All of a sudden.

The atmosphere at the scene exploded.

Ye Chen took a look at the drink can and found that it was his own image on it.

He picked up the drink can, faced the camera, and joked: "The design is good. Has anyone seen my embarrassing advertisement?"


The crowd cheered and many people were amused.

Chandler felt like he was being ignored and Ye Chen was allowed to make a joke that took the audience astray.

He said again: "Tonight in the ring, I will get justice for my brother."

Soon, the next reporter asked a question.

This reporter is from Migu, the Daxia cooperative live broadcast platform.

Reporter, "Ye Chen, boxing fans in China are looking forward to this match. Now Migu's reservation audience has exceeded 10 million. Do you want to say something to them?"

The reporter first said it in Daxia, and then said it again in English.

Chandler directly jumped in, "Hello Daxia fans, thank you very much for your support. I can't wait to go on stage and put on a good show for you in tonight's game.

Thank you very much for watching my game and caring about my career. God bless, let us meet at the top. "

Said with passion.

However, this left Ye Chen speechless.

He said: "I am very grateful for the attention of the domestic audience. What I said is coming true. After beating Mike Chandler, if I fight one or two more times, I will go straight for the championship.

Subdue him on the ground that Maha is most familiar with and strongest, and take the belt back to Daxia, it's that simple. "

Ye Chen also spoke once in two languages.

As soon as these words came out, the scene was filled with exclamations of surprise.

This is too crazy, let alone Chandler.

Can the Eagles win easily? The current tactical play of the Eagles can be said to be buggy in the MMA version, with no solution.

There are so many good players and good teams all over the world that can’t crack it.

Ye Chen actually said that he would deal with the Eagles on the ground. Isn't this a bit...

Soon, people thought that Salugian was terminated on the ground by Ye Chen?

Could it be that……

Ye Chen's words completely took public opinion in another direction.

The dominance of the Eagles is so terrible, I don't know how many people are looking forward to them being defeated.

Now, will Ye Chen be the hope?

Soon, it was night.

Game start.

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So, I beg for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes.

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