I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

051 Battle Card Formulation, A Battle Of Revenge? (Please Ask For Flowers And Review Votes)

Although Gage doesn't do much housework at ordinary times.

But these words instantly raised the atmosphere of the scene again, and the screams in the audience were deafening.

Ye Chen finally understood why in a certain era, people liked to watch Efforts fighting together.

Because, in some places, human beings can release their most primitive desires.

Naturally, modern society cannot be like the Lockheed Martin era.

This is why, the more bloody the game, the more intense the game, the more the audience likes it.

What they want is not your delicate skills, because most people can’t understand them at all.

What they want is visual impact.

Ye Chen didn't expect that Gage would actually agree, and do so so simply.

He immediately looked towards the audience and said, "Duna, this game is destined to become a classic."

To put it bluntly, if the opponent agrees to a match, it ultimately depends on whether the UFC can agree to it.

Dana ran up excitedly and patted Gage on the shoulder.

Loudly said: "Gage is a very terrifying killer, his deadly low sweeps and terrifying punches have the ability to kill people.

And Ye Chen used this game to prove that he is the most dangerous person in this weight class.

I believe no one will miss the showdown between two terrifying killers. Even I am looking forward to it.

I will have someone evaluate and arrange this match as soon as possible. "

The audience went crazy.

Gage took advantage of the situation and took the microphone in Dana's hand, "I will have a stand-up showdown with you, and I will avenge my compatriot Mike Chandler."

Ye Chen smiled in his heart.

As long as you agree, you can say anything.

Doesn't the implication of this mean that we stand in a standing position?

Fortunately, Ye Chen also had this intention.

Although Gage is a wrestler, he really doesn't know how to fight on the ground or Jiu-Jitsu.

In the recent few games, all the games he lost were too ugly to watch because he encountered a master on the ground, which made him unable to let go at all.

He was also frustrated.

However, training a skill is far from an overnight success.

Therefore, he saw himself miss the opportunity to win twice.

Now, it's normal for him to want to stand up as hard as he can.

Players exit.

Ye Chen can be said to be a blockbuster tonight.

As soon as he came out of the cage and was still getting dressed, a large group of fans rushed over.

If the security guards hadn't stopped him, these people would have trampled Ye Chen to death.

When he left, there was no time limit.

He interacted with fans a little longer.

Without the support of these fans, he probably wouldn't even be able to get a date with a front-row player.

Therefore, it is these talents who should be most grateful.

At this moment, Catwoman had already taken the lead to leave through another passage.

After all, when the show finally ends, it will be difficult for such a big star to leave.

She is here purely to help promote Ye Chen.

Just because, after these few months of fighting, she also got to know something about Ye Chen.

She knew that the other party really liked fighting.

I really have a dream.

To realize these dreams requires a lot of attention.

These are just a piece of cake for her.

She just had a glimmer of hope that Ye Chen would recognize her, but the other party didn't seem to respond, which made her a little disappointed.

Before leaving, he sent a message to Ye Chen, "You are too cruel. I thought you beat someone to death. Unfortunately, I still didn't see you beaten to death tonight. I'm so angry."

After midnight, Ye Chen packed up and left.

However, he bumped into someone he knew backstage.

I can’t say that I know him, I just saw him and had an impression.

The other party has been waiting for him backstage and wants to have an exclusive interview with him.

That's right, it's a reporter from a domestic cooperative live broadcast platform.

I asked him questions during the press conference, so he had some impressions.

Ye Chen saw that he was so sincere and waited until now, so he asked the other party to set a time and interview him at any time.

After simply doing some post-game press conference interviews.

Ye Chen was sent back to the hotel by this reporter.

At noon the next day, Ye Chen received the income from this competition.

The contract he signed last time was somewhat hasty, and his income this time was only about a quarter of his old money.

Now that I think about it, it is indeed a bit less.

However, there is no other way. How can a businessman like Dana Bai give high treatment to players easily.

Wolf has four to five million fans.

The appearance fees and other miscellaneous things were added up, but they were only two to three hundred thousand.

Although he has just entered the UFC, although he has some fans, it is almost difficult to get a high appearance fee.

Fortunately, he signed for three games, and his status will be greatly improved by then.

It is worth mentioning that the battle yesterday.

This directly made his INS following exceed 2 million.

This speed is amazing.

Now the entire league has millions of fans.

There are even fewer that exceed two million.

Champions at many levels do not have this level of attention.

It can be said that he is now one of the most popular fighting stars in the UFC.

Three days have passed since the game.

have to say.

Dana's execution ability is nothing to say.

As long as there is money to be made, he can do it faster than anyone else.

UFC284, Odalia station, the headliner is Saimaha VS The Great.

Co-main event, Ye Chen vs. Justin Geikie.

Ye Chen quickly reached a consensus with Gage and signed the contract directly.

Once this fight card was announced, it shocked the fighting circle.

Maha is the newly crowned lightweight champion and will compete with The Emperor for the No. 1 spot in P4P in the next battle.

And Ye Chen is a new super star in 2022.

Gage is one of the five lightweights.

This battle card is very strong.

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