I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

053 I Don’T Have The Strength To Raise That Flag Yet, And I’M Going To Post A Diss

This is why most viewers don't like to watch wrestling, on the ground.

Say it's boring.

In fact, it’s just because most people don’t understand it well.

I think that as long as I have strong strength, I can throw it casually.

So the question is, where does the extra strength of those wrestlers in the same weight class come from?

Doesn’t anyone really believe in “natural powers”? Even if there are such people with natural divine power, they are very few, very few.

He said again: "Don't forget, I can also wrestle. The opportunity to challenge for the championship is rare, so there is no reason not to fight first.

Night Devil knows, right? His interim belt was upgraded to the official championship belt at the time, when Kitty was still the challenger.

As a result, Daredevil retired due to injury, and Dana immediately stripped him of the belt. As a result, he never touched the belt again.

It depends on the specific arrangements. As long as Dana dares to arrange a championship fight, I will fight. "

He admitted that Makhachev's strength was astonishing.

However, he will not back down. There are so many people who want to compete for the championship. If you don't seize the opportunity when it comes, it may not be possible whether it will happen next time.

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded one million.

[That makes sense. It seems that he didn’t just throw it away with brute force. 】

[In other words, relying on various positioning skills to achieve the effect of moving a thousand pounds with four ounces? Do you think we are powerful? 】

[Understood, although my dad is stronger than me, if I lift one of his legs, I can knock him over in a minute. 】

[What kind of dutiful son is upstairs? ? ? 】

[Brother Chen, don’t take it seriously. Do you really answer such a novice question? They are all a bunch of elementary school students who don’t understand. 】

[Ah, yes, yes, no one above me understands. Brother Chen didn’t even say anything. Those who don’t know think you know better than Brother Chen. 】

[I don’t know what to ridicule. It’s better to ask if you don’t understand. It’s better than pretending to understand, right? 】

time flies.

There are all kinds of weird problems.

I was wondering if Ye Chen could beat Iron-Blooded.

Also asked if Peak Night Demon can defeat Xiaoying?

What left Ye Chen speechless the most was that some people asked if they could hang tigers and lions naked.

What about this fighting beast?

The most outrageous thing is that Oliveira lost on purpose.

They thought it was the oil tycoons who gave Oliveira a million dollars to lose.

Seeing this, Ye Chen almost laughed out loud.

Defeating Mahar is equivalent to defeating Xiaoying to a certain extent, and his historical status exceeds that of Xiaoying. If you don’t have as many 1 million coins as you want at that time, you are short-sighted and deliberately lose for that little money.

We talked for about an hour and a half.

Wang Qian also became more and more relaxed.

He said: "The last question, the most popular comment on the Internet in China now... everyone is talking about why you don't bring the national flag to the stage?"

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment.

He had seen a lot of people talking about this in the barrage before.

There are also those who say they need to take off their powder.

"It's very simple. I don't think I'm qualified to carry that flag now. I know what everyone is thinking, but there are many ways to be patriotic."

Ye Chen answered this question very carefully.

It’s also true.

He said: "Also, everyone should have seen the hype of UFC players. If I do something outrageous in this big dyeing vat, it will be my personal behavior.

I cannot represent Daxia, let alone you. In this environment, I really don’t have the strength to raise that flag at the moment.

When I think I can, I will raise that flag without hesitation. "

Wang Qian listened intently and did not expect Ye Chen to give such an answer.

Ye Chen then added: "Also, don't you know that UFC has banned players from bringing national flags to the venue some time ago? Now it is usually after a victory that people from their own team hold up the flag behind when they go out, just to show their appreciation. "

The interview is over.

Ye Chen returned to his old daily life.

Every morning he would take a car to the countryside to run in the mountains to exercise.

to be honest.

Is Ye Chen at the top level now?

Perhaps judging from a few performances, he is indeed at the top level.

However, these are all battles based on Ye Chen's targeted simulations.

Except for one Sarugian.

It was also that game that put Ye Chen in great danger and made him realize that his physical fitness was not good enough and he had major shortcomings.

It's okay to encounter an opponent who ends the round.

If he encounters the Eagles' comprehensive physical monster, he will probably be exhausted to death.

There are also standing techniques.

If he hadn't found the opponent's loopholes bit by bit in the simulation, he wouldn't have been able to defeat the opponent so easily.

He last watched Wonder Boy fight Holland.

Although the Wonder Boy is already forty years old, his speed, reaction, and physical fitness are still different from those when he was young.

However, with his legwork and distance control ability on the court, Ye Chen asked himself that his standing level has not yet reached that stage.

He still has a long way to go.

It is worth mentioning that.

After Ye Chen defeated Chandler.

Only then can he officially enter the core circle of the UFC alliance.

Now he has an additional title, the Creator of the Soul Legion.

Because he played five games, and except for Salugian's TKO finish, the other four were all dead.

However, if you want to join the Soul Legion, you still have to be qualified.

Obviously, Li Zhengyong and Jima are not qualified to enter.

However, both Bobby Green and Chandler were sent in by Ye Chen.

Moreover, Ye Chen also has small animation works.

What surprised Ye Chen even more.

The talkative Connor sent a dynamic DISS to a wave of current supernovas.

"Duna, today's supernova is a piece of shit. Honey is a non-mainstream, with a head like a pink balloon.

Fatty Paddy is just..."

PS: Thank you all for your monthly votes, rewards, reminders, flowers...

It’s already 100,000 words, and today this book has only reached 4,000 collections. It’s not easy to see people collecting 10,000, 20,000, 20, or 30,000 words.

Asking for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes...

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