I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

060 Diamond Legs, Right? Tietou Kung, Right? (Please Ask For Flowers And Review Votes)

Ye Chen took advantage of Gage's lack of breath and hit him with a flying knee.

Gage sidestepped a flying knee, trying to stay away from the cage net as much as possible.


Ye Chen had already prepared a back-up move. He swung his long arm and blocked Gage directly back.

He went up and continued the attack with a combination of close range punches.

Of course, he deliberately controlled the distance with his long wingspan.

Without a face-to-face output, it would be too easy to give Gage a chance to win in the chaos.

After a violent bombardment, Gage held his head and shook it wildly.

"Hmph, hum..."

At the same time, Ye Chen received three chops in a row.

This time, he was anxious because of the punch, so he used his force so fiercely that he wanted to sweep Ye Chen's legs away.

The domestic live broadcast room is abuzz.

Almost all the audience held their breath, waiting for Ye Chen to turn over Gage and come to an end.

Commentator No. 1 said, "Gage's low sweep is too dangerous. We can't delay it any longer. Let's see if Ye Chen can get a KO with this wave... If he continues to delay, his legs will be chopped off and he will be beaten."

Beautiful, this uppercut is so beautiful, wow... is Gage's chin made of titanium alloy? It doesn't even bother him. "

Commentator No. 2 said, "We can see that Brother Chen has landed a lot of punches, and standing up to strike is a big advantage. Unfortunately, Gage is a tough guy, too tough. If he can't hit it accurately, it will be difficult to KO him. "

The audience is cheering and cheering.

[Brother Chen, hold on, punch him hard. 】

[Damn it, this one is made of iron. After so many punches, the person is shaken like a roly-poly, but he just can’t KO. 】

[I don’t think I can handle this low sweep. 】

[Remove the estimate, and we can get rid of the problem in one go. 】

[Do it, guillotine. This is too much trouble, why don't you give me a guillotine? 】

[The front part... how about you go? You really think you can guillotine by grabbing your neck, don't you? Moreover, Brother Chen said that Gage should be dealt with standing up, so believe him. 】

[King Kong legs, right? Tietou Kung, right? 】

[Gage got drunk. Damn it. 】

At this moment, Ye Chen completely blocked Gage by the cage.

Gage was hit continuously by Ye Chen's combination punches and was also hit by an uppercut.

At this moment, his flat-headed nature was exposed. He held his head with both hands and swept his head downwards, just to be tough.

Whitman shouted in the audience until his face turned red and his neck became thick, but it was no use at all.

Gage couldn't get out.

Ye Chen's combination punches were like a gust of wind and rain, giving Gage no chance to breathe.

At this time, Gage's face was covered in blood, but he was too stubborn to fall down.

Moreover, the defense was very good. Although Ye Chen was swung for a while, there were only a few solid hits to the head.

"Pah, pah..."

Gage swiped wildly. This was a red-eye sweep, just like kicking a sandbag.

The two of them are now standing and fighting, and it depends on who has the higher cumulative damage and who makes the other fall first.


Another low sweep, same position.

Ye Chen has already felt severe pain.

This sweep swept up his left leg and almost caused him to fall down.

Seeing this, he put an arm across his body, directly pressed against Gage's forehead, and pinned him to the cage net.

Then the other arm struck a series of elbow strikes.

Not to be outdone, Gage quickly broke away from Ye Chen. Being held down and beaten like this, he was almost erect in a few strokes.

After breaking free, he lowered his head and swung overhead, then received a signature uppercut.

Big swing hits Ye Chen.

But the uppercut missed again and hit Ye Chen's arm just as he was about to elbow him.

He also blocked Ye Chen's elbow attack.

Blood flowed and sweat flew.

The audience shouted at the top of their lungs.

This is the battle they can understand, the most intuitive, the most violent, and the bloodiest.

Standing and masturbating, the visual impact is explosive.

Logan screamed in horror, "Damn it, this is the most brutal game I've ever seen. Do they really want to beat each other to death?"

Bisping was also shocked and speechless for a long time.

After hearing Logan's shout, he said: "They are completely fighting to see who can stand at the end. It's rare to see such an interesting newcomer.

In 2020, the Wolf King established his status as a supernova with a violent start. The 22-year-old Ye Chen seems to be more comprehensive, and there seems to be nothing he can't do. His standing skills are pleasing to the eye, and he has avoided Gage's many cold punches. "

DC was so excited that he shouted:

"I feel that Hebo should stop the game when necessary. If they continue to fight like this, it will cause great harm to the body.

Because they are under the influence of adrenaline now, they may not feel the pain, but they will understand it after they get off the field. "

Hear the words of the live commentator.

The audience also calmed down a bit.

They couldn't help but worry about the two players.

This style of fighting may only be seen in early matches where MMA technology is still relatively rough.

With the iteration of technology, what we are now following is technology flow.

This style of play no longer exists.

But, today they saw it live and on the live broadcast.

It looks a little scary.

The emotions of the audience and the emotions of the narrator cannot affect He Bo.

He is a professional referee and calls timeout later than other referees.

So many people say that He Bo sells coffins.

It will not stop until it is beaten to death.

At this moment, although he was standing next to the two of them and the corners of his eyes twitched, he had no intention of stopping yet.

Very simple.

Ye Chen is still playing.

Gage is still scanning.

If he yelled, he would probably be picked up by the sports association later.

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