I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

072 Various Fouls, Violent Beatings While Riding (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Connor's coaching team was right behind Ye Chen, always shouting for Connor to execute the tactics.

Because the two men's jabs didn't do much damage to each other, Connor couldn't find any breakthrough point for a while.

Connor hugged his legs and buckled, knocking Ye Chen down directly.

This time, Ye Chen was really confused.

This doesn't follow common sense.

How dare Connor want to play with him on the ground?

Ye Chen is still confident in his ground skills, and he always thought that Connor would not be able to throw.

Therefore, I didn’t think about the ground or fall prevention.

In fact.

Not only were they surprised, everyone was shocked.

Connor actually hugged him and threw him.

He actually hugged him and threw him...

The scene that followed immediately made everyone in the audience think of another person.

After knocking Ye Chen down, Connor sat on Ye Chen's legs and held Ye Chen's chin with his head.

Then, he tucked his legs under Ye Chen's legs and performed a classic leg-tying movement.


"Waterfake, a familiar scene, a feeling of déjà vu.

"Is even Connor going to turn into an eagle?"

"Did I learn this from Khabib? It's so similar, it makes me laugh to death."

"Connor finally experienced the pleasure of having his legs tied up and pushed against the cage."

The atmosphere at the scene has now become a little weird, not exciting but exciting.

Instead, it became pleasurable.

Logan said with a confused look: "Connor really brought us brand new technology this time. He really didn't brag. He updated his arsenal."

DC clapped his hands and laughed, "When I see this scene, I think of Khabib."

However, this picture only lasted less than ten seconds.

After Ye Chen pulled out one leg, he took Connor's outer arm with both hands.

Connor didn't give up yet and thought about tying his legs.

However, this time, just when he was about to push his legs through, Ye Chen suddenly used his hands and legs together, and then used the power of his body's instant rolling to directly flip Connor away.

Ye Chen, whose legs were free, turned around and used his knees as a support point to push Connor, who had not gotten up in time, against the edge of the cage.

"Connor, watch out for him."

The coaching team is anxious. Anyone who knows fighting knows how dangerous it is to hold back.

Connor also realized this, and before he had time to forcefully get up, he turned around violently, trying to get rid of Ye Chen's grip on his hip.

However, Ye Chen has always attached it very tightly and the buckle is very strong.

Connor didn't shake him off, he turned over to avoid taking his back, and could only sit on the ring relying on the cage net.

At this moment, a picture appeared in Connor's mind, and he immediately broke into a cold sweat.

I roared in my heart, "Are you doing this again?"

He was anxious.

Direct elbow strike.

However, Ye Chen was facing him with the back of his head at this moment, just to avoid being punched.

Connor was so anxious that he didn't care about it and crazily elbowed the back of his head.

The anger in Ye Chen's heart soared and he quickly completed the control.

Then he glanced at He Bo who was standing next to him, and he shouted: "Hey, didn't you see his foul blow on the back of the head?"

He Bo spread his hands and said: "Connor, pay attention to your strike range and don't use dirty tricks."

With these light words, Ye Chen became even more confused.

Many spectators roared.

Because the scene of the blow to the back of the head can be seen clearly on the big screen.

"He committed a foul, and Connor made an obvious foul move."

"Why wasn't there even a warning or a stop? This is not a fair game."

"A drug addict is a trash, Ye Chen beat him to death."

"What kind of foul? It was obvious just now. The elbow hit the base of the ear. There was no foul at all."

"Yes, the hit was on the side, not the back of the head at all. Otherwise, why didn't the referee stop it?"

"You're talking about nonsense. It's an obvious fact, but you still have to quibble. I'll be damned."

"Fake, how dare you take action..."

In an instant, the atmosphere became strange, from shouting and yelling to the two sides quarreling with each other.

Some of them have even started to do it, hitting each other with food and drink.

Seeing this scene, Dada's expression changed drastically. If this continues, it might really turn into the chaotic war that year.

That's what he doesn't want to see.

Because of that chaotic fight, they were warned by the sports association, fined, and even banned from competing at many points.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen, shadow

Perhaps because of the elbow hit on the back of the head, more and more people supported Ye Chen, and many passers-by started shouting.

Without him, he couldn't stand it and wanted Ye Chen to beat up Connor who committed the foul.

Then, an even more psychedelic scene appeared on the ring.

This time, Ye Chen sat on Connor's lap.

He pressed his head against Connor's chin, then held Connor's supporting wrist with one hand, and at the same time pressed his entire upper body against Connor's body.

Weight plus control points.

At the same time, he grabbed Connor's hand, not only to control it, but also to put his hand and body in a triangular support state.

When he got these positions, Ye Chen started to tie his legs step by step.


Live audience:???


Connor Coaching Team:???

Catwoman: This………………

What a magical scene this is.


At home, the two commentators looked at each other.

Commentator No. 1, "This... Ye Chen really exceeded everyone's expectations. After Connor got the upper hand, he quickly made counterattacks and used a control technology that was exactly the same as Connor's. 々.

Commentator No. 2 said, "Brother Chen is really the most comprehensive player in China, whether standing or on the ground, not to mention top, at least first-tier.

This level is enough for him to stay in the top five.

I hope Brother Chen can give more ground hits [Connor Liu’s foul is so annoying. "

The commentator also needs to control his emotions.

However, netizens in the live broadcast room will not directly curse after seeing a blatant foul.

[The entire alliance has become an eagle? How come they know this trick?]

[Brother Chen is so powerful. Look at Connor, he can't turn over Brother Chen. Yes, he's a mouth-watering guy. 】

[Yes, there is a difference in strength. Even the tallest ones don’t look strong. 】

[Do you understand? Didn’t you see Brother Chen holding Connor’s hand with one arm and holding it on the ground? Why did Connor turn against Brother Chen? 】

[Let’s put it this way, Salujian has only lost to three men in the UFC, one is Mahar, one is Gamrot, and the other one is our brother Chen. Those two still reached the decision, Chen Ge directly TKO, what the gold content is, think about it yourself. 】

[What the hell, you don’t care about technology, just beat him to death. 】

[The quality of this talker is really poor and he deserves to be beaten. Brother Chen will just do a Kimura lock and break his arm to see how he still fouls. 】

[Shit, I’m so angry. I want to go up and punch this old referee. Conne is his father, right? 】

[On-the-spot teaching, Brother Chen, this technique is amazing, try to smash your fists and smash your mouth into pieces. 】

[I support you, Brother Chen. Daxia cannot be humiliated. Beat him up and verbally for five rounds. Don’t show any mercy. 】

Ye Chen indeed did this control action on purpose, because Conner was controlled by Khabib in this way.

The other party wanted to control him in this way just now, but unfortunately the control technique was not in place.

He originally wanted to play with the "program effect" but didn't really think about what Connor would do.

Unexpectedly, the opponent directly elbowed the back of the head, and the referee didn't care. This was very annoying.

"Connor, try to get your legs out."

"Connor, pull out your legs and walk on the bridge. You must get up."

In MMA, points will be scored if your opponent is controlled on the ground.

Connor pulled out his legs and tried to roll Ye Chen down like Ye Chen did just now.

However, it couldn't be turned over at all.

The legs were tied up again.

Ye Chen, "It's a foul, right? Let me teach you what ground control is."

Connor, "If you are able to stand up, let me stand up and we will continue to trade punches.

Ye Chen, "Sit down."

The coaching staff, "Connor, watch his punch, grab his other hand."

Ye Chen looked outside the cage net and saw everyone with eager faces, "Yes, please teach Connor how to stand up. If I can get him to stand up this round, I'll just admit defeat."

After Ye Chen tied Connor's legs again, his other hand began to hit Connor's ribs from the side.

However, the force of hitting the ribs is not very strong.

Every time he hit the ribs, he quickly changed his direction and hit the head again.

Therefore, Connor kept one hand moving up and down to block Ye Chen's punch.

As a result, he didn't even block a few punches.

This kind of short punch does not seem to do much damage, but cumulatively it will still have an impact on the overall player.

Moreover, Connor was now controlled by Ye Chen in a lower position, with his chin pressed against him. It was very uncomfortable and he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

He also had to think about guarding against Ye Chen's blows, and even had to bear Ye Chen's weight. As he went back and forth, his face turned red and his physical energy was lost quickly.

"Beat him to death, beat him to death, smash him to death..."

"Hurry up and let your daddy stand up, let him stand up quickly, haha."

"Trash is trash, and you can't win even if you commit a foul."

This is destined to be a carnival for Ye Chen's fans. Undoubtedly, Ye Chen's performance at this moment made them feel bad.

At this moment, start the crazy taunting mode directly.

Catwoman was so angry that she yelled violently outside the cage net, scolded Connor, and slapped the cage net wildly.

Even though she was on the other side of the cage net, Ye Chen heard her angry roar.

A theme bar in New York.

Previously, Ye Chen cheated on Connor, and the atmosphere in the bar was cheerful and full of laughter.

Fans from both sides even sat together to drink and talk about game skills.

However, when Connor fouled...

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed, and they began to curse each other.

The effect of alcohol, coupled with the dark and crowded environment of the bar, makes people's moods more likely to fluctuate.


Suddenly, there was a sound of a beer bottle breaking.

In the corner, a pair of people who had just been sitting at the same table drinking suddenly started having sex.

In this effort, others also got involved.

Suddenly, the whole bar was in chaos.

This kind of thing is not just in this bar, it happens all over the world.

At the scene, the three commentators were too afraid to speak. In this atmosphere, there was no telling what would happen.

It was DC who made some important points about technical control.

At this time, the commentators did not dare to fan the flames anymore. If they said something wrong, the excited fans on both sides might be ignited.

At that time, there were simply not enough security personnel on site.

"Connor's control was much worse just now. As soon as he got to the upper position, he only wanted to tie his legs. The distance between his body and Ye Chen's body was too big, giving Ye Chen room to make moves.

Moreover, he was only busy tying up his legs and had no points of support, so he could be turned down with just a little force.

On the other hand, Ye Chen's ground control is like a textbook. The current scene is like a teacher teaching students in ground fighting. "

Listen to DC's explanation.

Only then did many viewers realize that there were actually

There are so many things to pay attention to, it is not just as simple as sitting on the legs and binding the legs.

However, how can most of the audience still be in the mood to listen to the commentary?

Even Dana was not in the mood to listen or watch.

Call the police directly.

Immediately, several New York police departments dispatched riot police and rushed to the stadium.


""||Shredded coconut, shredded coconut, shredded coconut..."

Suddenly, the atmosphere at the scene changed again.

I saw Ye Chen controlling Connor in the ring, and after a while of punching, he felt very uncomfortable doing so.

Immediately, he pinned his head to the left side of Connor's head.

With this tiny movement, if he were not a top grappler, he would have no idea what Ye Chen was going to do.

Ye Chen's face was pressed against Connor's side.

Then his left hand suddenly pulled up Connor's supporting right hand. At the same time, he used his head force to press Connor's head from the left to the right.

And he tied up Connor's legs. At this time, he raised them slightly and knelt directly on his knees.

Let the locked Connor's legs temporarily hang in the air.

Without the support point of his right hand, the left side was pressed by Ye Chen's head, and his legs were still hanging in the air, making it useless to point the calendar.

In an instant, Connor was flattened directly on the ring.

This may seem like a simple overwhelm, but the audience may only see an overwhelm.

But anyone who knows anything can see how many actions Ye Chen has prepared.

Do you really think you can ravage another professional player with just the same weight?

Ye Chen originally controlled Connor's legs.

Therefore, the moment he flattened out, he immediately crossed his legs and converted into a riding position.

The over-the-leg riding position in MMA indicates that the person on top can release his hands and punch, which is an extremely dangerous position.

"Farke, Farke, Farke."

"Connor, grab his hand, grab his hand.

"Connor, grab his hand and stand up against the cage net.

The coaching team was at their wits end at this point.

Connor, whom they had carefully trained, was now pressed to the ground, and they could still watch through the cage net.

With only a distance of more than one meter, they could only shout here.

Connor was anxious. While trying to grab Ye Chen's hand, he pressed his toes on the cage net. He wanted to use the cage net to force the bridge up and push Ye Chen down directly.

Another foul play.

He Bo saw it but did not move.

Ye Chen naturally couldn't see it because his back was turned.

However, the audience could see it, and the roar was loud.

Seeing this, He Bo glanced at Dana, whose face was already turning purple, and quickly stepped forward and patted Connor's leg.

"It is prohibited to grab the cage net."

Connor lowered his leg temporarily, but he couldn't help but buckle it up again.

Ye Chen doesn't care about this now. As a master of fighting, he uses his legs and hips to work together, like riding a horse, tightly clasping Connor.

(Hao Nuo Zhao) For a while, the opponent really couldn't knock him down.

Moreover, when Connor grabbed his hand, he also grabbed Connor's arm instantly.

Pressing up, Connor's arm was instantly flattened on the ring.

At the same time, his arm is a support point, unless Connor is strong enough to lift off the bridge and roll with him.

Otherwise, the triangle support of Ye Chen's legs and arms is still very stable.


Ye Chen started to attack, but because he was squeezed by the cage net, it was difficult for Connor's other arm to fight back, so he could only defend passively.

But, how can one arm protect the head?

After a few punches, Ye Chen will add two or three elbow strikes.

Whether it's a fist or an elbow, Ye Chen, who is in the upper position at the moment, can exert more force, so the force is not small.

Soon, Connor's face was covered in blood.


A fierce elbow hit, and even Connor covered his face with one arm, he felt dizzy at this moment.

Moreover, the tip of this elbow hit Connor on the forehead.

The skin on my forehead split open directly.

Blood seeped out quickly from inside.

He Bo ran over quickly. If the injury was too serious, he would have to stop.

However, it looked okay, the hole wasn't too big, and the amount of bleeding wasn't scary.

Moreover, the crowd was so excited at the moment that he really didn't dare to terminate it easily or suspend the game if necessary.

"It's so cool, it's so cool, Ye Chen, Ye Chen...Zhu"

“It’s useless even if it’s a foul, Ye Chen was already very friendly in the first round, but Connor ruined it all and deserves to be elbowed now.

"Haha, Connor is about to be beaten to death. Connor fans, please let him stand up quickly and show off his left hand cannon and titanium alloy legs."

The scene was very lively.

Especially passers-by and Ye Chen fans.

PS: The novel is not directed at any player, please understand.

Now this chapter has 5,000 words. Four chapters a day is 20,000 words. Why do some brothers think it is too little? I am really unhappy with coding. I can only write 2,000 words in an hour.

Of course, everyone can understand my feelings. If I were a reader of a certain book, I would like the author to write thousands of chapters. .

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