I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

085 These Two Cautious People Are Going To Dance For Five Rounds? (Please Subscribe)

With his current worth, is he still unable to find a partner?

The reason why he didn't say Catwoman.

After all, the other party is a foreigner and they have only been together for a few months.

We haven’t talked about the future in depth yet.

So it’s hard to tell my parents.

Lest they rejoice in vain.

"The end."

At this time, Ye Chen was warming up and heard the cheers and shouts of the commentators coming from the live broadcast.

He looked up unexpectedly.

Is the pace of tonight's game all that fast?

The main event between him and Makhachev is coming soon.

Just then, his phone vibrated.

Catwoman, "Finally arrived at the arena, are you about to go on stage? I'll be backstage right away to accompany you."

Ye Chen, "I said you don't need to come. Just watch the live broadcast at home. Are you tired? Get off the plane and come directly to the stadium..."

Catwoman said, "No, I'm going to watch it live. You'll have to beat me less tonight. You must win, or I'll beat you up."

Ye Chen, "Do your best."

To be honest, this game was the most nervous he has played in so many games.

Not just because of the championship belt.

But the Eagles, and Makhachev.

This group of people is very difficult to deal with.

Each and every one of them has an undefeated record, because they are abnormal.

Kitty Hawk 29-0

Makhachev 23-1.

Kitty's two cousins.

A 16-0 Bellator lightweight champion of the second largest MMA event in the world.

There is also a 15-0 who is climbing the UFC rankings.

With this record, can you say they have no strength?

Is it luck?


This just proves how terrifying their training, tactics, tactical execution, and technology are.

Against such a terrifying team.

Therefore, his strategy for this game was in one word: stable.

This was the first time Catwoman saw Ye Chen say such words before a game, and she immediately became worried.

Said: "You can definitely do it, I believe you."

The other side is "nine-nine-seven".

Prepare the interior.


Xiaoying is holding a boxing target, and Makhachev is warming up for target shooting.

AKA coach Mendes said: "Very good, well done, Islam, you are in good condition today.

Remember, Ye Chen cannot be given a chance on the court. He is a player who is good at seizing opportunities. Any mistakes or omissions may cause you to lose the game.

Maha nodded.

After that defeat and years of competition, his mentality has become very stable.

Xiaoying said: "Not only is he good at seizing opportunities, but I also found that he improved a lot in every game. Maybe it was because there were no players in the first few games who could fully exploit his potential.

It's still the tactics we have formulated. If we don't have a good chance, try not to fall.

Also, be sure to pay attention to his low sweep, he will probably use it to chop your legs to destroy your mobility. "

The atmosphere here isn't much better.

In the past, only Maha appeared.

They all have great confidence.

However, this Ye Chen made everyone feel heavy.

Especially Xiaoying, he and Maha grew up together and trained together for twenty-two years.

Although he was calm on the outside, he was very worried inside.

Maha's eyes were firm and he nodded: "I won't give him any chance."

at this time.

The co-main event is about to get another KO, which will end quickly.

It’s almost time to reach the main event.

Xiaoying waved.

Several bearded men gathered around him, holding hands in a circle, muttering something in low voices and praying, surrounding Makhachev in the middle.

"Anhan Dulila."

Maha also extended his index finger to point to the sky, shook it slightly twice, and raised his eyes to look at the sky.

"Anhan Dulila."

This is when they are praying to God for His blessing.

the other side.

Ye Chen is ready to play.

Jackson followed him.

Said: "Come on."

He was a little panicked.

He bets on dogs almost every time.

Since Ye Chen came, he pressed the upper dog twice for the first time. Both times, it was Ye Chen, which also made him make a lot of money twice.

And this time.


Ye Chen+285

Judging from the odds given by Spinach, Spinach is very optimistic about Makhachev.

Even if Ye Chen wins eight games in a row.

When Ye Chen heard that Jackson was so silent today, he only said, "Come on."

Didn't say anything.

After all, the Hawks are so strong that Jackson probably bought Makhachev this time.

Can't blame him.

If he were a spectator, he would also buy Makhachev.

Catwoman followed closely beside Ye Chen. At this time, she was still wearing a mask and hat.


As soon as Ye Chen appeared on the scene.

It immediately attracted laughter from the crowd.

The booing was louder than ever.

The prince admired his game, but also admired Maha, and supported Maha to win.

The audience is not like the prince.

Abe Zabi's audience naturally supports Makhachev, who has the same belief as them.

Ye Chen had anticipated this.

Catwoman didn't expect it, and was a little surprised, "Why are these people like this?"

Not many people stretched out their hands to shake hands on both sides of the aisle, and not many supported Ye Chenxi.

They booed and stared at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen could still bear the pressure and joked: "Didn't the audience in your beautiful country also boo me at the beginning? It's just not so loud.

If I had won tonight, they wouldn't have had such loud boos. "

Catwoman was speechless for a moment.

She followed Ye Chen all the way to watch the game.

It's true when you think about it.

Along the way, every time Ye Chen wins a game, the boos at the next game will be smaller and the cheers will be louder.

By the end, Ye Chen had become a superstar in the fighting world. When he faced Oliveira, his cheers were louder than those of the former champion Oliveira.

In the fighting world, you want to earn respect.

The only way to do that is to beat your opponent in the ring.


Northwest Yanghe Village.

Ye Chen's house was also full of people at this time, because this digital game was chargeable.

Ye Chen specially added membership to his parents and asked the young people in the village to help his parents.

Those who had no place to watch all gathered at Ye Chen's house, with thirty or forty people gathered in the room.

Fortunately, the room in the rural bungalow is large, otherwise there would be no place to sit.

Many people were even standing.

"Come out, come out."

"Xiaochen is so proud of his ancestors.

"Hey, what's going on with these people? Why don't they look welcome?"

"It's dangerous to fight like this. The guy in the last fight was beaten to the point where he couldn't move. I read that Xiaochen's opponent is from the Xiong country. The people over there are fierce."

"I heard that he hasn't lost in seven years and he still has a big beard. He's not easy to mess with at first glance."

"Didn't you watch Ren Xiaochen's game? I watched it on Douyin. In the one-minute video, Xiaochen defeated seven or eight people."

"You know how to beat a hammer. I heard that it's called a collection. It only lets Xiaochen beat a little bit of people, but he can win seven or eight people in one minute. You can't beat a hundred people."

"Lao Ye, don't be nervous."

Ye Jianguo curled his lips and took a sip of tea, "Why are you so nervous? Just watch your TV.

It’s a lie that he’s not nervous. His back molars are now encouraging Ye Chen.

Although Ye Chen's mother didn't understand, she became nervous as she watched the scene and heard others talking about Ye Chen's opponent.

Because, in the previous games, the opponent was beaten with blood all over his face.

If it weren't for Ye Jianguo pressing the button, she couldn't help but want to call Ye Chen just now.

Check the gloves and apply Vaseline.

Ye Chen once again stepped into the Octagon.

this time.

He paused at the door of the cage net, then took a deep breath, and then walked towards his corner with firm steps.

Catwoman came behind Ye Chen and shouted softly through the cage net: "Come on, even if people all over the world boo you, I still believe in you."

Ye Chen stared at Catwoman for a few seconds.

Then he nodded.

At this time, Tianchi people began to call out Makhachev's famous ministers.

"The next person to appear is the undisputed lightweight world champion Islam Makhachev...

As soon as I shouted this sentence.

With a "pop" sound, all the lights on the scene went out.

"Khabib, Khabib, Habib..."

“Islam, Islam, Islam

It has to be said that although Kitty Hawk has retired, his popularity is still far beyond that of Makhachev.

His status is far from comparable to that of Makhachev.

So, even this game belongs to Makhachev.

The person calling Xiaoying obviously avoided Makhachev.

Abe Zabi obviously attaches great importance to this game, and the prince is also rich.

The lighting design is so beautiful.

As Makhachev and his team enter, with every step they take, the lights behind them light up instantly.

from time to time.

Makhachev has stepped into the ring.


Suddenly, the dazzling colorful lights of the spotlights hit the door of the cage net.

It happened to shine on Makhachev.

He stood at the entrance of the cage net facing the audience, raised his arms and extended his index finger.

The atmosphere at the scene instantly reached the highest point tonight.

The whole place was shouting his name.

It seemed as if the top of the stadium was about to collapse.

Makhachev stepped into the cage, glanced at Ye Chen, and nodded slightly.

Ye Chen also nodded in response.

At this moment, Xiaoying and Mendes were standing on the stage, scratching the edge of the cage net, explaining something to Makhachev.

Bafo's passionate voice sounded.

"This game is the finale of tonight, the much-anticipated lightweight championship contest..."

Sonic stadium.

Bafo then walked towards Ye Chen.

He shouted: "Today's challenger is a player from Daxia, known as the Terminator. He has experienced eight games in the UFC and won all eight games, finishing all of his opponents.

He is the current superstar of the UFC [Tali, who is watched by countless boxing fans..."


The scene was still filled with boos, even more exaggerated than when he entered the scene before.

This time UFC directly added the words "superstar" to his profile.

Obviously, in their world, Ye Chen is not recognized as a superstar.

Khabib is.

Islam is.

It won’t work for anyone else.

Daxia live broadcast room.

This time there were more people online than when Ye Chen fought Connor.

After all, when Yangshi took action, the intensity of publicity was far from comparable to the previous small advertisement.

Three commentators came directly today.

Commentator No. 1, "We can see that at the base camp of Kitty Hawk and Makhachev, the audience booed loudly..."

Commentator No. 2 said, "However, please don't misunderstand. Generally speaking, booing away games in competitive sports has become a common practice. They may not have any ill intentions towards Brother Chen, but deliberately booed Brother Chen just to support their own players."


No. 3, “Yes, this situation is very common, I hope Ye Chen will not be affected by this.

Some players will indeed be affected by this problem.

For example, Zhang Weili defended his title for the first time against Rose Rose in the beautiful country.

The boos were loud that time.

Zhang Weili was also stopped in the opening seconds of that game. After the game, he said that the boos had a great impact on her.

At first, Ye Chen felt that Zhang Weili might be making excuses.

Later, I discovered that Zhang Weili was very nervous every time he went on stage. He felt that what Zhang Weili said was not impossible.

For a person like her who is easily nervous, any external force may affect her mentality, let alone being booed by the audience.

However, she is more mature now.

Not only did he calm down a lot, he also got the belt back again.

The live broadcast room was very lively.

Because Xiaoying's reputation in China has always been bad.

Even getting closer to Xiaoying, even the reputation of a country's players is not good.

[Hush, Brother Chen must win this time. 】

[I hope Ye Chen wins and the first title defense match will be held directly in China. I’ll see if I can boo those foreign players then. 】

[I’m so angry, are these people deliberately having a bad attitude?]

【Too despicable. 】

[Don’t get excited upstairs, this can’t be considered despicable, it can only be said that the audience wants Makhachev to win. 】

[This guy with a big beard doesn’t look good, his eyes look like he doesn’t have enough intelligence. 】

[New here, right? This bearded man is very powerful. No one in the country at the same level can rival him, so only Brother Chen can challenge him. 】

[Not available in China? Be confident, it’s not available in the whole world. Now only Brother Chen has a chance. I sincerely hope that he can defeat these big Gis blanket rats and avenge my demon. 】

[Don’t start a fight upstairs, what does Ye Chen have to do with Night Demon?]

[I remember a funny thing. When the champions of other weight classes changed, everyone was vying to be called the champion. After lightweight Makhachev defeated Oliveira, the entire lightweight class was wilted.

Only one Chandler has beaten Makhachev, which shows how fierce this kid is. 】

[Yes, when he was not the champion, he was ranked in the top ten. For the first five or three years, no one picked him up. 】

[Hearing what you said, I feel a little panicked. I hope God will bless us Daxia people to win. 】

Baffo, "Next is our lightweight world champion, number one in P4P, and the undoubted strongest. His current record is twenty-four wins and one loss.

This time, he will face a new challenger here.

He is...Islam Mahache...husband!!!"

at this time.

Makhachev raised his hand and faced the audience.

Standing on the stage, the little eagle holding the cage net also stood up straight, waving his hands to signal everyone to get excited.

“Islam, Islam, Islam…”

The shouts at the scene were uniform.

People who don't know think that these audiences have specially rehearsed.

The referee then looked for books to Ye Chen and Makhachev.

The two approached.

"It's still the same rules. You should understand what I mean. I don't allow any dirty tricks here. If I say stop, stop it as soon as possible."

The referee glanced at Ye Chen and Makhachev at 1.1, "Do you understand?"

The two nodded.

Referee, "Very good, if you need to bump fists now, you can bump fists. If not, please return to your own cage net, and the game will start immediately.

Ye Chen and Makhachev fist bumped.


Game start.

Both Ye Chen and Makhachev quickly entered the court and occupied the center of the cage.

However, the distance between the two is relatively far.

Makhachev is a counterattack player.

And he always starts cautiously.

However, Ye Chen also became cautious.

This made Ma Ha a little unexpected. This is not Ye Chen's usual style.

He tried to test Ye Chen with his front hand.

Ye Chen switched back to the main stance this time, because he had always been in the upright stance, but in order to deal with Oliveira, he specifically used the reverse stance.

The two fists touched lightly in the air and retreated as soon as they touched.

Time passed by second by second.

For more than forty seconds, the two of them did nothing.

Still testing each other.

This made Makhachev a little helpless. There was a reason why he was so cautious.

Why has Ye Chen's tactics changed so much?

"The fact that he is so cautious towards me proves that he thinks I am more dangerous than his previous opponents and has to be careful."


The people on Makhachev's team outside also frowned slightly.

They preset several tactics that Ye Chen might use.

I just didn’t think of the “dancing” tactic.

as expected.

Some spectators at the scene couldn't stand it anymore and started shouting randomly.

There were also bursts of boos.

Ye Chen is not in a hurry at all, you can boo as you like.

This opportunity is hard to come by, and he needs to be careful every step he takes.

However, the moment the scene started to boo.

Maha suddenly stepped forward, and with a "pop" sound, a familiar figure swept across his waist.

The moment Maha picked up his pace, Ye Chen knew that the opponent was about to take action.

After all, the simulation space has been tried thousands of times. .

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