I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

091 Kimura Surrendered And Put A Belt On Him (Please Subscribe)

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen.

The arms are crossed.

Ye Chen couldn't move his arms at all.

Therefore, he could only use his other arm to push Maha's leg.

However, the moment Maha hugged his arm.

The body fell backward.

Taking advantage of the situation, he put his other leg directly on Ye Chen's neck.

Ye Chen quickly blocked with his arms.

Now, it was too late to push the legs.

Even if I have time, I can't push it anymore.

The scene was boiling again.

Ye Chen's escape from the triangle choke was amazing.

Maha's triangle choke failed, and in two seconds, or even less than two seconds, he once again got a cross submission position.

This speed is very terrifying.

Domestic official live broadcast room.

The commentators were shocked.

There's no way, they are all fighting fans, otherwise they wouldn't know how to explain it.

As a fighting fan, who doesn’t want a strong fighter to appear in their country.

Moreover, this battle is still the most critical championship battle.

Ye Chen was subjected to a triangle choke. It can even be said that Ye Chen was subjected to that.

They became anxious.

Commentator No. 1 said, "Ye Chen, be careful, this Makhachev is too fierce. Now Ye Chen is in a very dangerous situation, even the cross is more dangerous than the triangle choke.

Hope he can escape. "

Commentator No. 2 said, "Brother Chen can definitely do it. He can definitely escape, just like escaping from the triangle pattern."

The viewers in the live broadcast room were also panicked.

After playing against the Eagles to this point, there was hope of winning several times.

However, as soon as the third round started, the momentum took a turn for the worse. How could everyone not be impatient.

[The Eagles are too perverted on the ground. They should have beat him directly at the buzzer in the last round. 】

[What the hell... I could have won the last round, but the bleeding was stopped and Maha escaped. 】

[Damn, I’m so angry. It’s just a hammer. I could have won. 】

[Can anyone tell me how to escape from this? 】

[Escape, do you want your arm to be broken off? 】

[If you have a chance, Master Ye escaped from Oliveira's crossbar. 】

[That's not escaping, that's holding on until the end of the round. Look how long this round lasts... Even if Brother Chen's arm is made of steel bars, it will take so long to be bent by Maha. 】

[Fuck, it’s out. 】

As soon as Maha lay down, Ye Chen felt the pressure on his arm, as if it was about to be broken.

Now, the only thing in favor of 29 is.

Maha's legs are not in the best position yet.

His upper body was not completely restrained.

Give him room to get up.

It's not that the opponent didn't want to, but that Ye Chen had blocked the second leg with his arm early on.

His core exploded and he forcibly stood up sideways in the direction of Makhachev.

He turned sideways and at the same time cooperated with his arms to forcefully push Maha's other leg down.

The severe pain seemed to tear his entire arm off.

Ye Chen quickly got up from his knees.

At the same time, keep using one arm to suppress and block the opponent's leg.

He was afraid that Maha would wrap his legs around him and lock his head when he stood up.

That way he will be passive.

More energy is consumed.

When he stood up from his knees, the pressure on his arms was immediately reduced by more than half.

Because there is less pressure from a lever.

At this moment, Mahar was lying on the ring, firmly controlling one of his arms.

Bend your legs and step on the ring.

Ye Chen was kneeling on one knee, and the only hand he could use was pressing one of Maha's knees.

Although the pressure on the controlled arm has been reduced by most, it still hurts being held like this.

Moreover, the consumption of his physical energy is huge.

At this moment, Maha let go of the hand controlling his arm and turned to grab Ye Chen's leg.

Ye Chen's heart trembled.

He quickly moved some positions and grabbed the opponent's hand with the arm that was pressing on the opponent's leg.

If the opponent catches his knees, he will not be able to get up.

Immediately, he stood up forcefully.

He even picked up Maha's entire body.

If he didn't block the arm grabbing his legs and stood up at this time, the other party would just pull him at the knee.

There is no doubt that he will fall.

Unable to stand up, this position was enough to exhaust him.


As soon as he stood up, Ye Chen threw Maha to the ground.

However, he couldn't lift it high at all. After all, the opponent was already around 180 pounds, and this was already the third round, so it would be good if he could lift a little.

Although this smashing on the ground has no power, now the two of them just can't compete with each other to stop it first.

This round of wrestling made both of them tired.

Although his physical strength is stronger than Ye Chen, he consumed too much in the first two rounds.

In this round, Ye Chen obviously exerted a lot of physical energy.

Therefore, at this time, the two people's physical reserves are almost the same, and even Ye Chen is better.


Ye Chen stood up again and smashed Maha into the ring.

After being hit for the second time, Maha quickly raised his legs, trying to lock Ye Chen's head with his legs to control Ye Chen's movement space.

However, Ye Chen had been guarding his legs, so Makhachev's plan failed again.

Immediately afterwards.

Ye Chen stood up for the third time.

However, as soon as he stood up this time, Maha couldn't hold his arm.

It takes a lot of strength for him to lift the other person up.

However, the legs and waist and hips are strong.

Maha couldn't hang on his legs, so he could only hold his hands with his arms.

Both times he was lifted up by Ye Chen, both times relied on his strong grasping ability. His 180-pound body weight hung heavily on Cun Ying's body.

This time, it was obviously impossible to hang on.

The previous triangle choke, and this wave of cross locks, took a huge toll on his arm endurance.

When he broke free, the voices in the audience shouting "Islam" stopped abruptly.

Ye Chen is so fierce that it hurts when they look at it. Are those arms made of iron?

This can actually be escaped.

Wrestling master DC said: “Actually, this is not just a competition of strength, but also a competition of skills.

Ye Chen reacted quickly. If he hadn't blocked Islam's legs to suppress him when he was hit by the arm, the game might have ended by now.

It was precisely because he blocked that leg that he had a chance to turn over. "

Logan, "I said, Ye Chen is like a miracle, he can always create unexpected miracles in the ring.

Bisping said, "If Islam still fails to seize the opportunity in this wave, the massive consumption of arm endurance just now may cause him to lose in the next fight.

No need to explain.

Kitty, and several others on the team.

They understand this better than anyone else.

If Maha consumed too much before, he is likely to suffer losses in the future.


The little eagle shouted, "Islam, stand up, roll back and stand up."


Commentator No. 1 exclaimed, "Ye Chen broke free. Did you see it? The violent and direct way of breaking free, relying on strength to break free, Ma Ha couldn't hold on anymore."

Commentator No. 2 said: "DC is right, it's not just about strength. You saw that Brother Chen pressed the opponent's leg before lifting the horse, and then stopped the opponent's hand...

The ground fight between these two people is so exciting, full of details, it can be said that they are killing each other step by step.

If one is well defended, he will be gone. Maha is really strong, and Brother Chen is really awesome and invincible. "

The audience in the live broadcast room was more excited than the commentators at this time.

[Give me Brother Chen a single one: 6]

[Handsome, you can get up like this, how do you do it? I used to only like to watch standing strikes, but today I watched Brother Chen on the ground. It was quite interesting. 】

[Brothers upstairs, please read more. Once you understand, you will know how many doorways there are. Where they put their hands and where they put their legs are all planned. 】

[Did you hear what the commentators said? Some people who don’t understand also say that wrestling and the ground rely on strength. He also said that he couldn't beat him and didn't dare to force himself to hold his legs and wrestle. He was really laughing to death. The stand-up players you mentioned are so fierce, so if you let them stand up before others dive down to hug their legs, wouldn't they be able to avoid being knocked down?】

[To be honest, in the current UFC top-level fights, every one has a ground, even the iron-blooded ones are wrestling... This is a trend, don't you know, one-on-one, wrestling is almost invincible. 】

[Brother Chen is really strong. I don’t know where other domestic players can practice on the ground. Except for Zhang Weili, Gazi, Song Yadong and others, they all stand well and are beaten on the ground. 】

[I feel that after Brother Chen finishes this fight, he can consider opening a training class specifically for Gazi, Song Yadong and the others to teach ground (dog head) work.

[I hope Ye Chen wins. If he wins against the Eagles, his value will skyrocket. 】

[Damn, this elbow is really cruel. 】

In the arena.

Ye Chen stood up for the third time.

The moment Maha released his grip with all his strength, his whole body felt light.

Without thinking about anything, he pounced directly on Maha's head and delivered a terrifying elbow smash.


Although in a hurry, Maha also made defensive moves.

However, Ye Chen almost jumped up and hit Li Jing Jutian with this elbow.

There was a loud bang.

Blood gushed out from Maha's nostrils.

Despite this, Maha still hugged Ye Chen firmly and forcibly buckled Ye Chen's back.

He needed to slow down, he almost fainted with this elbow.

As long as he doesn't let go of Ye Chen and the other party is pressing on him, there will be no space at any time.

However, Ye Chen will not give him any time to relax.

While standing up forcefully, an arm pressed down on Maha's right arm.

Maha's buckle was unfastened.

He wanted to grab Ye Chen's hand again.

However, in his current state, everything became very slow.

Ye Chen successfully grabbed his hand and immediately took Kimura's position.

The little eagle saw this scene and yelled: "Shrimp goes, shrimp goes, block his legs, don't let his legs go over your head...

However, it's not that Maha doesn't know how to do it.

But he can't do it.

Ye Chen used his legs to jump over Maha's head and blocked Maha's shoulders with his calves to prevent Maha from escaping.

After all, if he just breaks the opponent's arm and the opponent keeps moving, he will break it a little and move the opponent a little, so it will be difficult to lock him.

Again, the best way to defeat your opponent is to first find a way to control the opponent's movement space.

This is something that every professional player knows, but not many people can do it in the game.

Ye Chen and Maha on the court now are just such people.

However, Maha has already had his book smashed.

When he broke the opponent's arm, he didn't use all his strength.

He glanced at the referee who was following the two of them closely.

Indicates that the referee can call a timeout.

However, the referee did not mean this.

Ye Chen wanted to curse. Although he was at the top of the competition, he would not really break someone's arm and ruin their career.

He pushed a little harder again, but Maha still didn't take the shot and still gritted his teeth and persisted.

The referee still didn't stop it.

Originally, their job was to prevent, and some opponents did not

Able to admit defeat in time.

Or mispredict the situation and support players who don't want to shoot.

There are also players who don’t want to lose and are unwilling to give in.

Before the accident, the referee stopped the game from the perspective of a bystander to avoid tragedy.

At this time, Xiaoying's shout came from behind Ye Chen, this time in English, "Don't use too much force, let's admit defeat, admit defeat..."

How difficult it was for the undefeated Eagle King to say these words.

However, for Maha's career, he had to admit defeat in time.

The referee heard Xiaoying's cry and quickly stopped the game.

Ye Chen immediately released his grip,

At this moment, all thoughts rushed up.


He couldn't help but roar to the sky, and even felt like crying.

For nearly two years, he has not returned home, has not seen his elderly parents, and has been wandering abroad alone.

His life is all about training, training, training...

It’s all about the moment.

He did it, starting from a small transparent sparring partner, starting from the substitute, winning nine consecutive games, defeating the lightweight rising star Salugian. Defeated Chandler, defeated Flathead Gage, and returned

There is superstar Conor and submission king Oliveira.

Today, he defeated the undefeated Eagles and took the belt from them.


The whole audience shouted loudly.

Angry roars, unwilling roars, and desperate curses filled the stadium.

At this time, most of the professional players were dumbfounded at first glance.

Standing there, staring motionlessly at Ye Chen inside the ring.

Many people lost their money this time.

However, more people were stunned by this result and could not say anything.

Even Dana Bai was stunned.

If Ye Chen wasn't going to challenge for the championship in 187, he didn't want Ye Chen to run into Makhachev so soon.

Including the company's professional analysts and matching experts, they all think so.

Everyone feels that Makhachev is too strong, and a super star like Ye Chen should not die early in Makhachev's hands.

However, he did it.

At this moment, he is standing on the ring.

Catwoman jumped up excitedly and screamed until her throat became hoarse.

Ye Chen rushed over, lay on the cage net, head down, hugged Catwoman and kissed her deeply.

Of course, kiss on the mask.

Ye Chen jumped back into the ring.

He walked towards Makhachev, who was kneeling on the ring, his body twitching slightly.

He knew that the other party was crying.

After training hard for more than 20 years, he lost just like that.

He even wanted to cry after winning. He has only been training for less than ten years...

Mahaco has been training since he was a child. He came from the mountains to the beautiful country and fought in the UFC for nearly ten years before winning the championship.

Comparatively speaking, his path is considered to be one of the few who have had the smoothest path in the UFC.

If he loses, he will cry too.

He leaned down and patted Maha on the back, "You are a real warrior, and you deserve a championship belt."

Apart from that, he didn't know what to say.

Ye Chen's home.

At this moment, these neighbors and fellow villagers were very excited.

Some people were even so excited that they collapsed.

Ye Chen's mother was also very excited.

The calmest one is Ye Jianguo. It can also be said that he is the most excited one.

Because, his whole body was shaking at this time.

Looking at Ye Chen with red eyes.

However, the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously.

Won, really won.

His son has become successful. He never thought that his son could appear on TV and become a world champion.

It all feels like a dream.

At this time, the octagonal cage door opened.

Kitty rushed in first.

When everyone is paying attention to the inside of the cage.

But no one noticed that a woman wearing a mask and hat was standing next to Dana, and the two seemed to be talking to each other.

"I know you and Ye Chen are together, but according to the rules, the championship belt should be mine...

Dana looked at the woman in front of him speechlessly.

If the other party hadn't followed Ye Chen, he wouldn't have bothered to deal with it.

As soon as she came over, she said she wanted to put the championship belt on Ye Chen herself.

Dana laughed on the spot.

Will you wear it?

Then what should I do? I might as well go home and plow the fields.

However, he hasn't finished speaking yet...

When he saw the woman in front of him pull down her mask, he swallowed all the words that came to his lips.

She exclaimed: "Ann...Annie...how could it be you?"

Catwoman smiled, "Don't worry, it's me. Now you shouldn't object to me helping him, right?"


Dana pointed at Ye Chen in the ring, then looked at Catwoman, and understood instantly.

If a female celebrity follows a boxer around every day, do we need to say what the relationship is?

He agreed on the spot, "Okay, I'll let you wear it."

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