I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

096 One Punch Punches The Corpse, Kahuang Performs A Chore In Front Of The Stage, Conflict (Please S

The audience cheered directly to warm up and couldn't wait to watch the second round.

The second round begins.

Rhodes was obviously willing to move forward.

This time, even if he was really knocked down, he would still fall on his side.

When he was at Ye Chen's corner just now.

Every time Ye Chen spoke, his heart would tremble, and he would be beaten violently.

Nothing can be done.

Therefore, he will not survive this time.


He placed the armrest very low to prevent falls.

Not just him, but also their team.

Everyone thought that the wrestling would continue in the second round.

Because Gazi's opening throw in the first round was too sudden and too successful.

There is no need to change tactics at all.

After all, Rhodes is not a top player, and his fighting will is much weaker.

After being beaten like that in the first round, in the second round, Ye Chen clearly saw confusion and even a hint of fear in the opponent's eyes.

The situation is exactly the opposite from the first round.

However, Gazi is now full of ideas about implementing Ye Chen's new tactics.

It doesn't matter whose side you are on.

"Rhode, stick to the cage..."

Suddenly, a roar came from behind.

Ye Chen looked back.

The one who shouted was none other than Covington.

It is worth mentioning that there are generally not too many professional players present at fight nights.

However, every time a competition is held in a place, UFC will invite some players to watch the competition.

Commonly known as the platform.

In fact, he shouted many times in the first round and reminded Rhodes how to get up.

Covington is definitely an expert in wrestling.

These suggestions are still useful.

It's a pity that Rhodes can't execute it.

It is equivalent to a top student pointing at a complicated equation and saying that it should be done this way...

But, scumbag students just don’t know how.

At this moment, you are afraid of being thrown, so you stick to the cage net. At least you have someone to lean on, so the opponent will not be able to knock you down easily.

"He bought Rhodes?"

Ye Chen murmured in his heart. He had long heard that Covington was good at this and had a lot of fun in private.

Judging from how nervous he is now, he must have bought Rhodes.

He didn't care either.

No matter what you shout now, it won't work.

Rhodes was already scared, so how could he continue to fight Gazi 29?


This time, Gazi kept pressing forward, which made Rhode lose her temper, and she kept retreating.

Wait until the distance is about the same.

Gazi dived suddenly.

The moment Rhode saw Gazi lowering his head, he instinctively bent down and lowered his arms.

At this point, the shouting at the scene suddenly stopped.

I saw that after Gazi took a long stride and lowered his head, he did not continue to dive, but made an overhead fist with his back hand, and threw it directly without even looking at Rhodes.

In fact, due to the excessive force, he was almost knocked over by his fist.

This punch hit Rhodes' jaw accurately.

I saw a red brace flying directly out of Rhodes' mouth.


Rhodes suddenly fell to the ground like a pile of rotten flesh.


When his body hit the ring, there was a loud noise.

Perhaps because he was too excited, Gazi steadied his body, saw Rhodes lying on the ground, and rushed over to replenish his punches.

After punching hard twice.

The referee next to him pounced on him, and the gazi who was shaking his fists was knocked over.

Gazi took advantage of the situation and rolled back to his feet, then raised his hands high and let out a roar.


The whole place was boiling.

It took less than five seconds from Gazi's feint dive to the end of the battle.

The second round starts in just twelve seconds.

At this moment, forever stopped in this second.

Rhodes directly stood up.

"My dear, this punch is too terrifying."

"Rhodes' braces seemed to have been knocked out of the cage just now."

"Shet, this circle is disappointing."

“I didn’t expect that he wasn’t wrestling. This Daxia player seems to be very good. With Ye Chen as a corner player, he is even more powerful.

"Double crushing of tactics and combat effectiveness, Rhodes is a waste."

"I won't give the scoring referee a chance to make a penalty this time, fierce."

The three people around him, Doss, the head coach, and Li Wei, cheered and jumped up to the ring.

Ye Chen was lying on the stage and applauding.

This punch is indeed powerful and heavy.

Moreover, the tactics were executed and the goals were achieved.

However, there is indeed a problem with the connection of Gazi's combo. The rhythm is interrupted in the middle. It may be because the step is too big when he feints to dive down, and the punch is not only slow.

Moreover, Tian's rear center of gravity is unstable.

Fortunately, Gazi's fists were very accurate. If he had been less accurate and missed, he would have definitely fallen down.

That's trouble.

However, it is understandable. After all, it would be great if we can achieve the desired result if we just improvise.

Because climbing cage nets is not allowed here in Miami.

Therefore, Gazi held up the cage net to celebrate with He Chen and others.

The moment the cage mesh door opens.

Doss and others couldn't wait to rush over there.

The same goes for Gazi.

Just when Ye Chen followed him a few steps away.

Suddenly, out of his peripheral vision, he saw an unknown object flying over.

At the same time, some cold water was sprinkled on his arm.

It felt like it was raining in the venue.

He instinctively leaned back to avoid it.


A bottle of drink without a lid flew past him and hit the cage net hard.


At this time, the place where Ye Chen walked was exactly where the girl holding the sign was sitting.

The bottle flew by and the two of them were doused with the drink.

The two screamed and jumped up as an instinctive reaction.

However, Ye Chen's attention was not on the girl holding the sign, but on the person who threw the drink bottle.

Without thinking, he grabbed the bottle from one of the girls holding signs in front of him and threw it away.

"Are you sick of riding a horse?"

After throwing out the bottle, Ye Chen pointed at the other person and cursed.

This person is none other than the excited Covington just now.

Ye Chen didn't care whether he did it on purpose or not. If he didn't fight back in this situation, would it be possible for him not to go over and shake hands with him?

Moreover, he estimated that given Covington's character, it was probably intentional.

Here suddenly came the classic off-court troublemaking session, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Even the photographers are focused here.

Covington didn't expect Ye Chen to react so quickly, nor did he expect him to take action directly.

Seeing the bottle flying towards him, he couldn't lift his legs or bend his arms, so the bottle hit his arm.

He immediately stood up, pointed at Ye Chen and shouted: "You are dead, you are dead."


"Who are you scolding?"

At the same time, the two men with Covington also directly cursed.

Without any explanation, the bottle was thrown at him.

Ye Chen was right, this is what Covington had in mind.

When he saw Ye Chen enter the stage, he and his two brothers started planning all this.

Anyone who watches UFC knows that Covington is a good hype man.

I had private conflicts with many people.

Moreover, he sometimes has no bottom line when it comes to hype, and in bar opera competitions, he is so crazy that he criticizes everyone in the bar opera.

Of course, fortunately it was a bar show and most people couldn't understand what he said.

After he finished spraying, he specifically told the translator that these words did not need to be translated.

Otherwise, it would be a question whether he could walk out that night.


“Get to work, get in the fields.

"Colby and Ye Chen are having sex, it's going to be great."


"Fight, fight."

The audience booed.

Dada, who was on the other side of the cage net, was stunned for a moment, and immediately stood up and rushed towards him.

Moreover, many on-site staff rushed over immediately.

Two bottles flew over.

Ye Chen raised his hand and swatted a bottle away.

Another flew over his head.

The two girls holding placards were so frightened that they turned pale and cursed Ka Wen Yi.

Screams, shouts, and boos all mixed together.

Even many spectators at the scene threw things.

Ye Chen took one step, jumped directly over the sign girl's chair, and rushed towards Covington.

If you don't agree, do it.

Moreover, I can’t get up for the first work on Friday.

Covington also knew that, so he was so unscrupulous.

Even so, it was impossible for Ye Chen to swallow his anger, let alone whether he could cope with it.

As a fighter, if he is provoked like this in front of a large public and under the spotlight, he would just laugh it off.

He might as well join the entertainment industry and establish a persona of a humble gentleman and a young man as pale as a chrysanthemum.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work in the hormonal fighting world.

"Ye Chen, don't pretend to be with me here. We can go to the ring and have a fight right now. I will beat you to death."

The three Covingtons also stood up from their seats.

"I can deal with you right here."

Ye Chen also shouted.

However, as soon as Ye Chen stepped over from the girl holding the sign, he was hugged by several strong staff members.

The Covington side was also blocked by staff.


Covington’s trademark exaggerated laugh rang out.

"Come here if you have the ability. Are you afraid? If you dare to come to the junior high school, I will be the first to end your winning streak. The junior high school is the weight class for tough guys. You should bully those little guys in the lightweight class. "

After being stopped by the staff, Covington became more and more enthusiastic, and his words were smooth.

Ye Chen just wanted to speak.

Dana appeared, glanced at Covington with a red face, and shouted: "Don't go crazy here, what do you want to do?"

"Duna, are you here to protect your supernova so soon?"

This is not the first time that Covington has criticized Dana in public. His mouth... He once said that as long as he wins the championship, if Dana dares to give him the belt, he will let Dana win on the spot. In a cage.

"How about it, do you dare to let your supernova fight with me? If he dares to walk into the ring with me, you will have to go to the hospital to see him in the future.

Dana was too lazy to deal with Covington.

Walking towards Ye Chen, "Don't be impulsive. This kid just wants you to make trouble with him and promote a competition between you and him. He has no right to hit you now."

Of course Ye Chen also knew.

However, it doesn't matter. While others are hyping him up, they are also helping him maintain his popularity.

Moreover, Covington has been dissing him online many times and his comments have been very unpleasant.

He really wouldn't mind fucking Covington once, but of course, not in the ring.

Not even in reality.

Because that is what the other person wants and he is not that stupid.

Hitting him, according to the laws of the beautiful country, hitting someone with a fighter's fist is equivalent to assaulting others with a weapon, which is very serious.

If I really hit him, I would probably have to pay this guy a lot of money.

In fact, everyone in the league understands this.

Xiao Ma, who makes trouble everywhere, brings a large number of gangsters around every time, and is known as a gangster.

But, when did you see him causing trouble, he really hurt the other person?

There is only one motor, no button

Play a routine, sneak attack on Covington, and kill one of his teeth.

No, I have paid the price, and now I have been subject to legal sanctions, compensation, injunctions and so on.

However, there is no opportunity to check out Winton.

He now plans to win the last time. If he wins the championship, he will have a chance to meet Ka Lao Er in the defending match.

Of course, this also requires him to strive for success and get the right to challenge.

Seeing what happened outside, Gazi and others were all struck down.

"Ye Chen, what's going on? This man has a bad mouth. Don't be the same as him. Is it hurt?"

As soon as Gazi came over, he asked eagerly.

Ye Chen shook his head.

After looking at Gazi, I thought I might as well forget it.

Today is Gazi's big show. He is already a bit dominant, but this will steal all the attention, which is too unauthentic.

I've already ordered two suits for nothing.

He couldn't let Gazi show off tonight in vain.

Moreover, Dana intervened and found a step.

He said: "Let's go back to the ring. You may be fined if you cause trouble."

Ye Chen pulled Gazi towards the octagonal cage.

If there was a conflict between the two parties because of him, Gazi was fined and suspended, then I would be even more sorry for Gazi.

He didn't care, Dana wouldn't do anything to him.

Covington, "You're scared... Look, Terminator Ye Chen is scared. He doesn't dare to fight me at all. He..."

Dana suddenly shouted and blocked Covington.

"Shut up, you are in heaven"

This is not the first time Dana has scolded Covington like this.

The farce is over.

Return to the field to interview Gazi.

And a slow-motion shot of KO was played.

It can be seen that the punch hit the jaw directly, which looks even more terrifying in slow motion.

Rhodes' face was extremely distorted.

It looked like his jaw was about to be blown off.

273 is really scary.

It can be clearly seen that after Rhodes was hit, the power was shut down instantly, and his intuition was lost.

The whole audience burst into exclamations.

They all stared at Rhodes, who was still lying on the ring, motionless, while the doctor was giving first aid.

This interview is with Rogan.

"The last time you fought Rhodes, many people said that the penalty was unfair. This time, you undoubtedly won the victory and KO Rhodes in a very explosive way. What can you say?

How are you feeling now?"

Doss helped Gazi translate.

Hearing this, Gazi's eyes instantly turned red.

too excited.

"This is MMA, this is mixed martial arts. Anything can happen in the ring. I also felt that there was a problem with the penalty last time. In the second fight, I proved myself.

I would also like to thank my team, who helped me prepare for the competition and allowed me to make such great progress.

Oh, by the way, I would like to express my special thanks to Ye Chen this time [the tactics this time were all based on his suggestions..."

With that said, he turned around and pulled Ye Chen, who was standing at the end, over.

At this time, the translator translated Gazi's words to Luo Gen.

Ye Chen waved his hand, indicating to forget it.

However, neither Logan nor Dana will let go of his superstar.

Logan said directly: "It turns out that Ye Chen helped you formulate the tactics..."

As soon as this sentence came out.

Although the audience had expected it, they still shouted excitedly.

Logan came up and directly put his arm around Ye Chen's shoulders, "You are the king in the ring, everyone knows it, but I didn't expect that you are also the king of corners.

In fact, all boxing fans have a question: you don’t have a team.

Were you all on your own for those previous games, from training to preparation?"

This question also troubles countless people.

Thousands of people ask Ye Chen's private messages every day such questions.

Because, under modern people's understanding, such a huge systematic scientific training, formulating tactics, weight loss and dehydration... these are completely impossible to complete by one person.

Even the Night Devil who claims to practice blindly in his basement still has to find a team every time there is a competition to prepare for the competition.

Every game has corners.

Ye Chen really broke through everyone's cognition.

There is only one goddess star assistant...

Many people even suspect that Ye Chen is a technological biochemical person from Daxia.

Otherwise, it would be too outrageous.

Logan hugged him directly, the microphone was in his face, and he couldn't help but say anything.

Ye Chen smiled and said: "Yes, I did everything by myself. Of course, this is after I have done boxing, wrestling, kickboxing, and MMA sparring.

I have basic skills, so I can do it by myself for the time being.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I’m not looking for a team, it’s just that I haven’t found the right one yet. Maybe I will have a team next time I play?”

Ye Chen took the microphone from Logan's hand while the audience cheered and called his name.

He knew that Logan would definitely ask about the conflict in the audience just now.

Ye Chen pointed at Covington in the audience, "I only fight against real fighters. I can't remember when Colby's last victory was... Ah, yes, maybe it was against Thirty-Eight

Let’s make a motor that time...".

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