I Asked You To Be A Substitute, And You Actually Won The Ufc Triple Crown.

098 The Competition Is Approaching, The Champion’S Personal Documentary (Please Subscribe)

"Dad, Mom."

People in our country still express their feelings in a reserved and restrained way.

The new era is much better.

However, Ye Chen’s generation and his parents’ generation are rural people.

It is almost unimaginable to meet and hug to express feelings.

Ye Chen's parents looked at Ye Chen with mixed emotions of relief, longing, and a bit of sadness.

Maybe it’s just mixed feelings.

It would be difficult for any professional actor to perform such shocking and subtle emotions.

"Xiaochen, let me come down quickly.

It was Ye Chen’s mother who thought of Catwoman first.

Catwoman adjusted her mood in the car and got out of the car.

"Uncle, auntie, hello..."

Catwoman showed a rare reserved, quiet and reserved look, and said hello respectfully.

Although this Daxia dialect is not very standard and it is said awkwardly, it can still be understood.

Ever since I knew I was coming back with Ye Chen.

Catwoman pestered Ye Chen almost every day to teach her some common Daxia language.

Even during the two days when Ye Chen went to help Gazi prepare for the war.

Before leaving, Ye Chen was asked to record some words. She followed the video to learn, which shows how hard she worked.


Ye Chen's parents looked at Catwoman in surprise and nodded in response.

Then, he cast a questioning look at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen said: "I taught her.

Only then did Ye Chen's parents realize that they had never thought that the other party would greet them in Daxia dialect.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

It was Ye Chen who broke the deadlock, "Mom and Dad, let's go back first, otherwise everyone will come to watch later.

"Ah, yes, yes...

Ye Chen's parents nodded quickly.

Then it’s time to move things.

Ye Chen's parents each dragged a box toward their home.

Ye Chen's mother exclaimed in a low voice, "This girl looks just like the person walking out of the painting. She is even prettier than the one she saw on TV that day.'

Ye Jianguo, "Please lower your voice. If others can understand, we should say we are ignorant."

"What's wrong with you? Have you ever seen such a beautiful thing?"

"That's not true. I don't know what he looks like."

"Look at your clothes, you look like a pig all day long. I changed them into new ones specially for you in the morning. What's on your trouser legs? It's not good for people to see."

"Okay, okay, stop nagging, I'm listening."

Listening to the whispers of his parents, Ye Chen couldn't help laughing.

Catwoman looked at Ye Chen confused.

If Ye Chen spoke some simple Daxia dialect, such as eating, going out for a walk, I'll go out for a while, I'll come back, she would be able to understand some of it.

Ye Chen's parents spoke a dialect, which she really couldn't understand.

"Did you talk about me? What did you say? Did I say the right greeting just now?"

Catwoman asked nervously while taking the luggage out of the car.

Ye Chen shook his head and smiled: "340 praised you for looking weird."


Catwoman shook her head, not confident in anything, but she was still confident in her appearance. No matter how different her aesthetics were, she wouldn't be weird.

Immediately, she reacted and gave Ye Chen a slap, "If you tease me again, be careful and I'll beat you to death."

Just when Ye Chen and Catwoman were carrying their luggage and about to enter the house.

Suddenly, a voice stopped him.


Ye Chen turned his head and looked over. It was Yang Wenlong. He looked at Ye Chen and Catwoman at the door of his house with a shocked expression.

"Wenlong, I said I would come over and find you later."

Ye Chen shook the bag in his hand and said, "I'll leave it alone for a moment."

Immediately, Catwoman followed Ye Chen out to say hello to Yang Wenlong.

After all, they are Ye Chen's neighbors and friends.

After saying hello, she entered the house.

Yang Wenlong looked at Ye Chen in surprise, "You have changed so much now. We haven't seen you for two years, right?"

"Yeah, how about you, how are you doing lately."

"It's still the same. You're so good now. This female star is so pretty. I've seen her movies, but I didn't expect to see her in real life.

By the way, I am obviously a high school graduate and you are a junior high school graduate. Why is your English so good? "

The two grew up together and went to school together.

We have a very good relationship. Although we haven't seen each other for a long time, we still have feelings for each other.

Yang Wenlong joked.

Because he didn't understand half of the words Catwoman greeted him just now, and they were translated by Ye Chen.

That's a common expression.

Moreover, Ye Chen also translated his words to Catwoman, which is called a slip.

"Just learn. If you don't learn, you won't understand what the foreign teachers teach in the training hall, and you won't know how to train, because of that."

Yang Wenlong sighed, "Sure enough, it's not unreasonable for you to succeed. You were extremely talented when you were in school. I was bullied. You were always the first to go up, and you did several things one by one." 1

"Are you praising me? I was detained by the teacher every day...


After chatting for about ten minutes.

Yang Wenlong said: "Okay, go back quickly and come find me when you have time.

He also understands that when he comes back, he must spend some time with his family.

Ye Chen, "Wait a minute, I brought something for you."

Yang Wenlong can only stay at home due to his health condition, and his current situation is very bad.

Therefore, he specially bought a mobile phone and some other things that Ye Chen thought were suitable for people of his age.

Although he has money now.

However, if you give money directly, no real friend will accept it.

A gift would be fine.

He could see that Yang Wenlong envied himself now, but he was not jealous, just envious.

Seeing this old friend again made him feel uncomfortable, so he could only try his best to behave as he did before, so as not to let the other party feel a sense of disparity.

"Give me?"

Yang Wenlong shook the knitted broom in his hand, shook his head and smiled, "What other gifts do I want as a grown man?"

“Aren’t men just human beings?”

Ye Chen turned around and entered the room, and quickly handed a large bag of things to Yang Wenlong.

"So many? Why do you still have a mobile phone? It's too expensive..."

Yang Wenlong was surprised and kept buying.

Ye Chen, "It's okay. Many of them are issued by UFC. I can't use them, and my parents don't know how to use them. The mobile phone was a gift from Annie's fans. There are many others. She is worried that she has no place to put them." . Rather than leaving it at home to eat ashes, why not borrow flowers to offer to Buddha?

Ye Chen also gave some reasons casually.

In the end, Yang Wenlong accepted the gift.

However, he could see that Ye Chen's reason was somewhat absurd.



At this moment, Ye Jianguo was sitting beside the bed.

Ye Chen's mother was busy trying to look friendly.

Pushing the fruits on the coffee table over and over to Catwoman sitting on the sofa on the other side.

The atmosphere was quite solemn.

Ye Chen calmed down as soon as he entered the room.

Ye Chen's mother immediately spoke, "Have you eaten? Is it time to cook? I didn't know whether you ate before or what you liked to eat."

Just like that, three days passed.

It is true that the situation is easy to change, but the nature is difficult to change.

Catwoman was more reserved on the first day.

On the second and third days, I became more relaxed every day.

Now, she doesn't care whether Ye Chen's parents understand his mixture of Daxia dialect and English.

Whenever there is something that parents don’t understand, they beat Ye Chen and ask Ye Chen to translate.

Although Ye Chen's parents are not good at talking.

But Catwoman couldn't help being lively and cheerful, and she loved the house and the crow, so there was a lot of laughter in the house.

Especially when Catwoman's Daxia language is totally wrong.

Of course, the news that he and Catwoman were back also spread in the village, and many people came here.

He said he wanted to meet foreign stars.

Want to see Ye Chen's golden belt.

What's even more exaggerated is that the village chief also led a group of people to set off several large firecrackers and long red banners... to celebrate the return of the world champion to his hometown.

They even talked about setting up a few tables in restaurants in the town, and everyone was busy.

Ye Chen was stunned.

However, it is understandable, let alone their village, there are no famous people in the eight villages in the ten miles.

It was also on this day that the match between Wu Siman and Hua Zi began.

Because of the time difference, it's night over there.

On Daxia's side, we didn't arrive at the headline main event until around 12 noon.

Ye Chen watched this headline main event exclusively.

No surprise, Wusman dominated the game, avenged his shame and regained the championship.

After the game, Dana announced the new schedule when buying the right media.

A special mention was made, "Ye Chen has returned to China and is preparing to fight Dustin Poirier in Daxia, on their soil."

This is definitely big news in the fighting circle.

As soon as the schedule was announced, it immediately aroused heated discussion among fighting fans around the world.

Or even leave the circle directly.

When the news spread back to China, the major media, fighting fans, and audiences learned that Ye Chen had secretly returned to China.

Suddenly, Ye Chen’s funny voice, small TV station, and scarf private messages exploded.

The whole internet is asking, “Where did Ye Chen go?”

Ye Chen took a look and saw that the schedule was less than four months away from now.

It's not a long time.

You can live a quiet life at home.

Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to those private messages.


The following days.

Ye Chen insists on running in the mountains every day [There are no winding roads in distant mountains (cjef).

So running takes a lot of energy.

Because of Makhachev's copying skills, he finally chose wrestling.

Therefore, he now pays special attention to physical training.

On the first day of the mountain run, Catwoman had to follow him life and death. On the second day, she couldn't even scream and she wouldn't go no matter what.

As the time goes.

Memes about Catwoman have become popular in China.

[About the comparison between the goddess before returning to the village and after returning to the village. 】

Netizens specially selected a photo of Catwoman before returning to the village, wearing a dress and long skirt, full of jewels, and her whole body was glowing when she looked at it.

The most popular photo after returning to the village was the photo of Catwoman holding Ye Chen's mother on the market.

The whole network is heartbroken.

It is worth mentioning that.

Ye Chen "bought" a house in the county town.

You can't say he bought it, because it was given to him by the developer together with the relevant local departments.

Even a car was given.

Of course, these are not free, because as soon as the news comes out, it is equivalent to promoting the local area, promoting the real estate, and promoting the car brand in disguise.

Although Ye Chen most likely will not live in the county town.

However, parents can move in in the winter, and buying a house is a knot that the previous generation could never solve.

This is fulfilling his parents' wish.

I stayed in my hometown for about a month.

Ye Chen decided to take Catwoman around, from north to south, wherever she goes, famous or unknown.

During this period, he also accepted many media interviews.

Promote him, that's good.

The only bad thing is that he basically has to attend interviews, large and small, with his belt on his shoulders.

And several of his platform accounts have turned into tourism promotional videos.

Every time one arrives

Everywhere, he and Catwoman would shoot some short videos.

[Brother Chen, are you going too far and not even preparing for war? Don't be too arrogant. 】

[I am definitely preparing for the battle. This is just a video posted for fun. I don’t know how hard people will work in private. 】

[My goddess, she has gained weight visibly to the naked eye, but her appearance has been online again recently. 】

[I don’t watch the game very much. I heard that diamonds are very powerful. Let’s make some predictions. Brother Chen plays every day now. There is something wrong with this situation. 】

[It depends on how you fight. If Brother Chen is determined to play on the ground [Diamond, then the black belt is not enough]. If it's a stand-up fight... Diamond has been the number one star star for several years with a set of star combos. 】

[I still like to watch stand-up, and the confrontation is very fun. However, this time I hope Brother Chen will stick to the ground and not overturn just after winning the championship. There is something to standing on a diamond. 】

[More than just something, have you seen Diamond’s recent leaked video of his preparations? This time he practiced to the death, and he seemed to be in great shape. 】

[Yes, Diamond said that this should be the last challenge in his career, so he will go all out. 】

[I don’t care, I support Brother Chen anyway. As long as he doesn’t swell, I’m infinitely optimistic about him. 】

Soon, there was almost a month left before the competition.

Ye Chen took Catwoman around in a big circle and finally arrived at the Magic City.

After playing for nearly two months, Ye Chen trains every day, but they are all basic training to maintain his condition.

The most important training is still conducted in the simulation space.

During the last period of time, Fu was trained.

That's why he came to Magic City in advance to prepare.

On the second day after arriving in Magic City, Ye Chen came to the Elite Training Center.

He used to be a sparring partner for Gazi here.

However, after seeing too many top teams training in top foreign gyms.

Ye Chen only feels that the gap in domestic training is even wider.

Many potential newcomers do not work hard enough or are talented enough.

However, if you can’t keep up with training, no matter how strong your willpower is, it won’t work.

He also thought about opening his own training gym.

But, now is not the time, his road is still on the rise, and he cannot let this kind of thing distract him now.

Because he doesn't want to open a restaurant and use his reputation to sell dog meat on sheep's head.

If he had to do it himself, he obviously didn't have the time now.

time flies.

UFC promotion comes in waves.

This event can be said to be unprecedented in China, with the greatest publicity for a fighting game in history.

There are still twenty days left before the game.

Many UFC staff, including some players, have come over to make preparations.

This time, the UFC made a big move.

We directly chose the Magic City Stadium, a venue that can accommodate 80,000 people.

At this time, there was a huge promotional poster on the stadium, Ye Chen, holding a belt [The photo of facing the diamond was naturally computer-generated.

He has never had any contact with diamonds.

I met him once from a distance during a previous game, and neither party said hello.

That's not all.

Almost all the places where Magic City advertises are advertised.

It can be said that people living in the magical city can see this morning when they go out and look up these days.

Yangshi Sports Channel also promoted the game for several days.

While Ye Chen is busy training and controlling his weight.

After eating, drinking and having fun with Catwoman a few days ago, his weight soared to 93 kilograms.

On the other side, this last period of time.

Ye Chen also needs to cooperate with vigorous publicity.

Filming his first personal documentary after becoming a champion.

He even made a special trip back to his hometown for filming.

Because the documentary was in a hurry and was originally supposed to be filmed after he won the championship.

Until it is produced before the game.

However, after Ye Chen finished working for Gazi, he took Catwoman and ran away.

Now we can only make progress.

In addition, we also need to interview some professional players who have been trained by Ye Chen.

For example, boxing champion Zou Shiming, Gazi, Fang Pian...

Of course, there is also Lin Long, who just signed with UFC through the Elite Road.

At this time, the people who shot the documentary had already arrived at the training hall where Lin Long was. In addition to shooting some additional scenes, "I want some video material from the previous sparring sessions with Ye Chen.

They also invited Ye Chen to come over for filming, but Ye Chen refused.

Of course the training hall will cooperate. This will be a wave of publicity for their hall and even Lin Long.

Nowadays, Ye Chen is so popular that no one in the fighting circle would want to take advantage of it.

Filming crew: "Excuse me, when Ye Chen was working as a sparring partner here, did you discover that he had such great potential and amazing talent?"

This sentence directly stopped a group of people from asking.

Head coach, "Of course, this young man Ye Chen is very talented. I have seen early on that he can achieve great things in the future.

Look at him now, he has won consecutively and won Asia's first men's world championship belt. Even, we have been contacting Ye Chen recently and want to cooperate with him again......

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