After hearing the six words"Yan Luo" from the big mouth,

Zhang Hai's face darkened.

He walked over and picked up the phone.

He said unhappily,"Wait a minute!"

"I'll help you solve the case."

"But I want to ask first"

"Your Xuncheng is so far away from Yuzhang, how do you know the ugly name of Big Mouth Yan Luo?"

After Zhang Hai asked, he heard several laughs from the other end of the phone. Then he heard the policeman who asked for help said with a suppressed laugh:"This is not our fault.


"It’s because your reputation is too great!"

"Recently, many cities have caught criminals who escaped from Yuzhang City."

"After the interrogation, I found out that it was all because I couldn't stand your big mouth."

"Only then did they go to other cities to develop!"

"Hahaha, Vice Captain Zhang"

"I'm afraid your name has spread all over the province!"

Zhang Hai:"......"

"Okay, okay, that's it."

"Don't bother me these days, wait until after Qingming Festival"

"Zhang Hai will go to help you!"

"Hang up!"


Ling Jinglong looked at Zhang Hai's dark face.

He laughed and hung up the phone.

Then he looked at him and said,"Let's go and have lunch together."

"We are famous in Poyang Province - the big-mouthed devil!"

Zhang Hai followed him and said angrily:"Captain, I want to practice fighting with you this afternoon!"

Ling Jinglong:"Haha~ No time~"

Zhang Hai:"Are you scared?"

Hearing this,

Ling Jinglong suddenly stopped.

Then he turned around, raised a finger, and said seriously:"Zhang Hai! I am the captain!"

Zhang Hai:"???"

When Zhang Hai returned to Ganxi with his girlfriend on vacation to visit his mother-in-law and father-in-law, the words Ling Jinglong said three days ago still rang in his mind.

"Zhang Hai, I am the captain!"

Fuck! I never expected that Ling Jinglong, who looked thick-browed, big-bodied, and serious, was actually a fucking idiot!

Two hours later, after getting off the plane,

Zhang Hai and Liang Xiaohui came to their father-in-law's house.

Knowing that they were coming back, the two elders were very happy.

Mother-in-law Jiang Ru even prepared a large table of food early! As soon as she entered the house, Jiang Ru put aside her kitchen work and walked out to see the two of them.

""You've lost weight! But you're more energetic!"

She looked at Zhang Hai.

The admiration in her eyes almost overflowed.

A son-in-law is half a son!

Since acknowledging Zhang Hai's identity,

Jiang Ru really treated Zhang Hai as her own son.

Father-in-law Liang Weihua was still aloof and pretentious!

Although he also cared about his daughter and son-in-law.

But after he came back, he was very cold.

He sat at the dining table motionless.

Then he snorted indifferently,"You're back! Wash your hands and get ready for dinner!"

Jiang Ru didn't tolerate him.

She said unhappily:"Lao Liang, why are you pretending?"

"Who heard that my daughter and son-in-law came back today?"

"Not even discussing the business we have agreed on?"

Hearing his wife sabotage him,

Liang Weihua's face darkened.

The cigarette in his hand shook.

His tall and fat body also trembled.

But he didn't dare to refute at all!

Seeing her father's aggrieved look,

Liang Xiaohui kept laughing.

Her eyebrows and eyes curved when she laughed.

It was very beautiful!

She walked over and held Liang Weihua's shoulders.

"Dad, I heard I was coming back."

"You really pushed a big deal?"

Liang Weihua snorted.

He didn't answer and started to change the subject.

He shouted to Jiang Ru:"Wife, open that bottle of aged Moutai!"

"" Bring a plate of fennel beans, Zhang Hai and I will have a good drink tonight!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, showing the attitude of the head of the family, and motioned Zhang Hai to sit down.

Liang Xiaohui saw that her father wanted to take the opportunity to drink.

She shouted loudly:"Dad, are you so strict usually? My mom doesn't even let you drink?"

"Can I only drink when Haihai comes back with me?"

The son-in-law is here.

Liang Weihua felt that his dignity as a man was violated.

With eyes wide open, he explained:"Don't talk nonsense! Isn't it normal for me to drink wine at ordinary times!"

"Huihui, how can you defame dad's innocence like this?"

Hearing this,

Jiang Ru rolled her eyes in the kitchen.

She said unhappily:"What innocence? You have three highs, and you still dare to drink? Aren't you afraid that I will be a widow, right?"

Liang Weihua saw the mother and daughter united.

His face immediately turned red, and the blue veins on his forehead popped out.

He argued:"What's wrong with drinking for business matters?"

"I won't drink much, just two small cups!"

Then, there were some difficult to understand words. Sentences like"

It's all for this family" and"If you put down the wine glass, I can't make a deal to give you material things.

" That angry and stubborn look immediately made the mother and daughter and Zhang Hai laugh.

The whole house was instantly filled with a happy atmosphere!

The next day, Qingming Festival, at five or six in the morning, Zhang Hai took Lao Liang's family of three to visit his parents' graves.

Liang Weihua and Jiang Ru came to the graves of Zhang Hai's parents.

They were also full of emotion.

They kept muttering

"Brother Zhang, Sister Zhao"

"Just rest assured"

"Although Zhang Hai has suffered a lot since childhood,"

"But he didn't grow up crooked, he's a good boy!"

"From now on, we will treat him like our own son!"

"Zhang Hai is very obedient and sensible"

"He has made many contributions and has a promising future."

"He also became a glorious people's policeman"

"After I marry Xiaohui, I will have my own children."

"Don't worry!"

"From now on, every Qingming Festival"

"We'll all come to see you."


The old couple talked a lot , one sentence at a time.

Zhang Hai and Liang Xiaohui said nothing, silently weeding and dusting the grave.

Liang Xiaohui's eyes were moist.

She felt very distressed when she thought of Haihai becoming an orphan since childhood and growing up in an orphanage.

Zhang Hai was used to it.

After all, he had been alone for more than ten years since he was sensible.

The suffering was long gone.

He would not forget what he had experienced , but he would not reminisce about it all the time.

That would be too tiring!

Now he has a future, a girlfriend, and a bright future.

He is not that stupid!

As for the future, he only thinks about three things: one is to catch more criminals!

Two is to make himself stronger!

Three is to be with Liang Xiaohui and make her happy for the rest of her life!

So during the whole process of sweeping the grave, although he was very moved, he did not cry.

After sweeping the grave, the four of them returned home.

After washing up , they went out for shopping and eating.

The day passed peacefully.

The next day, Zhang Hai left his father-in-law's house early in the morning.

He boarded the high-speed train to the neighboring Xuncheng.

Although there were three days of holiday during the Qingming Festival, Ling Jinglong also agreed to let him go to support after the Qingming Festival.

But the case can't wait!

The harm of new reading products is so great.

Every day of delay means that more people will suffer!

Of course, this suffering does not refer to those drug addicts who deserve it, but the families behind them!

Behind these drug addicts, those families who keep choosing to believe, but are constantly sucked blood by them until their families are broken up, are really miserable!

(To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!

) That's why Zhang Hai rushed to Xuncheng without stopping.

Because it is very close.

In less than an hour and a half, Zhang Hai arrived in Xuncheng.

After leaving the high-speed rail station, he did not report directly to the Xuncheng City Bureau.

Instead, he found a breakfast shop and had a casual breakfast.

He ordered five leek boxes, a bowl of salty tofu brain, and a tea egg.

Zhang Hai sat at a roadside stall.

I was eating comfortably.

But just when I was halfway through my meal, I heard a few discordant sounds coming from the roadside!

"Come on, beauty! Have fun with your brother!"

"Let me go! Help!"

"Yo? Are you pretending to be reserved? I just like little fierce horses!"

"Save me! How dare you do this in broad daylight!"

"Come on baby! My sword is thirsty for a long time!"

"Help! Help! I don't know them!"

"Hehehe, give it to me!"

"Wow~ you have a pretty good figure, let me show you your legs!"

"The more you resist, the more excited I get!"

"Come here quickly, let me show you my baby!"

"Come on! Hehehehe!"


Zhang Hai frowned.

He looked in the direction of the sound.

He saw five young men with distracted eyes.

They were surrounding a girl with a suitcase and making a move!

The pedestrians passing by were actually staying away from them!

No one dared to approach.

He felt something was wrong!

But he did not act rashly.

Instead, he turned on the radar first.

【Kang Tianhua, male, 39 years old. Drug addict, just finished taking drugs】

【Ji Yongxin, male, 30 years old. Drug addict, just finished taking drugs】

【Sun Ziping, male, 28 years old. Drug addict, just finished taking drugs】

【Zeng Tonghua, male, 27 years old. Drug addict, just finished taking drugs】

【Shao Mingzhe, male, 28 years old. Drug addict, just finished taking drugs】

【Wang Yueyi, female, 21 years old. College student, went home on holiday.

Six people.

The girl is a college student.

Went home on Qingming holiday!

And the other five men.

All of them were on drugs.

Now the drugs are taking effect and they are high!

Seeing this scene,

Zhang Hai also gained new knowledge.

I really didn't expect that the criminals in Xun City, which borders Shan State, would be so rampant!

In broad daylight, under the bright sky, they dared to take drugs and molest women openly!

He put down the half-peeled tea egg and walked straight over.

The five drug addicts were obviously still in the heat of the moment.

They were surrounding the girl and harassing her with lustful eyes.

Zhang Hai stepped forward and kicked one of them.

Then he threw his hands and slapped four big bastards!

He slapped the other four to the ground!

Without waiting for the five people to start cursing,

Zhang Hai took advantage of the victory and punched and kicked them.

The crackling sound continued. The five poisonous insects kept screaming.

She gave a look.

...I...Just thank you for saving me, I want to treat you to a meal"

"No need! I'm a policeman, it's my job!"

Zhang Hai waved his hand casually, then picked up the five drug addicts.

He said in a cold voice:"Follow me! Go to the Municipal Public Security Bureau!"

The passers-by around him dispersed after hearing that Zhang Hai was a policeman. This surprised Zhang Hai very much! If they were in western Jiangxi or Yuzhang, the passers-by around would cheer in unison after seeing him punish evil and promote good! But the citizens of Xuncheng City avoided him as if he were a plague! And the five drug addicts, after hearing Zhang Hai say that he was a policeman, even though they had just been beaten up, they actually bared their teeth and clamored!

"Yo? Police? What's wrong with the police?"

"Yes, I am a reader, not a salesperson. What can you do to me?"

"I'll report you right away!"

"Even if you molested a woman, it would still be considered assaulting a citizen, right?"

"Yes, we must peel off this layer of skin from you!"

"Damn, it hurts so much, wait for the compensation!"


It's outrageous!

Hearing them shouting, Zhang Hai was really confused!

He looked at the five poisonous insects whose teeth were half blown off by him.

There were still some poisonous insects who kept yelling and cursing.

He really didn't know who gave them the courage!

Are the rats in the border city so wild? It seems that it is necessary to let the ghosts and monsters in Xun City know who is the son and who is the father!

Thinking of this, Zhang Hai didn't waste any words.

He walked in front of the five people and beat them up again!

All the teeth of the five poisonous insects were blown away by him!

Their faces were beaten into inflated pig heads.

The two arms full of pinholes were also broken!

The five poisonous insects were completely awakened by the pain!

They kept screaming.

Even the reading addiction that had been under the effect of the drug was hurt.

They couldn't cover up the pain in their bodies!

After beating them up, Zhang Hai began to search them!

As expected, he found the new type of drugs that Ling Jinglong mentioned on every drug addict!

With sufficient evidence, Zhang Hai took the five drug addicts and went straight to Xuncheng Municipal Bureau!

On the other side, Xuncheng Public Security Bureau, after hearing that Zhang Hai, who was very famous in Poyang Province, was coming, the police officers from all the major police teams were very excited.

Of course, Zhang Hai is not Yuanzi.

He can't satisfy and like everyone!

So there are many people who question him.

"The living devil Zhang Hai is coming for a secondment? I've been wanting to see him for a long time!"

"You said that it's all in the past. Didn't you listen to what the thief you caught before said?"

"Now, everyone calls him the Big Mouth Yama!"

"Haha, I admit that he is good at fighting, but he may not be good at solving cases!"

"A person's reputation is like the shadow of a tree. Even if you don't acknowledge it, he has made many contributions!"

"It's just a promotion! Do you know how to create stars? The provincial government creates stars!"

"How interesting, creating stars? Why didn't they choose you?"

"I...Anyway, I don’t believe he is that awesome!"

"Yeah, I think it's exaggerated."

"The police forces of our three major systems were unable to find any follow-up, so how could he be so capable alone?"

"You’ll know when he comes!"

"Whether it’s a mule or a horse, take it out for a walk!"

"What's the use of being alone? How funny!"

"Anyway, I don’t believe he is that awesome!"

"Yes! They are all human beings, with one ear and one leg! What's so special about him!"

"??? Damn it, man, you should think about what you are missing!"


While the police officers from Xuncheng City Bureau were chatting, a middle-aged man in a white shirt and with a dignified look walked in.

Hearing what the police officers were talking about, he was furious and shouted,"Shut up! I just received a call, Zhang Hai will be here soon!""

"They came to help the day after Qingming Festival, and you are still picking and nitpicking!"

"It would be a joke if you told others about it!"

"Captains of all teams, follow me out to greet them!"

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