Because he had seen the map of Yiminhe Town when he came here,

Zhang Hai knew the entire area very well.

Under the moonlight, he turned on the radar and ran wildly! He chased the drug lord in front of him like crazy!


"If I let you run away, I will never be a policeman again!"

Zhang Hai's eyes flashed with stubbornness.

He insisted on his own opinion.

Anyone who sells drugs in Longguo, no matter if you are a foreign drug lord or a warlord, must be killed.

Blood must be spilled on this land!

Never reincarnate!

The 800-meter radar opened, spreading Zhang Hai's consciousness around.

As long as the drug offender appears in the radar, he will find it at the first time!

After two minutes of rapid progress,

Zhang Hai arrived at the sand dunes mentioned by Fu Xiliang.

A few thousand meters beyond the sand dunes is the border between Longguo and Shanguo!

He did not hesitate at all.

His figure jumped out like a cheetah! Going at full speed!

Zhang Hai's current physical fitness has exceeded the limit of ordinary people by seven times!

The speed under full sprint!

He also secretly tested it.

The test results are very amazing!

It has reached the shocking 100 meters in 4 seconds!


That is, 100km per hour is equivalent to three times the world record of 100 meters!

Of course, this extreme speed.

Zhang Hai can't keep it up all the time.

But there is no problem in continuing it for about 10 minutes!

So, in less than three minutes,

Zhang Hai ran thousands of meters again!

Seeing that the border was getting closer and closer, his brows were getting deeper and deeper!

Because the radar hadn't responded yet.

Could it be that the damn foreign warlords had really run into the Shan territory?

After guessing this possibility, Zhang Hai made a decision almost in an instant!

Even if he ran into the Shan territory, he would continue to chase!

Even if he crossed the border.

Today, he will eat up the Shan warlords who dared to come to Longguo to sell drugs!

Even coconut crisps can't stop them!

Zhang Hai said!

After running for more than ten seconds, the radar suddenly lit up!

I saw more than a dozen light spots that had almost turned black!

They were gathering together and flashing continuously!

Zhang Hai stopped suddenly and checked the position of the red dot.

He found that the drug lords were 10 away from the border.

Only a few hundred meters away!

He quickly used radar to observe the opponent's position and terrain!

He found that there were 19 Shan drug lords in total.

They were all hiding behind a hill.

Zhang Hai's eyes flashed coldly.

After thinking about it , he silently lurked behind the hill where the drug lord gang was!

At the same time , on the back of the hill, 19 Shan drug lords were resting in place.

"General, are you sure the police from Dragon Country won’t come after us?"

"Of course I am sure that they are just a bunch of trash!"

"Haha, we got the money anyway"

"Yes, as for Yi Chengtian"

"Whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with us!"

"Anyway, I heard that the gunshot was quite fierce."

"But just a Yi Chengtian"

"It’s enough for these policemen to eat and drink their fill!"

"There's no need to arrest us!"

"Boss, Major Blackthorne said he'll be here soon."

"OK! Then wait two minutes."

"When he comes, he will let us in."

"Yes, boss!"


While the Shan drug lords were chatting,

Zhang Hai had already sneaked behind them, on the other side of the hill.

He used his gecko walking skills to climb to the top of the hill quietly without making any sound!

Looking down, he could see all 19 Shan criminals!

After seeing their equipment clearly, even Zhang Hai had to say that this group of people were indeed small warlords from Shan, because their weapons and equipment were really luxurious!

Submachine guns, machine guns, everything! Zhang Hai even saw an RPG rocket launcher!

And a Moore-made Lee Enfield AWM/P sniper rifle!!! It was outrageous! It can be said that with just 19 people, if the police launched a frontal assault and wanted to wipe them all out, the price the police would have to pay would be very painful and huge! After knowing all the weapons and equipment of the criminals, Zhang Hai looked at them intently, and his personal information emerged!

【Wu Wei, male, 43 years old. Shan】

【The warlord and drug lord of Wadala State in Shan State! He has been sending books to all of Asia all year round】

【Ruan Fei, male, 32 years old. Shan】

【Wu Wei's confidant and loyal warrior!】

【He was trained in Muay Thai and followed Wu Wei to do evil for many years, killing countless people!】

【Kante, male, 26 years old. Shan】

【Wu Wei's confidant and loyal warrior!】

【He was trained in Muay Thai and followed Wu Wei to do evil for many years, killing countless people!】


After reading the information of the nineteen criminals,

Zhang Hai was shocked.

He really didn't expect that the Shan warlord named Wu Wei would be so arrogant! He only brought a dozen of his confidants and dared to cross the border directly to Longguo to trade drugs.

At this time, the drug lords of Shan also stood up.

After putting on their weapons and equipment, they picked up boxes of cash and began to move towards the border line two hundred meters away, preparing to enter Shan!

Zhang Hai saw this and didn't have time to think about it.

He jumped high, like a demon lord from the sky!

Ignoring the height of the hill of eight or nine meters, he landed steadily on the ground with a bang! Zhang Hai leaned against the border line and stood in front of the nineteen Shan criminals alone!

"Holy shit! What the hell?"

"Are you a Dragon Country policeman?"

"Did the Longguo police come after us? Shoot him to death!"

"Damn it, shoot, shoot!

"Kill him, fire now!"

"Fire! Everyone fire!"

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The moment they saw Zhang Hai, the criminals of Shan State were startled at first.

Then they immediately opened fire!

In an instant, countless bullets poured out.

Zhang Hai showed a grim smile.

He opened his invisible bulletproof vest.

He held the 95-type military bayonet in his left hand.

He jumped out in a flash under the rain of bullets.

Rushed straight towards them!


The bayonet made a faint cutting sound.

Blood spurted out!

It floated up.

Under the moonlight, it looked particularly sad and beautiful!

It was a dark and windy night.

It was the time to kill!

At this moment, Zhang Hai was like a demon.

He kept waving the bayonet in his hand, reaping the lives of criminals!

But what he didn't expect was that the 19 criminals in front of him were different from all the criminals he had met before!

Even though he was so terrible and killed with every blow, there was no fear in the eyes of these people.

Instead, they rushed even more fiercely!

And the purpose!

Was to let their leader.

The Shan warlord - Wu Wei!

Escape smoothly into the Shan territory!

This group of Shan people who would rather die than delay Zhang Hai were Wu Wei's confidants.

They were also his death warriors!

Under the obstruction of the fearless criminals, Wu Wei ran like crazy!

He didn't understand.

Why was that Longguo policeman not afraid of bullets!

Could it be that

...Is it a robot?

As Wu Wei got closer and closer to the border, the coldness in Zhang Hai's eyes became colder and colder, almost freezing into ice.

He was very strong, and his moves were powerful.

Every knife was aimed at the enemy's fatal parts.

No matter what the opponent used to block it, it would be crushed by the absolute force!

The bayonet in his hand had been cut to a curved edge!

After killing another person,

Zhang Hai threw away the bayonet in his hand.

Looking at the eight or nine people left in front of him, he showed a grim smile, picked up the RPG rocket launcher that had not been fired on the ground, and pulled the trigger directly at the feet of the criminal who was blocking his way in front of him!

"What the hell!"

"Suicide! Is this guy going to die?"

"Get down on your horse!"

"Fuck you, let’s die together!"

"Stupid, tiger!"


Seeing Zhang Hai go crazy and dare to fire RPG rockets on the spot, even though these Shan people were fearless warriors, they couldn't help themselves at this moment. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

At the last moment of their lives , they left all their last words to Zhang Hai! Boom!!! Under the bright moon sky, there was a loud noise! Huge fireworks bloomed! Everything in front of them was turned into nothing!

""Cough, cough, cough!

" Zhang Hai kept coughing in the thick smoke.

At the same time, he would spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

At the first moment of firing, he fell to the ground.

But this was the so-called"infantry cannon"!

The RPG rocket launcher used to attack tanks and infantry fighting vehicles!

Even though he had an invisible bulletproof vest and a physique seven times the limit of an ordinary person!

This devastating shot almost killed him!

Fortunately, although he was injured, he was not fatal.

He can hold on for the time being!


���The eight or nine Shan warriors who stood in front of Zhang Hai were already dead! Not a single bone was left!

At the same time, Wu

Wei, who was running towards the border, was frightened and fell to the ground in an instant after hearing the loud noise coming from behind him. He crawled on the ground and turned around in panic, wanting to see what happened!


After seeing the bright fireworks released by RPG,

Wu Wei's mouth twitched.

He couldn't help but curse:"Fuck, this guy is really crazy!"

"He really doesn't care about his life!"

"but...It would be nice if we died together!"


Seeing the smoke billowing a few hundred meters away,

Wu Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

The Longguo cop who couldn't be killed by bullets was finally dead!

He took out a cigarette and lit it.

At this time, he had to take two puffs to calm down!

After taking two puffs of the cigarette,

Wu Wei's face showed a look of heartache.

In this battle, he suffered a great loss!

Not only did he lose 200 million worth of cash! He also lost 18 trusted warriors.

However, everything was worth it!

Because as long as he didn't die, he could have everything again!

If the reading products were gone , he could continue to make them.

If the money was gone, he could continue to make money!

Even if all the warriors died, he could continue to train them!

After two minutes, looking at the smoke that had gradually dissipated, Wu Wei confirmed that the crisis was completely resolved!

He stood up and returned to the original path.

The 200 million cash was still on the hill where he had rested just now.

He wanted to get the money!

He would take as much as he could!

But after taking two steps, Wu Wei suddenly stopped.

At the same time, his body began to retreat continuously.

His eyes were filled with fear!

"Damn, no...Not dead!"


As the dust raised by the RPG completely dissipated, a figure slowly emerged!

It was Zhang Hai!

Wu Wei was frightened. It was outrageous that the Dragon Country cop in front of him was not afraid of bullets. I didn't expect that he could even withstand a rocket launcher? Is he still a human being? He turned around and crawled towards the border. He stopped again when he was about one meter away from the border. As a result, he saw that Zhang Hai, who was five or six hundred meters away, did not chase him!

"Damn, I was so scared!"

"It turned out to be a false alarm!"

"I was saying, how could there be such a beastly person?"

"Let the RPG explode"

"How is it possible that 640 is not dead!"

Looking at the Longguo cop standing there motionless in the distance

, as if he was already dead,

Wu Wei's dark heart was finally completely put down in his stomach.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. A triumphant smile!

Bang bang bang bang!

At this moment, dozens of footsteps sounded. Fu Xiliang led the police officers of the anti-reading team.

After running for several kilometers, they finally arrived!

Seeing the large number of Longguo police coming in the distance,

Wu Wei was not afraid.

Instead, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Because 1 meter behind him was the border!

Cross it.

It was Shan Country!

And where were the Longguo police?

They were five kilometers away from him.���The distance was 100 meters.

So no matter how many people came from the opposite side, they could not pose a threat to him!

Wu Wei, who liked to show off, was arrogant again!

He shouted wildly:"Come and catch me!"

"Stupid thing!"

"The police in Dragon Country are all useless! Beasts and horses!"

"That policeman's name is Zhang Hai, right? I remember it!"

"When I go back, I will send a steady stream of assassins to Dragon Country!"

"Kill all of Zhang Hai’s relatives! Family!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Damn thing!"

"Get ready for my endless revenge!"


Hearing Wu Wei's rampant shouting, the police officers of the anti-reading team all looked grim!

But they had no way!

Because at this distance and in the dark, even the best sniper could not kill him instantly!

Yes, if you want to get rid of Wu Wei, you must kill him instantly!

Otherwise, he will step into the territory of Shan State in two steps and continue to be at large!

After hearing his shouting, Zhang Hai sneered.

Threaten me?

Insult me?

And hire assassins to kill my family?


He picked up the Lee Enfield AWM/P sniper rifle on the ground!!!

With his mastery of firearms, he used the sniper rifle like an arm!



Hundreds of meters away, when he saw that Zhang Hai was not dead,

Wu Wei was really panicked!

But when he saw that Zhang Hai actually raised his gun and wanted to kill him in the dark, at a distance of five or six hundred meters, his panic disappeared immediately! He showed a rampant smile. On the border between Longguo and Shanguo, he jumped back and forth, cursing,"Hahahaha!


"You are an idiot!"

"Such a long distance"

"You still want to hit me?"

"You are your mother's wall!"



Wu Wei felt something was very close to him.

It flew in front of his eyes.


The next second,

Wu Wei's head exploded like a watermelon.

At the moment of his life, he knew that the thing that flew in front of his eyes was a bullet.

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