In the afternoon

, at Xuncheng Municipal Bureau,

Qiao Hui walked out of the office building and was about to go to the cafeteria for dinner.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he was stunned by the scene in front of him!

"Oh shit!"

"this...What is going on?"

In front of him, there were more than 300 criminals with bruised faces and noses, waiting in a long line around the playground for the police to register them!

A busy and sweaty police officer saw that it was the chief who came and hurriedly explained:"Chief Qiao, these 366 people are all criminals."

"All are Haige...Deputy Captain Zhang Hai caught it today!"

Qiao Hui:"???"

"this...Are these all criminals?"

"Yes, Deputy Captain Zhang Hai and his team went to eat. I heard they will go to the entertainment street to search in the evening!"

"Oh my God, are they purchasing goods from a den of thieves?"

"Haha, I don't know. But we are really busy! There are too many criminals!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work!"

"OK, Chief, I will go register the criminals."

Looking at the two of them holding hands, they could practice running around the playground for two and a half weeks....Ugh, what a crime!

Qiao Hui was completely numb!

Because everything that happened in front of him was really too outrageous!

From the time Zhang Hai led his men out in the morning to the time he came back in the afternoon, it was only eight or nine hours at most. In such a short time,

Zhang Hai led 50 police officers and caught 366 criminals?

How is it possible?

Is he too good?

Or is the public security in Xuncheng really that bad?

Qiao Hui was surprised.

For a moment, he was actually a little flustered.

Especially when he heard that

Zhang Hai was going to take people to the entertainment street in the evening.

His heart was really beating wildly!

During this day,

Zhang Hai caught more than 300 criminals.

In the evening, he went to the mixed entertainment street.

Wouldn’t that double it?

Catch 700 to 800 criminals a day.

Three days.

That’s more than 2,000?

Damn it! If Zhang Hai reports truthfully when he goes back to write his performance report, then he will be useless! He caught too few criminals. Xuncheng City has good public security. They have arrested dozens of criminals. That means they have done nothing wrong! But if they arrested too many criminals, then it would be a problem of his poor supervision as the Public Security Bureau Chief! After thinking of the connection, Qiao Hui suddenly felt like crying but had no tears!

"Damn, this kid is too good at causing trouble!"

"How do I feel that after he caught the criminals for three days?"

"I'm about to be kicked off?"

At 10 pm, after a good meal and a good drink,

Zhang Hai took the 50 police officers who had been resting and took the bus to the most chaotic place in Xuncheng!

Entertainment Street!

This is a street that includes nightclubs.、KTV.It is a place with many fun places such as bathing.

It is also the most prosperous and chaotic neighborhood in Xun City!

This time, compared with the resentment when they set out in the daytime, the 50 police officers who went out were all energetic and full of vigor!

Between their eyebrows, eyes and mouths, they were filled with joyful smiles!

"Hahaha, Brother Hai takes us flying!"

"It's so cool, the train station is so outrageous"

"When you come to places like bars and nightclubs, you're bound to take off!"

"Catch, catch, catch!"

"We must catch him today!"

"Brothers, catch 100 more tonight...About 150!"

"Yes! Catch 500 criminals a day! Who dares to think about it? Hahaha!"

"We can definitely break Xuncheng City’s record for catching thieves today!"

"It has to be Brother Hai! I was wondering why the people in the anti-reading team are so convinced of Brother Hai."

"Indeed, now it seems that what they said is true, Brother Hai is really capable!"

"Yes, the criminal who practiced Taekwondo this afternoon"

"Brother Hai broke his arm with a punch!"


The police officers on the 9 buses were excitedly discussing about catching criminals today.

They really learned a lot.

They didn't need to say anything when catching criminals with Zhang Hai.

They just had to follow him closely and wait for the torture and body search!

Brother Hai's eyes were like eagle eyes!

He could easily find the criminals by just glancing at the crowd!

It was so scary!

On bus 1, the five police officers were very excited and wanted to discuss it, but after seeing Zhang Hai close his eyes to rest, they all kept silent and didn't disturb him to rest!

In their opinion, Brother Hai's talent of finding criminals at a glance must be used through whole-hearted observation!

In this case, it must have consumed a lot of mental energy!

But even so, Brother Hai didn't say he would rest in the evening and continue the action tomorrow.

He would rather be exhausted than seize the time and race against time!

In three days, he would return a bright and peaceful world to the residents of Xun City!

What a fearless spirit!




Three policemen skr~ Looking at Zhang Hai who closed his eyes to rest, the five policemen all showed admiration on their faces!

They decided that they must tell everyone how much Brother Hai paid to catch the thief after returning!

While the five policemen were staring at Zhang Hai and imagining, Zhang Hai , who was closing his eyes and thinking about what to eat for supper in the evening, was panicking at this moment!

"Why are they staring at me?"

"What kind of look is that? Why is there another one about to cry?"

"Could it be that I was too ruthless today and scared them?"

"That shouldn’t be the case. Isn’t this guy a criminal policeman?"

"Oh my god, are these five idiots sick?"

"Why have you been staring at me all the way?"


Four hours later.

At 2 a.m.,

10 buses that went to the entertainment street to purchase goods were full of criminals!

They returned with a full load again!

In the square of Xuncheng Municipal Bureau, the remaining police officers saw more than 300 criminals in front of them.

They suddenly felt hopeless!

366 criminals were sent in this afternoon!

We just finished!

As a result, more than 300 were arrested in the evening!


Do you know how tiring it is to register criminals, take statements, and detain them!

Forget it!

No need to sleep tonight!

City Bureau Director Qiao Hui has also accepted his fate.

The city bureau does not have enough cells.

He called all police stations in the jurisdiction.

Inform them to send people to the police station to pick up people.

Actively cooperate with the city bureau.

Arrange these more than 600 criminals!

Everyone was busy.

Zhang Hai also got off the car.

Staggered to Qiao Hui's side.

He smiled and said,"Why hasn't Director Qiao returned yet so late?" Qiao Hui smiled bitterly.

He shook his head and said,"You kid, you are so good at making trouble.


"The city bureau was bankrupt because of the criminals they caught!"

"If I don't show up, the police stations can come and pick me up!"

Zhang Hai laughed.

He whispered:"Don't worry, Director Qiao! There will be more tomorrow!"

Qiao Hui:"???"

Don't worry?

I don't worry about your grandmother's legs!

Good boy!

Do you really want me to die!

The residents of Xuncheng City have the most direct feelings about the various actions suddenly taken by the Xuncheng Police Department!

In the past, in places like railway stations and bus stations (to read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

), residents would be very careful when traveling, for fear of encountering thieves.

But after Zhang Hai led his men to sweep for a day, 99% of the thieves in Xuncheng City were wiped out.

They were caught by him and recuperated in the cell!

The remaining 1% of the lucky ones were also scared after getting the news.

They hid at home and dared not come out.

They burned incense and prayed to Buddha day and night, just to let Zhang Hai, the plague god, go away quickly!

Therefore , the changes in the railway station and bus station are the most direct, and they make the citizens of Xuncheng City the happiest!

And after Zhang Hai swept the entertainment street in the evening, the full-time wives in Xuncheng City were even more grateful to him!

Why? Because when all the informal entertainment venues were swept, only the formal places were left.

But the formal places were all boring!

Therefore, husbands who usually did not go home before midnight have returned home early recently!

This has greatly promoted family harmony.

Zhang Hai did not expect that his sweep of the entertainment street could indirectly reduce the divorce rate in Xuncheng City!

On the second and third days of the sweep, Zhang Hai began a more detailed sweep.

He only brought 5 police officers.

Three of them sat on the bus.

One was responsible for driving.

The other two were responsible for guarding the criminals.

The remaining two followed Zhang Hai in a car and wandered around the streets of Xuncheng City.

After two days, with the help of radar prompts, Zhang Hai swept all four districts of Xuncheng City, east, west, south and north!

It only took three days.

The public security and appearance of Xuncheng City were visibly renewed!

The sweep was a complete success!

On the evening of the third day, the Xuncheng Municipal Bureau held a celebration banquet!

This time's action.

Zhang Hai arrested a total of 1,557 criminals!

The results were brilliant!

It could almost be called a miracle!

But this was normal.

Because Xuncheng was located at the border, the flow of people was very large and rapid.

Almost every day, new criminals would come to set up camp.

But they were sent thousands of miles away.

They had just arrived in Xuncheng for less than two days, and they were all arrested by Zhang Hai!

After a severe lecture, it left an indelible shadow in their hearts!

"Brother Hai, I toast to you!"

"Come on, Brother Hai! From now on, you are my idol!"

"Yes, Brother Hai, it is true that hearing about him is not as good as meeting him in person"

"There is no false reputation under a great name! Brother Hai is awesome!"

"Let’s do it. I can’t catch thieves better than Brother Hai, so why should I be afraid when I’m drunk?"

"Yeah! Go ahead, guys!"

"Come on, let’s all give a toast to Brother Hai!"


At the celebration banquet, all the police officers in Xuncheng were drunk and kept looking for Zhang Hai to toast.

There was no other way.

They had reaped so much this time!

A new type of drug case!

The stolen money and goods amounted to nearly 2 billion yuan!

In the Xuncheng sweep operation, more than a thousand criminals were arrested.

The stolen money and goods amounted to more than 30 million!

So, whether it was the police team or the 50 police officers who went on a mission with Zhang Hai, they all made a fortune!

Not to mention anything else, a collective second-class merit, they can't escape it!

As for performance appraisal and so on, they completed their three-year workload in three days!

This is definitely a good job!

So the police officers are very grateful to Zhang Hai.

All the police officers who are investigating drugs also admire Zhang Hai very much!

This made the whole celebration banquet full of joy!

Qiao Hui was no longer worried as before, and was smiling.

Two hours ago, after Zhang Hai completed the operation.

He reported the whole process to the 407 Provincial Department truthfully.

He thought he would be scolded.

Unexpectedly, after hearing it, the provincial leader Han Zhige just smiled slightly.

After saying it was normal, there was no follow-up.

This matter that had frightened Qiao Hui for the past few days ended so lightly!

There was no scolding, let alone accountability.

What Qiao Hui didn't know was that he was just worrying too much!

Because Han Zhige had experienced such a thing when he was in Beichang City.

That time, Zhang Hai swept through Beichang City and arrested hundreds of people.

Xuncheng City is located on the border.

Compared with Beichang City , it is more chaotic!

So catching more criminals.

Han Zhige thought, isn't that normal!

The next morning, when Zhang Hai finished breakfast in the cafeteria of the Municipal Bureau and was about to take a bus back to western Gan, he was stunned by the scene in front of him as soon as he walked out of the gate of the Municipal Bureau!

Outside the Municipal Bureau, it was full of people at this time!

They were all ordinary people who came to see Zhang Hai off!

Seeing this scene!

Qiao Hui stood beside Zhang Hai.

He felt mixed emotions.

In fact, he had received the news from the police officer on duty at the door a long time ago.

He thought he would not be so surprised.

But when he really saw the scene of the people seeing him off, as a policeman, how could he not be excited and envious? The other police officers were the same.

Seeing Zhang Hai surrounded by the residents of Xuncheng and chatting enthusiastically, they felt jealous.

Obviously, they were the police officers of Xuncheng!

But Zhang Hai became a hero in the hearts of the residents!

"Thank you, Officer Zhang Hai!"

"We asked around, and it's all because of you that the public safety has been so good recently!"

"Yes, it was you who led the team! That’s why we caught so many criminals!"

"This is my family's specialty, spicy radish. Take it back and try it."

"Officer Zhang, do you have a partner? My daughter just graduated from college!"

"Great job, Officer Zhang! We are here to see you off!"

"You are the best police officer! Get rid of harm for the people!"

"I heard that more than a thousand criminals were arrested. That’s amazing!"

"I also want to apply to the police academy in the future, just like brother Zhang Hai!"

"Good boy! Uncle Wang supports you! He will pay your tuition!"


Surrounded by residents,

Zhang Hai also showed a warm smile.

His heroic profile made the girls and aunts who came to see him off melt their hearts!

They really didn't expect that Officer Zhang, who hated evil, was so young and handsome!

Suddenly, some girls wanted to know more about him!

They were very curious!

Officer Zhang was so brave in catching criminals, so was he the same in other aspects ? They really wanted to take a look, touch and hug him!


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