On the other side, in the luxurious second-floor lobby of Hua Ting Hotel, an unusual meeting was being held!

The curtains in the hall were closed, and only a faint ambient light was on, making the whole room look very dim.

Looking from the wall, a dozen figures wearing cyber-style clothing, behaving strangely, and wearing steam masks were dancing strangely!

On the podium in the conference room, a cyber man with a third arm hanging from his clothes was speaking incessantly to the thirty or so believers below the stage! His voice was low and hoarse, and extremely persuasive! Combined with the dim room and the dancing of the demons, the whole scene looked very creepy!

"Great Lord God, Camille Victor!"

"The grace of creation, the pioneer of machinery!"

"Only He can lead us to eternal life!"

"You also saw the live broadcast incident in Beijing this morning!"

"That Longguo policeman named Zhang Hai actually dared to disrupt the great sacrificial ceremony!"

"As long as he dares to appear again, divine punishment will come!"

"He will be struck by lightning and will never be reborn!"

"Now, let Policeman Long have a taste of our power!"

"Believers, it's time to offer your loyalty!"

"Here is the explosives I blessed, take it and sacrifice yourself"

"Contribute enough sacrifices and you will gain eternal life after death!"

"Now, let me distribute your blessed lands!"

"Believers whose names are called, please come up and receive the blessed relics!"

After delivering a passionate speech, the speaker took out a list from his arms and began to call the names!

The dozen or so Cyber believers dancing nearby also brought bundles of detonators and explosives over.

"Lu Pengzhan, 5pm, Spring City Square! Sacrifice 5 people and you will get eternal life!"

"Zhang Liwen, 5pm, in front of the Chuncheng Bus Station! Sacrifice 5 people to gain eternal life!"

"Tang Fushuai, 5pm, Spring City Runfa Supermarket! Sacrifice 10 people and you will get eternal life!"

"Yu Zepeng, 6pm, in front of the Chuncheng Railway Station Square! Sacrifice 5 people and you will get eternal life!"

"Deng Jianglong, 6 p.m...."

The believers whose names were called all had fanaticism in their eyes!

They stepped forward one by one, holding the explosives in their hands as if they were treasures.

As long as they ignited the explosives in the blessed land in the afternoon and killed enough sacrifices, they would gain eternal life!

The thought of going to heaven after death and meeting Lord Camille Victor filled the eyes of the fanatics with anticipation and hope! Soon, the so-called explosive relics were distributed. Looking at the cheering fanatics below, the speaker's mouth corners hidden under the mask slightly raised, making a silent laugh!

"Stupid people, you are so happy to die!"

"And the damn Longguo police, damn Zhang Hai!"

"After today, Spring City will turn into a purgatory."

"Eliminate us? This is just a small response to you!"

He stood here, as if he could already see the scene of fireworks all over Chuncheng in the evening!

This is the revenge of the Mechanical Pioneer Cult on the Dragon Country Police!

Seeing that a dozen dancing cyber believers had returned to their positions, the speaker adjusted his mood.

Then he waved his arm, and the highly persuasive words rang out again!

"The Lord of all creation is none other than Allah, Camille Victor!"

"Sacrifice ignorance and gain eternal life!"

"Join - the glorious evolution!"

The strange and bizarre music came out from the speakers at the right time!

A dozen cyber believers around started dancing again.

And the range of their dancing movements suddenly increased with the music!

They all followed the speaker and shouted:"Join the glorious evolution!"

Speaker:"Join the glorious evolution!"

Cyber believers:"Join the glorious evolution!"

Gradually, with the speaker and the cyber believers singing in unison, one, two, three fanatics sitting in the audience all joined in!

The sound resounded through the sky.

In the empty hall, it was extremely harsh!

The atmosphere became more and more strange and dark.

The herd effect appeared.


Freed from the initial restraints and restraint!

Madness appeared in their eyes!

The cyber believers danced harder.

The range of their dancing was so exaggerated that it was almost distorted!

And the fanatics even tied explosives to their bodies.

Then, they shouted at the top of their lungs!

"Join the glorious evolution!"

"Join the glorious evolution!!"

"Join the glorious evolution!!!"

"join in..."



A loud noise broke this morbid and crazy scene!

The shouting stopped abruptly!

The next second.

Bang bang bang bang!

All the lights in the hall lit up!

The demons and monsters were exposed under the incandescent light.

In an instant, their true colors were revealed!

Looking at the strange figure on the podium,

Zhang Hai sneered and walked straight towards him!

As he walked, the personal information of the cult members also appeared in his mind one by one!

【Lu Bo, male, 35 years old. One of the 18 guardians of the Mechanical Pioneer Cult: Water Guardian!】

【Mechanical Pioneer Cult - Deputy Cult Leader of Spring City】

【Graduated from a postgraduate program in psychology, failed in business and owed a huge amount of money before joining a cult】

【In the cult, responsible for inciting and brainwashing new believers】

【Over the past two years, more than 100 ordinary people in Chuncheng have been brainwashed and deceived by him.】

【Planned and organized 47 mass suicides of Christians】

【Qi Jiahao, male, 28 years old. Believer of the Mechanical Pioneer cult】

【Graduated from dance academy, was bewitched by cult information on the Internet while in school, and joined the cult directly after graduation】

【Member of the cult propaganda team, responsible for choreographing cult dances and teaching cult members how to dance】

【Most of the choreographed dance moves are filled with psychological hints, making people unconsciously infected by the evil dance!】

【Sun Pengfei, male, 30 years old. Member of the Mechanical Pioneer cult】

【A worker at a furniture store joined a cult after becoming addicted to gambling and having nowhere else to turn.】

【Now a member of the cult propaganda team, responsible for dancing to add to the atmosphere and brainwashing new believers】

【Lu Pengzhan, male, 32 years old. A fanatic of the Mechanical Pioneer cult】

【He has been completely brainwashed and is preparing to commit suicide by attacking Chuncheng Guangcheng in order to gain eternal life!】


In the second floor hall, there were 13 cultists and 35 fanatics, a total of 48 people.

After seeing the personal information,

Zhang Hai's eyes became even colder!

He really didn't expect that this group of cultists would still want revenge!

If he came a step later, then tonight, the citizens of the entire Chuncheng City gathered: the train station, the bus station, the square, the park...

All will become a purgatory!

When he was only five or six meters away from the cult guardian Lupo,

Zhang Hai took a leap and rushed straight up!

The next second, he slapped Lupo in the face with a running start!


A muffled sound came.

In the empty hall, the echo came and went, like a long-lasting wave!

Lupo was blown away.

After flying five or six meters, he fell heavily to the ground!

The mask was broken, revealing his true face!

His face was sunken and his eyes were bulging.

He looked like the carp king in Journey to the West!

After solving Lupo's problem with a slap, Zhang Hai turned around and rushed towards the remaining 12 cybercultists with a grim smile!

Like a hungry tiger pouncing on its food, he punched and kicked.

The sound of bones cracking rang out!

The cultists he caught had their thighs kicked to pieces or their arms twisted into a knot!

Seeing Zhang Hai's brutal methods!

After a brief moment of surprise, 50 elites from the Ministry of Justice also joined the battlefield!

But before they could make any move, Zhang Hai had already dealt with 12 cyber believers.

He turned around and rushed to the 35 fanatics!

(To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) Because some of them had detonators tied to their bodies.

So Zhang Hai was merciless when he took action!

Blood would be drawn when he struck!

People would be blown up when he raised his foot!

For a while, screams, bone cracking, punching and kicking were heard in the hall!

Outside the hall, several waiters of the hotel looked at each other.

They all shuddered in unison.

It was too scary!

They didn't expect that they could still see the fighting between evil forces now!

The hotel manager listened to the crackling sounds in the hall.

With a dark face, he took out his mobile phone and called the police directly!

"Hello? Are you a police officer? This is Hua Ting Hotel!"

"Yes, I am the hotel manager of Hua Ting, I want to call the police!"

"There are two groups of people now, more than a hundred in total"

"A firefight is going on in our second floor lobby!"

"The scene was very tragic. I saw many people lying on the ground."

"Some had broken legs! Some had their arms kicked to pieces! It was all blood!"

"Yes, yes, Hua Ting Hotel. It’s the one kilometer away from the provincial government!"

"Come quickly!"

At the same time, on the other side, the policeman of the police station who received the alarm call from the hotel manager reported the news to the director immediately.

The director was also shocked when he heard that more than 100 people were fighting!

This is not something that a small police station can solve!

Report it!

Must report it!

He picked up the phone and called the Municipal Bureau.

After receiving the information, the Municipal Bureau was also shocked!


Where did this evil force come from? Isn't it making trouble? Seeing that the Beijing task force is coming.

0 Ask for flowers You fucking fought in a hotel near the provincial department? Damn it!

Chuncheng City Director Xin Hao was so angry that he almost had a heart attack!

He took several quick-acting heart-saving pills in a row.

After recovering, he did not dare to be careless.

He quickly picked up the phone to report to the provincial department!

At the provincial department, Pang Tiangong, who was waiting for the arrival of the Beijing task force, was furious after receiving the news!


"This guy is really like a mouse licking a cat, just looking for excitement!"

"Criminal Investigation Team One, follow me fully armed!"

"I will personally lead the team over there! Break the legs of these guys!"

Two minutes later, more than a dozen Sabre-toothed police armored vehicles set out from the provincial department in a menacing manner, and rushed to the Huating Hotel one kilometer away at full speed!

On the other side, at the Huating Hotel, in less than five minutes,

Zhang Hai arrested all the cultists!

The police officers began to check the scene.

Zhang Hai interrogated the so-called Water Protector , that is, the deputy leader of the cult in Chuncheng City, Lu Bo!

At the beginning, Lu Bo's mouth was harder than the crotch of cotton pants!

Zhang Hai saw this and didn't waste any words.

More than thirty slaps came down!

After a round of beatings, seeing that Lu Bo still didn't confess, he trampled on him righteously again, breaking all of Lu Bo's limbs.

He really became a Water Protector!

There was not a single hard bone in his body!

Just when Zhang Hai was about to kick his fifth limb, Lu Bo was so scared that he finally confessed!

He hurriedly shouted:"I

...I said! Don't kick there!"

"Brother! There...That won’t work!"


Zhang Hai slapped him on the face.

He said coldly:"What the hell are you talking about here and there? Tell me now!"

Just then!

"Don't move!"

"Freeze! Police!"

"Put down your weapons! Anyone who resists will be shot dead!"

"Lie on the ground with your hands on your head, hurry up!"

"Police! All of you, surrender!"


A series of explosions sounded!


Bang bang bang bang bang!

Fully armed policemen rushed into the hall with guns!

The police from the provincial department arrived!

Pang Tiangong walked in angrily.

Holding a gun, he shouted:"Who the hell dares to fight?"

"Leader, stand up!"

"Let me see which jerk dares to trouble me at this time?"

Zhang Hai heard this.

He put down Lu Bo who was like mud.

He stood up slowly.

He looked at Pang Tiangong and said:"Jingwu Sect���Chen Zhen!

Pang Tiangong:"???"

"" Ahem! Just kidding, Director Pang."

Zhang Hai showed an honest smile.

The next second, he became serious!

Then he said in a serious face:"Fishing master, Zhang Hai!"

Pang Tiangong was a little bit unconvinced. He said in a cold voice:"Command!"

Zhang Hai's eyes froze and his voice was low,"Old Pang, I want to eat fish!"

"cough cough...The password is correct."

Pang Tiangong almost choked when he heard the slogan.

After two dry coughs, he said enthusiastically:"Welcome, welcome! Welcome Team Leader Zhang Hai and the special task force to Yunnan Province!"

"It's Team Leader Zhang Hai, you guys are here?"

Zhang Hai picked up the paralyzed Lu Bo.

He looked at Pang Tiangong and said casually:"Oh, nothing."

"They caught a group of evil cults."

"His name is Water Protector, and he seems to be the deputy leader of Chuncheng City!"

"The others are all heretics and fanatics."???"

Yunnan Provincial Police Department:"???"


The entire second floor hall fell into a deathly silence after Zhang Hai finished speaking!...What?

Deputy leader?

The man in front of him who was paralyzed like mud was actually the deputy leader of the cult in Chuncheng City?

And these people with broken arms and legs.

Are they all cult members?

The task force just arrived and caught a deputy leader of the cult?

How is this possible?

Pang Tiangong swallowed subconsciously.

He asked in disbelief:"Team Leader Zhang, are you sure?"

""Yeah, sure."

Zhang Hai shook Lu Bo in his hand and said coldly:"Aren't you going to confess? Say it quickly!"

Lu Bo was shaken so hard that his brains almost came out!

He was numb all over at this time!

Especially after seeing Pang Tiangong's armband, he was so scared that his liver and gall bladder trembled all over!

After all, the fanatics and cultists were fooled by him.

But these backbones are not stupid. They are all very smart!


What kind of police rank is this?

One wheat ear, three flowers!

This is a fucking first-level police inspector!!!

And a first-level police inspector.

He was so polite to the young man who beat him up?

The identity of the young man in front of him...

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