The next morning, dark clouds were pressing down on the city and threatened to destroy it!

The entire sky of Yun Province was covered by dark clouds.

The sky looked unusually gray!

Early in the morning, the square outside the provincial department was full of people.

Armed police, special police, criminal police, anti-reading police, anti-smuggling police, and public security brigade!

All the front-line combat police in the provincial department gathered in the square.

The police officers had stern faces. They stood in line with live ammunition and fully armed!

At 6 o'clock,

Zhang Hai, wearing a training uniform, appeared on time.

He walked in front of the line of police officers with a dragon-like stride. He jumped lightly onto the roof of the Sabretooth police armored vehicle.

He turned around and looked down from above!

After scanning the square with his tiger eyes, he picked up the police loudspeaker and said in a deep voice:

"Let's go!"



At 7 o'clock in the morning, it started to rain.

The weather forecast said that many cities in Yunnan Province will experience heavy rain today! In a large foot massage shop, more than a dozen male customers trapped by the heavy rain were taking shelter on the second floor of the shop.

"Damn! This damn weather!"

"I'm really fed up. I wanted to sneak back in the morning, but now it's all over!"

"Hey man, brother, did you also run away secretly?"

"What do you mean secretly? I drive a Lexus, so is it abnormal for me to go to a foot massage parlor?"

"So, you are the health god of Spring City!"

"Haha, thank you for the compliment. Hmm? What's going on?"

"I heard it too! Why does it feel like the ground is shaking?"

"Oh shit, could it be an earthquake?"

"Go downstairs quickly and wait in the lobby! It's easy to run in case of an earthquake!"


Bang, bang, bang!

The ground shaking was getting stronger and stronger.

A dozen male customers were afraid of an earthquake.

They hurried down the stairs to the lobby.

But when they were halfway down, everyone was stunned!

At the entrance of the foot bath center, a large black armored vehicle slowly drove by!

Standing on the vehicle were policemen with live ammunition!

"Oh my god!"

"Go back quickly! Damn, the police are sending out special police now?"

"I'm really convinced, it shouldn't be that serious, right?"

"They just walked right past! They weren't here to catch us, were they?"

"No, that's fine! Go check it out!"


Seeing the dozens of Sabretooth armored vehicles passing by, the male customers were all shocked. They didn't dare to go downstairs until they were sure they were not coming to arrest them. They went to the glass window to check the situation!


They saw a scene they would never forget!

The armored vehicle in the front stopped in front of the KTV diagonally opposite.

Then, a young man with a gun got out of the car.

The young man got out of the car.

Without saying a word, he kicked open the door of the KTV and rushed in!

After a while, muffled sounds came from the KTV and echoed throughout the street!




It was like a sound of thunder.

Crackling in the KTV.

After a full five minutes, the sound gradually died down!

Then, they saw fully armed policemen carrying half-dead people out!

In addition to their bruised faces and missing arms and legs, this group of people all had an obvious feature, that is, they were wearing uniform robes!

After seeing this scene, the male customers in the foot bath shop all shuddered.

"Damn, I dare not look at it."

"Go back, go back! I didn't see anything!"

"Go upstairs quickly and don’t delay the police officers in their investigation!"

"Yes, yes, yes, hurry upstairs!"

"Let’s go, I’m looking for technician No. 6 to add some time. She can do a handstand!"

"Wow, being able to do a handstand is really cool!"


They were all frequent bathers.

They usually interacted with all kinds of people.

So many people recognized them.

The arrested people were all members of a cult called the Mechanical Pioneer Cult!

They all knew that this cult had been very violent recently and had caused a lot of trouble.

So when they saw the police starting to deal with this group of cultists, in order to avoid being implicated, they all ran away. They all fled back to the second floor!

In the police armored vehicle, Zhang Hai picked up a pen and tapped a location on the list of strongholds in his hand.


Then he picked up the intercom.

After pressing the call button

, he said calmly:"The next base is Tianxia Restaurant..!"

Three seconds later, replies came from the intercom!

"Second car received!"

"Three cars received!"

"Four cars received!"

"Five cars received!"


Boom boom boom!

One after another, the huge and ferocious armored vehicles disappeared quickly in the rain.

It only took ten minutes from the time they came to the KTV spot to the time they left!

Hetianxia Restaurant.

Because of the heavy rain, the restaurant was not open today!

But the restaurant was very lively.

More than 20 cultists in robes were constantly worshiping the portrait on the table!

The portrait showed a tall man with three arms and a very cyberpunk outfit.

The man was wearing a steam mask.

His face could not be seen.

On his third arm, a thick yellow ray shot out!

The yellow ray seemed to have unparalleled power.

It cut the universe in the portrait!

The cultists had fanaticism in their eyes.

They kept bowing to the portrait!

At the same time, they kept shouting:

"Great mechanical pioneer! Great Camille Victor!"

"Join the glorious evolution!"

"Great mechanical pioneer! Great Camille Victor!"

"Join the glorious evolution!"

"Great mechanical pioneer! Great Camille Victor!"

"Join the glorious evolution!"




A loud noise erupted outside the restaurant!

The cultists turned around and found that the door of the restaurant had been kicked down!

Zhang Hai, holding a 95-modified automatic rifle, strode in.

【Sun Yongzhen, male, 33 years old. Mechanical pioneer cultist!】

【Restaurant owner, contribute your restaurant and act as a machine to go to the cult stronghold first!】

【Zeng Jingshan, male, 26 years old. Mechanical pioneer cultist!】

【A bank accountant who joined a cult and provided protection for the cult's fund transfers】

【Fan Nannan, female, 22 years old. Mechanical pioneer cultist!】

【A senior student joined a cult with the intention of defrauding money】

【After joining the cult, he devoted himself to several cult leaders, taking this opportunity to climb up the ladder.】

【Unexpectedly, Xingnu gradually lost himself in the repeated brainwashing, was completely controlled, and became a backbone of the cult!】

【Pei Xingguo, male, 42 years old. Mechanical pioneer cultist!】

【A building materials boss was deceived by his business partner into joining a cult】

【After being completely brainwashed, they provided financial support to the cult.】


27 people.

All of them were completely brainwashed cultists.

And after joining the cult, they were either greedy or bad!

None of them was a good person! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Zhang Hai sneered.

Without waiting for them to react, he raised his gun and shot!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

In less than fifteen seconds, all the cultists fell in a pool of blood!

Zhang Hai took out a cigarette.

He put the cigarette butt on the hot barrel.

Hiss, hiss, three seconds later.

The cigarette lit.

He took a deep breath.

The tobacco mixed with the smell of blood and gunpowder was inhaled into his lungs.

After passing through his lungs fiercely,

Zhang Hai exhaled the smoke.

He turned around and said to the police behind him:"Five minutes, clean up."

After that, he went straight back to the car. The second one was drawn on the list of strongholds


Half an hour later.

The third【×】One hour later.

The fourth【×】!

One and a half hours later.

The fifth【×】

The sixth【×】

The Seventh...The eighth...Thirty-second...

All police officers set out at 6 a.m.

By 3 a.m., night had fallen over Yunnan Province!

Police cars drove back to the provincial government one by one!

It took 21 hours!

Zhang Hai led the team to clear out all

32 cult strongholds in Chuncheng City and surrounding counties and towns! The police lined up in the square. Ding Zhen, the head of the Criminal Investigation Corps, walked up to Zhang Hai, saluted, picked up the police megaphone and reported loudly:

"Report to Team Leader Zhang Hai"

"In one day, Chuncheng City and surrounding counties and towns"

"A total of 32 cult strongholds have been cleared!"

"In this operation, a total of 554 cultists were arrested and 323 stubborn cultists were shot dead!"

"A total of 877 people!"

"A total of 500 million yuan in stolen money was seized! The total value of the stolen goods was 4 yuan!"

"1TB of cult propaganda videos and 3 tons of picture albums"

"15 lists of cult bases in surrounding cities were found"

"Please give instructions!"

Zhang Hai nodded.

He motioned Ding Zhen to return to the team.

Then he took over the police loudspeaker.

He said concisely:"Brothers, you have worked hard all day!"

"After all the cultists are registered and detained, the mission of all provincial and ministerial police officers will be completed!"

"As for the 50 criminal police officers from the task force, go back and rest now!"

"Follow me at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning and head to Qucheng City!"

"Director Pang, notify the Qucheng Municipal Bureau to prepare now"

"I hope that when I arrive in Qucheng tomorrow morning, the front-line security forces of Qucheng will have been assembled!"


After Zhang Hai finished his deployment, he announced the disbandment and turned to walk straight to the guesthouse of the provincial department.

Seeing this, 50 elite police officers from the Ministry of Justice hurriedly followed.

After a day of hard work, these elites from the Ministry of Justice in Beijing were now full of fatigue.

But as long as they saw the proud figure in front of them, it was as if the candlelight was lit!

The light shone through the darkness!

The fatigue all over their bodies was instantly swept away!

Full of energy again!

During this day,

Zhang Hai's performance was obvious to all.

He was always the first to take the lead in eradicating cult strongholds!

When facing the resistance of cult members, he was always the first to go!

He led by example and was fearless.

At the end of the day, Zhang Hai solved the most cult members!

His decisiveness and courage had already conquered everyone!

Zhang Hai has become the idol of this group of elites!

It is a great honor to be able to follow such a policeman to perform tasks.

The 50 elite police officers from the Criminal Department were all very happy!

No matter how hard or tiring the task was, they didn't complain!

The police officers from the provincial department looked at the elite police officers following Zhang Hai's back and gradually walked away.

They didn't have the lazy expressions they usually had after work.

Instead, they all showed envious looks!

They had long been impressed by Zhang Hai's personality charm!

But unlike the elite police officers from the Criminal Department, the police officers from the provincial department no longer had the opportunity to continue working with Zhang Hai!

".I’m so envious, they can continue to go on missions with Brother Hai!"

"Yes, Brother Hai is really...Awesome!"

"I have never seen a policeman like Brother Hai. He makes people want to get closer to him!"

"Although he is cruel to the cultists, I am not afraid of him."

"Nonsense! Brother Hai is so nice, he ordered takeout for us today and bought us cigarettes and water!"

"I heard that Brother Hai won three individual first-class merits, that’s really awesome!"

"He deserves it, he is a good policeman!"

"well...Let’s go, after registering these idiots, I’m going to sleep!"

"I don’t know when I can see Brother Hai again. He is indeed a legend in Poyang Province!"

"Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s quickly deal with these stupid cultists!"


Pang Tiangong heard all the discussions of the provincial police officers in the square.

He was over 50 years old.

After a day of high-intensity work, he was really exhausted!

But even if it was him (who got the money) , after seeing Zhang Hai's work attitude, he couldn't help but want to give him a thumbs up!

Praise him as a good man!

Thinking of what Zhang Hai did after coming to Yunnan Province, Pang Tiangong admired him very much!

To be honest, he has been a police officer for so many years.

He has never seen such a hard-working policeman!

Even when he worked the hardest, it was not as intense as Zhang Hai's work in the past two days!

Zhang Hai was like a machine that could not be stopped after being wound up.

He did everything by himself!

Pang Tiangong looked at the provincial police officers in the square, all of whom had regrets on their faces.

He smiled and said,"Go and get busy!

Go to bed early after you're done!


"It's hard to find a policeman like Zhang Hai in a hundred years!"

"Can you work with him?"

"It can be said that my police career is not in vain!"

After saying that,

Pang Tiangong turned and walked towards the office building.

He had to write the action report overnight and report it to his superiors.

At the same time, he had to assist Zhang Hai in coordinating the various cities in Yunnan Province.

The Mechanical Pioneer Cult has always been a stubborn disease in Yunnan Province.

It has troubled Pang Tiangong for many years!

This cult is like a centipede.

No matter how it is eradicated, it will never die.

It will always come back to life!


Pang Tiangong would feel that he was not capable enough!

But today,

Pang Tiangong had a very certain feeling!

That is, this time

Zhang Hai was in charge of the team and would definitely completely eliminate the scabies in Yunnan Province!

The next morning, the sky was still dim.

Zhang Hai took 50 police officers from the Ministry of Justice who had only slept for 3 hours.

They took an armored vehicle and quietly rushed to the next city!

Sitting in the car, he looked at the information about the cult in Qucheng City in his hand.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

He murmured,"Wait until I come"

"All must die!"

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