The next morning

""It hurts, it hurts so much!"

The cold water gushed out of the shower head, mercilessly hitting Zhang Hai's strong back, cooling him physically!

Zhang Hai had a look of despair, like an eggplant hit by frost!

Last night, under Brother Hai's careful arrangement, the whole house was filled with a romantic atmosphere.

When Liang Xiaohui came back, she saw rose petals all over the floor, as well as the scented candles, dishes and red wine on the table. She was instantly moved and burst into tears!

It was like dry wood meeting a raging fire. Liang Xiaohui woke up at noon and knew that her boyfriend was confused last night. In order to comfort him, she took a day off. The two went out and began to carry out daily activities between young lovers. Eating, shopping, watching movies


After a set of procedures, it was already evening. After returning home, she washed up and lay on the bed.

Liang Xiaohui got into Zhang Hai's arms.

While stroking the crowbar, she asked in a sweet and innocent way,"Hai Hai, why don't you have any self-control?"

Zhang Hai's face darkened.

He stroked his girlfriend's smooth back.

He said unhappily,"If you don't wear this Silver Wolf cosplay costume when you sleep, I might not be so excited."


Liang Xiaohui smiled sweetly and twisted in her boyfriend's arms. She was very naughty!

It was easy to make mistakes when it was dark , and the roof would catch fire.

But now the roof was full of water.

Even if it caught fire, it wouldn't burn!

She kept teasing her boyfriend.

Although every time in the end

, she had to use her excellent sign language skills and superb eloquence to put out the fire!

But Liang Xiaohui still enjoyed it!

She just liked Zhang Hai's unstoppable look.

After all, not touching herself is a manifestation of respect for herself!

Zhang Hai knew her bad taste very well.

But not only did he not expose it, he would sometimes cooperate and act.

Just treat it as a hobby between lovers.

After all, it's not easy to have a girlfriend.

Unlike the authors of the novels he read recently, they are all in their thirties and have never even held a girl's hand!

The next day,

Zhang Hai drove 10 cars to send Liang Xiaohui to school to continue his research project.

After seeing Liang Xiaohui off, he was bored and began to wander aimlessly on the street.

Don't say it!

This wandering was really fruitful.

He hadn't been back for more than 20 days.

The criminals in Yuzhang City who were so small-armed that they probably thought he was dead began to show up again and again.

During this short stroll,

Zhang Hai caught four or five petty thieves.

Considering the heavy sins of killing he had committed before, he didn't use too much force this time. He didn't continue to attack after breaking a mouthful of teeth. However, several thieves were so scared after seeing Zhang Hai that they peed themselves and begged for mercy. They just saw that Zhang Hai was not around recently, so they took the risk and thought of doing a few more crimes. Who would have thought that they would run into the big-mouthed devil right after they started working!

"Damn it! Brother Hai, Brother Hai, stop it!"

"We were wrong, Brother Hai, it’s the first day of work!"

"Give me a chance, Brother Hai, stop fighting!"

"I have replaced these teeth three times, please forgive me, Brother Hai!"

"Hiss~ Don't say that. Brother Hai's mouth is really strong!"

"Are you a fucking idiot? Are you still savoring the beating?"

"Tsk tsk~ What you said, if I don’t let Brother Hai spank me for a few days, I’ll feel itchy all over!"

"There's something wrong with you!"


Five or six criminals kept begging for mercy.

They were strung together by Zhang Hai with ropes.

They all had big pig faces.

They walked towards the nearby police station.

Zhang Hai walked beside them with a cigarette in his mouth.

He looked like a real landlord.

The passers-by around him paid attention to him.

Being watched by passers-by.

Not only did these criminals not lower their heads in shame, but they held their heads high as if they had done something great!

Zhang Hai had never seen such shameless people.

He looked at them and asked curiously,"What's going on with you guys?"

"You've been paraded through the streets, and you're still so proud?"

"Did I not beat him enough?"

When the criminals heard this, they all shuddered with fear.

Then they all explained:

"No, Brother Hai, it’s mainly about face!"

"Yes, Brother Hai, being caught by you is definitely a face in the underworld!"

"Of course, don’t you see who Brother Hai is?"

"Big Mouth Yan Luo! Those who are caught by Hai Yan Luo will have their status in the underworld rise sharply after they are released from the cell!"

"Brother Hai is now a criminal dematerializer"

"Basically, the criminals who are doing well have broken arms and legs and a mouth full of false teeth."

"On the contrary, only the little punk will have an intact body!"

"Yes, now that we have been beaten by Brother Hai, we can all change our dentures!"

"Thai pants are really hot!"


Zhang Hai:"......"

Listening to the words of this group of criminals, he was completely speechless!

What kind of train of thought is this?

Criminals are either stupid or foolish. So now on the Poyang Road, if you haven't been beaten by me, you can't raise your head among your peers, right?

It's outrageous!

Leading five criminals all the way to the local police station,

Zhang Hai showed his ID and explained the situation!

The director saw that it was Zhang Hai.

He was overjoyed!

After instructing two policemen to put the criminals in the detention center, he looked at Zhang Hai. He said enthusiastically:"Brother Hai, I have heard of your legendary deeds many times!"

"This time, I finally saw the real person!"

"Forehead...You are too kind."

Seeing the director's enthusiasm,

Zhang Hai held his forehead and asked carefully:"The...Just ask"

"Are there any legends about me now?"

The police station chief was immediately excited when he heard this.

He laughed and said,"Haha, there are too many legends about Brother Hai!"

"It can be said that I know them all like the back of my hand!"

"For example, you go to a primeval forest on vacation and chase more than 20 tigers by yourself!"

"Finally, I encountered mercenaries and poachers."

"With an RPG in hand, he single-handedly wiped them out with a single burst of bullets!"

"And you accompanied your girlfriend to the next city and found a lot of evil things!"

"As a result, a cleansing came directly!"

"Let all the Nige, all dream back to 200 years ago!"

"Now they are all operating sewing machines in the trading room!"

"And you go to other cities and lead the team to clean up the criminals in the city"

"It is said that it was raining heavily that day, and you were holding two three-edged bayonets and killing people so that the blood flowed like a river!"

"Until now, the criminals in this city would be so scared that they would kneel down when they heard your name!"


"Don't have any more! Don't have any more!"

Zhang Hai listened to these outrageous deeds and hurriedly stopped the director from bragging.

God damn, chasing more than 20 tigers and beating them!

How could he not remember this?

And he carried two three-edged swords and killed people with blood. I am a celestial being, not a berserker.

Why should I use my gun?

Why should I use two swords!

The deeds the director said only sounded reliable! After chatting with the director and drinking a pot of tea,

Zhang Hai said goodbye and left.

On the way back, he casually caught two criminals and took them to the police station near his home.

As expected, they were praised again.

Looking at himself, who was already too mythical in the eyes of the grassroots police (to read the exciting novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!

) , Zhang Hai was also I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Unconsciously, half a month has passed.

During the half-month vacation, Zhang Hai couldn't stay idle for a single day.

When his girlfriend was resting, he would practice martial arts with her.

When his girlfriend went to class, he would wander around like a scoundrel.

He would catch a dozen thieves every day.

His life was full of joy!

The big-mouthed Yama returned to the underworld, causing the crime rate in Yuzhang City to plummet.

Criminals ran away or hid.

They all burned incense at home in anticipation, praying that the living Yama would get busy quickly!

Such a great man should not stay in Yuzhang.

They had a hard life!

Not to mention, under their daily prayers.

On this day, an"uninvited guest" really came to the provincial department!

In the office of the top leader of the provincial department, in front of Tang Zhendong sat a young man wearing gold-rimmed glasses and looking gentle and refined.

But he was wearing a jacket for old cadres.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he was furious!

"What? You want to transfer Zhang Hai to the Shanghai Stock Exchange?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

"Why? There are still so many unsolved cases in our Poyang Province."

"You guys want to take people away just by talking? Why?"

"I don't agree!"

The young man looked at Tang Zhendong, who was like an angry lion.

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He said softly:"Mr. Tang, please understand."

"We all know that Zhang Hai is a talented person. He was born and raised in your Poyang Province and was cultivated step by step!"

"The bosses also know"

"But isn’t this making the best use of everything and everyone’s talents?"

"We have always been good at using people"

"This was the conclusion reached by the Ministry of Justice after discussion following the cult incident!"

"Now the public security in the whole Poyang Province is very good. Zhang Hai is such a fierce policeman."

"To be honest, there is not much meaning in staying in Poyang Province. It is a bit of a waste of talent!"

"He should be transferred to a place where he is more needed."


Tang Zhendong slammed the table, interrupting him. He roared angrily:"Bullshit!"

"It's obviously you, the Ministry of Justice, who are robbing people by force! You have no moral principles!"

"It is true that Zhang Hai is a talented person, but is Zhang Hai all you need?"

"Anyway, I won't let you go. You are too bullying!"

The young man saw that he was angry. He was still calm and continued to persuade gently:"Director Tang, please don't make things difficult for a little secretary like me."

"Shanghai is both a special zone and a municipality directly under the Central Government."

"Don’t be fooled by the beautiful appearance, you must have heard about the filth and dirtiness inside!"

"It's such an important place, if we don't send someone with strong means, we really can't control it!"

"Zhang Hai was promoted from deputy chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps of Poyang Province to chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps of Shanghai City."

"It can be said to be a step to heaven!"


Listening to the secretary of the Ministry of Justice's boss

's constant words of persuasion,

Tang Zhendong also showed a helpless expression.

In fact, the moment he saw the transfer order, he knew that he could not stop Zhang Hai from being transferred. He was making a fuss just now, just to vent his emotions.

In fact,

Zhang Hai was transferred to Shanghai to serve as the chief of the Criminal Investigation Corps. It was good for him and for the development of Shanghai! Listening to the secretary of the boss chattering there, Tang Zhendong interrupted him impatiently. Then he picked up the phone and said,"Okay, okay! I agree!


"I'll call Zhang Hai now, okay?"

15 minutes later, when Zhang Hai returned to the provincial department with two bruised thieves, he was completely stunned!

"Oh shit, what’s going on?"

"" Why are all of you here?"

Looking at the large number of police officers crowded in the office, he had a lot of question marks in his head.

But then, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He teased in a mean way:"Oh, the person who awarded me the medal in the previous cult case has arrived, right?"

"Let's get started! 050"

"Oh, right!"

"Let's deal with these two thieves first. I just caught them when I came back!"

Tang Zhendong, who was standing in the crowd, was reluctant to see Zhang Hai catch two petty thieves even after he came back!

Such a capable and motivated policeman will no longer belong to Poyang Province after today!

It hurts to think about it!

He really watched Zhang Hai work his way up from a policeman in the police station!

Now Zhang Hai is going to be transferred.

Tang Zhendong felt like marrying off his daughter.

The boss' secretary also twitched his mouth.

He thought, what a guy!

He is worthy of being the policeman that the bosses specifically asked for!

He can catch thieves easily.

It's really like a sparrow pecking at a cow's butt - the sparrow eats the cow's butt!

"Okay Zhang Hai, stop being weird."

"How could the person who was awarded the honor come so early?"

"Calling you back is another matter!"

Tang Zhendong took a step forward.

He looked at the handsome young man in front of him with complicated eyes.

Then he shouted seriously:"Deputy Captain of the Criminal Investigation Corps of Poyang Province - Zhang Hai!"

Zhang Hai's eyes froze instantly.

He knew there was a mission from the leader's tone!

He stood straight. His loose temperament disappeared.

The whole person was like a sharp sword out of the body!

He shouted:"Here!"

Tang Zhendong:"Notice from the Ministry of Justice!"

"Comrade Zhang Hai is hereby appointed to be transferred from the post of deputy captain of the Criminal Investigation Corps of Poyang Province with immediate effect."

"Transferred to Shanghai, he served as the captain of the Shanghai Criminal Investigation Team!"

"Zhang Hai, Shanghai is a very important city in Dragon Country."

"But as the economy continues to develop, the filthiness in the dark is multiplying!"

"The filth and darkness all require someone with an iron fist to deal with them!"

"You are the one that the big guys in the Ministry of Justice have specifically asked for."

"What do you think? Tell me."

"If you don't want to leave, I'll fight to the death!"

"I will go to the capital and tell you personally that I will not let you go!" Zhang Hai's eyes flashed with warmth when he heard Tang Zhendong's words of protection. But if you really want to ask him what he thinks? Of course,


Wherever the thief can be caught, he is willing to go there!

Although he is reluctant to leave these brothers in the province, but as Tang Zhendong said, the public security management of Shanghai is very important!

The bigwigs of the Ministry of Justice asked him to go.

If the organization needs him, he will naturally have no choice but to go!

So, without the slightest hesitation,

Zhang Hai stepped forward, saluted, and shouted in a sonorous voice:"Follow the organization's arrangements!"

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