Three hours later!

The sky was getting brighter.

In the monitoring room,

Deputy Director Dong Delai set an example by staying with Zhang Hai all night.

Others also stayed up all night!

Everyone had the same goal in mind, which was to catch this vicious criminal!

In one night,

Zhang Hai watched the other three surveillance videos of the crime scenes.

As expected! A suspicious figure would appear near each crime scene! He might have changed his registered name with the guard , or he might have been disguised, with different heights, weights and bodies! But Zhang Hai found"them" and him! All of them! A night of high-load thinking storm. It also made Zhang Hai look very depressed.

"Zhang Hai, the suspect has now been identified"

"Go and have a rest!"

"I'll ask someone to check other surveillance cameras in the city!"

Deputy Director Dong Delai said in a serious tone and would not tolerate refusal!

He could see that Zhang Hai was already at the end of his strength.

If he didn't take a rest, he would have serious health problems!

"I'm going to the toilet!"

Zhang Hai did not answer directly

, but stood up and walked into the bathroom.

After locking the door, he thought about it.

A blue potion as big as a large bottle of Coke appeared in his hand!

Zhang Hai:"......"

""System, this damn healing potion is too big, right?"

Under the high-load brain operation, even though Zhang Hai's physique is three times that of ordinary people, he is now exhausted!

But the situation is urgent.

If he takes a rest now and lets others check the surveillance video, he is afraid that when he wakes up

, he will not be able to confirm the location of the suspect!

After all, ordinary people watch at one speed.

He watches at 20 times the speed!

Thinking of this

, looking at the 2L healing potion in his hand.

Zhang Hai gritted his teeth and growled:"Fuck, let's do it! Ole Ge!"


Thumb, thumb, thumb!

Thumb, thumb, thumb!

In less than three minutes, he had finished a 2L bottle of healing potion!

His stomach was bulging.

Then a magical scene happened!

The bottle in Zhang Hai's hand suddenly disappeared.

The potion in his stomach gradually flowed into his limbs! Nearly half of the potion flowed into his brain!

Really, there was water in his brain!

When his bulging stomach turned back into eight-pack abs, the fatigue disappeared and

Zhang Hai became energetic!

"It actually has an effect on mental strength!"

"nice one!"...

Returning to Dong Delai,

Zhang Hai straightened his back and shouted energetically:

"Deputy Director, I'm not tired anymore!"

"I beg to continue fighting!"

Dong Delai's face darkened and he cursed:"Nonsense! Investigating the case is important, but your health is more important!"

"Are you going to give yourself up here just for a case?"

Seeing Dong Delai's firm attitude,

Zhang Hai couldn't explain that he drank the healing potion.

He could only express his attitude with actions!

""Push-ups, ready!" he yelled, then he got down and started doing push-ups!

He counted as he did it!





""Okay, okay! Stop it!"

Dong Delai pulled him up.

Looking at the young man who was looking at him expectantly, it was as if he saw himself when he was just starting out.

Once upon a time

, he was so tenacious!

So desperate!

In order to catch criminals, he could go without sleep for three days and three nights!

Dong Delai couldn't help but feel a little sour in the tip of his nose.

He looked around at this group of young people who had not slept all night and were only in their twenties or thirties on average.

At this moment, he saw the inheritance of the police! In order to protect the safety of the people, our generation of police officers will continue to fight and have an obligation to do so!



Dong Delai yelled.

Pointing at Zhang Hai's nose, he shouted:"You are a stubborn donkey!"

"Let’s go to the Municipal Traffic Management Bureau now!"

"After finding the suspect's whereabouts"

"If you don’t go and have a rest, I’ll strip you of your police uniform!"

Seeing that Dong Delai, who had been up all night, wanted to accompany him,

Zhang Hai felt a warm feeling in his heart and his eyes were more determined than ever!

"Don't worry, leader, I will definitely find this bastard!"......

At 8 o'clock in the morning, after two hours of investigation, the Ganxi Traffic Management Bureau analyzed four surveillance videos around the crime scene. Zhang Hai finally locked the suspect's whereabouts! He pointed to the map of Ganxi City hanging on the wall and shouted:"Found it! This guy is in the old city!" Hearing these powerful words, everyone present was excited! Dong Delai patted Zhang Hai on the shoulder and praised:"Good boy! Go to rest now!


"Leave everything else to me!"

"I promise that he won't be able to escape!"

As he said that

, he turned his head and looked at Duan Tianci, the deputy leader of the special task force, and ordered:"Take him to the Municipal Bureau to rest and let him sleep on the bed in my office!"

"You must keep an eye on this kid!"

Zhang Hai also knew that he could no longer refuse Dong De's coming.

So he got into the police car and followed Duan Tianci back to the Municipal Public Security Bureau.

As soon as he left , the smiles on the faces of the people in the room disappeared and they showed solemn expressions instead!

Su Zhipeng said in a deep voice:"Director Dong, the old city has a complex population structure and is the main gathering place for outsiders."

"The surveillance in the urban area has also been destroyed."

"And this guy is good at disguise"

"It's so hard to find him by searching!"Have fun reading books on May Day! Top up 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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