
Christopher's scream came as expected.

He roared in agony.

His body was full of blood holes!

Five corrupt policemen who protected the murderer.

After Zhang Hai killed two of them, the remaining three looked at each other.

Fear filled their hearts.

They ran away!

Zhang Hai took out a poker card!

His wrist shook slightly.

——Swish, swish, swish, swish!

Six cards were thrown out!

They turned into strange arcs.

The tendons of the three people were all cut!


The three black policemen lost their strength in their legs while running.

Then they fell to the ground uncontrollably.

At this time, the other black policemen finally reacted!

They pointed their guns at Zhang Hai, cursing and threatening:"Don't move! Damn it!"

"Lay down your weapons, you Dragon Countryman!"

"It’s not your turn to touch the people of our country!"

"You are right, release our captain immediately!"

"You Dragon people are really going too far!"

"We should take care of our own affairs. We don't need you to interfere!"

"Put down your weapons now! Or we will shoot!"

"Fxxk! Damn Dragon Country Police!"


Looking at the exasperated looks of the black policemen in front of him,

Zhang Hai raised his head slightly.

He looked at them proudly and disdainfully.

At the same time, the barrel of the 95-modified automatic rifle was pressed directly on the head of Christopher, who was lying on the ground and wailing non-stop!

Feeling the cold and tough touch,

Christopher closed his mouth instantly.

His eyes widened. His eyes were full of fear and terror!

Zhang Hai was holding a cigarette in his mouth. Facing hundreds of black gun muzzles, he was not afraid at all!

A playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He said,"Whoever dares to move, I will shoot him!"

"If you don't believe it, you can try it!"

Seeing that the Longguo police actually used the chief's life as a threat.

More than a hundred black police officers.

In fact...They really wanted to shoot.

But none of them wanted to be the first to do so!

So they could only stare at Zhang Hai. 16

They shouted"Don't shoot" but in their hearts they were actually praying that Zhang Hai's gun would go off accidentally!

On the other side,

Mr. Mu and a group of elite police officers were completely numb at this time!

"Oh shit, what’s going on?"

"Brother Hai, we really can’t keep up with your pace!"

"Yes, Brother Hai, this is someone else's territory. Don't shoot just because you disagree with me!"

"Oh shit, I was so scared"

"Brother Hai always empties the magazine, that's too fierce"

"Brother Hai plays without restraint, this is what a real man does!"

"A good man should kill people!"

"Brother Hai is so awesome, just give me the orders, my blood is boiling now!"

"It's really uncomfortable! I have nightmares every day when I carry out missions with Brother Hai!"


The police officers complained one after another, but they were smiling.

Seeing Zhang Hai so strong, to be honest, everyone was looking forward to it!

Old Mu was also surprised and happy. He was surprised that Zhang Hai always liked to stir up trouble, which made his no longer young heart stuck in his throat every day!

And he was happy that

Zhang Hai's unexpected actions always turned out to be good in the end.

It was really surprising and exciting!

Just like at this moment, from the time he came to Wakanda until now, to be honest, Old Mu was confused!

Because he didn't have any ideas or clues to quickly solve the case.

As the saying goes, a good cook can't cook without rice.

Since he came to the Chinese-funded factory this morning, he has been in a passive position.

If Zhang Hai hadn't come to the rescue and saw the purpose of the black police, they would have been surrounded and disarmed long ago!

Moreover, even if Old Mu revealed his identity, all he could do was go to the official of Green Vine City to put pressure on those officials.


Then, relying on the international relationship between Longguo and Wakanda, they forced the Wakanda government to express its position and let their country's senior officials force the police of Green Ivy City to investigate the case and hand over the murderer!

Of course, if they do this, the whole process will not only be inefficient, but also very slow.

The most important thing is that even if the Wakanda officials agree, in the end, even if they casually take out four or five serious criminals and death row prisoners to take the blame and say that they have caught someone, Longguo will have no way to do it!

They can only swallow the loss.

So in the whole thing, Longguo is in a disadvantageous position.

Mu Lao can't find any entry point to break the deadlock!

Therefore, Zhang Hai's sudden attack and the strong arrest of the murderer made Mu Lao so surprised!

Because it means that they have taken the initiative into their own hands and have the opportunity to break the deadlock!

Christopher, who was pointed at by a gun, saw the surrounding Longguo police yelling.

He thought they wanted Zhang Hai to shoot him.

He was so scared that he almost lost his soul!

He quickly yelled at his police officers,"Don't shoot!

Don't shoot!


"Do you want to disobey my orders?"

"All the police officers in Green Ivy City, put down your guns!"

"Just do what this Dragon Country policeman says!"

"I want to see who dares to disobey my orders. Do you want me to die?"

""Put down your weapons! If I die, you will die too!"

After saying that, he raised his head again and looked at Zhang Hai who was standing like a devil.

He wagged his tail and begged for mercy:"Big...Brother! I was wrong, I was wrong!"

"I admit I kind of relate to them!"

"But I really didn't participate in the actions of the woman in the Chinese factory!"

"Spare me! I'll tell you the addresses of those murderers!"

"I am a public official of Wakanda, you can't kill me!"

"OK? I'll tell you their address!"

"Spare my life!"

After hearing his words,

Zhang Hai raised his eyebrows.

He put a little force on the finger on the trigger.

He lowered his head and looked at him and said,"Public official? So you said I can't kill you?"

"Do you dare to bet?"

Christopher looked at the trigger that was gradually being pulled down.

His mentality completely collapsed!

He shouted:"I...I was wrong! I was really wrong!"

"I don't gamble, I said the wrong thing!"

"I am a waste, please spare me!"

His legs softened.

Then, an unpleasant smell instantly filled between his legs! He was actually scared to death by Zhang Hai!

Seeing this,

Zhang Hai put away his gun.

The black sheriff was right.

He really couldn't kill him.

But he could still scare him. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Besides, he looked like he had been shot dozens of times.

Even if he was saved, he would probably be disabled for the rest of his life!

"Just say it, and then get out!"

"If I had gone to the hospital earlier, I might have survived."[]

Zhang Hai's voice was cold and emotionless.

But to the black sheriff's ears, it sounded like heavenly music!

Christopher showed a happy expression on his face.

He said quickly:"There were four people who contacted me to escape at that time."

"They are Grasshopper Paul, Dizzard, Badman and Silvio"

"Among them, Grasshopper Paul is the leader of the gang."

"It was he who suggested and ordered the rape of the woman from the Chinese-owned factory."

"They paid me 50,000 Dragon Dollars to escape."

"I'll let Wade let them go."

"As far as I know, they should be in a tribe not far from Luteng City now!"

Zhang Hai:"Tribe?"

"Ahem, yes. Tribe!"

Christopher's expression flashed with embarrassment. Even though these old black people always look down on the Dragon people, as long as they are not really fools, the Internet is so developed now.

They can go online to look at other countries and then look at their own country for comparison!

Basically, they know what their own country is like, and they are just trying to bully the Dragon people.

The main reason is jealousy and the values shaped by their parents since childhood!

Most black people have been taught by their parents since childhood that the world is a hostile place!

This is because their parents have been taught the same thing since childhood.

So after several generations, the only rule of conduct that all black people know is hostility and hatred!

Before that, they were still busy with tribal wars and survival of the fittest in the jungles of Philippines.

So it is obvious that not many black people have good role models.

In addition, they are stupid in their genes, so their views on the world are biased. They used to think they were farm tools, but now they think they are the descendants of coconut crisps!

So, when mentioning the tribe, Christopher was so embarrassed when he saw Zhang Hai's surprised expression. But he still bit the bullet and said,"It's the tribe


"Although Wakanda is a country, in some barren places in the country"

"It’s still in a no-man’s land!"

"Some tribes live there, living by their own rules"

"Grasshopper Paul came from the Fifty-Eight Tribes not far from Green Vine City!"

"The reason why their tribe is called Fifty-Eight"

"Because when it was first established, there were only fifty-eight people!"

"Now, there are more than 500 people in the 58 tribes."

"Because it's a no man's land"

"Therefore, it is no problem to call the place where they are a country within a country!"

"That's all I know"

""Brother from Longguo, please let me go!"

Seeing that Christopher was about to die,

Zhang Hai kept his promise and let him go.

Several black police officers who were trusted by Zhang Hai rushed up carefully and carried Christopher and the other four black people who were disabled by Zhang Hai away.

Then they rushed back to the police car.

In less than half a minute, more than a dozen police cars that were just aggressive with sirens and lights on were gone.


They all left in disgrace!

Zhang Hai waited for them to leave, lit a cigarette, turned around and said to Mr. Mu:"Mr. Mu, there is no time to lose!"

"Delay will lead to changes!"

"If this group of people are not caught quickly, I’m afraid something might happen!"

"You may wish to go to Wakanda and negotiate with local officials first."

"This way, you can also let them protect your safety openly!"

"I led a team to the fifty-eight tribes and brought the four murderers to justice!"

""Mr. Mu, what do you think?"

After hearing Zhang Hai's words,

Mu Anbang's eyes changed slightly.

A complex look flashed in his eyes when he looked at him.

Because Christopher had just explained very clearly that the fifty-eight tribes were a country in themselves.

There were five hundred people in it!

As an aboriginal, if Paul Grasshopper fled there for refuge, he would obviously be protected by the entire tribe!

Zhang Hai only took 20 people there and wanted to arrest the criminal.


Mu felt it was a fantasy!

Not to mention whether the fifty-eight tribes would cooperate or not.

To be more dangerous, judging from the xenophobia of this tribe, Zhang Hai and others might be left there!

It was definitely a life-and-death struggle!

So, seeing that Zhang Hai actually took the initiative to ask for orders and wanted to arrest the criminal without any hesitation, Mr.

Mu was both happy and disappointed.

He felt comforted and worried.

He saw Zhang Hai's ability.

Since he came to Wakanda, his various behaviors along the way have proved that he is a very capable person.

The captain recommended by several bigwigs of the Ministry of Justice, Old Chen and others is indeed worthy of his reputation!

But it is precisely because of this that Old Mu is worried about Zhang Hai's safety.

After all, although Zhang Hai is very capable, his style of doing things is really fierce!

It's as if this person has no fear nerves and doesn't know what fear is!

Old Mu is suspicious.

Not to mention that there are 500 people in the other tribe.

Even if there are 5,000 people!

Zhang Hai probably dares to confront them head-on!

Because he is such a person!

After pondering for a moment, Old Mu slowly said:"Zhang Hai, don't act on impulse.


"The other side is very clique-oriented and very xenophobic!"

"There are only 20 of you."

"If the criminal is protected by the local tribe, once the other party has evil intentions"

"You will be in very dangerous situation!"

"So tell me the truth!"

"If you lead the team, how confident are you in arresting the criminals?" Zhang Hai pretended to hesitate for two seconds after hearing Mr. Mu's question. Then he said in a resounding voice:"Eighty percent! I am eighty percent confident.


"Able to catch four criminals!"

"Let them get the punishment they deserve!"

"So, Mr. Mu, let me go!"

Seeing that Mr. Mu was still hesitating, the 20 elite police officers could no longer bear it.

They all said,"Let's go and get Mr. Mu. The damn Heni killed our compatriots. We can't just let it go like this!"

"Yes, Mr. Mu, we must avenge Luo Xiaoyu!"

"That’s right! We dare to go even to dangerous places!"

"We must let these Henis know that even in their own country, it is not acceptable to bully the Dragon people!"

"Yes! With Captain Zhang Hai leading the team, we are confident that we can bring those black guys to justice!"

"Believe us, this is the best time."

"If we wait until the authorities intervene, we won’t stand a chance!"

""Make a decision, Mr. Mu!"

20 elite policemen spoke at the same time.

Their eyes were filled with anger after their compatriots were killed!

Looking at these pairs of eyes containing sincere hearts,

Mr. Mu finally nodded.

He said in a deep voice:"Okay! Zhang Hai!"

"I immediately went to the local city government in Green Vine"

"You lead the team to Green Vine City!"

"But be sure to pay attention to safety! Got it?"

Zhang Hai:"Yes!"

——Boom boom boom!!!

The roar of the car engine sounded.

Zhang Hai left 5 police officers to protect Mu Lao and went to Luteng City Government.

He took the other 15 elite police officers and rushed to the 58 tribes!

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