"There are no good people? Of course there are no good people!"

It would have been fine if he hadn't mentioned it. As soon as he mentioned it,

Dong Delai got so angry that he started to curse:"Birds of a feather flock together. People are divided into groups."

"This kind of criminal street that harbors filth and dirt should have been destroyed long ago!"

"How do you usually do things? How can such a place exist?"

Seeing the leader getting angry , everyone lowered their heads.

This was their work mistake!

Although the task force achieved brilliant results, the existence of such a street full of villains is a mistake in itself!

It has been 2 hours since Li Muxi disappeared, and still not found!

This made everyone more and more irritated.

And in the law enforcement recorder on the big screen,

Zhang Hai and a group of task force members also walked to the end of Funing Street.

There was only an old building left in front of them!...

End of Fu Ning Street

"call...It's a great day today."

Qian Duoduo was holding a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the old building in front of him comfortably.

"This time we have made a great contribution. We brothers will each get a second-class merit!"

Along the way, the task force has taken down 9 criminal dens.

A total of 179 criminals have been arrested!

The amount involved in the case has accumulated to over 100 million!

This is not a great achievement.

It is simply a huge achievement!

"Team leader, Haige"

"It looks like we can call it a day."

Wu Xuebin also said,"Criminals are all about making quick money and enjoying life."

"This old building has been in disrepair for a long time. There is nothing left."

"Even dogs don't want to go in!"

Everything that happened along the way made the entire task force admire Zhang Hai extremely.

Others are now like Qian Duoduo. They spontaneously raised Zhang Hai to the level of"brother"!

Su Zhipeng didn't say anything

, but just looked at Zhang Hai who was staring at the old building.

Along the way

, Zhang Hai's keen judgment made him, an old criminal policeman, feel ashamed!

Su Zhipeng also found the problem after seeing this.

After arresting so many criminals before, Zhang Hai never showed such a solemn expression now!

His heart tightened and he asked quickly:"Haizi, is there something wrong with this old building?" Zhang Hai nodded slowly.

At this moment, in his mind, a red to black light spot was flashing constantly.

It emitted an evil light!

The location was the old building in front!

"There's something wrong with this building."

Zhang Hai suddenly said,"The serial killer may be inside!"

"He may have hostages. Too many people may alert the enemy."

"Team leader, please stay where you are."

"I'll go check it out!"

After saying that, Zhang Hai rushed over without waiting for Su Zhipeng to reply. His footsteps were light and there was no sound. His whole body was as agile as a cheetah! When he moved near the old building, with his hearing three times better than that of an ordinary person, he vaguely heard a woman's cry for help!

"This voice is most likely that of Li Muxi"

"How brave! Provocation is not enough."

"They even dared to tie up the daughter of a city leader!"

Zhang Hai thought to himself.

At the same time, he walked to the wall.

According to the radar, the criminals and the hostages were on the sixth floor.

So when he approached the old building, he planned a climbing route!

After adjusting his breathing, Zhang Hai bent his knees slightly

, then jumped suddenly and grabbed the eaves of the first floor with both hands!

Without any protective measures, he was like a gecko. He began to climb upstairs with his bare hands!

Second floor!

Third floor!

Fourth floor!......

The members of the task force who were approaching slowly from a distance were shocked when they saw this scene.

This kid could actually climb rocks with his bare hands?

Su Zhipeng was dumbfounded.

His understanding of Zhang Hai's skills was refreshed again!......

In less than a minute,

Zhang Hai climbed to the sixth floor!

He quietly stuck his head out and observed the situation inside the house through the window.

As a result, he was shocked when he saw the scene inside!

In the abandoned house, a woman was tied to a stool and kept struggling.

Next to her, a fierce-looking man was unbuckling his belt!

Looking closely at the woman's face,

Zhang Hai found that it was exactly the same as the photo of the missing person!

It was Li Muxi!

He turned around and found that the task force was more than 20 meters away from the old building.......

"It's too late!"

Zhang Hai's eyes froze.

After grabbing the eaves with one hand, he swung his fist with the other hand and hit the glass window hard!


The window shattered!

He exerted force with both hands. He jumped in directly without caring about the scratches from the glass shards! The murderer reacted very quickly when he saw someone breaking in! He hurriedly went behind Li Muxi and planned to take her hostage. Zhang Hai took out a poker card and moved as fast as lightning! Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh! Four poker cards flew in front of the murderer in an instant! Blood splattered! In an instant, the murderer's hand and foot tendons were cut by Zhang Hai!


He screamed.

His feet lost control and fell to the ground.

Zhang Hai was already furious.

So he didn't tolerate him at all.

He turned off the law enforcement recorder on his body, walked over and kicked him!

While kicking, he cursed:"Provocation?"

"Come on, keep provoking me!"

"You beast!"

"You like to torture people and provoke them, right?"

"I'll make you squat to pee from now on!"

Zhang Hai kicked the murderer's balls and broke them.



The murderer's eyes bulged out.

He screamed like the victim he tortured before!

"Are you desperate? You bastard!"

"Are you as desperate as those girls?"

Zhang Hai cursed.

His feet left afterimages!

Bang, bang, bang!

The murderer was covered with footprints.

He screamed and rolled over.

The pain of his balls breaking made him feel like dying!

The constant pain from his body was like being hit by a sledgehammer!

Li Muxi's beautiful eyes were sparkling.

She had shouted thousands of times.

The hero who fell from the sky finally came to save her!

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