Three days of secondment.

Zhang Hai took only one day to lead the police officers in Chenggang District to clean up the criminals!

He did not leave for the remaining two days. He chose to recall the past and take on patrol tasks!

In two days, the criminals who had revived in the Chenggang area were swept away again!

As long as Zhang Hai passed by, the radar would be turned on! Even if you committed a crime a month ago, you will be arrested!

When the three days were over, the chiefs of each police station went to the Municipal Bureau to report again. When they heard about the performance of Chenggang District, everyone was stunned!

All 17 criminals on the list were arrested!

In addition,

39 prisoners who committed other crimes were arrested!

Several chiefs who had not completed their tasks looked at the complacent Liu Bowen.

Their teeth were sour!

You, Liu, just have Zhang Hai!

Why are you so arrogant!

When Dong Delai saw that he had angered the public, he also had an idea.

He sent Zhang Hai to other police stations that had not completed their tasks to arrest people.

Zhang Hai gladly accepted the order.

That afternoon, all the drug offenders in the remaining 7 police stations were arrested, a total of 16 people!

On the fourth day after the drug-making factory was destroyed, the police arrested all the people involved in the case in Ganxi City!

This is a great achievement!

Dong Delai immediately called Wei Xingguo in the province to report.

Wei Xingguo was also very excited!

He said that this time, their Ganxi City would have a good time!

After this battle, the entire Ganxi City will be drug-free!...

In the evening

, Zhang Hai went to his father-in-law's house for dinner after work.

Liang Weihua and Jiang Ru were very welcoming.

Although Liang Xiaohui did not have a holiday,

Zhang Hai went to his father-in-law's house alone.

But he did not feel alienated at all.

Because after accepting Zhang Hai, the two completely regarded him as their own child.

Jiang Ru even asked

Zhang Hai to come to their house every few days.

Zhang Hai readily agreed.

Because in addition to catching criminals, he thinks he is just an ordinary person!

In the future, he can marry his girlfriend who he has been in love with for three years.

It is a kind of happiness!

Just like this

, life returned to normal again.

Zhang Hai goes to work during the day.

He goes to the surrounding units when he has nothing to do.

Catch a few petty thieves!

At night, he goes to his father-in-law's house for dinner.

In a blink of an eye

, a month has passed!......

On this day, Zhang Hai came to his father-in-law's house after work. The three of them ate and watched TV. His mother-in-law Jiang Ru asked with concern:"Xiao Hai, what happened to the case of the reading factory last time?"


"Haven't you given me the reward yet?"

Zhang Hai shook his head.

"Wei Ju said that this success was"

"Let's make it together when the time comes!"

Liang Weihua, who was standing by, had a very complicated expression when he heard this.

Good fellow! He

's tired of asking the provincial leaders for credit.

This son-in-law of mine is really the first one!

But thinking about the recent peace and prosperity in Ganxi City,

I'm afraid it will take a long time to make credit!

If I can...

Liang Weihua didn't dare to think further as soon as he had half of the idea.

After all, his son-in-law had a chance to make a contribution.

It meant that ordinary people would suffer!

That wouldn't do.

It's better to be safe and sound!

The three of them were talking and laughing

, discussing the future marriage of Zhang Hai and Liang Xiaohui.

The program on TV was suddenly cut off.

Then the scene changed.

The face of the host of Ganxi City TV Station appeared on the screen!

"Now here's a piece of news!"

"Just now, a jewelry store in Panlong Commercial Building in this city was looted."

"The robbers stole jewels worth tens of millions and fled!"

""Please pay more attention to citizens and avoid risks!"

The host repeated it three times.

Liang Weihua quickly looked at Zhang Hai and asked in a low voice:"Xiao Hai, do you know about this?"

Zhang Hai shook his head.

Just as he was about to call Su Zhipeng to ask, his cell phone rang first.

It was Su Zhipeng calling!

He picked up the phone and hung up after three or five seconds.

"Uncle Liang, Aunt Jiang"

"I'll go back to the criminal police team first!"

Seeing Zhang Hai putting on his shoes anxiously,

Liang Weihua's previous thoughts disappeared. He was left with only fear.

He kept reminding Zhang Hai to be careful!......

After leaving his father-in-law's house,

Zhang Hai rode his electric scooter and rushed to the criminal police team.

As a result, when passing by Jiexin Park in the city, two red dots suddenly appeared on the radar!

【Jiang Dayong, male, 34 years old. He just robbed Dan Dafu Jewelry Store and was rushing to the base to sell the stolen goods!】

【Qi Chen, male, 25 years old. Just robbed Dan Dafu Jewelry Store and was rushing to the base to sell the stolen goods!

After confirming the criminal's information,

Zhang Hai hurriedly stopped and parked his electric scooter to the side.

Then he followed the two people quietly, intending to catch them all at once!......

Half an hour later,

Zhang Hai followed the two people all the way to the unfinished building in the suburbs.

When they arrived, he was a little surprised! He thought they were two daring bastards.

Unexpectedly , he really caught a big fish! At this time, there were two groups of people in the unfinished building. One group was a robbery group. The other group was a stolen goods sales group. Adding up , there were more than 30 people! Zhang Hai licked his mouth excitedly. He took out the buzzing mobile phone in his trouser pocket! Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points! Recharge now (Activity time: April 29 to May 3)

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