Zhang Hai rushed to the Municipal Bureau early in the morning.

He ended his vacation two days early.

At this time, all the criminal police officers involved in the operation had gathered.

After everyone lined up,

Wei Xingguo walked to the front.

He said in a deep voice:"Comrades, after yesterday's investigation, we found that the harm of black online loans is very serious.-!"

"Tens of thousands of people in this city have been deeply affected!"

"There are tens of millions of people across the country who are stuck in the quagmire and cannot get out."

"So, today's goal is only one"

"That is to eradicate the cancer of illegal online loans in the city!"

"Do you have confidence?"

All criminal police:"Yes!"

Wei Xingguo:"Okay! Today's operation will be commanded by Zhang Hai. Let's start!"

According to the list provided by several black online loan bosses yesterday,

Zhang Hai led the team directly to the destination.

The first company to be cleared was the company of the other five black online loan bosses who were arrested yesterday.

Fengwu Commercial Building , fourth floor


With a loud bang,

Zhang Hai broke into the room.

The black online loan thugs who were playing cards stood up one after another.

After seeing the fully armed criminal police, some people still wanted to resist.


Zhang Hai threw out the flying cards directly!

Cutting their tendons in their hands and feet!

""Collect evidence!"

He said coldly

, and then walked directly to the thugs who were about to resist.

Slap, slap, slap, slap!

The thugs were slapped like a storm.

In a few minutes, the thugs were beaten to the ground.

All their teeth were knocked out!

"Brother Hai, the loan contract and the mobile hard drive have been found."

After a while,

Qian Duoduo came out with a large stack of contracts.

Zhang Hai nodded.

Several criminal police officers immediately loaded the criminals into the car and took them away.

The others continued to follow Zhang Hai to the next destination.

Because the goal was clear.

In addition, Zhang Hai had a detection radar. In one morning, the five black online loan companies that were arrested yesterday were completely eliminated.

But according to the confessions they provided.

There are still seven or eight black online loan companies in Ganxi City.

These companies are hidden deeper!

They are all black companies that make up names to attract young people to sign contracts for consumption!

For example, there is a company called Meirongdai.

This black online loan is located next to a plastic surgery hospital.

Girls who want to have plastic surgery go to the hospital for consultation.

When they see the expensive prices and are discouraged, the doctors who have a cooperative relationship with the black online loan will recommend the beauty loan next door.

The girls are deceived into taking out loans and then come back to get the money for plastic surgery.

The hospital will give the beauty station a commission based on the amount!

After that,

Meirongdai can control these girls through contract traps!

There is also a company called 0 Yuangou.

He does not approve money for the victims.

Because the company deals in various digital products and luxury goods! After the victim signs the contract

You can get expensive luxury goods or the latest mobile phones for free.

Installment payment is also normal, and the interest rate is not high.

However, the more than 20-page contract contains traps.

One of them is: the company can require the borrower to pay off the entire balance immediately, and if there is no money to pay, it will be considered a breach of contract!

You should know that most of the victims who come here for installment payment are students who don’t have much money but want to show off.

So after the installments are arranged and the contract is signed.

In the second month

, they will be required to pay off all the money immediately!

Can’t pay it? Then the routine begins!

If it is a male victim, they will ask you to sell blood and then pay the interest.

If it is a female victim.

The end is even worse!

Use your body to pay the interest, accompany drinking, and play!

All kinds of tricks are endless!

In short, these black loan routines are quite a lot.

And they are cleverly made up.

None of them is a good thing!

After a rest, in the afternoon

Zhang Hai led his men into this company called Meirongdai.

There were four or five girls consulting at the front desk.

It seemed that the university had just had a holiday. They came here for a fine-tuning!

The front desk clerk of Meirongdai was also a girl.

She was pretty.

But she was full of technology!

Seeing a group of police officers breaking in, she shouted in panic:"You...What are you here for?"

"We are a normal company and we have not broken any law!"

【Huang Mingcui, female, 29 years old. Beauty loan employee]

After seeing her message,

Zhang Hai sneered. He walked up and slapped her in the face!


Huang Mingcui was slapped and flew away.

As a result, when she fell to the ground, the first thing she did was to take out her mobile phone and turn on the front camera to see if her face was injured!

After discovering that her Hextech nose was crooked by Zhang Hai,

Huang Mingcui burst into tears and made a fuss, like a madman.

Several fairies who came to consult were immediately unhappy.

"Hey! Even the police can't hit people!"

"Yeah, someone just asked a question and you hit him?"

"Can't you speak properly?"

"Sisters, it’s really frustrating when this happens!"


Zhang Hai was annoyed by the noise.

He turned around and looked at them coldly.

The powerful aura instantly frightened the chattering fairies into shutting up!

When Zhang Hai saw that they were no longer chattering, he was too lazy to pay attention to them.

He took people upstairs to search!

Ten minutes later, the Beauty Loan Company was investigated.

But Zhang Hai found that according to the account book of Beauty Loan, they had a very close cooperation with the plastic surgery hospital next door!

So he took people to the plastic surgery hospital next door! When they arrived at the plastic surgery hospital,

Zhang Hai originally just wanted to arrest the relevant personnel who had a cooperative relationship with the Beauty Loan.

As a result, when he turned on the radar and checked the personal information, he also found an unexpected surprise!

【Park Cheon-ri, female, 45 years old. Owner of a medical beauty clinic, Korean】

【He has been running a medical beauty hospital in western Jiangxi for more than ten years. He has taken and recorded nude photos of female customers during surgery and anesthesia many times, and then resold them to third parties!

Hearing that the criminal police had come to the company,

Park Cheon-ri was very panicked

, but she had no choice but to come out of the office to cooperate.

She is 45 years old, but she looks like she is in her early 30s.

She is very young and beautiful.

Especially her figure.

She is curvy.

She is even more screaming!

But Zhang Hai knows.

I am afraid that 70% of the body in front of him is now high-tech!

Park Cheon-ri still has hope. She pretends not to speak Chinese.

She speaks in ghost language:"Aniha seiyo! Oppa!"


Zhang Hai slapped her!

Cursed:"You have lived in western Jiangxi for more than ten years, and you still pretend not to speak Chinese?"

"Take them all away! Then investigate the evidence!"

A criminal police officer asked doubtfully:"Brother Hai, didn't you say that we should just investigate the doctors who have connections with the online loan companies?"

""No, no, no!"

Zhang Hai shook his finger, lit a cigarette and said,"My intuition tells me that there is still a problem with them!"

After these words were spoken, all the criminal police were no longer confused.

After such a long time,

Zhang Hai's intuition for catching criminals has been recognized by everyone!

Because in the previous searches of clubs and KTVs, he could accurately find the hiding places of criminals in hundreds of rooms!

Everyone was also confused at first.

But Zhang Hai never gave an explanation.

Until someone said that Brother Hai should have a natural keen intuition for criminals.

Gradually, this statement was widely recognized by the entire criminal police team!

After a while, Zhang Hai's intuition was confirmed again!

A criminal policeman ran over excitedly.

Reported:"Brother Hai, found it!


"There is indeed something wrong with this Park Cheon-ri. Their hospital is actually reselling customer information!"

"Selling naked photos and videos of clients while they were anesthetized during surgery"

"Then put it online for sale!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"All the evidence is in the computer in her office!"

The criminal police heard that there was indeed a problem. They all looked at Zhang Hai.

They showed admiration!

They already admired Zhang Hai enough.

But Zhang Hai could bring them new shocks every time!

Zhang Hai nodded calmly. He said softly:"Next one!"

One after another was investigated!

Time passed quickly and five hours passed.

When the sweeping operation was over and the criminal police were withdrawing, the city bureau detention center was already full of criminals!

Throughout the day,

Zhang Hai arrested and interrogated one by one.

Then he followed the clues and swept away the sixteen black online loan companies in Ganxi City!

A total of 165 black online loan company personnel were arrested!

Wei Xingguo raised the microphone with a red face and shouted:

"Comrades, this operation was completed excellently and quickly!"

"We swept away all the illegal online loans in the city with lightning speed!"

"Here, I would like to commend everyone who participated in the operation!"

Pa pa pa pa pa!"

The criminal police who participated in the operation clapped crazily. They couldn't stop smiling!

Because this operation, whether in terms of time, efficiency, amount or number of people, they have all made great contributions.

Especially under the leadership of Zhang Hai, they basically did not take any detours.

They would go to the next one after arresting one, and make new discoveries every time!

The same was true when arresting criminals.

Before they could resist, they were instantly captured by Brother Hai!

They only need to be responsible for searching for evidence and torturing people.

So at the end of the day, it's no different from winning by doing nothing.

And they can easily get a third-class collective merit!

Add something to their resume!

This kind of good job, even if they do it every day, they won't feel tired!

After disbanding, looking at the excited brothers,

Zhang Hai also waved his hand and shouted:"Let's go, brothers! I'll treat you all to a midnight snack!"

When they heard that Brother Hai was treating them, all the criminal police officers participating in the operation shouted excitedly!

They knew that

Brother Hai was a tough guy who could get a reward of tens of millions for catching criminals!

So when they heard that they could eat at a rich restaurant, they were all excited.

Of course, when we say eating at a rich restaurant, it actually means eating barbecue at a roadside food stall.

A meal for more than 20 criminal police officers cost less than 10,000 yuan.

0Seeking flowers

At the same time

, when the criminal police team was having a midnight snack, four figures were whispering in the beauty loan company that was searched.

"Damn, when did Zhang Hai start targeting online loans?"

"Still a living devil? Fuck! He is a deadly star!"

"He caught the thief when I was stealing"

"I went to the club to be a thug, and he raided the club!"

"I have switched my career to online lending and he has followed me!"

"Damn, it’s so infuriating!"

"Fortunately, my brothers were out on business, otherwise we would have been arrested again!"

"Brother, let’s say"

"Is there a possibility that we can take revenge on him?"

"Hmm? You are so talkative!"

"We can't beat him, but we can trick him!"

"For example, puncturing his tires, smashing his windows, and hitting him with a club!"

"Hiss~ OK OK! I've been following him these days!"


The next day,

Zhang Hai woke up and wanted to go to work, but he found that he still had one day off!

He returned to the team two days early to participate in the operation.

As a result, it was completed in one day yesterday.

So today...It's still a holiday!

After taking a shower,

I called Liang Xiaohui.

After chatting for a while,

Liang Weihua's voice came from the receiver.

"Hello, Xiaohai. Thank you for helping me with Jiang Dapao!"

"It's a holiday today, right? Come to my house for dinner tonight."

"Jiang Dapao is here too. He said that he has turned over a new leaf and wants to thank you specially!"

""Okay, okay, that's it. See you tonight!"

After hanging up the phone,

Zhang Hai thought of Jiang Dapao's look and shook his head secretly.

For this kind of gambler, unless he thinks it through himself, others really can't persuade him, and can't persuade him!

Half an hour later,

Liang Xiaohui knocked on the door.

Zhang Hai felt that he was fine after a day's rest. He immediately went to open the door excitedly.

The two of them were also attracted by each other.

They fought for the whole afternoon!

In the evening,

Zhang Hai drove Liang Xiaohui to his father-in-law's house for dinner.

Jiang Dapao was there too.

After seeing Zhang Hai, he shuddered subconsciously.

There was nothing he could do!

It was really that the shock Zhang Hai brought to him last time was too deep.

Liang Dapao waited for the black online loan to be hooked with Zhang Hai at home.

Then he went to their black online loan company.

Then he went to the KTV to arrest the black online loan boss.

He was there the whole time!

So Zhang Hai's action process is as follows :���At that time, the criminal police were chatting in the corridor of the KTV.

Jiang Dapao heard it clearly!

That day was a nightmare!

If someone asked: With such a criminal police brother-in-law, what time will you go home?

Liang Dapao’s answer must be: I dare not go home!

Jiang Ru was coming out of the kitchen with dishes.

Seeing the young couple, she quickly said:"Come on, Xiaohai! Sit down first, the dishes are ready!"

"Hey! Sorry to bother Aunt Jiang!"

Zhang Hai responded with a smile.

Then he sat at the dining table with Liang Xiaohui.

He sat next to Jiang Dapao.

The moment he sat down,

Jiang Dapao stood up.

He said in a trembling voice:"Hai...Hello, Brother Hai!"

Liang Weihua:"???"

Jiang Ru:"???"

Liang Xiaohui:"???"

Zhang Hai touched his nose awkwardly.

He looked at him and hinted,"Aren't you Xiaohui's brother?"

"Hey, hey, so what if he's her brother."

Jiang Dapao smiled flatteringly and said,"Let's talk about our own things. She is my sister and you are my brother!"

Zhang Hai:"Uh......I heard that you have turned over a new leaf?"

"Ang ang!"

"I also want to thank Brother Hai for his help!"

Jiang Dapao showed a grateful look.

He said excitedly:"I read the local news. There are tens of thousands of people like me who have been poisoned by black online loans in western Jiangxi."

"The news said that the criminal police team launched an operation"

"Led by First Class Police Superintendent Zhang Hai, the team wiped out all the illegal online loans in one day and saved thousands of families!"

"From now on, I will definitely learn well!"

Liang Weihua also praised from the side:"Well done, Xiao Hai, I also watched TV, you are quite photogenic!"

Jiang Ru also looked at her son-in-law with an aunt's smile. The more she looked at him, the more she liked him!

Because this son-in-law is easy to get along with, he really helps his mother-in-law when she has problems!

The family had a happy meal.

Although Jiang Dapao is unlearned, he is a live treasure. So the atmosphere is cheerful under his jokes. The meal lasted for three hours. Zhang Hai said goodbye to Jiang Dapao and left. He went downstairs. Zhang Hai wanted to wait for the designated driver. Jiang Dapao was a little scared of him and said quickly:"Then I'll go first, Brother Hai, see you later!


""Hey! Wait!"

Zhang Hai suddenly spoke.

Then he walked to him in two or three steps.

Jiang Dapao's body froze.

He dared not move!

Zhang Hai raised his head and smiled and blew a kiss to Liang Xiaohui who was standing by the window.

Then he whispered in his ear:

"You'd better mend your ways."

"Otherwise, I will really tear your teeth out!"

"Do you know, dead?"

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