The chicken is so delicious, but it is not worth it.

"Fuck you, you don't have any at home, right? Why do you have to steal my chicken? I'll chop off your hands and claws if I catch you, you bastard!"

"Who the hell knows what I'm saying? Don't pretend to be confused. You stole my chicken. You'll choke to death!"

"You're so grown up, you have hands and feet, but you only know how to steal, right? No wonder you have a mother but no father to raise you!"

In a shabby little thatched house, Chen Feng listened to the voice of the woman outside the house, and was confused.

He was sleeping well at home, and had no idea what happened. He came here when he opened his eyes.

Not long after, a memory came into his mind, and he realized what happened.

This is a parallel world similar to the previous life. Everything is the same as the previous life, except that the familiar people are gone.

This world has fallen into a serious financial crisis, with an unemployment rate of 78% and wages several times less than before.

Today, a hundred college graduates are fighting for a dozen jobs with a salary of only 1,200 yuan. Others can only rely on their parents at home to make a living.

Unfortunately, Chen Feng is a college student who just graduated last year.

He thought that after graduation, he could show his talents and live a good life with his mother.

Unexpectedly, reality gave him a heavy blow. Chen Feng has never recovered since then. He smokes and drinks every day and becomes a street urchin in the village, spending his days fooling around.

Finally, he drank half a catty of white wine yesterday, and drank it with a chicken that came from nowhere, and died directly.

Just when he was still in a daze, a voice sounded in his mind.

"The host has successfully crossed over, and the gold digger system is turned on!"

"Detection of metals: gold, silver (upgradeable)."

"Detection radius: three meters (upgradeable)."

"Detection depth: twenty centimeters (upgradeable)."

"Other functions: not yet turned on."

"System upgrades require money, which is equal to the money exchanged for the metals found by the host."

Chen Feng studied it for a long time before he understood what this system was all about.

To put it simply, this system can help him pan for gold, and he will get equal points from the money he sells for panning gold, and then use the points to upgrade the system.

"This is to make me a gold digger..." Chen Feng said, touching his chin.

In his previous life, he only saw others panning for gold on TV, but he didn't expect that one day he would become a gold digger.

Just when he was still thinking about it, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and the next moment someone opened the door and came in.

A woman came in. Although her clothes were old, they were very clean. Even though the years had left traces on her face, it was still possible to see that she was an absolute beauty when she was young.

She was Chen Feng's mother, Liu Ping.

The two looked at each other, and the atmosphere was a little awkward. Liu Ping finally sighed, with heartache in her eyes, and began to clean up the cigarette box and wine bottle on the kang.

"Did you steal the chicken from Lao Wang's house?" Liu Ping said as she took the trash basket.

Chen Feng looked at the vegetable basin with chicken on the kang, and said in silence: "I said it wasn't me, do you believe it?"

"What's the use of me believing it or not? Lao Wang's family has to believe it."

"And if it wasn't you who stole it, none of our chickens were missing, so where did the chicken on your kang come from?" Liu Ping looked at Chen Feng helplessly and asked.

"It...maybe it was too depressed and committed suicide." Chen Feng laughed.

He had been here for less than ten minutes, and he was blamed. Who could he go to for justice?

"Alas, don't steal anymore. I know you're taking revenge on Wang's wife because she's gossiping about you behind your back and you're so angry."

"Let her say whatever she wants. Just pretend you don't know. It won't hurt you anyway." Liu Ping brought a rag, drove Chen Feng off the floor, and started to wipe the kang.

"By the way, your uncle called me yesterday."

Liu Ping turned her head and looked at Chen Feng.

When he mentioned his uncle, Chen Feng recalled this person in his mind.

He was his own uncle, his mother's younger brother.

That guy was a little conceited, especially after his son found a job with a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan, he became even more arrogant.

Every time he mentioned it, he would praise his son and then educate Chen Feng harshly in the tone of an elder.

Especially his mother, who was often scolded by him, saying that she spoiled him, spoiling her son was like killing her, Chen Feng would be useless in the future, you will regret it one day in the future, and so on.

In front of him, his mother was always scolded and couldn't raise her head, sighing repeatedly.

Chen Feng thought of his uncle's smug look.

The proud, condescending face couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Damn, it's your own family's business, why are you nagging all the time, it has nothing to do with you.

"What did that bastard say?" Chen Feng said unhappily when he mentioned it.

Liu Ping turned around and looked at Chen Feng with a complaint on her face, and said.

"You kid, he is your uncle after all, and he is doing it for your own good. How can you be so disrespectful and call him a jerk? I don't know who you learned this from."

After saying that, Liu Ping paused, sighed and said, "The jerk said that he would find you a job as a security guard under his son, 800 yuan a month, which is better than you being idle every day."

Chen Feng couldn't help but snorted when he heard it, and said with a somewhat sarcastic smile, "He did that for my own good, didn't his son, who is the security captain, not being able to recruit people with 800 yuan a month, did he think of me?"

"Even if I earn 600 yuan from others, I would rather not earn 800 yuan under his son."

"If he really goes, he will be very annoying in the future."

Liu Ping also understood this, but it was not a good thing for Chen Feng to do this at home.

She didn't expect Chen Feng to make much money, even if it was just a job, it was better than drinking at home every day.

"In fact, what your uncle said makes sense, otherwise why don't you go and work for two months?" Liu Ping couldn't help but persuade.

"Forget it, I'll figure out something to do myself." Chen Feng shook his head and refused. Now that he has a system, why would he still be a security guard?

By then, not to mention 800 a month, even 800 a day would be easy.

"Okay, if you don't want to go, don't go." Liu Ping never forced Chen Feng to do anything. Since he didn't want to go, forget it. He could find something else to do.

"By the way, Mom, give me some money." Chen Feng thought about it and said.

Even if he hadn't done it, he had seen it.

Gold panning requires a metal detector and a series of equipment.

He has nothing now, and he can't pan for gold with nothing. He has to buy a set of tools first.

"Have you spent the money I gave you last time?" Liu Ping looked at Chen Feng helplessly and said.

Chen Feng scratched his head a little embarrassedly. It was really embarrassing to ask for money from his family at such a big age.

"Spend sparingly and drink less alcohol. It's not good stuff." Liu Ping took out some paper bills from his pocket, checked a few and handed them to Chen Feng.

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