Chen Feng didn't care about that much at all. As long as you are willing to change, it's fine. Not to mention one sausage, two sausages are fine! "Okay, Fengzi, you can sleep comfortably here. There are cigarettes in the handcuffs. If you can't sleep, you can have one." Huang Fei stood up happily and changed positions with Chen Feng. Anyway, Huang Fei couldn't sleep for a long time during the day, so he could make up for the sleep. Even if there was no clay pot rice, Chen Feng would change positions with him. As for Zheng Ping's restless sleep, he just likes to turn over and over. No matter how big the matter is, he is not very honest when he sleeps. It's the same. Huang Fei quickly came to Zheng Ping's side and looked at Zheng Ping with a smile on his face. Zheng Ping was also quite helpless. Chen Feng sat down in the driver's seat, and he almost cried out in comfort.

This place is so comfortable, and the window next to it is open a little, so the smell is not that strong.

The most important thing is that there is no threat next to it, and it is comfortable to sleep.

After a tiring day, everyone went to bed soon, and the car was snoring.

Huang Fei leaned against the window, and he didn't feel too uncomfortable, in fact, he felt okay.

Zheng Ping beside him also fell asleep quickly. Huang Fei turned over, with his back to Zheng Ping, his head on the window, a little dazed.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly felt a hand around his waist.

He woke up instantly and looked back with a horrified face.

He saw Zheng Ping with his eyes closed, hugging his waist very habitually, and even humming comfortably.

"Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng?"

Huang Fei quickly took his hand away and called him softly.

After Zheng Ping's hand was taken away, he agreed in his sleep and changed his position to continue sleeping.


After seeing him change his position, Huang Fei let out a long sigh, rested his head on the window and prepared to continue sleeping.

But less than ten minutes later, the hand next to him reached out again, this time touching Huang Fei's butt and even pinching it.

Huang Fei's eyes widened in an instant, and the sleepiness that had just been brewing disappeared without a trace.

He turned his head stiffly and looked at Zheng Ping. Zheng Ping still closed his eyes and snored, sleeping soundly.

Huang Fei really felt for a moment that this guy was pretending to sleep, but after watching carefully, he reluctantly believed that he was really asleep.

The main thing is that if he didn't believe that Zheng Ping was asleep, then this matter would be even more terrible...

Huang Fei took the hand on his butt away, his face full of tears.

"Brother, please be honest. I haven't gotten married yet. If this gets out, how can I get married in the future?"

Huang Fei was a little upset at this time. He finally understood why Chen Feng had to change places with him.

Who can bear it if a big and strong man touches you in the middle of the night?

After Zheng Ping's hand was taken away, he changed his position and continued to sleep soundly. Huang Fei couldn't help but rub against him, as far away from Zheng Ping as possible.

He stared at Zheng Ping for a few minutes, and only dared to turn his head and close his eyes after making sure that he had no intention of doing anything else.

After sleeping for about ten minutes, Huang Fei suddenly felt that the evil hand reached out again. He quickly opened his eyes and looked to the side, hiding to the side.

But this time, when he opened his eyes, Huang Fei found that Zheng Ping was still sleeping soundly with his back to him, and he didn't mean to move at all.

Huang Fei breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, and his hanging heart was finally put down.

It seems that he has been hallucinated by Zheng Ping.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Huang Fei shouted in anger in his heart, and finally fell asleep in the sound of people grinding their teeth, farting and snoring for a long time.

The next morning, Zheng Ping stretched comfortably and woke up from his sleep.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Huang Fei curled up in a small ball next to him, close to the window.

"Dad Fei is so nice. I guess he knows that I have to work the next day, so he specially left such a big place for me to rest."

"You are so considerate, but you don't have to be like this."

Zheng Ping thought so in his heart, and couldn't help but be moved. He looked at Huang Fei with a smile on his face.

Huang Fei happened to wake up, and just after yawning, he saw Zheng Ping next to him looking at him with a smile.

Wait... what do you mean by that look? !

Huang Fei was a little frightened for a moment, and shrank unconsciously.

The next second, Zheng Ping spoke.

"Actually, you don't have to be so close to the window at night. Just come closer to me."

As soon as these words came out, Huang Fei's eyes widened in an instant.

I almost cried.

"Brother, stop it, are you really here?"

"I said you must not have fallen asleep last night!"

Soon everyone woke up, got out of the car to go to the toilet, and cleaned up. Huang Fei wanted to wake up Chen Feng so that he could drive to another place.

But after Chen Feng woke up, he was too lazy to move, so he just started the car and drove forward.

He had a driver's license, but he was not as good as Huang Fei. However, there were no people and no cars here, so as long as he didn't hit the tree, it would be fine, so Huang Fei let him drive.

After driving for about twenty minutes, Chen Feng felt that this place was not bad, so he parked the car here, and everyone started to eat and prepare for a day's work.

While eating, Huang Fei really couldn't help but tell everyone what happened last night.

Everyone laughed when they heard it, and Zheng Ping blushed, and at the same time tried his best to deny it, claiming that he would never do such a thing, and it was all a slander of his personality.

Chen Feng sat in the front chewing bread, full of relief.

Finally someone understood what he had experienced before!

After everyone finished eating, they all got off the car with their equipment. Huang Fei also got off the car, ready to go hunting for a few hours and come back when he was tired.

Chen Feng carried a big bag, a hat, and a detector in his hand. He stood there and counted with his fingers seriously, then nodded and walked north.

In fact, he couldn't tell the east, south, west, and north at all. This direction was just what he thought was north.

If there was a drone looking from the sky, you could see that this group of people were scattered around the van, like spider legs.

The air in the early morning was still relatively fresh, not as hot as after nine o'clock. Chen Feng took a deep breath of air and it was really comfortable.

Just when he wanted to take two more breaths of fresh air, the system rang.


"There are precious metals within a three-meter radius of the host!"

Hearing this sound, Chen Feng felt more comfortable.

The goods came after just a few steps. Today's luck must be good!

Chen Feng scanned the area with his eyes, and leisurely detected the area line by line with the detector.

He drew horizontal lines back and forth around the circle, like a crab.

When he reached the middle, the detector rang.


Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, squatted down, took out a shovel with his backhand, pulled the detector closer, and shoveled a shovel of soil with force.

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