The dizziness soon disappeared, and Zheng Ping looked up to see Chen Feng staring at him closely.

"What's the situation? Are you okay?" Chen Feng asked.

Zheng Ping shook his head and felt okay for a few seconds. He couldn't help but say: "It seems to be okay. Maybe I got up too fast this morning."

"I go left and you go right?"

Chen Feng looked at him carefully and finally shook his head: "Forget it, it's better for us to be closer. I'm afraid you can't do it again and hit your head against the ground again."

Zheng Ping laughed when he heard it. Although he felt that he was fine, he didn't show off. He nodded and said: "Okay, then let's be closer, and we can take care of each other."

The two chose a direction and walked forward together.

Zheng Ping took the detector and began to scan left and right, trying not to miss any place, but Chen Feng didn't need to scan like this, so he pretended to walk quickly with the detector.

Zheng Ping looked up at Chen Feng. He was used to Chen Feng's detection method and didn't feel strange. He continued to lower his head to detect.

There is no right way for each person to find the goods. It is a good method to find the goods.

Soon Chen Feng walked out a few dozen meters. Seeing Zheng Ping behind him, he didn't continue to move forward. He started to walk left and right, trying not to let Zheng Ping get too far away from him.

Ten minutes later, Chen Feng was on the side of Zheng Ping, and the system rang.

He looked back and forth, determined the range, and carried the detector to detect left and right one by one.

When it reached the middle, the detector rang.


Hearing the sound, Chen Feng squatted down, took out a small shovel with his backhand, and started to shovel the soil one by one.

Zheng Ping swept for a while, and when he looked up, he found that Chen Feng had disappeared, and he couldn't help looking left and right.

After searching for a while, he found Chen Feng squatting on the ground digging something far to his left.

"This guy walks so fast. When did he get to my left? He's still so far away?" Zheng Ping looked at Chen Feng in astonishment.

He kept looking down and carefully scanning the goods, and he really didn't notice when Chen Feng ran to his far left.

With such a familiar action, Zheng Ping knew without asking that Chen Feng had found something.

While he was looking down and scanning the goods, he looked up at Chen Feng from time to time, his eyes full of curiosity.

Chen Feng shoveled up a shovel of soil with force, passed it over the detector, and threw it away if there was no sound, and then shoveled again with force.

He kept digging a pit in front of him, and Chen Feng's detector finally responded.


Hearing the sound, Chen Feng shook the shovel lightly and continued to pass the detector.

After shaking off one-third, Chen Feng started to dig the soil in the shovel.

Soon he found a silver grain, which was worth about fifty yuan.

After blowing the silver grain hard, Chen Feng took out the bottle and threw the silver grain into it.

Then he stood up with the detector, patted the dirt on his body lightly, and prepared to continue to walk to the side.

Zheng Ping, who was far away, saw Chen Feng standing up and couldn't help but ask loudly: "Fengzi, what's the stuff?"

Chen Feng heard his voice and couldn't help but turn back. After thinking for a while, he took out the bottle and showed him the only silver grain in the bottle.

Although it was so far away, he might not be able to see it clearly.


Zheng Ping took off the headset, heard Chen Feng's words, and looked at the bottle in his hand.

Although it was not clear, fifty yuan must be silver grains, because it is difficult to pan for fifty gold grains.

If there is really a gold grain worth fifty, it is not a gold grain, it is called gold sand, and it is estimated that you can't see it with poor eyesight.

Seeing that Chen Feng had opened the door, Zheng Ping sighed at Chen Feng's good luck and wondered when he could open the door today.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Zheng Ping's detector really rang.

He was delighted when he heard the sound, squatted down, took out a shovel from his bag, and began to dig the soil one shovel at a time.

Chen Feng also saw Zheng Ping's actions from a distance, and couldn't help but stop, wondering what he had found.

People are like this, if there is no one around, you will keep digging, but if there is someone around and they are still digging, it will be difficult for you to continue digging.

You always want to see what he has found first, and then you can continue to dig for gold safely.

This is the same as when you are playing a game and someone is drawing a lottery next to you.

Although you are fighting the boss, you can't help but keep looking back at his phone to find out what he has found.

You can only continue to fight the boss with peace of mind until he finishes drawing.

Zheng Ping shoveled one shovel after another.

Chen Feng walked forward absentmindedly, which was not a waste of time. After all, if there was really any goods, his system would remind him.

Soon Zheng Ping's shovel made a sound, and he shook his face with anticipation and continued to pass the detector.

When only one-third was left, Zheng Ping started to search back and forth, and soon he found a silver grain. Zheng Ping estimated that it was worth more than thirty. He blew on the silver grain and smiled with satisfaction.

He stood up and put the goods into the bottle. Seeing this, Chen Feng immediately asked loudly.

"What is it?"

Zheng Ping raised the bottle in his hand and shouted to Chen Feng: "Thirty!"

After learning about Zheng Ping's goods, Chen Feng nodded and continued to walk to the side with peace of mind.

Goods worth thirty yuan are already very good. It seems that Zheng Ping's luck is not bad today.

After a few minutes, Chen Feng's system sent a prompt. He drew a range with his eyes and started to scan line by line with the detector.

This time, his luck was pretty good. He found the goods after scanning a few lines. He squatted down and put the detector aside. He took out a small shovel and dug a shovel of soil with force.

Zheng Ping lowered his head and scanned the goods back and forth. When he looked up, he saw Chen Feng squatting down again. He couldn't help but be surprised.

"Oh my god, it's only been a few minutes, and he found another one?"

He hadn't been panning for gold with Chen Feng in the past few days. In addition, he had a good harvest. He had forgotten Chen Feng's speed of panning for goods. He subconsciously thought that Chen Feng was just a little faster than them.

Now that he saw Chen Feng squatting down again after a few minutes, he remembered that this guy was a gold panning saint. He was not just a little faster than them, and his luck was particularly good.

Chen Feng didn't know how many shovels of soil he had passed, and the detector rang. He shook the soil on the shovel and passed the shovel again.

This time the detector didn't ring. Chen Feng knew that the goods were shaken down by him. He threw away the soil in the shovel and lay on the ground to search back and forth.

Soon, a dark golden particle came into his sight. He picked it up and blew it with a grin, his smile full of satisfaction.

The gold particle was estimated to be worth about 600 yuan, and Chen Feng put it into a small bottle.

After patting the dust on his palm, Chen Feng stood up with the thing. Zheng Ping saw him stand up and shouted impatiently: "What is it?!"

Chen Feng turned his head and shouted after a slight silence: "Silver, a few dozen yuan!"

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