After pulling the stick off and throwing it aside, Chen Feng also put the axe aside, then picked up the detector and shovel and started to detect.

After drawing a range with his eyes, Chen Feng started to detect from the beginning.

He detected it row by row, and whenever he detected a certain direction, Chen Feng could always smell a bad smell from time to time.

What could he do? He didn't want to, he just couldn't hold it in!

After detecting a few more rows, the detector in Chen Feng's hand rang, proving that the goods were right below, and it was just close to a certain direction.

Chen Feng squatted down and dug a shovel of soil with a shovel, and passed it over the detector. The detector didn't ring, so he threw the soil away.

Just when he was about to dig the second shovel, the smell that came from the side from time to time made him frown.

Chen Feng wanted to endure it and leave after digging out the goods, but he felt that the goods were not buried shallowly, and it would take a while to dig.

When he thought of this, he couldn't bear it anymore, and walked over with a shovel, covering his masterpiece with soil, and a thick cover.

After covering it, Chen Feng stood up, and he felt comfortable now, but why did he feel that his behavior was like a cat?

This feeling was really weird, and he didn't expect that he would be able to empathize with a cat one day.

Walking back with a shovel, Chen Feng continued to dig the soil, shovel after shovel through the detector.

Soon, a small mound of soil was piled up next to Chen Feng. The hills were indeed hills, and the goods were buried very deep.

Until a deep pit was dug in front of him, the shovel in Chen Feng's hand made a sound, he shook it lightly, and continued to pass the detector.

To be honest, Chen Feng would be satisfied if he could get a few hundred yuan of this kind of unexpected wealth.

He would not mind a few dozen yuan. He could find gold even when he went to the toilet. What difference is there between this and giving it to you for free?

Chen Feng shook the shovel a few more times, and he saw a small yellow piece of gold exposed on the surface. When Chen Feng saw the small piece, his eyes were instantly filled with disbelief.


He reached out and picked up the gold nugget, and the whole person was confused.

It was so easy to find a gold nugget?

This gold nugget was really big. Chen Feng estimated that it was worth at least five or six thousand yuan.


Chen Feng could not suppress his joy, wiped the gold nugget with his hand, and looked back and forth.

Who would have thought that he could pick up such a big piece of gold even when he went to the toilet? God really took care of him.

"Very good, a door has been found. Oh no, a door doesn't need so many, many doors have been found." Chen Feng couldn't stop smiling and put the gold in his pocket.

Then, as if he was guilty, he used a shovel to cover the pit roughly, as if he was afraid of being seen by others.

After everything was done, Chen Feng picked up the axe and started to find dead branches and bushes to chop.

After chopping a bundle, Chen Feng carried the firewood and the detector and rushed back.

When he returned, he found that the fire had already started.

"Fuck Fengzi, we thought you were lost. Why did you chop firewood for so long?" Huang Fei couldn't help saying when he saw Chen Feng coming back.

"Hey, I just explored around and walked around for a while." Chen Feng put the firewood and the detector on the ground with great effort.

"My God, you chop firewood and you still use the detector. It's not hard. I feel tired just looking at you. Did you find anything?" Huang Fei said with a laugh.

"I'm going to search for shit, but there's nothing. It's been such a short time, it's a miracle if you can find anything." Chen Feng took the detector and the axe back to his car.

"I told you, you're just asking for trouble. I think you've been searching for shit for a long time and you're itching to do it." Huang Fei looked like he saw through Chen Feng.

"Hehe." Chen Feng smiled and didn't explain, taking it as a tacit agreement.

"Fengzi, let's prepare some stewed food, otherwise the food will wilt after being left out for a long time. It just so happens that I'm not tired today and I'm willing to cook."

"Will you eat a bite? If you want to, just take your lunch box and cook some rice." Zheng Ping asked Chen Feng.

"Eat, wait for me to get the lunch box."

Chen Feng returned to his car, took out the lunch box and started to wash rice.

Stewed food is a rare thing, and it can only be eaten in the next two days. After a few days, it will be gone.

The food is all wilted, what can I eat?

Everyone was cooking in their lunch boxes, while Zheng Ping was stirring the big pot. When the rice was cooked, the dishes were probably ready.

As the sun gradually went down, the heat quietly receded, replaced by a slight chill.

Fortunately, everyone sat around the fire, and the chill was dispelled.

When the rice was cooked, everyone ate the hot rice with chopsticks.

When the stew was almost done, the satisfaction was simply indescribable.

No wonder some people like good life, but they have to bring something to go out for a picnic, even if the rice is burnt, it is better than eating at home, there is a reason for this.

The meal was quickly finished, and some people even brought some tea from home. Everyone used their own tools to make some tea and sat in front of the fire to drink it comfortably.

"It would be great if life could always be so leisurely, smoking a cigarette and drinking tea." Yin Xing took a sip of tea and said with emotion.

"When you pay off your debts and have a little money in your hand, you can do this." Zheng Ping said with a smile.

"Forget it, by then my son will have grown up, and I have to save money for him to buy a house and marry a wife. I wonder when I can't work anymore in this life, so I can be so leisurely." Yin Xing shook his head and said.

"People should have some dreams. What if a big piece of gold is dug out tomorrow, won't you have everything?" Huang Fei flicked the cigarette butt into the fire and said.

"That's right, I hope that day will come sooner, before I close my eyes and can't see it."

After Yin Xing finished speaking, everyone laughed at the same time.

Although they were poor, everyone had expectations for the future in their eyes, and everyone who worked hard to live deserved respect.

"It's over, go to bed early today, get up early tomorrow, my big gold is still waiting for me." Yin Xing drank the last sip of tea and poured the tea leaves in the cup into the fire.

Everyone's actions were similar. Chen Feng poured some more boiling water into his cup and kept it for when he was thirsty in the middle of the night.

He climbed back into his trunk and prepared to close the trunk cover to sleep. When several people saw Chen Feng's little nest, they couldn't help but envy him.

"You are still good, Fengzi."

"Not bad, hehe." Chen Feng said, closed the trunk cover, and then took off his shoes and lay on the bed.

The moment he lay on the bed, Chen Feng really felt extremely relaxed, so fucking comfortable!

Reaching out to cover the quilt, the warm Chen Feng soon fell asleep.

On the other side, Zheng Ping and the others also returned to their seats, ready to lean back and sleep.

Thanks to Chen Feng's departure, the seat next to Zheng Ping was vacant. Of course, now that everyone knows him, no one wants to sleep next to him.

"Fuck... Such a big piece of gold... How much is it worth? I'm rich..."

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