The old man was very angry.

"She heard that I made money, so she wanted to come over to ask for money, right?" Chen Feng knew exactly what she was thinking.

"Yes, I guess that's the case. I think you're too kind. To deal with such a bitch, just light up his firewood pile in the middle of the night. It's dark and no one knows it was you who did it."

"Teach her a lesson, so that she won't talk nonsense."

"If you're afraid of being discovered, I'll do it. They won't expect me to light it." Lin Nian said confidently.

Chen Feng laughed when he heard this and said, "Forget it. The whole village knows that you and I have a good relationship. If there is a pile of firewood in his house, it must be done by you or me. There is no need to guess."

"Don't worry. There are many ways to deal with her in the future. If she doesn't push it, it's fine. If she dares to continue, she may even come to me..."

"Then don't blame me for being rude."

The most annoying thing in Chen Feng's life is this kind of people who talk about his wife and make up rumors about you behind your back. This kind of people are just like toads lying on their feet. They are disgusting without biting people.

When you are really angry and go to her, she will not admit that it was said by herself, and act as if it has nothing to do with her.

What is this.

"Okay, brother, I listen to you. If you need it, just tell me. If not, you can sprinkle some medicine on his chickens one day." Lin Nian pondered.

"By the way, brother, if you don't go out today, let's go make some extra money together?" Lin Nian said after thinking about it.

"What extra money?" Chen Feng asked after hearing this.

"Let's go fishing in the river. If the harvest is good today, we can catch ten or eight fish and sell them for twenty or thirty yuan." Lin Nian said.

"Are you going fishing on a rainy day?" Chen Feng asked doubtfully.

Usually, people go fishing when it's dry, when the water is shallow and it's easy to catch fish.

If we go fishing now when it's raining, the river will be flooded, can we catch fish?

"Let's go fishing on a rainy day. I found that when it rains a lot, the fish will run down the river. We can just wait and catch them downstream." Lin Nian became more and more excited and stood up.

"Okay, we're just staying here anyway, so we can earn a little bit." Chen Feng was bored, so he went out with him.

First, he changed into a set of work clothes, then took a plastic bag and put his mobile phone and cigarettes in it to prevent them from getting wet.

When Liu Ping heard that they were going to go fishing, she couldn't help but be puzzled.

Why would they go fishing in the rain? I didn't want them to go, but I couldn't persuade them, so I could only remind them to be safe and come back early.

After they were done, they headed for the river outside the village.

On the way, Lin Nian went back home and took the fish basket and the scoop net. As for the sales of the fish, there was no need to worry.

When the time comes, I'll put it at Lu Dahai's house and ask him to post it in the group. If it's cheaper, people will come to buy it.

Although it will be more expensive to sell it in the county, there is still the travel expenses, so it's better to save trouble this way.

"Brother, look, it's raining hard today. I guess the river is flooded."

Before they even got to the place, the two were soaked. Chen Feng wiped the rain off his face with his hand and couldn't help but regret it.

The fish haven't been caught yet, but the two of them have become fish first.

He didn't expect to make much money, as long as each of them could make enough money for two boxes of cigarettes.

When they came to the river, the water was indeed bubbling up a little on the banks on both sides. They came to the downstream, put the plastic bag on the bank, and went directly into the river.

The river was only about 30 to 40 centimeters deep, so there was no danger.

"Brother, look, there is really a fish washed down!" Lin Nian said excitedly, pointing at a fish.

"Damn, you guessed just now?" Chen Feng realized that this guy was not sure when he heard this.


Lin Nian was not embarrassed, he picked up the scoop net and chased the fish.

Chen Feng also picked up the scoop net and searched back and forth in the river for the trace of the fish.

A carp weighing more than one pound was right in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng slowly approached, his eyes sharp, and the scoop net suddenly pulled.

The net was empty, and the carp ran away and continued to run downstream.

Chen Feng: "..."

He wanted to say, damn, it was clearly drawn very accurately, why did it go off as soon as the net went in?

Although he knew the principle, it was probably the refraction of light, and the position of things in the water was different from what you saw.

But even though he understood it, Chen Feng didn't really know how to do it.

He had never properly caught fish before. He used to go out with Lin Nian to play around, using a branch tied with a line as a fishing rod. He didn't catch anything all day, and then went home happily.


An excited voice came from the side.


Nian held up a scoop net, in which a big carp was jumping around. He ran to Chen Feng excitedly.

"Look, it's really big!"

"Indeed, put it in the fish basket, don't let it run away." Chen Feng said as he looked at the fish.

This fish must be one and a half catties, and it must be worth five yuan.

Chen Feng held the scoop net and continued to look for the target unwillingly.

This time he changed the method, first put the scoop net in the water, and then slowly approached.

It was a crucian carp weighing more than three taels, swimming slowly in the water.

After Chen Feng's scoop net slowly approached, Chen Feng suddenly jumped forward, and the water surface was turned up by him.

The net was light and there was nothing, and the fish didn't know where it ran away.

Chen Feng looked at his scoop net with nothing in it and sighed dully.

Compared to catching fish, he still likes to catch gold.

At least gold won't run away, grandma.

Meanwhile, Lin Nian had already caught another fish.

"Oh, it looks like we're going to get rich today." Lin Nian said happily as he threw the fish into the fish basket.

Chen Feng wanted to say, it's not us who are going to get rich, it's you who are going to get rich.

So far, he hasn't caught anything.

After an hour, there were six or seven fish of all sizes in the fish basket. Chen Feng stood in the middle of the river, holding the net and looking around in confusion.

He didn't catch a single fish in an hour. The most promising time was when he caught a crucian carp weighing half a catty.

In the end, he did catch it, but because the mesh was too large, the small crucian carp struggled out of its eyes. Chen Feng just stared at it and watched it fall into the river, and it disappeared in a flash.

"It's not my problem, it's the net. It must be that my net is not good, Lin Nian's net is good..."

"Yes, that's it."

Chen Feng looked at Lin Nian who was catching fish with great interest, and couldn't help but comfort himself in his heart.

"Hahaha, this one is big, brother, it must be three pounds!" Lin Nian's laughter came again, holding up the scoop net with both hands, and a big carp was jumping around in it.

In response, Chen Feng could only give a thumbs up.

You are really born to catch fish, and you can make a fortune with a scoop net, right?

Chen Feng was naturally unwilling to be outdone, and he had lowered his requirements for himself.

From earning 30 yuan at the beginning, to being able to catch a day's catch now, as long as you don't get empty-handed.

Finally, another hour passed, and Chen Feng slowly approached a fish with a scoop net.

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