The gold was just a small piece of gold.

When they took the thing in their hands and looked at it, a bright yellow oval suddenly appeared in front of the two people.

"Oh my god, brother, is this gold?" Lin Nian's eyes widened when he saw this, and he felt his breathing quickened a little.

"Yes, it is it!" Chen Feng rinsed it in the water, weighed it in his hand, and was more sure that this was the one, and he couldn't stop smiling.

This looks bigger than the one he bought last time, it seems to weigh four grams!

At least more than a thousand, Chen Feng became happier the more he thought about it.

Who would have thought that he would catch fish when he had nothing to do, but caught gold instead of fish, haha.

"Hahaha, brother, we're rich!" Lin Nian had never seen such valuable things before, and he now felt like he had won the lottery.

Lin Nian's laughter, which could not be suppressed at all, reached the shore, causing the onlookers to stare.

"What's going on? Did he find something?"

"Fuck, it seems like he really found something!"

"Chen Feng, what's going on!"

A group of people spoke anxiously, and those who had walked a few steps were stunned when they heard the voice, and then ran back in an instant.

Song Hui looked back at the restless crowd, and his heart was shocked.

It's bad, this guy really found something.

Unable to suppress the impulse in his heart any longer, he ran directly to the shore, staring at the two people laughing in the river.

"What's going on? Did he really find something?" Song Hui hurriedly asked the people around him.

"How would I know? I just heard them suddenly laugh, and Chen Feng was holding something in his hand." The people around him didn't have time to look back, and said impatiently.

Hearing this, Song Hui's heart sank again. It was probably right. If they hadn't found something, how could they be so happy?

Thinking of this, he prayed that the goods in Chen Feng's hand were not valuable, just a silver grain worth more than ten yuan, or even a few dozen yuan.

Hopefully it wasn't gold, which could be sold for hundreds of yuan.

People are like this. Sometimes, watching others make money is more painful than killing yourself.

Seeing this, Zheng Ping couldn't help but smile and shouted to Chen Feng: "Fengzi, what did you find?"

Lu Dahai showed an excited look on his face. He hoped that Chen Feng really found something valuable, so that he could sell two more cans.

And he was also incredulous in his heart. There was actually something in a river that everyone often went to.

And so many old gold diggers didn't find it, but Chen Feng, a novice, found it. This was too ridiculous.

Could it be fate?

Chen Feng held the gold in his hand and asked Lin Nian to come ashore. With such a big piece of gold in hand, it was useless to catch fish.

Besides, the two of them had been soaking in the river for several hours. If they continued to soak, Chen Feng would soon be soaked.

Seeing them come ashore, everyone gathered around and spoke quickly.

"What did you find? Show us."

"Silver or gold?"

"What is it like? How much is it worth?"

Seeing the curious eyes around him, Chen Feng did not hide it. Anyway, he could not hide it. He would have to take Huang Fei's car to sell it.

He simply held the gold and showed it to them.

"It's okay. It's probably worth more than a thousand. It's bigger than the one I found last time."

When the yellow gold appeared in front of them, everyone was instantly shocked, took a breath, and their eyes were a little red.

"Fuck, I thought it was just a piece of silver, worth a few dozen yuan, but it turned out to be a piece of gold, and it's so big!"

"Oh my God, Chen Feng, what a fate you have, you found a piece yesterday, and you found another piece today, you are considered rich!"

"More than a thousand, my god, I only make a thousand yuan working in the county town for a month, and you can get more than a thousand just by grabbing it in the river?"

"Why is there such a big difference between people?"

Song Hui looked at the piece of gold, and his eyes were straight in an instant.

He never thought that Chen Feng actually found a piece of gold in the river!

How could this be possible, how could there be gold in the river, is this reasonable!

Looking at the piece of gold, Song Hui was so regretful that his intestines turned green.

Who said that there could be no gold in the river!

If he had known that there was such a big piece of gold in the river, he would have come to dig it a long time ago, and it would still be Chen Feng's turn?

He really wanted to die. Why did all the good things go to Chen Feng?

Zheng Ping grinned and looked at the gold in Chen Feng's hand and said, "Fuck Fengzi, you are so lucky. This is much better than the gold last time.

"You are so awesome that you can find gold in this place!" "By the way, how did you find out there is gold here?" As soon as he said this, everyone around looked at Chen Feng. Yes, who would take a metal detector to the river for no reason? How did you find out there is gold here? "Haha, it's also good luck. We came here to catch fish today. When I was catching fish, I saw a yellow thing. But when I wanted to pick it up, it disappeared." "I don't believe in evil. I asked Nian Zihui to get the instrument. I wanted to see what this thing is. It turned out to be a piece of gold!" Chen Feng laughed. As soon as he said this, everyone's doubts were immediately dispelled. No wonder there was a scoop net on the shore. It turned out that they came here to fish and saw it by chance. "Hey, this is fate. You can encounter gold while fishing. Who can you complain to? ”

“This is because Fengzi has good eyesight. If I were blind, I would have let a gold brick go.”

“Why didn’t you try again to see if there was any more in the river?”

Someone couldn’t help but remind him.

Such a large piece of gold has been fished out, it can’t be just this one, at least some silver will do.

“No more searching, no more searching, my hands and feet are so cold that they have turned white, if I continue to soak, I will have a cyst. One piece of gold is enough, I’m not greedy, haha. "Chen Feng waved his hand and prepared to go home.

Some people around him who were quick-witted left quietly after hearing this, ready to go home to get instruments to explore, without any intention of saying hello to Chen Feng.

After all, the river is not named, so you, Chen Feng, can explore it but I can't.

Whoever finds the things will own them, even if it is you, Chen Feng who found this place.

Song Hui rolled his eyes and walked towards the village quietly, ready to go back to get the detector and make a fortune in silence.

When Chen Feng goes home to rest enough and wants to come again, he will probably look at the empty riverbed and even cry. Haha.

Lu Dahai also came over and laughed: "Fengzi, you are so lucky. You should come to my store to celebrate and buy two more cans."

"Haha, it's all a small matter, but I didn't expect you to come. It's just right, there is some work for you. "

Chen Feng looked at Lu Dahai in surprise. He was just worrying about not having a pillow, but he didn't expect Lu Dahai to bring one to him.

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