The two of them were beaten up, but the two of them were beaten up.

Lu Dahai hurried over at this time, and when he saw Chen Feng, he looked him up and down.

"What's the situation? You're beaten like this? Are you okay?" Lu Dahai said, staring at the mess in the yard.

"It's okay, I smashed it all, what can happen to me?" Chen Feng said indifferently.

In fact, he had already known the limit when he started the fight. Although the shovel was heavy, he actually hit Lao Wang's wife on the buttocks.

Even if these people couldn't stop him, they couldn't hurt him, but it would only hurt for a few days.

If he didn't make a big fuss about Lao Wang's family this time, Lao Wang's wife would definitely make up rumors about him behind his back in the future.

His image as a second-rate person must be kept stable, so that he can avoid many troubles.

Besides, Chen Feng was really angry and it was really fun to smoke.

He knew that even if the police came, he would just have to stay in jail for a few days and pay some medical expenses and glass money, which was no big deal.

So he was not afraid, but the attitude of the village chief made him a little unsure.

If he really wanted to help him, then now that the police hadn't come, he could call the police and ask them not to come. He, the village chief, could handle the village affairs.

But he didn't say so, but he looked very angry.

If he didn't want to care, he could just pretend to be dead and not come, just pretend that he didn't know.

Chen Feng hugged his shoulders and thought about it, and decided to wait and see.

"Lao Lu, go get me a bag of bread, I'm hungry." Chen Feng turned around and said to Lu Dahai.

The villagers next to him were shocked when they heard this. Good boy, the police are coming, you are not afraid at all, right? You are really brave.

Besides, I beat Lao Wang's wife for a long time, and her face was swollen, but she didn't say she was hungry. You are still hungry.

But think about it, it is true. After beating and doing it for a long time, even a pig should be hungry.

"What's the matter? Are you tired of breaking the glass?" Lu Dahai said with a snicker.

"Nonsense, a group of people pulled me, do you think the glass is so easy to break? It's also Lao Wang's wife who is lucky. I couldn't reach her. If I could reach her, I would tear her mouth apart and let her talk about me behind my back every day, idiot."

Chen Feng looked around and said, with a vicious expression.

After seeing Chen Feng looking over, the women who were with Lao Wang's wife lowered their heads one by one, not daring to look at Chen Feng, and some were so scared that they went home directly, fearing that Chen Feng would run towards them.

"Okay, wait for me to get you some bread." Lu Dahai ran home, and a few minutes later, he got a bag of bread and a bag of milk.

"Here, eat quickly. I heard that there is no food in the cell."

Lu Dahai thought he was afraid that he would have nothing to eat, so he took out two sausages from his pocket and whispered to Chen Feng.

"Get lost, what are you talking about."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes at him, took the food, sat on the tractor in the yard of Lao Wang's house, and started eating.

When Chen Feng was halfway through eating, the police drove over in a police car and came to the yard of Lao Wang under the guidance of the villagers.

When Lao Wang's wife saw the police coming, she became excited. Just as she was about to shout for help and complain to the police, she saw Lao Wang pulling her and giving her a look.

Seeing this, Lao Wang's wife glanced at the village chief and calmed down.

"Who called the police?" Two policemen came down and walked into the yard and said.

"I called the police." Lao Wang raised his hand to indicate.

"What's wrong? What's the situation?" The police asked as they looked at the yard.

Old Wang first glanced at the village chief, and after seeing that he didn't react, he sorted out his thoughts and started talking.

Soon, the police understood what was going on.

"Who beat your wife, where is she?" the police asked.

"Here it is." Chen Feng jumped off the tractor, holding a sausage in his left hand and milk in his right hand.

The police looked at Chen Feng from top to bottom, and couldn't help but wonder.

In all these years of police work, I have never seen such a calm suspect.

There are food and drink, how come you have merit?

"Do you agree with what he said?" the police asked.

"Mostly I agree, but he provoked me first and scolded me first, and I only did it in the heat of the moment." Chen Feng replied.

"You know about crimes of passion, and you know a little bit of the law?" The police raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

"Not bad, I learned a little when I was in college." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Have you been to college?" The police couldn't help asking after hearing this.

In this village, there are many people like Chen Feng who dropped out of junior high school, and college students are really rare.

"I went to an ordinary key university.

That's all, not worth mentioning. "Chen Feng waved his hand and said.

The police inspected Chen Feng from head to toe again after hearing this. It's not easy to get into a key university like Chen Feng said.

This is indeed a talent.

"You know the law but still fight. It's not illegal for college students to beat people, right?" The police taught.

"No, it's just that she cursed too badly and made rumors about me every day. You know these gossipers in the village." Chen Feng explained.

"I didn't, you!"

Lao Wang's wife wanted to deny it after hearing this, but the village chief glared at her and shouted, "Shut up!"

This made Lao Wang's wife hold back the next sentence in her mouth and didn't say it.

The police in the county are too familiar with the situation in the village. Sometimes they can receive reports that women from other families have fought again.

The reasons are also very simple, all because of this broken mouth.

"Comrade police, how should a situation like Chen Feng be handled normally? "The village chief stepped forward and asked.

The police knew Ma Liang, the village chief of this village, and he thought for a while and said.

"Try to reconcile if you can. If you can't reconcile, this young comrade will have to go with us."

"If the injury is not serious, you have to pay for the medical expenses and be detained for a few days as a punishment."

"If it is serious, you have to go to the hospital for an injury assessment."

The police also said both sides, anyway, it can be big or small, you decide.

"Why detain? It's just a small fight between villagers, just smashing some things."

"Well, police comrades, you get in the car first, I will mediate first." Ma Liang negotiated.

"Okay, then you mediate first, call us after the mediation. "The police didn't say much after hearing this and returned to the car first.

After the police left, the village chief called Chen Feng and Lao Wang's family together.

"First of all, Chen Feng was definitely wrong to beat people, especially Lao Wang's wife, whose face was swollen. Do you want to pay for the medical expenses?" The village chief looked at Chen Feng and said.

Chen Feng didn't say anything and nodded.

"Then there's the glass money. I just checked. Four pieces of glass only cost 200 yuan."

"As for your face, apply some ointment and it will heal in a few days. It's no big deal."

"Three hundred yuan in total, do you agree?" The village chief looked at Lao Wang's wife.

"Only three hundred? I was beaten like this and only paid three hundred?" Lao Wang's wife immediately quit when she heard it.

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