The next morning, Chen Feng washed up and ate, then strolled to Huang Fei's house.

"Uncle Huang, are you eating? Where's Huang Fei?" As soon as he entered the door, he saw several people from the Huang family eating, but there was no sign of Huang Fei.

"Oh, Xiao Feng is here. Huang Fei is sleeping in the house." Huang Fei's father pointed to the house with chopsticks.

"Do you have something to do with him?" Huang Fei's mother asked curiously.

"Yes, I have something to do with him." Chen Feng replied.

"Then go into the house and pull his quilt." Huang Fei's father said casually.

Chen Feng nodded and walked into Huang Fei's room. Huang Fei was lying on the bed with his legs spread out, half covered with the quilt and sleeping soundly.

Chen Feng sat on the kang, looked at Huang Fei and couldn't help but smile, stretched out two fingers, and gently stroked his thigh.

Huang Fei pulled Chen Feng in his sleep, then turned over and continued to sleep.

Chen Feng used two fingers to move up along his thigh, and when he reached the root of his thigh, Huang Fei was frightened and sat up suddenly.

"Fuck, what the hell!"

Huang Fei sat up in horror and quickly swept down the things on his thigh.

He thought it was a rat that got into the quilt, and instantly lost all sleepiness.

When he saw Chen Feng looking at him with a smile, Huang Fei let out a long breath and lay down again in a bad mood.

"Fuck, Fengzi, you scared me to death. I thought Haozi was going to dig my anus."

"Why are you sleeping so early in the morning? Help me get a car." Chen Feng patted his thigh and said.

"Get a car, what are you going to do?" Huang Fei asked with his eyes closed.

"Go to the abandoned mine. I want to go panning for gold." Chen Feng replied.

"Go to the abandoned mine?" Huang Fei was a little puzzled when he heard it.

"Didn't Brother Zheng say yesterday that he wouldn't go today? Why did your plan change again?"

"He didn't notify me either."

Huang Fei sat up, scratched his head and said puzzledly.

"If they don't go, I'll go by myself. I can't stay here. I thought I might as well go to the abandoned mine to try my luck all morning." Chen Feng explained.

"You're going by yourself?" Huang Fei looked at him in confusion.

"Yes." Chen Feng smiled.

Huang Fei was a little surprised to hear this. He sat there hesitantly and said, "Fengzi, you know, I charge per person."

"I can only make a little money if there are ten people. If there are fewer, it's not enough for the gas."

"How can I charge you if you go alone?"

"It's too expensive to hire a car for one person. It's not worth it. Why don't you wait until tomorrow? I think Brother Zheng will contact us tomorrow to set off."

Hearing this, Chen Feng said generously, "It's okay, Dafei. Just tell me a number. It's almost all right. Besides, I have to go to the county town today. I think I'd better go to the abandoned mine directly."

"It's too late tomorrow."

Huang Fei saw that he was so determined, pursed his lips, thought for a while and said, "It will cost at least one hundred yuan for you to go back and forth."

"If you really want to go, I can find a few more people?"

"This way you can pay less."

"No, just one hundred, I'll go by myself, let's go now." Chen Feng nodded and agreed.

"Okay, then I'll get dressed and eat. Wait for me for 20 minutes." Huang Fei looked up and said.

After all, it was a sudden decision, and Chen Feng had no urgent business. He had to eat before leaving.

"Okay, then you try to hurry up. I'll go to Lu Dahai's house to buy some things." Chen Feng stood up and said.

"Okay, you go." Huang Fei took out his pants and put them on.

Chen Feng came to Lu Dahai's house and bought some bread and sausages as usual, and also bought a few bottles of mineral water.

"What are you doing? Are you preparing for tomorrow?" Lu Dahai asked when he saw this.

"No, I'm going to the abandoned mine later. I'm bored when I get up early in the morning. I might as well go to the mine for a stroll." Chen Feng said.

"Ah, you go to pan for gold by yourself. How much money will it cost for the fare? Can you afford it?" Lu Dahai said worriedly when he heard it.

"Da Fei didn't ask for much, just one hundred yuan. I just happened to have to go to the county town today. I thought it would be better to go directly to the mine. If I'm lucky, I can earn back the travel expenses." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Lu Dahai calculated it for a while and was shocked.

"One hundred yuan... It's not much, but it's not worth it. It's only fifteen yuan for carpooling."

"It's you. If it's another gold digger, they won't be willing to spend this money."

"Don't say one hundred, even if it's twenty, they won't do it. They only earn a few dozen a day, and they all go to travel expenses."

Chen Feng laughed after hearing this: "Isn't it that we have to go to the county town too? It's just on the way. There's no point staying at home."

"How much is it in total?"

Lu Dahai counted and said, "A total of twelve."

Chen Feng took out twelve yuan from his pocket and paused as he handed it to him.

"Did I owe you money for bread and milk yesterday?" Chen Feng asked.

He was hungry after fighting yesterday, and he asked Lu Dahai to get him food, as if he didn't pay.

"It's not much, no." Lu Dahai laughed.

"Forget it, tell me how much it is, then you can eat for free." Chen Feng urged.

Lu Dahai thought for a while and said, "Give me another eight yuan to make it a whole."

Chen Feng took out twenty and handed it to Lu Dahai. Lu Dahai should have asked for one or two less. Chen Feng calculated in his mind.

But since he said so, Chen Feng didn't insist. He just knew what was going on and he could always make it up later.

"Let's go." Chen Feng said while carrying the bag.

"Well, I'll buy canned food when you come back." Lu Dahai joked.

What Lu Dahai meant was that he wished Chen Feng to find gold. After all, only if he found gold would Chen Feng buy canned food to celebrate.

"Okay." Chen Feng waved his hand and walked out of the store without looking back.

After hearing Chen Feng leave, Lu Dahai's wife He Lan came out of the kitchen. It was too early and there was no one in the store except the two of them.

"Did Fengzi pay for the bread yesterday?" He Lan asked.

"Oh, I did. He just forgot for a moment. Otherwise, how could he owe you money for the bread?" Lu Dahai said helplessly.

"Yes, I know he is not a messenger. The key is that I am afraid that he will forget. You said a few dollars and I couldn't remind you. It seems like you are chasing for it." He Lan wiped her hands and said with some embarrassment.

"Let's put it this way. If he forgets to pay for something he buys, I can ask him for it. But in a situation like yesterday, you can't ask him for it."

"Even if we don't run a grocery store, Fengzi asked you for food in that situation, you can still ask for money."

"I didn't even plan to ask, but he remembered." Lu Dahai lowered his head and put the money into the money box.

Lu Dahai is more generous than He Lan, and he doesn't care so much in many cases. This is why his family is the most popular among the three small shops in the village.

"That's the thing, the key is that it's only a few dollars, how much do I make in a day." He Lan muttered and went back to the kitchen to continue cooking.

Lu Dahai rolled his eyes and ignored her.

If she were to open a grocery store herself, she would have to open a yellow shop.

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