The more you choose, the more you can get.

Other functions require 100,000 points to unlock.

He studied it and knew that unlocking other functions would give you a random ability.

To be honest, it's not worth it for now.

And the points required are too many, and it takes a long time to save up 100,000.

He is now hesitating between range and depth.

If you choose range, the efficiency will definitely be higher, and depth can ensure that you don't miss anything.

After all, like the last time, the gold-wrapped stone was stuck at a depth of 20 centimeters. If it was deeper, he would have missed it.

And he also thought that the detection range is not the bigger the better, there must be a suitable range.

After all, if the detection range is too large, for example, a radius of 5,000 meters.

The system does indicate that there is cargo, but I can't explore the entire 5,000-meter radius, right?

How long will that take? It will affect efficiency.

In Chen Feng's current plan, 5 to 10 meters is a good range, no more.

After thinking about it, he decided to upgrade the depth first after he had enough points. Not missing cargo is the most important thing.

And the deeper the cargo, the bigger the cargo, and the better cargo underneath.


"There are precious metals within a 3-meter radius of the host."

Chen Feng was awakened by the system's voice and stopped.

When he looked back, he realized that he had walked a long way without realizing it.

"If the system didn't say anything, I might have to walk to Siberia."

Chen Feng laughed and roughly drew a range.

Holding the detector, Chen Feng conducted a carpet-style detection like a snake.


The detector sounded, and Chen Feng swung the detector back and forth to determine the specific location of the cargo based on the size of the sound.

When the detector sounded the loudest, Chen Feng drew a circle with his feet, squatted down to put the detector down, and took out the small shovel from the back of his backpack.

It is worth mentioning that after Chen Feng had panned for gold several times, he found that if he put the shovel in the bag, he had to take off the bag every time he used it, and then unzip it to take out the shovel.

It was too much trouble to put it back after use.

So he found a piece of elastic band at home and sewed it on the side of the backpack.

In this way, the shovel can be inserted on the side of the backpack, and it can be pulled out with a backhand when used, and stuffed back after use. It is very convenient.

He also wondered why other gold diggers didn't make this change, it would be so convenient.

But after thinking about it carefully, Chen Feng understood that they couldn't make much money a day, and they probably didn't have the mind to think about it.

After a shovel went through the soil, the detector didn't sound, and Chen Feng continued to dig the second shovel.

The second shovel still didn't make a sound, but Chen Feng found half of the earthworm on the top of his shovel, still twisting its body.

Looking down, the remaining half was in the pit.

Chen Feng: "..."

He sighed, threw the half earthworm in the shovel to one side, and complained to the remaining half earthworm: "You should hide a little."

"You can't see such a big shovel?"

Then Chen Feng shoveled up the half earthworm in the pit with a shovel and threw it to the position of the half earthworm just now.

Two halves of earthworms should be able to connect by themselves, right?

It can indeed be seen that the weather has been cloudy recently, and there has been a lot of rain.

Otherwise, earthworms are usually in a very deep position, not so shallow.

After a few more shovels, Chen Feng actually shoveled out another half earthworm.

He silently threw the half earthworm to the position of the previous earthworm.

Three and a half earthworms can be combined into a two-star one.

After another shovel, the detector finally rang.


Chen Feng dug the soil in the shovel and couldn't help muttering: "Finally it rang. If it doesn't ring again, I guess I can synthesize a three-star earthworm in a while."

After peeling off a layer and passing the detector once, Chen Feng saw the gray-white particle when he peeled it for the third time.

"More than twenty, not bad."

Chen Feng didn't have any emotional fluctuations because it was silver. He estimated the price, took out the small bottle and threw the silver particle in.

After covering the lid, he looked back at Huang Fei, who was in the distance, looking down.

Chen Feng turned around and continued to walk forward.

About ten minutes later, Chen Feng's system rang again.

According to the rules, he drew a circle and Chen Feng took the detector and scanned it bit by bit.

Just at this point

While chatting, Chen Feng suddenly thought that it would be great if he could be like Magneto.

At that time, who would still use a broken detector to sweep like a minesweeper?

Just stretch out your hand, and all the gold underground will float out by itself. Just take a sack and open it.

At that time, move a chair, hold a red wine glass in your left hand, and gently raise your right hand, and watch countless gold drill into the sack.

Damn, Chen Feng feels great just thinking about it.

Elegant, so elegant.

But think about it again, I have become Magneto, and I am still panning for gold!

Can't I make money faster than this?

Chen Feng rolled his eyes helplessly, he really has a poor mindset.

What's the difference between this and the fact that the city is instantly transferred, and the result is that the delivery of the takeaway is finally not overtime.


The sound of the detector sounded, stopping Chen Feng's wild thoughts.

Drawing a circle with his toes, Chen Feng squatted down and took out a shovel from his back.

Just as he was about to make the first shovel, he heard an extremely excited voice from behind.

"Fuck Fengzi, fuck Fengzi, I finally found the goods, hahahaha!"

Chen Feng turned around and saw Huang Fei in the distance, running towards him quickly as if the Monkey King had been born.

He held something in his left hand and the detector in his right hand, and he held the detector like a big knife.

He was slightly stunned, looked back at the circle in front of him, and his mind was racing.

If Huang Fei came over and saw that he had found the goods, he would definitely stare at him curiously to see what he had sold.

And once he knew that he had sold the goods, he would let him sell them with him when he went to the county town at night.

By then, everything would be exposed, and his plan would be ruined!

If he pretended that he had not sold the goods, he would not go too far and would explore around him.

I know there is gold here, but I can't dig it. I can't stand here all the time.

After walking for a while, I'm afraid I won't remember this place.

What if there is a piece of gold underneath, wouldn't I lose a lot?

Chen Feng thought of this without hesitation. He shoveled a shovel of soil with his left hand and brought the detector with his right hand.

The shovel drew an arc on the detector and was thrown aside directly without any pause in the middle.

Almost one shovel every two seconds. Chen Feng had to dig out the gold as quickly as possible, and then hide it, pretending that he didn't find anything.

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