The depth of the mine pit was very deep.

This was the first time Chen Feng saw a mine pit. Some of the mine pits were very deep. I heard that they were nearly 100 meters deep, and some were dozens of meters or even a few meters deep.

He walked towards the mine pit curiously, wanting to take a closer look at the mine pit.

Public mine pits are supported by steel frames, and they will not collapse even after a long time.

And most private mine pits are made of wood frames because they are cheap.

But generally, as long as the wood is of good quality, there will be no problem. Only those small workshops or black mines will not take anything, or just take some rusty steel frames and rotten wood for support.

This is why sometimes you hear news reports that a mine has collapsed again.

This abandoned mine was a private mine a long time ago. Chen Feng walked closer and stood at the door to take a closer look. It was supported by wooden planks. The cave entrance was cool and shady, with gravel and some garbage on the ground, as well as crushed mineral water bottles.

Chen Feng would not go in, so he was ready to look at the door. The danger of this abandoned mine cave for many years is self-evident. You know when it will collapse, and the wood may have rotted inside.

Chen Feng pursed his lips, and just stood in front of the cave entrance and looked up at the support on the top of the cave and was about to leave. A sound made him open his eyes suddenly.


"There are precious metals within a three-meter radius of the host."

Chen Feng was silent for a while, looking at the dark cave entrance, and his heart was like a thousand grass mud horses galloping through.

The voice of this system appeared when Chen Feng least wanted to hear it.

"What a joke, brother, are you kidding me?" Chen Feng walked to the side and gently pressed the wood supporting the mine cave with his hand.

If this wood sinks when pressed, and falls apart when touched, Chen Feng would never go in.

Damn, don't say there is gold inside, even if there are diamonds, it's useless.

No matter how good the money is, you have to live to spend it. If this really collapses, I will definitely be stubborn and silent in the mine.

I can only say that it's okay. Chen Feng tried the wood. The wood is still very hard, but it feels a bit bad when blown by the wind, which proves that the boss at that time was quite conscientious.

Chen Feng looked at the dark hole, took a deep breath, and chose to explore outside the hole first.

If the goods are outside, then everything is solved, saving the risk of entering the cave.

It's strange to say, in theory, if Chen Feng takes a step forward and the system prompts that there is a goods, it proves that the goods must be at the edge in front of Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng tried many times, and sometimes he even found the goods at his feet, not at the edge at all.

It's like the system has a delay, and it only remembered to remind me after I took several steps.

Chen Feng wanted to find a bug, so that the search efficiency would be faster. There was no need for minesweeping detection. It would be easy to find the goods by scratching the edge.

Unfortunately, the system fixed the bug, which completely eliminated Chen Feng's possibility of being clever.

Moreover, Chen Feng had an idea before. If he got a car, he would drive it on the waste mine. When it sounded, he would stop the car and come back after searching for the goods. The efficiency would be invincible.

In a month, he could search the waste mine. Unfortunately, Chen Feng found that the system would only work when he was down to earth.

The system didn't work at all when he was in the car. The system never sounded when Chen Feng was in the car.

Soon, Chen Feng finished scanning the cave entrance. Unfortunately, the detector he expected never sounded. It was terribly quiet.

That proved that the goods were really in the mine. If Chen Feng wanted, he had to go in and try.

Chen Feng stood at the entrance of the cave, took a deep breath, and whispered softly: "System bless, don't let the mine cave collapse, at least not now."

"If I finish the exploration safely, I will buy you canned food when I go home, and I will eat it for you."

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and walked into the mine cave.

As soon as he entered, Chen Feng felt the coldness coming towards him, and his whole body was chilly.

He stepped very lightly, fearing that there would be any accidents due to vibration. He held the detector in both hands and explored from the entrance of the cave layer by layer.

He was now highly focused, and his usual cheerful appearance was completely gone.

He listened to all kinds of sounds coming from the surroundings with his ears erect, searching for any abnormalities.

Whenever he heard a strange sound coming from the surroundings, he would run away directly without even looking.

It's not that Chen Feng is too cowardly, but the mine cave that has been abandoned for many years is really dangerous. Once it collapses, his life will be immediately explained here, without any accidents.

Gently sweep three

The detector still didn't make any sound when he scanned the land at the entrance of the cave. Chen Feng slowly took a step inside and continued to detect.

Unconsciously, he had walked more than a meter inside. Just as he was about to continue scanning the next row, a squeaking sound suddenly came from the cave.

Chen Feng suddenly froze all over, and cold sweat broke out all over his body. He subconsciously turned around and prepared to run away.

But just when he was about to run, Chen Feng found that the sound didn't seem to be the friction sound of wood, but a living thing, and it was coming intermittently.


Chen Feng immediately understood what was calling.

After reacting, Chen Feng let out a long breath and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

He was now completely a frightened bird, and any abnormal sound would cause him to overreact.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his posture of holding the detector, and continued to explore forward.

Under extreme pressure, the detector finally made a "Oh~" sound.

This sound, accompanied by the sound of wind and mice, echoed in the mine.

Even hearing this voice, Chen Feng couldn't help but be slightly startled.

He squatted down with a gentle breath, slowly put the detector down beside him, and took out a small shovel from his back.

Even when shoveling the soil, Chen Feng didn't dig hard like before.

Instead, he inserted it diagonally, with even and stable force.

For fear that his vibration would cause any pillar to loosen.

After the first shovel went down, there was nothing after passing the detector. Chen Feng poured the soil to his side and then shoveled the second shovel.

There was still nothing after the second shovel, and Chen Feng's expression did not fluctuate at all, and then shoveled the third shovel.

In fact, his attention was all around, not on the shovel at all.

After digging more than twenty shovels in a row, there was still no shipment. Chen Feng was not anxious and urgent, and he continued to dig steadily.

After digging dozens of shovels, although Chen Feng's expression did not fluctuate, he was already slightly surprised and excited in his heart.

This script is exactly the same as the last gold-wrapped stone!

Could it be that there will be another big product this time?

Chen Feng shoveled up a shovel of wet black soil again and passed it over the detector. This time the detector finally made an exciting sound.


Hearing this sound, Chen Feng couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. He reached into the shovel and dug the soil layer by layer.

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