The news of Chen Feng's air force even spread to the next village.

"Have you heard that the guy who used to make thousands of dollars a day didn't find anything today?"

"Which one? The new guy with explosive luck, the one from the next village?"

"Yes, that's him."

"It's just that he can't be so lucky every day. Really, everyone has bad luck moments, don't take a moment as a permanent moment."

Liu Ming and his wife were planting seedlings at home and also learned the news.

"Chen Feng didn't find anything yesterday, and it spread to our village!" Liu Ming's wife Yao Li said to Liu Ming with a sneer on her face.

"Is it true? Is it Chen Feng?" Liu Ming was a little unconvinced.

"How could it be false? Apart from Chen Feng, there is no other gold digger who can make thousands of dollars a day." Yao Li rolled her eyes and said.

I heard that Chen Feng made a lot of money before, but it made Yao Li very upset. Today, she heard that Chen Feng finally made a loss, and she was very happy.

Sometimes your family wants to laugh at you more than outsiders.

"Just say that it's unreliable and purely based on luck. I still think Chen Feng is happy to make thousands of dollars a day."

"I've seen what to do if I can't find the goods for a while. Chen Feng has made a lot of money this time, so I guess he won't be interested in small money."

"Don't think he made a lot of money in the past few days. I guess he won't make more than Chaoyang this year."

Liu Ming snorted.

"That's right. Chaoyang said he did a good job, so the boss gave him a raise of 100 yuan. Next month, he can make 2,100 yuan."

"2,100 yuan a month is really a lot. Among the children of our relatives, Chaoyang earns the most." Yao Li said with a proud smile on her face.

"That's true, and this job is stable. It's not like Chen Feng, who eats meat today and starves to death tomorrow." Liu Ming pressed some seeds into the flowerpot and said.

"Are you going to turn the soil for your elder sister tomorrow?" Yao Li asked.

"Well, your elder sister asked me to find a few people to turn the soil for her tomorrow. She can't do it by herself."

"If she waits for her to turn the soil slowly, I guess others will have planted the soil and she will have only turned half of it." Liu Ming said.

"Okay, anyway, I only help a few times a year, so I'll go. We should turn the soil tomorrow." Yao Li said with calculation.

"Well, I have planned it all." Li Ming nodded.

The next day, Chen Feng woke up early on the kang. He didn't know if he had been getting up early recently, but he had gotten used to waking up naturally at six or seven o'clock, regardless of whether he had work the next day.

He couldn't pan for gold today. Huang Fei told him yesterday that his car was already full in the evening.

Tomorrow, several families hired people to do farm work, so he drove back to pick them up.

Moreover, it was the beginning of spring to plant crops recently, and Zheng Ping and his family were all working at home, so no one went panning for gold.

Chen Feng could only nod helplessly. This was the disadvantage of not having a car. If he wanted to pan for gold, he had to see if others had time.

He had already planned to buy a car himself, so that he could go out to pan for gold by himself, without asking anyone for help.

"Are you not going to pan for gold today?" Liu Ping asked Chen Feng as he walked out.

"No, Huang Fei's car was full, and I guess I'll have time tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." Chen Feng stretched and said.

"Well, are you going to rest at home, or go with me to turn the soil?" Liu Ping asked.

"We're turning the soil today?" Chen Feng said in surprise.

"Well, I made an appointment with your uncle yesterday and asked him to find a few people to work together."

"I thought you had to go out to pan for gold today, so I didn't tell you." Liu Ping found a few pairs of gloves.

"Then I'll go with you. It's better to stay at home." Chen Feng said.

"Okay, then find a set of ragged clothes. Good clothes will get dirty when working." Liu Ping urged.

Seeing Chen Feng turn around and go into the house, Liu Ping felt relieved. Chen Feng didn't do these jobs before. He just lay at home and slept in.

Half an hour later, Liu Ming came to Chen Feng's house with seven or eight people.

"Sister, are you done cleaning up?" Liu Ming came in and said.

"I'm done cleaning up. I'll be waiting for you." Liu Ping stood up with the tools.

Liu Ming looked at Chen Feng who was also holding tools, and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Fengzi, you are going too, didn't you go panning for gold today?"

"No, Huang Fei didn't have time today, and I couldn't go without a car." Chen Feng said while holding the pickaxe.

"Okay, I can work at home." Liu Ming nodded, and several people walked out.

A group of people walked to Liu Ping's place, and Liu Ming chatted with Liu Ping, all of which were some

Family matters.

"How is Fengzi doing recently? Did you make money panning for gold?" Liu Ming looked back at Chen Feng who was carrying a hoe and asked.

"I went there yesterday, but didn't find anything. I even paid for the bus fare." Chen Feng said casually.

"Oh my god, why didn't you find anything? What happened?" Liu Ming asked in a surprised tone. In fact, he knew about Chen Feng's debt yesterday.

"It's just bad luck." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Okay, just keep panning slowly. Maybe you can find it next time." Liu Ming said with a smile.

"What about Chaoyang? How is he doing now?" Liu Ping couldn't help asking.

"Chaoyang is okay. There's nothing else to do there. I just stand every day."

"My salary increased again a few days ago, by 100 yuan. The boss said I did a good job." Liu Ming said with unstoppable pride on his face.

"The salary increase is a good thing. It's good." Liu Ping didn't feel anything about it. If compared with the past, she might have been a little ashamed.

But now, Chen Feng earns several thousand yuan a day, and she has no fluctuations in Chaoyang's salary increase.

Seeing Liu Ping so calm, Liu Ming was a little surprised and a little uncomfortable.

His elder sister shouldn't have this expression. Chen Feng spent all his travel expenses in one day, and his son's salary increased.

Shouldn't you lower your head in embarrassment? How can you be so calm?

It was very uncomfortable for Liu Ming to pretend to be so empty.

"Chaoyang is still recruiting people. If Fengzi wants to go, he can go. He has a good relationship with the boss now. I heard that he had dinner with the boss two days ago."

"The boss also said that if a branch is opened, he will be promoted there." Liu Ming smiled.

"Chen Feng won't go for now. Let Chaoyang work hard. It's good to settle down and buy a house in the county in the future." Liu Ping nodded and said.

Just kidding, Chen Feng earns several thousand yuan a day now, how can he be a security guard? Liu Ping simply cut off Liu Ming's idea.

Liu Ming, who wanted to show off, felt very uncomfortable and awkward after hearing what his elder sister said.

Why didn't his elder sister seem to be praising Chaoyang, but instead gave him a feeling of...instructing him.

That's not right. I used to instruct her, why is she instructing me now?

How come the roles suddenly switched?

Liu Ming felt depressed and simply didn't mention it.

It was probably because Chen Feng made money a few days ago that gave her confidence. If Chen Feng ran out of money in a few days, she wouldn't be like this anymore.

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