The more you look for gold, the more you will be rewarded.

This is not more comfortable than panning for gold. What the hell is panning for gold? He will take a nap first.

He put on some music to help him sleep, and then he fell asleep happily in the car.

It was almost noon soon, and everyone went to the van to explore, and they were going to go back for lunch.

Zheng Ping looked at the empty bottle and sighed deeply.

Usually, he could find some silver grains, but today he just played for nothing and found some iron wire and iron blocks.

He took out his big cup, filled it with a mouthful of warm water, screwed on the lid and continued to explore.

Song Hui was okay, and he got a silver grain worth about thirty yuan today.

But he was not satisfied with this harvest, unless he could find another piece of the same size in the afternoon.

The rest of the people were the same, some made a few dollars, some made twenty or thirty, and not even one made more than forty dollars.

Soon everyone returned to the car one after another. Some people got on the car and watched Huang Fei, who was sleeping comfortably while listening to music.

"It's always better for me to be a boss. We are working hard to pan for gold, while he is sleeping comfortably in the car."

The person who got on first took out his lunch box and pursed his lips after hearing this: "There's nothing we can do. We are panning for gold. If we don't make money, we will lose money."

"I am always different. I make money when I go out. If I pan for gold, I make money. If I don't pan for gold, I won't lose money. I'm not panicking at all."

There is nothing wrong with what he said. This is also the reason why Huang Fei can slack off. Panning for gold is just the icing on the cake, and he doesn't expect to make a living from it.

To be honest, he wanted to go back to sleep directly after sending them to the place in the morning, but if he went back to sleep, his father would definitely say that he was a three-minute heat.

After thinking about it, he decided not to go back, so as to avoid being scolded, and simply slept in the car.

When his father asked about it, what should I do if I didn't find any gold? He would not nag him.

As more and more people got on the car, Huang Fei was also woken up. He yawned and sat up, ready to eat with them.

"Where is Chen Feng? Everyone is back, only he is missing?" Someone looked around and said.

"Maybe he walked a long way and hasn't come back yet." Someone guessed after taking a bite of food.

"Maybe he found a lot of gold and doesn't want to come back." The middle-aged man in the back seat of Huang Fei laughed.

Song Hui added in his heart after hearing this: "It is also possible that he fell into that pit and can't come back."

This was not pleasant to hear, so he didn't dare to say it out loud, and could only say in his heart that he was happy.

"How was your harvest this morning?" Zheng Ping was still eating pancakes and turned back to ask everyone.

"No, forget it. I only found a small silver grain in the morning. It seems to be worth ten or eight yuan."

"Me too. I'm so unlucky today. I haven't even earned back the money for the trip."

"It's also a small silver grain. I guess I can only sell it for twenty yuan. After the trip, there's nothing left."

Everyone sighed at this time, feeling that the gold mining business is getting harder and harder.

When they first started, the harvest was okay, but as the years went by, the abandoned mine was large, but it couldn't withstand the exploration of a group of people like them.

There are fewer and fewer places that have not been explored. For example, today, they changed two places before they found this place.

And as more and more people are panning for gold, the harvest will also drop visibly.

After all, there are only so many cakes. For every additional gold panner, they will eat less.

They are not Chen Feng, who can get the goods as soon as they make a move. They feel helpless.

Zheng Ping also shook his head when he heard this and took a bite of the pancake. If everyone is like this, what will he do in the future?

"I got a good harvest today. I found a big silver grain, worth thirty yuan." Song Hui laughed as he listened to what everyone said.

"Not bad, amazing."

"You are the best. You are the only one who made money among so many people."

The two people spoke listlessly, which was a response to Song Hui.

Some people even rolled their eyes and ignored Song Hui.

What's the matter? You are happy that we didn't make money. You are laughing happily.

This is different from Chen Feng making money. Chen Feng never shows off. He only tells them when they ask him. Otherwise, Chen Feng won't say anything.

They only envy Chen Feng and marvel at his luck. They don't have any other ideas.

What do you mean, Song Hui? We are saying that we didn't make money today, and you suddenly say that you made money, and you are quite proud.

What's the matter? Are you mocking us?

Of course, everyone was too lazy to pay attention to him. They all knew that Song Hui was just like this.

Before he made no money, he was sullen and silent, but now that he made money, he is fine again.

Song Hui has not yet realized that many people are dissatisfied with him, and he is still complacent.

He even enjoyed the praise from the two men, and even had the energy to eat.

Huang Fei was listening to their words in front, and he was also deeply touched.

He now regretted buying this detector. Before, he only saw Chen Feng making money like drinking water, but now he understood what was going on after doing it himself.

Gold panning is really not that easy.

If he didn't have a car and earned some money every time, he would really starve to death just by panning for gold.

The people who were originally excited are now more depressed. If they can't pan for gold in the afternoon, let alone make money today, they will even lose everything.

Chen Feng was leaning against the back of the mine at this time, eating bread and blowing the cool breeze, feeling comfortable and relaxed.

There were two small bottles next to him, the silver one was about one-third, and the gold one was still the two.

He had been exploring around the mine, and it was almost time to go back.

But when he walked to the back of the mine, he found that it was cool and sheltered from the wind, so he decided not to go back and just rest here.

The sun at noon was very scorching, and Chen Feng was sweating profusely. He sat on the side of the mine, and even leaned against it. Without the sun, the temperature dropped by many degrees.

From time to time, a little cool breeze blew over, which was much more comfortable than in the car.

After eating, Chen Feng lit a cigarette and squinted his eyes comfortably.

It's strange to say that you are sitting at the back of the mine, blowing the cool breeze and smoking, and you feel that there is nothing more comfortable than this.

But if you were asked to stay here when you have nothing to do, you would never come.

This wonderful feeling may be because of the comparison with the fatigue and heat in the morning.

Chen Feng rested for about half an hour and stood up, patted the dirt on his body, picked up the detector and put on the headset, ready to continue detecting.

He also had to find the remaining refrigerator fragments to synthesize them when he went home at night.

Otherwise, there would be no place for his popsicles to freeze.

He had explored almost everything around the mine in the morning, so he didn't plan to stay here any longer and walked away.

He looked back curiously and found that his companions were all far behind him. Chen Feng shrugged.

He didn't go back to eat, so he didn't know what they talked about.

Chen Feng was like this. He was curious every time he missed something, including the circle of friends.

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